hESC PATPH SAREE Fe PT ol 3 LING NY Las A Wit EARS Led SB Khalai PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed. March 24, 1982 -- 25 Coming Events Coming Events For Sale For Sale For Sale Wanted to Buy HOT BEEF rec - Seagrave United Chueh, Wednesday, April 7, settings at 5:00 and 6:30 p.m. For tickets call 985-2489 or 985-8190. Adults $6.00, children $2.00. M24 UKRAINIAN EASTER EGG exhibit and demonstration, March 27, 10 a.m. to 12 noon, at Scugog Memorial Library (child- ren's department). Everyone welcome, HAZEL AND THE Family of Mr. J.J. Gibson, invite friends, neigh- bours, relatives etc. to an "Open House' Sat. March 27th, 2-4 p.m. to celebrate with them the occasion of Jay's 80th Birthday. 103 Perry St., Port Perry. Best Wishes Only. RUMMAGE SALE- Port Perry United Church, Thurs. April 1st. 10am.todp.m.and 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Friday April 2nd 10a.m. to 1 p.m. M3 A WELCOME is extended to members and friends of Scugog Community Care to attend the Annual Meeting on April 1st at 7:30 p.m. to be held at the Municipal Hall in Port Perry. A program of interest and humour has been planned. There will be displays of Community Care projects on view. Dessert lunch will be served. For further infor- mation call 985-8461. M24 MAPLE SYRUP Festival- Prentice's Farm- Scugog Island, March 28. Adults $2.00; Children $1.00. Includes pancakes, maple syrup and coffee. Time: 10to § p.m. Ride provided to and from woods. Everybody welcome. Sponsored by Port Perry L.O.L. TF DANCE: Blackstock Rec Centre, Floyd Lloyd and the Country Allstars. Sat. March 27, 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. $8.00 per couple. Refreshments and door prizes. For advance tickets call 263-2640 or 986-5530. For Sale PLYWOOD ICE HUT - 8' x 8', seats six, ideal for tool shed. $150. 985-3994. BABY CRIB, dresser, change table, carriage, lamp, clothes etc. Phone 985-8186. TWENTY-THREE FT. Prowler, sleeps 7, 4 pc. bath, fridge, stove, oven, twin sinks, twin propane, forced air heat, 16' automatic roll out awning. Very clean. Affordable. 986-5248. TWO HOLSTEIN springers. Phone 986-4707. 300 BUS. HERTA barley, from registered seed; 500 bus. mixed grain, Elgin and Bruce; 300 bales straw, mixed grain. E.L. McLaughlin. 986-4456. A.A. MEETING IN PORT PERRY Have You LOST CONTROL OF YOUR DRINKING? Call: 728-1020 For More Information. MAPLE SYRUP FESTIVAL PRENTICE FARM SCUGOG ISLAND SUN., MARCH 28th 10AM.105P.M. Adults: $2.00; Children: $1.00 Includes: Pancakes, maple syrup and coffee. Ride pro- vided to and from woods. -- EVERYONE WELCOME -- Sponsored by Port Perry L.O.L. 2 NEW P225/70R15 and 2 new P255/60R15 B.F.G. radial T/A's, never mounted, 2 new Cragar S/S 15 x 8 Varislot, number ones, never used. 985-7634 after 6:30 p.m. WHEAT AND BARLEY straw. Good firm bales. Two miles north of Seagrave. 705-357-3504. SIX CHROME stacking chairs, white vinyl; 2- 4x8 sheets 2" styrofoam; 1 sheet has broken corner; 1 mattress 48' - like new. 985-2183. 14 FT. SAILBOAT, Scorpion Class, wood, good condition, with dolly. $500. 266-2050 evenings; 985-9111 days. M3 F!YE TIRES 78-14 practically new. $25 each. 985-2139. GOVERNMENT inspected Canadian young geese, new york dreas, also available, whole- salers welcome. Please phone 852-5441 after 6 p.m. TF STOVE: one year old, white - brown trim, self clean. $300.; FRIDGE: one year old, white - brown trim, frost free - 13.5 cu. ft. $350. Phone 985-8989. { PORT PERRY RINGETTE ASSOCIATION ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING will be held at the - RAILROADHOUSE MOTEL - PORT PERRY SUN., MAY 2nd - 2 P.M. -- EVERYONE WELCOME -- Any proposed<amendments to the consti- tution and by-laws of the Port Perry Ringette Association shall be given to the Secretary in writing 30.days prior to such meeting at Post Office Box 1365, Port Perry, Ontario. LOB 1NO. Marg White, Secretary BIRDHOUSES, Martin and Wren, lawn ornaments, wind type. 985-2924. AQUARIUM, 30 gal. with light and stand. Only $45.00. 