A. "Railroad oo, A Vil Hi 3% ii Fil ¥i Bi 30 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., November 11, 1981 e ye A! na LR ONE SEED down next spring and save. Order now at 10-40 percent below last spring prices on most items. No. 1 Alfalfa $1.50 per Ib. Certified Climax 75 cents per pound, Certified No. 1 Angus Alfalfa at $2.00 per pound and No. 1 single cut red clover 60 cents per pound. All prices on 55 pound lots or more. Phone Swain Seed Cleaners 986-4331 or Brooks Feed Store 985-7992. Swain Seed Cleaners are now stocking Purina Feed for Brooks Feed Store, Port Perry. A PIANO for Christmas. Dobson upright grand, excellent sound, Best offer. 1-705-324-8994. For Sale Used Cars Wanted to Buy For Rent Help Wanted Help Wanted Fall prices are down. N25 N18 PINE BED - new, 4 poster, twin size constructed entirely from | top quality white pine. Finished ! 10 suit. $195. 985-2795. ) ACORN wood stove $100.; 24 in. Aagnavox colour TV $150. '86-5522. EFINISHED oak desk 34 x 60 200.; Womens Hudson Bay coat, vhite, fur collar size 16 $75.; both tems excellent condition. 986-5257 after 6 p.m. Used Trucks DUMP TRUCK 5 ton Ebryl hoist gravel box $600. 985-3903. 1974 GMC ton flat bed, 4 speed. Phone 985-3903. 1975 TOYOTA Landcruiser, 4 wheel drive, hard top. Certified $3900. 986-5495. FOR QUICK SALE 1976 Honda Civic, certified, good condition, owner leaving province. 985-2463. 1977 CUTLASS Supreme Brougham. Tilt wheel, ps, pb, electric seat, T-bar roof, am-fm cassette. Asking $3850, 986-4303. dard, 4 speed, -34 m.p.g. very good. condition. $2400. 986-5467. FOR SALE - 1977 Astre, stan- N18 Wanted to Buy GOOD USED Apartment size or upright pianos. Service and tuning available for all makes. Irwin Smith Music Ltd. - 985-2635 TF OLD SCRAP CARS . NEWER WRECKED CARS UNCERTIFIABLE CARS can be turned into cash on the spot. Weare always ready to buy cars and light trucks. ALicenced Auto Wreckers. We Sell Guaranteed Used Parts. OPEN: Mon. -Fr.9a.m.to5p.m. Saturday9a.m.to2p.m. SCALA BROS. AUTO WRECKERS R.R.4, PORT PERRY PHONE 985-3132 For Sale FEATURES: *6" Flue *Heats up to 2400 sq. ft. *Stainless steel liner #1 AIRTIGHT STOVES *Bi-metal thermostat *Thermostat fan *Child protective cover *9to 12 Hours burningtime VALLEY COMFORT %549. FAN INCLUDED FIREPLACE INSERTS... $425. BLOWERINCLUDED "Summeraire" WOOD ELECTRIC FURNACE. . . $1150 DISCOUNTS ON SELKIRK CHIMNEYS & ALL ACCESSORIES! NESTLETONAIRTIGHT STOVE COMPANY 986-5350 -OFF-OIL GRANT AVAILABLE - MODEL A Ford Roadster body. Buy or trade. 986-4283. FISHER-PRICE 'play family castle. Phone 985-3723. N)8 USED SMITH and Wesson Model 17, 18 or 48. Call after 7 p.m, 985-7459. : MILITARY medals, badges, uni- forms, bayonets, swords, guns etc. Morley's Antique Shop: , 250 Union St., Port Perry. TF GOOD USED STOVES, fridges, washers, dryers and all types of | Phone Greenbank - furniture. 985-3295, TF - y SCRAP CARS - Highest prices paid, will pick up. 985-8636 or 985-3348, TF, DIAMOND RINGS. scran my (coins, silver, guns, antiques an used motorcycles ~ Any conditio - Dan Stone-985-7057. TF. - pe CASH GOLD All gold and silver items - | rings, watches, earrings, chains, medals and dental gold. Damaged or broken items acceptable. Special prices for Cana- dian and American silver coins - any condition. Also buying any foreign silver coins. KELLETT'S VARIETY 143 PERRY STREET PORT PERRY, ONT. Exclusive Agent in Port Perry for NORTHLAND GOLD &SILVER Wanted WISH TO share ride to Peter- borough. 986-4700 evenings--~ N11 WILL PICK UP without 'charg. all used appliances, refrigera- tors, and freezers. Empty your cellars and garages. Also old TV's and radios. Call 986-4926. ) TF For Rent ROOM for rent, use of kitchen, | apply to Box 59, c/o Port Perry Star. ONE BEDROOM apartment, fridge and stove unit included, available immediately, 108. Water St., Port Perry. 