by Joyce Kelly On Sunday evening ut twenty school chums Wh teachers from High School gath at | i home of Mr. and Bailey for a surprise Fa well dinner party in honour of Franz-Josef Ruther, the exchange student, from Germany. Franz-Josef is returning today (Monday) after spending three months in Blackstock with the Bailey family, He was absolutely Sveruheluind., Bu this surprise party use as he has often said, 'We don't do things like this in Germany," Franz-Josef or F.J. as he has often been referred - has thoroughly enjoyed his time in Canada and will be taking many pleasant memories with him, - Mr. and Mrs. George Wolfe attended the Ontario Beekeeper's - Association Centennial Meeting and Conference held at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto last Friday and Saturday. - * Dr. and Mrs. Jack Marlow TN ly ATS NT 3 var EEE of Dundas visited. the Marlow and Thompson families over the weekend. Sympathy to Mrs. Maurice Edgerton on- the sudden passing of her brother Mr. J. Durwad of Sunderland last week. Also to Mr. Bill Johnston on the passing of his brother-in-law in Tooten- ham also last week. Bill is still a patient in Port Perry hospital. Merril Van Camp and Lawrence McLaughlin were among those from this area who attended the OFA in the Holiday Inn, downtown Toronto last week, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ego, Mrs. Etta Reid from Lindsay Mr. and Mrs. Art Brown of Oshawa were Tuesday afternoon callers on Mr. and mrs. Grant Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fergu- son, Alan and Kevin hosted a Christmas family gathering over the weekend when Jean's mother, Mrs. McKee and her brother Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McKee and PRINCE ALBERT AUTO CENTRE Complete Body & Paint Services 585 KING ST., PRINCE ALBERT 985-3311 ay Gavi > PORT PERRY - 985-2486 *Private Room for Xmas Parties still Available * 221 VALLEYRD., AJAX (416)683-2939 -- "TRY OURFILET OF SOLE %4.,50 perpERSON includes soup, salad, dessert & coffee. RESERVATIONS NOW TAKEN FOROUR - NEWYEAR'S DAY DINNER Served January 1st, 1982 4:00t09:00P.M. family all of Norwich were guests. The annual Santa Claus parade in Port Perry on Saturday was certainly one of the very best yet. Congrat- ulations to those in charge who created such a fine event. : Jennifer and Jamie Malcolm and little Alaina hosted a dinner party in honour of their son Brennan's second birthday on Nov. 26th, 1981. Guests were, grandparents Keith and Jean Sweetman of Port Perry, Neil. and Noreen Malcolm, great grand- mother Mrs. Louella Cook of Brooklin, Gord and Joy Malcolm of Ajax, Mary-Lou Kellogg of Welcome, Carlo and Cathy Camazzola and baby Melissa, Bob and Diane Wilson and Christopher of Oshawa.. There were 17 tablés at the weekly senior citizen's card party on Tuesday evening with the following winners: 1. Carl Wright - 94; 2. Ear] P. Prescott - 86; 3. Ann Taylor - 84; 4. Lionel Byam - 80; 5, Lorna Swain - 7 9; 6. Ruby Tripp - 77,. Low- Charles Clarke Draws - 1. Ruby Tripp; 2. Edna Larmer; 3 Meta Swain. On Friday a large number of 4H girls, their leaders, Mrs. Flora Postma, Mrs. Barbara Byers, Mrs. Jackie Beddome, Mrs. Peggy Larmer and Mrs. Betty Lee, a number of mothers and grandmothers attended the Achievement Program for thé Unit recently completed. This program which took the form of a fashion review entitled Winter Classics was held at the Bowmanville High School. Congratula- tions to Ann Hoogeveen and Lynn McLaughlin who received their County Honours Certificates and Pins for the completion of 6 complete units. : Danny = Russell has returned home from Oshawa Hospital and is recover quite nicely at home following his injury last week. The Parent' s Night at Cartwright' High School turned out successfully with many parents in attendance to learn the truth about their offspring. BARRY'S VARIETY 18 WATER STREET - PORT PERRY *Y "Holiday Specials" *Wink &C-Plus *Diet Canada Dry *Coke ' *Schwepps Ginger Ale *Sprite *Soda *CanadaDryAle *Tonic *Soda *Golden Ale *Tonic 49° *Pepsi *Diet Pepsi *Wilson's *7Up *Dr. Pepper *Pure Spring Ale -*Niagara Dry *Teem 33° COKE 24-100ZTINS 5.79 COKE. wee 22.99 PACK OF 12CANS SEE US FOR NEW YEARS PARTY SUPPLIES! --SPECIALSARE 750 ML. PLUS DEPOSIT -- OPEN CHRISTMAS DAY- 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. The Blackstock Nursery School held its monthly meeting on Tues. Nov. 10th. Many plans were made for the holiday season. The annual Christmas Party will be held on Friday Dec. 18th from 9 to 11 for Nursery School students only and their parents. Plans include a sing-song, movies, entertainment and a visit from Santa. The Nursery School now has its cook books ready for INET SH TENG A wi PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., December 2, 1981 -- 33 sale. They sell for $2.25 and make great Christmas presents or stocking stuffers. For more information contact Marlene McKee 986-5264. Don't forget our Pancake Breakfast with Santa to be held this Sunday, Dec. 6th , from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Every- one is welcome and it's a great way to get into the Christmas spirit. There will also be a craft and bake table. Ministry of Natural Resources News from Blackstock and area Thank you to everyone who helped with our float for the Port Perry Santa parade. Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 9th and will be a Wine and Cheese party. Also that night Donna Harris will be at our meeting with a display of creative toys and puzzles and a selection of stocking stuffers. It is hoped that we will have a good turn-out by all members. Important informations by J. Gilchrist District Visitor Services Programmer The 1981-82 winter season will be the last year that the Ministry of Natural Re- sources will "supply funds under the Winter Recreation Trails Maintenance Program for snowmobile and cross-country ski trails. Funds have been spent on signage, brushing and grooming of trails in the past. This year most grants in Lindsay District will be limited to maintaining trunk routes between towns and villages. The portion of the "Sno 1" trail in Lindsay District, from Vansickle to Nephton, will be groomed by some of the local snowmobile clubs. Grooming of trails through the Ganaraska Forest will be done by Ministry of Natural Resources personnel. Cross-country trails at Balsam Lake Provincial Park, the Emily Tract of The Victoria County Forest and the Northumberland County forest will all be groomed. Since 1974, the Ontario Winter Recreation Trails Maintenance Program has provided 1,300 clubs in Ont- ario with $2,850,000. The program has operated each year as an interim measure to encourage private clubs to develop trail systems in their areas. For further information on trails in the area please contact the Lindsay District office. FISHING SEASON Anglers are reminded that the fishing season inDivision 6,including the Kawartha Lakes, closes on November 30th this year. No angling is permitted in these waters until the last Saturday in April. This closing date does not apply to Lake Scugog or designated Lake Ontario tributary streams having ex- tended trout seasons. On Lake Scugog, the fishing season for yellow pickerel will remain open untif March 15,1982; CHRISTMAS TREE As Christmas approaches, we all start preparing for the celebration of our most trad- itional of family holidays. The basic adornment of this festive season is the Christ- mas tree. Like everything else, the cost of purchasing a Christ- mas tree has increased sub- stantially over the last few years. Unfortunately, many families or. individuals have tried to sidestep this expense by taking a drive out in the country and simply "taking" one for themselves, whether it be from private or Crown land. The implications of such an act can be quite serious. First of all, taking something without permission is theft. Secondly, as most of the Lindsay District is private land, charges of trespassing could also be laid. In add- tion, most conscientious Christmas tree growers chemically treat their pine and spruce stumps after cut- ting to prevent the outbreak and spread of a root disease, Fomes annosus. To cut a tree without authorization can be much more serious to a forest owner than the loss of a single tree. Wise management of 'our forest resources, including Christmas trees, ensures a plentiful supply for the fut- ure. For more information contact: 571-3211 Winter Trails Program - R. Allen, District Parks & Recreation Supervisor; Fishing Seasons - J. Milford, Enforcement Co-ordinator; Oh Christmas Tree- T. Tworzyanski, Forests- Field Services Supervisor. Scugog Island news By Mrs. Earl Reader The corner at Highway 7A and Regional Rd. 7 from the main Island Road is well lit up at night now with the additional pole lights at the new Baptist Church. On Wed., evening all the "Head" UCW members but two enjoyed a Mystery Sister supper at the Community Hall when the "Grace' UCW served a delicious meal. After an exchange of gifts and the disclosure of the years mysteries, serveral comedienne members prov- ed hilarious entertainment for the rest in skits and songs. Many thanks to all who planned the evening and did decorating and provided * favours. Now we are headed for another year of fun and mystery. This coming Sunday will be a busy one at the Island Church. -At the regular morning service, the Sunday school will present a White Gift ceremony when wrapp- ed gifts will be presented by the children for Christmas distribution. We know the adults would like to get in on special gifts too, so this has been arranged. Our Mission and Service giving are low according to our allotted objective, therefore special M&S envelopes will be found in the pews for your conven- ience. In the regular weekly envelopes, some people do not put in donations on the M&S side. In making a comparison with the other part of the Pastoral Charge, Manchester seems to have no difficulty in exceeding their one-third share. So: please be prepared to bring ours up. i ) Now to finish the details for next Sunday. Everyone will go back to the Island Church again at night for the Christmas Variety Concert presented by the Island Choir and Friends at 8 p.m. There: will be a free-will offering in appreciation. After the program there will be a social hour and lunch. Those who have attended before know what an enjoy- able evening this can be. Okay tell your friends and encourage them to come and support those who work so hard for our pleasure. For those who are interest- ed in New Years Eve dance we hear it is time to your plans and reservations. You might consider the Island Community Hall where there are still a limited number of tickets available. For information please call Mrs. Pat Gracey 985-2634. We thank all those who responded to the request to leave gifts of money dona- tions at an assigned place for the recently married seven young people. Xmas gifts needed Christmas is fast approa- ching, and we at Whitby Psychiatric Hospital are getting into full swing to make it a special holiday season. We would like to ask that in your Christmas preparations, you keep in mind the people who will spend the festive season in a psychiatric hospital or rehabilitative centre, such as an approved home or home for special care. New items or cash dona- tions are always apprec- iated. Please do not wrap the gifts as each patient receives several packages carefully selected by nursing . staff familiar with the patient's preferences. When you select a gift, just choose a small item which a man or woman you know would enjoy. Gifts can be left at the Administration Building Switchboard or Volunteer Association Office at Whitby Psychiatric Hospital. If you have any questions, please call: Volunteer Services 668-5881, ext. 213. -- ¥ CE) if ty a NS re N ~ as Se Pe CPB A Lp na a os