985-8398. COMPLETE SET (210 |b.) body building bar-bell weight set. $100 firm. 986-5185 evenings. 7/8 LIMOUSIN Bull, April '81 Mike, 985-3466. M31 FARM "FRESH" Chickens (5-7 Ibs. average $1.25 Ib.) Taking orders now. Call Val-Don Farm 986-4890. M3 HERTA BARLEY Seed, 26 bus. Call 985-2035,after 6 p.m. ENGLISH PRAM (Carriage) navy and white, good condition. 985-8368. PATZ stable cleaner, right hand drive, approx. 200 ft. chain. 705- 357-2125. M24 WATERBED: Do it yourself kit, $175. Includes mattress, heater, liner. Single, queen or King. Save money by making frame your- self. Complete instructions, free delivery. Call collect (418) 637- 6904. STAINED GLASS Hobbyist! Supplies! Supplies! Supplies! 'Great mail order service' Cat- alogue $1.00. Write, phone, come in to Bullas Glass, 15 Joseph St. Kitchener N2G 1H9. (519) 745- 1124. UPHOLSTERY FABRICS vinyls, foam, buttons made, tools, etc. Ace Upholstery Supplies - 204 Bond Street Easl, Oshawa 579-5666 TF MAGNETIC SIGNS for your car, truck mailbox, etc. Call for prices - Port Perry Star - 985-7383 TEC FIREWOOD - all mixed hard- wood. 985-3361. INSULATION CELLULOSE FIBRE. Direct from manufac- turer C.G.S.B. listing. Free estimates. Check your fuel bill and then call 985-7331. TF Roasting Chickens Grade A C FREEZER READY per 51b. avg. Ib. We reserve the right to limit quantities. w RA. No. 2, Port Perry, LOB INO Toll Free: 1-800-263-3716 Hwy. TA Manchester Port i _ Scugog 3d. line 1 Ff he WOOD BARN -- FOR SALE -- Approx. 40' x 110'. We can have it moved and rebuilt on your location. CALL WAYNE: 579-1596 655-4132 LOW PRICES on new chester- fields, beds, kitchen suites, coffee table sets, etc. Elmer's Furniture - 253 Bloor St. E., Oshawa, 728-3473. TF VALLEY Comfort air tight stoves $549. Combination wood/ electric furnace $1,170. Nestleton Airtight Stove. 9846-5350. TF RUBBER STAMPS - for business or personal use. Fast delivery. Call the Port Perry Star - 985- 7383. TF LIVESTOCK AND Poultry bedding, 8 ton Load Bulk Saw- dust, no snow or bark. 705-454 8382 0r 454-3476. F24 DAY OLD CHICKS, order now being taken for May-June de- livery. Marlows Feed Store, 40 Vanedward Dr., Port Perry, 985- 7363. TF Sa Bilmil Ceramics. AR Blackstock (ons7) HOB Authorized Dealer Certified Teacher DUNCAN CERAMIC PROBS geenware~S ies~classes- ~ gifts - custom fire a Pra POTATOES ONTARIO GROWN 50 Ib. bag. ... 4.99 APPLES MacINTOSH 4 qt. basket .. 1.99 STEVENS MARKET HWY. 12- MYRTLE Open Daily: 9A.M.to 6 P.M. EVAPORATORS - homestead size maple syrup evaporators with seamless stainless steel pans, cast iron door, steel firebox $350. Cole Creek Products, R.R.I, Verona, Ont. KOH 2W0 (613) 374-2936. JIFFY PEAT pellets, Mother Earth garden seeds. Shop early. Marlows Feed Store, Vanedward Or., Port Perry 985-7363. SEED GRAIN now in stock, enquiries welcome, cash discount. Marlows Feed Store, 40 Vanedward Dr., Port Perry 985-7363. SHAKLEE. For products or information. Please call 986-4771. TF CONTINUOUS FORMS printed and numbered or blank. A must for every business. We handle both Moore and Pakfold forms. Call the Port Perry Star at 985-7383. TF FISHER STOVES - wood and/or oil furnaces. All C.S.A. or U.L.C. approved. For reasonable prices phone Donna Hazelwood 985-3640 (except Sundays) TF WEDDING INVITATIONS, personalized stationery, napkins, matches, playing cards, etc. Call the Port Perry Star 985-7383. TF WOODWORKERS 10" table saw, 14' band saw, drill press, jointer, thickness pianer, shopsmith machine. Port Perry 985-2443. TF Used Cars 1970 ACADIAN 2 door, 6 auto, p.s.. in excellent condition. $1,200 certified or trade for small pick- up. 985-9329. M3 1971 SUPER BEETLE, mechan- ically sound, excellent for dune buggy or parts. $400 or