v= el , 9 { fter 6 p.m. i il Apri ¢ | after 6 p Wreckers Limited. TF animal shelter 3 hours per SCrsir A ) Ant Spe BAC KHOE 3 BE ] day, Monday thru Friday; t orkmanship Guaranteed. 3 ¥' Lost scrap cars - Hiohest prices | [Wmted to Rent | ov: Moros thik Pricey: © -- FREE ESTIMATES -- A Nie wel A 26 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed. April 21, 1982 A AN ME AV ra TRI LORY 7 Used Cars Wanted Legal Notice Help Wanfed Work Wanted Work Wanted 1960 TURBO TRANS AM, | immaculate condition, low mile- age, loaded, never winter driven. Phone evenings or weekends. 985-2588. " 1976 RABBIT, 4 speed, am-fm stereo, rebuilt motor, excellent condition, $2,900 or best offer. 985-9019. 1979 MONTE CARLO, excellent shape, bucket seats, console, ps, pb, rear defrost, small eight, 1975 FORD RANGER XLTF100, 2 tone paint, ps, pb, tinted glass, radials, V8 auto, $2,000. 985-8045 BLUE AND WHITE umbrella TRAINS WANTED: Lionel, American Flyer and accessories. Any condition. Phone John 725 3594. Al WILL PICK UP without charge, all used appliances, refrigera- tors, and freezers. Empty your cellars and garages. Also old TV's and radios. Call 986-4926. TF LOOK IN YOUR basement, attic, garage, barn for old furni- ture or 2 wheel hand truck type NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In The Matter of the Estate of Hannah Ford. All persons having claims against the ESTATE OF HANNAH FORD, late of the Township of Scugog, in the Re- gional Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the 18th day of March 1982, are hereby ! notified to send to the under- signed on or before the 12th day of May, 1982, full particulars of WANTED- Dead or Alive. Guaranteed price of $30 for any complete standard size car with free towing. 576-2160, Art's Auto paid, will pick up. 985-8636 or 985-3348. TF reputable business serving large area. Potential for expansion. $120,000 firm plus stock (204) 759-2748. PART TIME Real Estate office requires receptionist secretary with typing skills for Saturdays. Phone W. Frank Real Estate Limited 985-7386. PERSON CAPABLE of oper- ating farm machinery. 728-6845. DIVERSIFIED INCOME. Earn while you learn. Six home busi- nesses to choose from. For appointment call 985-2040. M5 will be received by the undersigned until 4:30 P.M. on April 30th, 1982. Duties to work at the animal shelter on alternate INCOME TAX problems. Let me help. Reasonable rates, pick up and deliver. Call Betty Fes; JANITORIAL SERVICE - Com- mercial, industrial, residential. 985-3196. F25 ODD JOBS, lawn clean-up, tree cutting and' trimming. Call \ 985-3890. A28 10% Off Labour &Fabricon Recovering of All Sofas PAINTING and decorating. Mike Driscoll 985-2074. TF NURSING CARE We specialize in care of patients in their own homes. Our carefully screened, insured and experienced nurses, companions and homemakers are available for full time or part time « i i ¥ . h certified. $5,000 or best offer. | 9rain scales in any condition. | their claims. Immediately after | STUDENT NEED to work In " nursing care. Fi 985-8106. Cash paid on pick-up. 895-1679 | the said date the assets of the | 3Ppleorchardon Saturdays from K DAVE MUIR Available 24-Hours! i Newmarket. said deceased will be distributed | Now until school is finished and 4 . it 1976 DATSUN F10 station wagon, among the parties entitled | days per week in the summer. Reg. Industrial Accountant COMCARE } front WD, am, fm, good