Having A Party? ) RIORTAKEOUT =) CATERING SERVICE *POTATO SALAD *CABBAGE SALAD *CARROT SALAD *TOSSED SALAD *SWEET PICKLES *DILLS *OLIVES *DINNERROLL PLUS: *Chinette plate *Knife, forkand spoon *Salt & Pepper *Serviettes *Coffeecups-(Yousupplythe beverage) All Serving Trays and Leftovers are Throw-aways -NO FUSS ORMUSS- YOU JUST PICK UP & SERVE! ALL $3.79 FOR: Callor VisitUs at... BAYSHORE TAKE-OUT BY THELAKE ON HWY. 7A 985-3282 PER PERSON Children enjoy having breakfast with Santa PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed. December 23, 1981 -- 9 Nicole Bolton [right] was just one of about 14 children who attended the Durham YMCA Break- fast with Santa last Sat- urday morning. Nicole is seen here biting into a delicious piece of pancake. Santa Claus was the special guest for breakfast on Saturday morning at the Port Perry United Church. The fourteen children attending the breakfast all had a chance to sit on Santa's knee and tell him what they wanted for Christmas. Lindsay Patton and Louis Whit- field are seen [left] with Santa. DRESS SHIRTS *17.0010°51.00 SPORT SHIRTS + 322.0010 °36.00 SWEATERS *24.99 10°95.00 BELTS ..*12.50 from *6.5010°32.50 It's nifty to be thrifty. Especiallywhen you cancomeup withwinners such as these. Our carefully chosen selection of gifts under $30 offer you muchmore than scaled-down price tags. Everyitemis outstandinginvalue and quality. Drop in and see our large selection. tegoly s Men sQUWear Phd. PORT PERRY PLAZA D> 985-8160 HOLIDAY STORE HOURS: We will be Closed - Christmas Eve at 5:00 P.M.; Christmas Day & Boxing Day. Open Monday, Dec. 28 through Wednesday, Dec. 30(Regular store hours); Closed New Year's Eve at 5:00 P.M. \