REET REAR SN VT EE EXTRA (34 HERTS MERE NL 28 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., December 9, 1981 Blackstock and are by Joyce Kelly Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright and other relatives on the passing of Mrs. Wright's sister-in-law Mrs. Wallace Rutledge of Bancroft. Mrs. Rutledge died in Peter- borough Hospital after a lengthy illness. Mr. Carl Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Dorrell and Mrs. Jim Mar- low attended the funeral on Saturday. Glad to report that Michael Medd is home after his lengthy stay in Peter- borough Hospital after his accident in September. Wel- © come home, Mike. Once again this areas illustrious Bill and Paula Lishman were featured on television. They were the topic on Faces of Small Places on Saturday evening. On Sunday the Nursery School held the annual Pan- cake Breakfast with Santa. It was a fine success. There were 13 tables at the Senior Citizen's weekly Card Party with the following results - 1. Elmer Johnson - 82; 2. Bruce Bright - 81; 3.Elwood Tripp - 79; 4. Leon- ard Cane -79; 5. Ruby Tripp - 78; 6. Dorothy McDiarmid - 78; Low - Sid Brown; Draws - 1. Elmer Johnston 2. Russell Larmer 3. Rhoda Larmer. Next Tuesday and. Wed- nesday will be the Christmas concerts at the C.C. Public School. On Tuesday at 1:15 will be Kindergarten to grade 5 while on Wednesday at 1:15 will be those in grades 6 - 8 performing. A warm welcome is extended to all members of .the area who would like to enjoy this aspect of the Christmas season - the time honoured Christmas concert. The A.C.W. of the St. John's Church will meet at the home of Mrs. Norma Wolfe on Wednesday, Dec- ember 16th at 7:30 P.M. All welcome. The annual White Gift Service was held at the United Church on Sunday morning. During the service DURHAM REGION FAMILY YMCA BREAKFAST WITH #7 SANTA Come out and enjoy break- fast with Santa. Pancakes, &juice. Santa will bethereto seeyouall! the Nursery and Kinder- garten children sang Jesus Loves Me and Away in a Manager. Superintendent Donna Kyte presented Vicki Schryburt, Sheryl Gibson and Jennifer Fletcher with Bibles from the U.C.W. upon their promotion from the Primary to Junior Depart-, ments. During the service the Youth Choir sang Come, Let us: Praise Him.Jeff Byers and Joy Werry read the Scripture,The Friendly Beasts and The Gentle Donkey. The Ladies' Trio - Eileen McLaughlin, Thelma Wright and Jean Ferguson favoured with "See the Love, Hear the Joy'. Beth Schryburt captivated every- one with the very meaningful story," "Why the Chimes Rang", The Second Advert Candle was lit. A beautiful poinsettia was placed in the Church by Mrs. Harold Larmer and family in memory of Mr. Larmer. A happy "Christmas Party" meeting was held by the Blackstock W.Lin the Town Hall on Dec. 2nd at 12:30 P.M. Before partaking of a pot luck dinner, our President, Mrs. Pat Sleep, introduced two of our 4-H girls, Anne Marie Hoogeveen and Lynn McLaughlin, who received their County Honours. Mrs. Roy McLaughlin presented each with a gift on behalf of the W.I. and the girls graciously expressed their thanks. After singing the W.I. Grace, the 24 people present enjoyed a delicious dinner. The President then express- ed a welcome and Christmas greetings to all present which included four 4-H lead- ers and our District Pres- ident, Mrs. Watson. Poinsettia plants were pre- sented to each of the 4-H leaders followed by the exchange of gifts of the W.I. members. Mrs. Adams acted as old Saint Nick and demanded a Christmas kiss from each one as they rec- eived their gift. Mrs. Sleep was Santa's assistant and after the gifts were dist- ributed she used the poem "The Night Before Christmas" and reciting the first line, asking each in turn to rec..e the next line. This really made the ladies put on their "thinking caps." Mrs. P. VanCamp read a thought- ful poem about Christmas and Mrs. Sleep had an article on Canadian grown cran- berries in the Mactier area which told of the work in- SUNDAY, DEC. 20th volved in the preparation, 910 10A.M. growing and harvesting of this Christmas relish. A COST: $3.50 Per Child donation was given for the REGISTER NOW! Salvation Army and several . 