condi- thereto, having regard only to | Pay $3.50 per hour. Phone 985- Bookk 1 i) tion. 986-5213 TF PRIVATE MORTGAGE claims of which they shall then | 91880r 985-2096. A28 00 eeping - Income 57 1 -3501 J have notice. Tax - 1 DATED at Port Perry, Ontario | GARDNER-handyman for large for Yox-Acougling Used Trucks this 7th day of April, 1982. country home. Summer months. > 4 KELLY, JERMYN, ZULY 3 Mornings ey week, ag be Sa Businesses ANK ; 1979 FORD F150, 3 speed with Barristers and Solicitors ght repairs. Suite mpanies. ; overdrive; certified, 8' camper - REQUIRED ~~ Box 131, 217 Queen Street active pensioner $6.00 per hr. No Evening & Weekend Appointments GREENS { and cap, together or separate. i Port Perry, Ontario students please. Phone Wed- Can Be Arranged TV. TOWERS 985-9032 after 6 p.m. $19,500 Open first on LOB INO nesday evening or Thursday. HAVE YOUR TV SETAND TV i $100,000 country home. Solicitors for Robert Ford | 985-339. 985-8494 TOWER CHECKED OUT ! 1975 DATSUN long box with cap, Will pay off over 3 years Executor for the above Estate. 985-7079 "Free Estimates" new tires and exhaust, very good at approximately $700 Plus A28 {es 4 shape, runs great. $2,050 as is. monthly. TOWNSHIP OF UXBRIDGE We Install & Repair After 6:00 p.m. 985-3188. Reply to Box 8, c/o Port Business d Diosters < 1973 GMC % ton, certified, good Perry Str with lowest rates. APPLICATIONS BL ACKSTOCK Yoars . $1,950. 986-5483. 0 Brokers Please; condition. $1,950. 986-5463 ( ) Opportunities CLEARLY MARKED Colours ntennas Ma ony; Jarra. 24 Wanted fo Buy EXCELLENT Sarpet 3nd ASSISTANT CANINE UPHOLSTERY We also use 750HM Antenna Cable. = 95 : i rapery business in progressive ' Yr. Guaran kmanshi \ 855-4792. Manitoba town. Low overhead, CONTROL OFFICER 5 a13fiss on ¥of J , 985-8387 SERVICES - ft a TWO OR THREE bedroom h . . i i stroller. 985-2861. GOOD USED Apartment size or with option to buy, gv Orer Wash Shas to be bmit Call: 986 4731 Septic Tanks { Wf MAN'S OMEGA 'watch, Senti- | UPright pianos. Service and | 985-2041, 985-8965. Applications to be Submit. Land i 3 1 mental value. Finder please call | tuning available for all makes. ted on forms obtained from an Scaping ; AIR 985-7285. Substantial reward. Irwin Smith Music Ltd. - 985-2635 {| TWO OR THREE bedroom house | the Uxbridge Municipal Trenching 8 TF | or apartment. (416) 668-8432; Offices, Box 190, Uxbridge, PORT IRE RED DASCHUND, ost In Myrile (705) 748-6219. Ontario. PHONE CLARE: J " $153. biown Gallas, answers to PASTURE for 20 Holstein aiigss a. KESTER PERRY 085-3223 bd d : OLDSCRAPCARS | 98534. a / Give Away NEWER WRECKED CARS YOUNG COUPLE seeking small ROOFING or 985-3613 UNCERTIFIABLE CARS cottage or apartment for rent. " : FEMALE DOG, medium sized, can be turned into cash on Have a small dog. Call after 5:00 | RARE OPPORTUNITY MEMBER OF : 3 cross breed, 2 years old, good thespot. Wearealways ready p.m. a1 985.722). AZ) with children, house trained. 985- to buy cars and light trucks. . MIDDLE AGE couple, ab- DEAD STOCK i i 2114 after 6p.m. A | Weel Camontosd Ussa pars, | Stainers. non-smokers, with two er FREE REMOVAL ; } Fe ; . t ) { seeking 2or 3 i 1 Ore: Mon-Fr Sam tosam. | po house or smal Of Fresh, Dead or ; anre SCA home. References. Phone . - J 5 a . LABROS. 985-2719. ursery Disabled Animals | bis 2nd sale St., arrive 8:15 a.m. R TOUR CRS For Rent $5 00 Charge for i i epart 4:30 p.m. Mon.