Santa Claus paid a visit to the Seagrave General Store Saturday afternoon and there lots of youngsters waiting to tell him just what they'd like to see on Christmas morning. Cindy Wright, 8, of R.R. 3, Little Britain was one of those youngsters, and the smiling face between Cindy and Santa belongs to Krista Carr of Seagrave who was Santa"s helper, handing out colouring books to the youngsters. Social news from the Utica area by Vera Brown Christmas service for the Church and Sunday schoold will be held this Sunday at Utica at 11:00 A.M. The Social Club and Youth Group are having a pot luck supper and carol sing on Saturday evening at 7 P.M.. at the home of Paul and Shirley Baster. There will be a special Christmas euchre this Friday at the Utica Hall, many special prizes to be given out so plan to attend. Mr. Jim Aird of Fort St. John, B.C. and his sister Miss Carol Aird of Toronto visited on Sunday afternoo with Mr. and Mrs. Hillis Wilbur. PRINCE ALBERT AUTO CENTRE Complete Body & Paint Services 585KING ST., PRINCE ALBERT 985-3311 221 VALLEYRD., AJAX A (416)683-2939 AY and families ... Toall our friends, customers A Very Merry Christmas andi : _ Happy & Healthy New Year! Anne& Jean CAESAREAFISH & CHIPS "CLOSED" For Annual Vacation for December. We will be BACK" to serve you again - January 8, 1982. Mrs. Dora Geer and Mr. Bruce Bailey visited Mr. Doug McKinley who is a" patient in North York General Hospital on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Doug MacSween and boys were Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Nocilla and Bradley and Mrs. Francis Duby in Willowdale. Mr. and Mrs. George Harper were Sunday supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Mike Schofield and family in Taunton. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sutcliffe visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bray of Raglan. Mrs. Mildred Thompson visited her mother Mrs. Miller of Mount Albert on Sunday. : Mrs. Earl Fielding visited her mother Mrs. Foreman of Oshawa on Monday. - WINTER SPECIAL BUY 5 REGULAR ORDERS "Get 1 Free" Fisherman Special FRESH "HOT" CHILI Bread, butter, tea or coffee included. Hamburgs - Cheese Burgs - Hot Dogs We Shrimp - Scallops - Chicken 986-4783 | I) by Barb MacDonald The Seagrave Fellowship Sister dinner was very much : enjoyed by everyone who attended this year. The variety of appetizing dishes were hard to resist. We would like to thank the girls from the Seagrave 4-HClub, . their hard work in serving and cleaning up was appreciated by all. I would also like to thank Meldred Puckrin, Shirley Berr, and Donna Phypers for their time and efforts in planning this event. The Seagrave Christmas concert will be held on Friday, December 18th at 7 P.M.All the children will receive gifts and it is re- quested that no extra presents from well meaning adults be given at this time. Birthday wishes are extended to Shane Brinton, Ila Keen, Annie Clements and Greg Smith who visited the Birthday Box this week. Shane was treated to a _ .night out at the Organ Grinder in Toronto and also received a new bike for his birthday. Shane is having PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., December 16, 1981 -- 11 Seagrave area news Group Committee would like to extend thanks to the cubs, scouts, drivers and people who donated their time and papers to last week's paper drive. A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to every- one. Please call Jackie Boyle at 985-3941 with your news for next week. Cedar Creek news Bruce Reesen of Raglan visited George Kilpatrick last Monday afternoon. Two of our neighours are patients in Port Perry Hospital. Mrs. Nick Stevens has been there two weeks and Duke Vandermeer a week. Better health is wish- ed for them. Mr. and Mrs. John Den Boer are enjoying a visit with their granddaughter, Karen of Owen Sound while her mother, Mrs. David Den Boer and little son are visit- ing relatives in Florida. George Kilpatrick visited his cousin, Clara Brown, in Toronto, Thursday evening. Clara is now a resident in the Parkdale Nursing home. Another cousin, Janet Porter is a resident in the same home. AN "EMIEL'S PLACE" GIFT CERTIFICATE MAY BE THE IDEAL PRESENT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR! 985-2066 VISIT THE WINDOW BOX father to. Tot Him keep. his For Your Christmas Gift List new bike in the bedroom for Featuring... ae and ie, Lon omer ©, "CRAFTS PINE "QUILTS e were guests al the URHAM ROAD 57 wedding of Len's iroder 4 CAESAREA ONT Che. Greenman Seagrave 2) 10AMtooPM. -- 986-4833 COOOL ED) OPEN OREN 5 J "COLTRI [3 > | 3 CHRISTMAS | oO GIFT CHAIRS [¥ ® The Gift to Enjoy Every Day! & SWIVEL CHAIRS 4) V/ A &) \( A ) WV A & WV A A WEY, 3) A \/ 8) \Y/ A © WV ®) \/ A ® \/ A &) A A LET \// AY, ADA ST 74 EN VV: EE D A Sklar - Ascot - Berkline -Braemore (Reg. $219.95t0 $439.95) 165% %) WV, A WV A )&) A WE HAVE THE LARGEST SELECTION *Swivel Rockers &) WV, #, A OF CHAIRS IN TOWN! XX] *Recliners 4 &) FROM BERKLINE - SKLAR - VOGEL (Reg. $219.95t0 $689.95) j 175% *Wing Back [XC *Wooden Rockers & *Swing Chairs od *Tub Chairs %) | >< RECLINERS 3) \/ A OE) A \\/ JUST ARRIVED &) INTIME FOR XMAS \// A House or Howans » eo) a >= =) m SS (7 CD WV EK Eo) 241 Queen Street - Port Perry - 985-2272 be = - - S---- . [> HEE IENNDEOI CONE OX ®