'Christmas carols were sung. 985 2824 - The business meeting " «consisted of the Ode and 22S 52525050525 COCOCICICY 2526252526 C0925 525¢525¢52525252525252525 STOUFFVILLE BAKERY ~1 Specials This Week* CELL EES Christmas Pudding... ea. $1.59 & $2.79 Mincemeat Tarts... (Reg. $2.69 dozen - Save 44") RaisinBread....... - (Reg. $1.19 each-Save 59¢) tres rne dozen $2.25 cere... 2/8179 .TA- 985-2412 POREPERR Y PLAZA - : "Country Wags oki CIO CHICICICICICIOC) ICI Collect followed by the minutes. A donation was voted to the Hospital Auxiliary. There was one written and one verbal thank you from students for Commencement Prizes. The treasurer, Mrs. Bradburn read her report and also letters from the Mental Health, the Salvation Army and the Save the Children Fund. It was decided to send a donation to the S.A. but leave the other financial requests to a later date. AALS Plans were made to cater to a Lions Club dinner of the 16th of December. The meeting closed with the sing- ing of O Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hoskin entertained their grand- daughter Miss Patti Hoskin of Peterborough on Friday evening. Sunday dinner guests were Mr, and Mrs, Walter Ormiston of Harmony. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hoskin of Port Perry were Sunday evening guests. -- OBITUARY -- ERNEST WINFRED DOBSON Ernest Winfred Dobson passed away at Cottage Hos- pital Uxbridge on Thursday November 26, at the age of 81. He was born on August 31, 1900 in the Township of Reach, son of the late Albert E. Dobson and Jean Leask. On July 9, 1932 he married Aileen Suggitt. They farmed on the old homestead where he lived his entire life. He took a great interest in the life of the Bethesda Community. He was a member of the United Church at Bethesda and in $10.00 Yearly in Canada - $30.00 in U.S.A. An Attractive Gift Card FREE to Announce your Gift Subscription. "his recent years at Greenbank. Mr. Dobson is survived by wife, Aileen, two daughters - Barbara (Mrs. Wilmot Phair), R.R. 2 Sea- grave, Mary Jean (Mrs. Glen Til) R.R. 3 Uxbridge, one son, R..Hugh Dobson of Greenbank also eight grand- children. His brother John Dobson, predeceased him on May 5, 1981. Funeral service was held at the Low and Low Funeral Chapel, Uxbridge on Satur- day, November 28, 1981, with Rev. A. Rodgers of Green- bank nited Church officiating/ A 4 - re AERA YY, A SOFIE Nor A RSET 20] BP FOB IAR AEE DASA 7 RP. Sa Local ladies attend a NEWS Hospital Auxiliary Assoc. convention The 71 first Annual Con- vention of Hospital Auxil- iarys Association of Ontario was held at the Royal York Hotel from Sunday Nov. 20th to Wednesday Dec. 2,1981 inclusive. Mrs. Joyce Taylor, Mrs. Mary Cannon, Mrs. Barbara. Boagey, Mrs. Thelma McCrieght, Mrs. Margaret McConnell and Mrs. Eleaner Davidson, represented the Community Memorial Hospital in Port Perry. Over 600 delegates attended from 220 hospital Auxiliaries across Ontario. Sunday, November 29th, highlighted Teenage Volunt- eer Programs and a session on Stress at home and at work was led by Robt. W. Sapo, Stress Management Consultant of London, Ontario. The Annual meeting of the Hospital Auxiliaries Assoc. of Ontario was held Monday morning, followed by six Pall bearers were Grant Phair, Bruce Phair, Terry Till, Brian Till, Trevor Till and Brian Lee. Interment at Uxbridge Cemetery. Givethe Gift that keeps ongiving... EVERY WEEK THROUGHOUT THEENTIRE YEAR! | A GIFT SUBSCRIPTION to the to S % concurrent sessions covering subjects such as volunteers in Palliative Care, Gift shops, Fundraising with bazaars, volunteers in continuing care, stress: Coping Skills. Tuesday's sessions, entitl- ed '"The Roles of the Volunteer in Advocacy', was led by Harriet Naylor, formerly with Human Dev- elopment Services, Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare, Washington, D.C. Mrs. Naylor is considered one of the leading Authorit- ies on voluntarism in North America. : In recognition of the Inter- national Year of Disabled Persons, a tour of Bloorview - Children's Centre was arranged for Wed. morning and much enjoyed by all who went on the tour.After this the meeting dispersed for another year. Home Health care taught by St. John Ambulance can help families deal with the emotions surrounding illness and dealth as well as the skills to care for a family member at home. Please Mail this Form Today to the: Year (s) Subscription to Mail to following: 4 se es ees es eee ADDRESS: ............. STL Sender's Name: ...... vies Sender's Address: ....... Port Perry Star, P.O. Box 90, Port Perry, Ontario. LOB 1NO In Payment of . .. the "PORT PERRY STAR". "see REE EE EE RE EE ERE DECC