EATER PN VN ors AS yan bess FANE ANN : 36 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., December 2, 1981 GETSETFOR INSTANT WIN SWEEPSTAKES $50,000 in Sears and groceyy gift certificates are available to be won plus\draws for weekly turkeys at participating Red & 'White, Super Save and OK Economy stores in Ontario Full contest details are available at participating stores Royale paper towels Schneiders Er Weight Watchers -. a : Green Giant mini Wot oo frozen S1Z Z lers i # halves or peach vi Th : x! ] a | slices. . Fa = 2 = 1 : ; Co. . fcy peas, whole kernel corn, cream : ks? i i Shirriff . Hunts style corn, cut green beans, ' Reynolds orange flavour tomato paste or or fcy wax beans Tang crystals | flaked ham [tomato sauce ni IR les Hu soon p het 2x : 5.5 oz. - : 12 - . : 0) or. 3 J] 6.5 oz. 09 308 ml. 14 1. Ion pkg. pe tin ® tin oz. tin = iA ® Kal Kan assorted chocolate chip ' produceof U.S.A. PO C Oops Dad's oS Canadano. 1 Luxury rib and endedin end choos mixed | coat fod cookies ae red grapes family pak - "138 38719 ¥ . .89 more meat specials J} home baking specials more produce specials Schneiders olde fashioned boneless X --- vy -- 5] smoked hams XXX TYYYYY] Ib. 3.08 ' GREEN ONIONS ; Frits 69 EE o is Product of Ontario » Canada grade "A" eviscerated - all sizes = / - 3 = a Ea AW JT de 49 Sank frozen turkeys PORITR J Ib. 1.08 1 . 2 3 3 iar so ¥ Schneiders Schneiders Fides Vr Viele" ay Hl more grocery 8 ag away ProductolUS.A. 2 Product of Ontario Canada No. 1 : bacon i | a pera i a : "2 : FE JREe ice Sunspun ie Paks .coconneee wo mx 1.1 5 Krispies . " : : -parchment i A Sucaryl © fried Sheimeiders red hots margarine. ........pke. 49 J five flavours i ki sot QQ liquid chicken....... bh 4.58 hss : Rola Hood . Jifagavais ui; ok. 99 Swesiener on 1.69 : ! ONY 5 $s yum yum or ~~ iner frozen Reasalden Sehncilem sore sliced AL uipoes SYIrUP.iviie sesssss CONE 1.79 sweet mixed IL 1 69 + cod 16 oz. mea 250% bolog bho quick or one minute pickles....uu.. jar Lo fillets ........ ves) phe 1.99 . uaker Dole pineapple chunks in juice, crushed, Honeydew fi Schneiders jumbo shortening 1 Bind Toa a 1. 59 in juice, sliced in juice or pig rozen concentrated i : : f: frui y Y 12.5 fl. or. 98 Pelih Durham Sunspun a run Rn er 89 drink ...covniininn tin 89 vr L78 bologna. pkg. corn nut Canad de "A" f 500g Treesweet pink or white unsweetened I a Site up A" eriseetaind fosen ULEL ceoerserees jar 1.89 fruit juice or d liquid roasting ki 11 8 SE Lvrence , orange 3 hee 1.89 detergent....." nt 1.79 chickens Fro corn juice sessveenas 'es tin dry ot normal » rk k VE ll Oill.iciciiivin con 1.99 Ll ney style Sites ret: ha Cry specials Fry Ted Sed roy wed. bs i Cup-A-Soup... 5% 59 shampoo son 2409 Dietrich protein or whole : juice siiiniiine bel. 1.39 baking pms, XA 29 Aim i wheat bread essessssese 24 01. loaf d9 -. Full 'O Nuts... %3:29 toothpaste Wea 1.49 Weston' Family Canada Dry pp : 0 Mother Patian on 3 ora: e pe oe x Ab: bi rolls ret reg QQ chocolate ay gg softdrink tea bags... "H1.69 fisertine wom. 9 29 Juniot...a. 24-101 oz tins * Assorted Flavouts : . We reserve the right to limit quantities. Supplied and ag) QUANTITIES Prices effective until closing Saturday, December 5, 1981 excludi ' Serviced by National Grocers Co. Ltd. ; § specials which remain Jo eftect until closing Tuesday, December or 96) 4 "DOWSON'S reo & write FOODMASTER LOTTARIO ~ PORT PERRY PLAZA STORE HOURE: Mon., Tues. & Sat.: 9 A:M. to 6 P.M. AGENT SCUGOG STREET - HWY. 7A Wed., Thurs. & Fri.: 9 A.M. to 9 P.M.