3 Py Tar EET SE Cn rl LATO Be REN Hers Matt 5 AM A LRN A ON A SRN Co I RD Pd i hid ; CRIIPOUSR ARNE Mary So 3 ETRE Sr SE RUN AIP RRR AN ed ha INAS Als A i a a UH AUER PAN IR LARRY ARAB URL ROR LR I | (AY, re n ' LF board FR " 24 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., November 11, 1981 _ Uticaandarea Prince Albert news | United. Mrs. George Harper and Mrs. Lorne Slute also attended. and Low to Elsie Taylor; 'en' Thegirls spent the week with Al y boy also on Hallowe'en This Sunday will be a i Mg hood Soop, 20d so it ended up a fantastic grandma and Grandpa REGI ONAL special M & S service at a © day. drews, MUNICI PALI | Y fi Which time the Sunday Thompson. Freeze-out "gol from our midst _ Friends and neighbours a School are invited to lunch winnerswere Elva Kyddand 00h 04" geagrave church from the Prospect and Cedar fi OF DURH AM x following the service Mrs. Campsall with Mr. and ou ginner on Wednesday - Creek area gathered at the § The Church Board are Mrs. Honingh coming in night. sr. y Community Centre in Prince DURHAM i] pleased to announce that the second. There will be "py lug, veo Club has Albert, Friday, November 6 : a Beef Dinner last week was a another euchre in two weeks. o.oo menced its weekly to Lyd ROWly meds DIY a N oT 4 real success and this is the 3 Tuesda t games be an ie er, Carl a J first time that tickets were PGrOnts meeting hold et ig } Zn of Sw; Beth Deeth. Clare Vernon PUBLIC MEETING completely sold out. We were ¢ Martyn's. read the address and money : : . i sorry that we could not Ihe monthly [meeting > The weekly euchre trees were presented by Take notice that the Regional Planning Committee § BectnuMale one those who he pus fiom Na 3 Aesssia. winner's were ladies: Elsie ny pm) sug willconsider ata meetingtobeheldon: - i wis a : Taylor, Verna Draper, Ruby ' & All ladies Bg invited to i emule pda) 'Birkett. Men: Myrtle Alsop, Another money tree was NOVEMBER 17, 1981 at 10 AM. 3 Sy rac ics Blackstock on Thursday [ari Gimblett, Freeman also planted and presented PLANNING DEPARTMENT BOARDROOM i it will be held at Epsom November 12th at 7:30 p.m. ove Lill of health is A TRA 105 CONSUMERS DRIVE, WHITBY 1 Church. fn fhe schon] begny. wished Mr. Ben Smith whois our midst and moved to their AN APPLICATION TO AMEND THE | Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bailey and Mrs. Dora Geer visited were Ladies 1st Shirley 'Yakeley, 2nd Bea Harrison presentation and discussion Lou's girl friend Jayne Lawrance of Guelph had a The meeting will feature a hospitalized in Port Perry Hospital. General Motors, The rt as having a wonderful e. home in Prince Albert. DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN : were chicken dinner guest tre going. guest at the Remembrance k by Vera Brown & K. Crosier Nr) Mig wo Martyn, Ee vai hin Bar » #04 wile Don mgd gels 5 dinner 1 Sipe on 13 My thanks to Mrs, Crosier an . y rke ed secon c amily a grave. Sunday evening. 1 for helping me compile my visited with Mr. and Mrs. Shovel is 5 aiding jn Charlie and Lorraine gi ekts. Mrs. Gostick ie give Earline news this week which will Dave Park at Bowmanville oo yo Ravenswaay Andrews have returned and myself where dinner 985-7873 for next weeks news. | allow me to attend the Sunday evening. and Nana and Papa Hill home after spending a week ; | UCW. Rally at Uxbridge Euchre winners this week po) oq pi celebrate, Mary in Bermuda as the guests of. i of home study and programs : i The amendment application proposes to permit 76 Estate i a: os DL for elementary school ele) happy birthday uy Centre Residential Lots within the area indicated on the map below. : Sunday. students and their parents. eighty-nine on Friday. dance on November 28th. . Sympathy is extended to Everyone is welcome. SITE. Les and Grace Beacock They need your support to I. NK RCC MK RC EK Mr. and Mrs. Jack Diamond in the recent bereavement of her brother Mr. Arthur Clark of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Diamond and family of Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Diamond and family of Scarborough were recent visitors with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Jack Diamond. Mrs. Roy Sutcliffe and Miss Kathy Sutcliffe spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Clare Brockman in Courtice. