ARAN IS FR OOTP NW BR py (tints oo BPTI EE aaa . FERN : " «Digi i 7 0 18 PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., December 2, 1981 -- 3 i! 2) . el ° di Bargains galore for J Christmas shop} il ristmas shoppers 7 In this issue of the Star you will find a sixteen page i : insert from your Port Perry Plaza and Queen Street i merchants offering hundreds of pre-Christmas A savings. ¥ This Christmas Shopping Spree flyer is co-ordinated 3 by the Scugog Chamber of Commerce and the bo merchants promise many good values for Christmas wm shoppers. Most stores will remain open this Wednes- & day evening (December 2) until 10:00 p.m., 'Thursday and Friday night until 9:00 p.m. and Saturday until : i 6:00 p.m. 0] With only about 18 shepping days left until Christ- B mas, this invitation from your local merchants Ww couldn't come at a better time! { 1 PONTIAC ; Harold Wagg and son Bill have recently opened fine work of several local artists. There are presently 4) the Wagg Gallery on Queen Street which features the about 50 paintings hanging in the Gallery. 7; °® Phoenix S.J Coupe ~ 5% py © ECONOMY © LOWRATES i Open gallery for local artists | ==... =z | | | STANDARD & FULL SIZE © TRUCK RENTALS i) y ~ We) ke With the recent opening of business "last May, they thepublic. The Gallery takes McKeown, Beth Sonle BPE J (AY 3 the Wagg Gallery on Queen decided to renovate to give a commission on each Ruth Stone, Sandee Thom. FORMAL HLL ge Street in Port Perry, local them more space for the painting sold, but Mr. Wagg son, Harvey Walker, Edith 10VANEDWARD DRIVE, PORT PERRY - 985-8474 ¢ artists have a place to per- funeral parlor and at the says he is really not in this Hall and Olive Stone, both SPEN Wom onp lst pmnsaP i manently display and sell same time keep retail area business to make a profit. from Uxbridge. sm: ged their works to the public. for the part of the building ~~ Mr. Wagg says that when } 5) . He Gallery is cates in which fronts on Queen he approached artists in the § RRR 2 Se BE Bus eenrasessssasesssd what used to he ture Street. area, their reaction was very § §\#% . . Xicy 3 store at the front of the They decided to open a enthusiastic. "They have f A Weekly Dining Guide a ; McDermott-Panabaker Fun- gallery for local artists, and promised to keep us supplied § °° 4 8 RI eral Home. Mr. Wagg says that since the with paintings," he said. gd Q When Harold Wagg and his gallery opened to the public Originally from the Ux- § 2 Bid son Bill, bought the funeral on November 20, the bridge area, Mr. Wagg § Q <, J response has been very operated a funeral home in 3 i j positive. Fenelon Falls before buying 2 > "We have had a lot of the business in Port Perry. R 2 : BIGBROTHERS people comment on.the And while he stresses that 2 al) I 1 paintings," he said. being a funeral director will by ; Ci TIONOF NORTH Mr. Wagg has always had always be his business prior- 2 an interest in art, and at one ity, he says he enjoys oper- § g 350) | Big time seriously thought about ating the art gallery. . . 8 ! RE opening a gallery in Toronto. "It's good for us and we 2 2h Brothers Presently there are about think it is good for the local § ~~ _ g BE | In 50 paintings on display, artists," says Mr. Wagg. RBOA 3 'i | Action almost all of them oils witha ~ And anyone who comes 8 ; | fo walle cdotes hoy se} ick U8 Lg gRlery sad NOWOPEN RESTAURANT TAVERNLTD. § resent the work of ten artists sees the kind of work loc «8 a CHRISTMA To vue Port Fert. an artists are doing, would have 7 Days A Week! 15 WATER STREET, PORT PERRY - 985-3281 foi ; Uxbridge areas. i to agree. , ak LITTLESROTHER The renovations and Artists who have work = - tor egins with lighting make a very attrac- currently on display are: SHOPPING SPREE 35 ABIG BROTHER tive setting for the paintings, Marta Gill, Donna Griffin, o all of which are for sale to Pat Vanden Heuvel, Sandi SPECIAL 3 NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG { plies to smorgasbord dining served until 10 P.M. Wed. & Thurs. evenings WED. & THURS., DECEMBER 2nd & 3rd Only SMORGASBORD DINING 1, PRICE: Seniors & Kids Under 12 Senior Citizens & Children under 12 Years - Enjoy our Hot & Cold Smorgasbord Delights at Special Prices to save your Xmas $$$. } FREE: Kids Only 6 Years & Under CHILDREN MUST BEACCOMPANIED BY ADULT TO RECEIVE SPECIAL OFFER. As Usual Our For your pleasure we present our a To Pa, 25255 525262525 5 7'T.V.SCREEN Comecapture allthe excitement and thrills of your favourite Sporting & Special Events. Hot & Cold Smorgasbord 10P.M. DAILY SALADBAR LIVE PYANO MUSIC FRIDAY EVENINGS: 5t0 9 P.M. SUNDAYBRUNCH é 10A.M.t02P.M. ¥ CHILDREN (under 12)......... 12 PRICE EGS 255252552505, Any vehicle parked on Township of Scugog roads or 'streets that interferes with snow removal, will be towed away at owner's expense. (SEE SECTION 4, SUBSECTION 3-D BY-LAW No. 25-79, TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG.) DANCE NIGHT 4 [AN 9:00P.M.to1:00A.M. Danceto Your Favorite Music withoneofthe area's finest Disc Jockeys. wr BRING INTHE NEW YEAR WITH US! NEWYEAR'SEVE CEI EEE CIC ECC CCCI EEE SC CCCI ICI CICICICICICICIC RE MacDoraldr ff GRANDCELEBRATION ~~ i%\ | Roads Superintendent, [ll § 5 Erie. acnatorou ortemk vi omdthearmsioot dec 72 8 Pd 2 et Township of Scugog. BY RESERVATION ONLY! Tickets $30.00 Per Couple.