ue 7 4 OEE BOS AE SHAAN ARIs . yy ory Te nS IR I OA i Tah By iu Vd PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., December 16, 1981 -- 29 Wanted to Buy For Rent For Rent Work Wanted Work Wanted Work Wanted : GOOD USED Apartment size or i : WOOD REFINISHING specializ- |, \ ropiaAL SERVICE - Com- | MAN WILL do small carpentry i upright pianos. Service and | Foner) ult onary T | sesaams aner am 0° ooo ul Torry Dyer. 655.4092 after | mercial. industrial, residential, | work, tres cutting, odd fobs et. i ASI Music Lhe. tak Ae hd HOUSE for rent, 3 bedrooms, | 3:%P-m. Yr Bi, L t 3 ee vay Tain COTTAGE and house raisings, | ARTHUR'S painting, papering, 0s 1 SCRAP SARS - Highest prices 7 u - - foonogs JUNaDtoNL 1108 floor and wall tile, rerpvations, LOST - One black, brown and i paid, will pick up. 985-8636 or APPROX. 1800 sq. ft. - | tions and repairs, 985-7960. j 985-3348, TF FOR RENT cial space, bad edgy Wok bu general. Prone Wietermals pov g's oh gen * T able Jan. Ist. 1-668-5621, TF ¥ 4 985-7228. J Miscellaneous | | RETAIL SPACE -- fe 7 CASH IN on income tax. Save APPROX. 900SQ. FT. Legal Notice *Painting Real Estate Ns axes. Earn ones iy Ls hin returns. BOCK STREET -- UXBRIDGE NOTICE TO CREDITORS , its Write U&R Tax Schools, 118 Presently fixtured for AND OTHERS *Decorating A Roxuarpion vs: Toronto, ladies boutique. in the- Matter of i Estate of 6 / Ontario . .| | AMANDA CATHERINE PAGE, : : na z January 1st, 1982 poses SMaNO2 | *Drywall Taping A i WANTED DEAD Ok Nive 5i0n. . All persons having claims * . b rice . 3 viii gh size car 852-5089 sili iby pia Renovations A) with free towing - 576-2160. Art's Township of Brock, in the er e---- eager: i) Auto Wreckers Limited. TF - Regional Municipality of "FREE ESTIMATES gh . A . : Durham, who died bout RY Miscellaneous the 27 day of July. 11 are TIMPELYK ! ere notitie 0 sen 0 4 undersigned on or before the 2nd 985-3490 144 QUEEN ST, PORT PERRY i y lars of thelr cialms. Imimedls. 985-7361 985-3292 : vla alms. - ) bi: ; tely after the said date th t . uy D Jd | X LOR of the sald deceased wil be PORT PERRY. Beauiiiul decorajed 3 bedroom; 2p : distributed among the parties 2 storey semi-detac ome, 2 s, finishe hl INSURANCE BROKERSLTD. entitled thereto, having regard rec room, paved drive. Asking $51,500. Call Keith ¥ Sly tosiaims of which they shall Puckrin at 985-736) today to view k) en have notice. * 3 170 WATER STREET -- PORT PERRY Dated af Port Perry. Ontario this forall ls ' mber . we JerryTaylor . "| "KELLY, JERMYN, ZULY wOSCASIONS $i | 985-8416 217 Queen Ste P.O, Box 13 MIs, Liances, sic, 0 g See Us for all your Insurance Needs! solicitors for Vernon Pe, .. CALLPETER dy 3 - N P nd Ro , ; ' Banrs of the above 'Estate, P & G SOUNDS Real Estate o% | | 579-6991 Oshawa i | l| Help Wanted | a S MATURE responsible person to " \ ' f a : from andcare 28 Yo. February ELECTROLYSIS PORT PERRY AREA - Attractive 3 bedroom & 3 ve i . . - . 3 ; ; : 12th. Must have own transporta- * Leg waxing, facial bungalow with carport and paved drive, backs is 3 A tion. 985-2735. D23 manicure & pedicure. | '| | on to canal with easy access to lake. Asking oi 3 ® HAIR STYLIST or halr dresser ! HOURS: $59,500. Call Don Harper today at 985-7361 to 2 i 3 wanted with some clientel. Our Monday-2to 7 P.M. inspect. Sk 1 firm offers free 3dvancen Tues., Wed. & Thurs. 