best offer. Phone 985-8696. PIONEER. BRUCE WALKER R.R. 4, Sunderland, 2nd of Brock - West of No. 12 1-705-357-3094 PIONEER. GRAND CORN ALFALFA SORGHUM We still have most Seed Varieties Available! JOHN BAUMCHEN R.R. 1-BLACKSTOCK 986-4774 EUCHRE TOURNAMENT "& HAM ROLL Sponsored by Port Perry Lions Club SATURDAY, APRIL 3rd EUCHRE: 110 6 P.M. HAM ROLL: 7 P.M. to 7? at ODDFELLOWS HALL - PORT PERRY -- CASH PRIZES & TROPHIES -- ADVANCE TICKETS: $8.00 team. $10.00 at door. Contact: N. Gawley - 986-5277; K. Clark - 985-3571 or B. Grierson - 985-8938. *ATTENTION* Red Brand Beef We are proud to announce that as of March 22, 1982 our beef shall be Government graded: CANADA Al and CANADA A2. For Best Buys on RED BRAND BEEF - CALL NOW! -- WHOLESALE PURCHASERS WELCOME -- *Custom killed beef also eligible for grading if desired. LITTLE BRITAIN MEAT PACKERS (7075) 786-2101 1976 DATSUN F10 station wagon, front WD, am, fm, good condi- tion. 986-5213. TF 1973 COMET, 6 cyl., good condi- tion, $750 certified. 985-3717. 1976 LEMANS power steering, i power brakes, am-fm casseite stereo, $1,500 certified. 82 sticker | 986-4267. WE'RE STILL HERE! Jim Heayn Auto Sales Starting our 12th Year! OVER 35 CARS IN STOCK. 170 CASIMIR STREET PORT PERRY, ONTARIO Used Trucks 1975 DATSUN long box with cap and am-fm radio. As is $2,100 or best offer. After 5 p.m. Don 985-3188. 1969 CHEV FEED TRUCK- 10 speed, 366 V8, aluminum box, hoist, auger, blower, excellent condition. Asking $5,000 or best offer. Call 655-485) or 655-8058. Wanted to Buy REESE hitch; torsion bars; trailer brackets and head. 986- 4941. Miscellaneous ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER: drafting board; office tilt chair; phone answering system; misc. office furnishings. Phone 985-3603. HAY and standing hay. 985-3934. M31 GOOD USED Apartment size or upright pianos. Service and tuning available for ail makes. Irwin Smith Music Ltd. 985-2635 - TF SCRAP CARS - Highest prices paid, will pick up. 985-8836 or 985-3348. TF OLD SCRAP CARS NEWER WRECKED CARS UNCERTIFIABLE CARS can be turned into cash on the spot. We are always ready to buy cars and light trucks. A Licenced Auto Wreckers. We Sell Guaranteed Used Pars. OPEN: Mon.-Fr.9a.m.toS5p.m. Saturday9a.m.to2 p.m. SCALA BROS. AUTO WRECKERS R.R.4, PORT PERRY PHONE 985-3132 Wanted LOOK IN YOUR basement, attic, garage, barn for old furni- ture or 2 wheel hand truck type grain scales in any condition. Cash paid on pick up. 895-1679 Newmarket. WILL PICK UP without charge, all used appliances, refrigera- tors, and freezers. Empty your cellars and garages. Also old TV's and radios. Call 986-4926. TF COPY OF Scugog and Its Envi rons by F. G. Weir. Phone 985-2509 or Box 545 Port Perry. For Rent CAESAREA- 2 bedroom house, on large lot. Small but modern and cozy. Suit older couple. Occasional maintenance work. Lease, available May 1st. Refer- ences. $350 plus utilities. Reply to P.O. Box 723, Port Perry, LOB INO stating particulars: age, pets, etc. M31 ROOM FOR rent in Port Perry. 985-8074. LADY TO SHARE home with gentleman $200 month. Apply 110 Main St. N. Uxbridge or Box 336 Uxbridge. SNOWMOBILE storage. Re- serve your space now. Call 985 2062. M24 COMMERCIAL property - with 2000 sq. ft. home. Zoned C-4. Excellent central location with Hwy. 7A frontage (corner of Scugog and High St.). Phone after 6 p.m. 985-2527. M3 Wanted to Rent ROOM AND BOARD urgently required by young gentleman. Please phone 986-5483. ROOM AND BOARD for 2 men. Non drinking, non smoking. Mondays to Fridays. 705-326-2293 URGENTLY NEEDED. One or two bedroom apartment in Port Perry by May 1st. References 985-2185. FARMLAND in the Balckstock, 'Port Perry area. Mark Graham 986-4856. M24 Give Away FREE Garage available. 985 7329. See Us for all your DJ TAYLOR INSURANCE BROKERSLTD. 170 WATER STREET -- PORT PERRY Jerry Taylor 985-8416 Insurance Needs!