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bray of Port Perry were Sunday visitors with the Sut- cliffes. i Mr. Jim Ross and friend of [ LOCATION -_-- --- WOODSTOVES iY, \IWR.__ OF SCUGOG \ \ LOT LOT \LOT LOT LOT 2 3 a 5 6 fd - RRs ae TESTED TO C.S.A. STANDARDS B366. 2-M-1981 SPACE HEATERS WITH SOLID FUELS 34 Kitchener spent the weekend Wei with his parents Mr. and 3 ; Mrs. Lloyd Ross. i Mr. W. Sutherland and his ; daughter Mrs. Wright of ; -~ Oshawa called on Mr. and y ? Mrs. Tom Sutherland on i Thursday. Subsequently, the Regional Council will consider the recom- mendation of the Planning Committee at a meeting to be held on: : » NOVEMBER 25, 1981 at 10:00 A.M. ~ COUNCIL CHAMBERS, REGIONAL HEADQUARTERS BUILDING, 605 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST, WHITBY SRR A CER a Mr. Rick Young of Kings- A : . ton was a weekend guest % Diam. of flue 7" " " N ¥ i . » o . ER . N . . nl with the {iis Wika! forall). FEATURES & CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS |ormationiolavel nthe een Boplisation ss Bvaialie bP : Loren Mrs. . . : : ! A sited Mr. and Mrs. Bria Consumers Drive, Whitby, or by calling Mr. L. Kotseff, M.C.1.P. (yf : an 2 Me baby daughter " ! 0 Heats from 800 to 2000 square feet 1 Mop et 3 Planning Department -(416) 668-7731. 3 i ; : i . Weight 290 Ibs. 350 Ibs. 42 : Requests to appear before the Planning Committee as a : 1 Whitby on Sunday evening. 0 Steel construction Height 26" S 28" 5 a - deputation concerning the amendment application must be i ; O 10 year warranty against warpage Width 04" 28" . 33" Jorwarden i 3 M. Michael, hg Somiissioner 3 : or breakage «oan " " anning, nsumers Drive, y, Ontario , : At Blacks tock $ Depth 2 24 24 and must be received by the Friday preceding the meeting. Requests to appear before Regional Council as a deputation (From page 2 3) concerning theamendment application must be forwarded to : we all receive and enjoy. % DURH AM STOVE & CHIM NEY h the Regional Clerk, Regional Headquarters Building, 605 3 Members responded as they ~ : \ Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario LIN 6A3, and must be 3 J. made a circle around the R.R. 5, SUNDERLAND, ONT. Hin Sst priortothe Re nan er 3 i room in this unique worship y ; WW. AML. a service. Eileen McLaughlin 985-83 i» Regional Chairman Regional Clerk 8 sang "Isn't it a Joy?" with =H------iK Linda Kyte as accompanist. Talya Moore, Donna Kyte | and Marion Larmer gave short and interesting reports of their week-end at Quin- Mo-Lac and Marion's mid week at Stirling School for Women. The theme was Christian Women coping with Change. Jean Adams 4 reported on our Adopted : Child and also introduced us rr. MK SK 71 cms {| Y emma {|} exes. {| INSURANCE BROKERSLIMITED ~~ 193 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY 985-7306 The one you're looking for. ERSON to a large book display. - church spoons are sill avair ALL LINES OF GENERAL INSURANCE able and Souls, eke Mc : Christmas gifts. alya i Moore gave a good - D i : VICTORIA ; ; Lele obs mil Trust | STRRRARD | the municipal | KTH NDS | pegtonoia cartier 5 letter of thanks was ready MALY & TRU ce ' TRUST y ' <. for catering to the Walter COMPANY Sn / Larmer's 50th wedding ; : Eris 18Y2) 17 | 18 (16Y2(17Y m wi ne- "Le : : : diction and the afternoon ! 2 : ; 2 4 id unit served a lovely lunch. R phone in news 5Year Annual Interest 5 Year Annual 5 Year Annual Interest 5 Year Annual Interest 5 Year Annual Interest 3 ¥4 ema to 0427 batore oon \ inser 1 Some 17% Semi Annually 16 Semb-Annually 17 Semi-Annually on Mondays. Your assis- - a TR 'tance is asked for.