District Lion Governor visits local organization The Port Perry Lions Club an improved understanding Claus Parade, Minor held the Dec. 7th meeting at of national and international Hockey, Public Speaking the Watermill Restaurant. youth. Programs, participation in Lion = president - Guy Lion President Guy High School Commence- Latreille welcomed the Latreille conducted a busy ment, Christmas Baskets District Governor Ernie and successful meeting and Senior Citizens Party. Stefaniuk to the meeting for which .also included the ° A quote from the Lions his official visit. In his induction of two new Bulletin by Lion Greg Smith remarks the Governor members. Lion Robert reads: 'Besides the noble "reminded the Lions that they Bruce and Lion Steve art of getting things done, are part of the World's Snyder. there is the noble art of largest service organization. Community projects con- leaving things undone. The The Governor stressed that cluded in progress include wisdom of life consists in the every Lion's chief goal is to the Ringette Tournament, elimination of non be of service to people in the Bantam Softball, Santa essentials." local community and also the the larger areas of our ( S i 1 country and on "an inter- an cer oC e national basis to the whole Soy Port Perry Lions needs volun teers assisted several scouts from Port Perry to attend the by Mary Ann Suppelsa World Jamboree for Scouts This Fall has been a busy at Calgary during the time for your local Cancer summer of 1981. Scout leader Society. On Oct. 26, 1981, at Juergen Mueller with scouts the Town Hall, this year's Ritchie DeJeet, - Todd Executive was introduced. Soomre, Matt: MacMillan, They are: President- Helen Steven Bray, attended this O'Reilly, Vice - Elaine lions meeting. Scout leader Hammett, Secretary - Bunny Juergen gave an interesting Rowlands, and Treasurer - slide presentation of the Dorothy Nelson. The Chair- Scout's experiences getting persons are: Education - Sue ; to, attending and coming Bradley, Service to Patients A a Lr ta home from the Calgary - Marilyn Wallace, Trans- Just call 985-3727 or 985-7637 Jamboree. portation - Ralph Wilbur, 4, 244 your name to the The local scouts were part Campaign - Doris Taylor. cprigtmas visitors list of the International Scouting The District Health Nurse, "National Non-Smoking Association of 23,000 scouts Mary Alice Tobin was the eo is in January. The - ) Fale VideoDisc Affordable video entertainment, whenever you want. Nothing you want "Go tothe movies" towatchonTV? at home. (54 RE Lh Please call Marilyn Wallace at 985-7637 if you can help. The Service to Patients Convention was held in Toronto in October. Marilyn Wallace attended and rec- eived many new ideas which she hopes to put to good use. This Christmas local volunt- eers are needed to visit patients. A friendly face, a chat, or a cup of tea, would J E00 fe an » Ihere's alwavs something worth I here are over 120 watchimg on RCA titles mothe RCA VideoDise the remark- , 443 VideoDnse catalog. able new sastem that with more to come plays sound and prctures Ihe surprisingly atfordable price of RCA through vour I'V on dines! Tes simple VadeoDises veh v conto Ie oo thon prov to hook ups smple to operate. And a leis corded srdoe tapos means vou can Ceo te | vou emer the best im movies recent the movies" night m vour own home and releases ike Ordinary Peoples Oscar win- save the cost of admission nckers. gas and ners hike fac Godrarhor classics hike Cun- baby sitters. Came mn tor a demonstration aid bring the magic home en Kan plus sports. a neers so children's prog trams and more BE TE i IN ot An, in the special tented city. Here, they associated with scouts from all over the world and gained a wealth of - experience in scouting and quest speaker, and she spoke "about the needs of cancer patients. Our Urgent Need is for volunteers for transport- ation and patient services. schools have been approach- ed for ideas to be used during the week by the Education Committee. Brochures and films are available to all | : 1 Lo @rmn J ye he ff. ie 5 i W . oh ~ li A" >) Ee ; ee titgoof | LEY sat wa A 4 local groups. In 1982 the Education Conference will be using some of the Educat- ion methods that have been developed by your own Scugog Branch. Sue Bradley and Judy Luke will help conduct a workshop showing the Education ideas and results used in the past year throughout. Port Perry and DOUG HUGHES area. All members of the Cancer Society Branch wish to extend Greetings of the season to the Scugog Comm- unity. Your year round support is very much app- reciated. The Scugog Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society has been established to serve you. Your questions, ideas, assistance or inform- ation are welcome. Just call: '985-3727. Thank you and Merry Christmas! AN "EMIEL'S PLACE" GIFT CERTIFICATE MAY BE THE IDEAL PRESENT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR! oh mm. fri R Registered Trade Mark of RCA Inc 985-2066 XMAS Bonus: 3 FREE MOVIES -- FREE ESTIMATES J 0 BB RCA 20" COLOR TRAK $5599 3YR.WARRANTY > SY 1m. west of Lilla St. Regional Rd. 8 (formerly Conc. Nn 985-9011 ] 14" Remote Control $6299 COLORTRAK 14" RCA COLOUR | 26"CONSOLE sos00s S89 500 Christmas Special TURKEY SUBS $2.25 *STUFFING Beginning Wed., December 16th *CRANBERRIES *CHEESE *SUBMARINE- PE 'A ion 'A FS "A. «mY = aon 'A ix '4. =a 'AC i #0 A. 'Al Fr<S A: ¥ v iB Jo Bo Jo is Bo J RCA 20" COLORTRAK Channelock keyboard control with cable ready tuning system - Color- Trak automaticcolour. NOWONLY 669° *LETTUCE *TOMATOES *ONIONS *SALAD DRESSING LAKEVIEW PLAZA Corner 7A'& Water St. Call 985.7131 FJ