3 Benefit with: pay. Excellent 9AM.to4PM. °° WATERFRONT - 3 bedroom winterized cottage bi : a the right person. just a few miles from Port Perry. Asking $55,000. > reace con % : t Sts 9232 or COLLIN Call Diana Dove 985-7361 today 3 : : Please call Tony at 985: a - . i E 1665. D6 oa ; ; MATURE PERSON required {| 286 QUEEN STREET --PORTPERRY ven for two weeks Fes. 2 | 985-3867 id | ZEEE -- ] | 985-8041 - 985-8151 | mimi meismin poof ppare i 1 : x hildren. PI ly i ne ; Office Hours: 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. Sfafing references. and remun. wg pom -- i 1 iam en SSE CW eration to Box 1212, Port Perry, 40 DOW N Rayment. fu hice iE 4 § o> i 3 ; 5 Ontario. LOB IND. Dis yearsol, Ist mortgage $38,000 at ' os 3 5 I 2%. Owner will hold low : interest 2nd f 4 £ | Work Wanted ineres motor vatnce. ca £ SHAWS Driving School, 705-357 Yr on i iS ; a i PORT PERRY - 6 miles. New quality built 3 2 } wh - 6 miles. New qu u ALA DDN ria coun on MUST SELL! bedroom split level home on one peeic sdf. a ; " ] Roughed in second bath and fireplace. Asking j X. Pe Pree estimares NEW CUSTOM BUILT $78,900. Call 985-7361 today to view and Gi 1 BUNGALOW inspect. H 3 IN CAESAREA . hi 3 .SCUGOG ISLAND EXECUTIVE DEAD STOCK To Ssyuom Svgsiiihen] |p i k 104% financing on this four bedroom executive FREE REMOVAL mp rice - Under- A d home, finished, family room with fireplace and : . al 4 Wood Entrance 3 3 den, 16 x 32 inground pool. Just listed at $89,900. OfFresh, Dead or *High& Dry gy 3 Call 985-8151 today for your appointment, Disabled Animals dialkoud basemen ol 3 » rinsula Yo 3 LAKE SCUGOG - WATERFRONT . $5.00 Charge for *Onright of-way to lake 3 bedroom cottage, fireplace in living room, sh *New homes inarea- large sun room, mostly insulated, could be used eep and Goats. *Mortgage negotiable for permanent living. Listed at $36,900. Try your Please Dial Direct: $49.900.00 > downpayment. MARGWILL ' . | LIKE TO KEEP SOME ANIMALS? FURFARM DAVEMALSOLY PORT PERRY NORTH - Excellent 11% ; 2 acre hobby farm, barn suitable for livestock, 2 Hampton 416-263-2721 986-5350 financing on this very attractive split level bedroom bungalow, main floor family room with : home with central air conditioning, 3 bed- a wood stove, full basement. Listed to sell at rooms, extra large kitchen, walkouts from ||. kg $51,900. Call today to see this property. Real Estate kitchen, family room and game room. A must Ww . t . Askl ,000. Call Don Harper tod 2 LIKE ICE Fishin OR SNOWMOBILING? E E A T I king $89,000 ; pe ay i se dd Hee ME Min | | ESTATE AUCTION : eo age lacie hol, Do) use OF REAL ESTATE WATERFRONT spit evel home on nicely land. 3 bid ria / scaped one acre lot, 3 bedrooms, 2 s, 2 large ha Vendor will hold the morigage. Call 985.815) and The Farm of the Late HAROLD PERCY, consisting of decks, walk-outs, finished rec room with fire. Ly try your downpayment. i ' ; lace. Combine your home and cottage into one A approximately 102 acres of good farmland, complete with ps . experience. Call 985.736) for further 0 NEED A WORKSHOP? house and barn. Jakpy experience. i 3 Three bedroom 2 storey century brick home, * SALE TIME: Saturday, December 12 at 2:00P.M. } bi 1 large dining room, 1v2 baths, large workshop, LOCATION: Onthe property 1 mile west on the Scugog/Whitby For efficient courteous service call: i) J separate garage, 66 x 300 ft. lot. Just listed at Townline, west off Hwy. 12 approx. 6 miles north of Brooklin. Morley Bruce ......... 985-2528 g $47,900. Call now to see this home. TERMS & CONDITIONS: Subject to a minimum reserve price, Lloyd Haynes . .... 986-5052 . y approved by executor at time of bidding. $20,000 deposit by Guy Latreille. .......... 985-8192 ~ A AFTERHOURSCALL: way of cash or certified cheque to estate of Harold Percy, - Keith Pu ckrin Tree 985-2489 fi Marj Tripp.......... 985-7606 balance upon closing January 29, 1982. Diana Dove... . 705) 432.3125 i! Doris Clark 986-5314 heme: Filey, Doctor 26 : 2 AM. to 4 PM. + Riana bx ve PP ( as 33 \ tessa \ t., ember . .M.to M. C8 MNeNMIOIMS. cette eeene . 28 David Tripp ........ 985-8398 Friday, December 11-10A.M.to4 P.M. KenClark............. 985-3571 2 \ PamFis............ 985-3632 FORFURTHER INFORMATION PHONE: DonHarper........... 985-7361 Harvard. LL. 966.4673 HENRY KAHN -(416) 985-8161 Galt Scala ee. © 852.5088