986- -5166. ONE BEDROOM apt. Heat, hydro, fridge and stove supplied. No children or pets. $250. Apply Box 55, c/o Port Perry Star. TF Real Estate . THE BEST SETTING TO HAVE YOUR Gateway to Country Living Cowker"s Creek Estate Lots IN PORT PERRY located on the shores of Lake Scugog v2 ACRE to % ACRE ESTATE LOTS DREAM HOME DUILT rom $28,000 a117% 7 9 For More Information How t : on Your Special Interests Contact: 0 Get There: id . al - a [X3) A ll : VAAN Sn Py k 728.9544 ror 985.7371 LL 3 647 Scugog Street, Port Perry. Ontario DW i i 985- 7371 i Ca it WMAPPOINTMENT = 2700 BUSHEL corn or grain storage bin. Seagrave area. Phone 705-357-3530. STORE FOR RENT, downtown Port Perry, approx. 1400 sq. ft. . $550 month. For appointment call 985-2323 or 1-263-2124, TF GENTLEMEN to share his country home in Nestleton with responsible person or persons. Stall available for horse, pets welcome, swimming pool. Call 986-4339 after 9 p.m. GOING SOUTH? House Trailer for Rent! 18', sleeps 6, includes stove, fridge, toilet, TV antenna, and awning. Very clean, excellent con- dition. Privately owned. Reasonable weekly or monthly rates: For moreinformation call: THE TRAILER PLACE 985-9151 Wanted to Rent MIDDLE age lady requires a 2 bedroom apartment immedia- tely. Preferably in Port Perry or Prince Albert. 728-5249. RESPONSIBLE working couple immediately requires 2 begroom house or apartment within or close to town limits. Good refer- ences. 985-3779. N11 Help Wanted MATURE person -to do occasional babysitting of toddler References NI and small infant. required. 985-8828. NURSERY School teacher to start Nov. 17. Approximately 8 hours per week. Early childhood education diploma needed. Wages negotiable. Call 705-324- 0597 or 705-277-2836 after 5 p.m. BECOME a Recredance Canada Instructor - recreation and fitness to music. Instruct enjoy- able fitness classes in your community. Excellent income. For requirements and workshop nearest you phone L. Alexander (519) 357-1044. HEAD NURSE (RN), required for full time night duty. Apply Daheim Nursing Home, Ux- bridge. Phone 852-5191. NT . CONCRETE - ATTENTION: Boys and girls New Work & Repairs who want to earn extra money - » get a paper route from Oshawa - ; This Week - guaranteed delivery - pay of $300 a month pus | FrankSherman collection money. Phone immed- iately for a route in your area. 579-4400 Circ. Dept. or 985-7166 after hours. N18 Miscellaneous / BABYSITTER, responsible person to look after 2 little girls, ages 6 and 4, from. Dec. 8-12 overnight, preferably in our home. Must be non-smoker and references required. Call a noon or after 6 p.m. 985-7632. N18 BABYSITTER mature person to care for one infant in our home Monday to Friday beginning January. 985-2130. Nl MATURE reliable woman to care for 2 small children, more information call 985-7614. NN Rapidly Growing Biscuit Company inthe Kitchener arearequiresa: PRODUCTION SUPERINTENDENT ~ PLANT SANITARIAN Applicants should have a knowledge of the baking indusfry -and have supervisory experience. " These are challenging positions with an oppartunity for growth. Qualified and interested candidates are invited to . replyinconfidence, witha complete resumeto: BOX58, c/o PORT PERRY STAR BOX90- PORT PERRY, ONTARIO LOB INO Work Wanted NORM TRIPP: 985-3563 New Homes - Additions General Carpentry - Pole Barns NORM'S GENERAL CONTRACTING Steel & Asphalt Roofing - Aluminum Siding - Soffit P.0.BOX 608 - PORT PERRY Free Estimates Given with No Obligation. OFFICE: 985-8216 985-8723 *Carpet Laying *30Years Experience. ~ SCUGOG UPHOLSTERING 108 WATER ST., PORT PERRY *Custom Upholstering *Free Estimates *Pick-up &Delivery *Cuarapisd Workmanship 986-5072 BRICK - BLOCK -STONE - 985-3111 DJ TAYLOR 170 WATER STREET -- PORT PERRY Jerry Taylor 985-8416 See Us for all your Insurance Needs! DEAD STOCK FREE REMOVAL Of Fresh, Dead or Disabled Animals * $5.00 Charge for Sheep and Goats. Please Dial Direct: MARGWILL FUR FARM Hampton 416-263-2721 Miscellaneous WANTED - DEAD OR ALIVE Guaranteed price of $40.00 for any complete standard size car with free towing - 576-2160. Art's Auto Wreckers Limited. TF MONEY-SAVING tax tips, year- end tax planning, business and farm returns. Learn by corres- pondence. Write U & R Tax Schools, 118 'Roxborough Drive, Toronto, Ontario M4W 1X4. WANTED _Ahome for a mentally handicapped child. SALARY © BENEFITS SYARSL YAS TRAINING @ SUPPORT Arewarding career with meaning, purpose, anddirection. BR peas SERVICES AWA RL DUST AJ RETARDED A in NN 1 Inc RB RS a ~ qa ASH a) ll st