-Fri. othe 8! Ful i - y 3 985-2576. PHONE 985-3132 o 9 oh Tio on Sheep and Goats. | TH. -- price aument commits | ang vatorng oc. Please Dic: Ji Tenders fons pares, buns melinss | lor must oe coger toloarn. | | + JOHN REEKIE MARGWILL 0 : Must work weekends. 985-3203 FURFARM 'Wl ONE BEDROOM, bachelor Hampton 416-263-2721 i THE DURHAM | i fa tiai | RICHTERS . JE58 rom erry, month, - T ; hyd d heat included, f - 3 : | BOARD OF EDUCATION and ast mnt ren reduied GOODWOOD, ONT. PORT PERRY | "1388 | sit. Available immediately. AYR 1 HIGH SCHOOL 143 985-2762. in 640-6677 presents ... 6 | | THREE BEDROO , %. th TEN DER IWS Milles aoulh of Port Ferry W Ww. ed Ren t-A ; , monthly plus utilities. Avail- - A SALE OF PROPERTY able May lst. 655.474. ork Want : 1 | (Located in the Township of Uxbridge PROFESSIONAL parr St d t i i by Public Tender.) Help Wanted papering. Reasonable. Col uaen he i The Durham Board of Education is proposing SVT Yas Basa after sop. TF Do you have lawns NO D 0g to SELL BY PUBLIC TENDER a parcel of land WELD Y0 Han gn Joo 3» ELECTRIC FENCER Service , | 10 be raked, windows 0 "located in the Township of Uxbridge. selling top quality fashion ED. Sorvinsanine to be cleaned, painting, : n Subject property: WEBB PUBLIC SCHOOL, | lewellery. "For information to all approved makes - bamerys | ©tC-7 FURNITURE i ocated on Part Lot 5, Concession 4, Towns | vet Seses an ois Ho Bio, oof | LetUs STRIPPI Ww of Uxbridge on a 2-acre site. -- peda, ck: Phone 418 Do The Work!! NG 2 | The Board gives no warranty as to purpose A PERSON heeded in : | for which the property may be used. omni de venit El Dol SPRING CLEANUP, roto tiling SAT., MAY 1st Laml | : ith Information regarding land use or current 985-8321. : bs A%8 9AM. to 4 P.M. amb 1 iH zoning must be obtained from the Municipal SENIOR CITIZEN required part -SABYSITTING available in my CALL & RESERVE Os A ' . . pa , Port Perry West (Hwy. - Quarters ii Offices of the Township of Uxbridge as well as omit yarn. voce) oth line) ontarm: Flexible hovre, YOUR STUDENT NOW! ti any Fhe) authisfitiss aving control over the Port Perry. 985-3183. 985 7337 Hntiques 'WY For further information, plans and tender PART TIME help required for ARTHUR'S painting, papering, Monday to Frid Goodwood ii documents, please contact: Mr. J.E. Upton, as ouranL. Reply 15 Box ring wall tile, Felioy tient; 8:30AM. 10430 PM. 640-4 | Manager of Property and Transportation, The Help Us Raise Funds 0-4792 Mm Durham Board of Education, 555 Rossland Road Help Wanted for Student Activities. i : West, Oshawa, Ontario. Telephone: (416) 576- i! 4600. b' Tenders only on the forms provided will be *M AN AGER Ww ANTED* L i . . . | received until 3:00 P.M. local time, on Wednes- Al day: May 12, 1982 at the administration office, Man ; : "i \ ager for Township of Uxbridge arena i 554 Rosslang Road West, Osawa _ and recreation centre. Duties to commence on 1cer 0 The most "Beautiful 1 0! e ten pening will commence at 3: or about June 1, 1982. Resume to be submitted "Homes of them All... f P.M. local time at the Durham Board of Education by 12 N A i os : 4 ; V d by oon, April 26, 1982 stating expected 4 I Administ rotion igo Sender vil nS ne delai salary to: Energy Sion 3 Jasthetivally pleasing urban and ! C rily country homes. For informatio odel ho A be accepted. 3 PL XaRinaE free use of catalogue in your Rg ? Mes ou y Tenders must indicate on the outside of the : OC 1KO = "FJ: iggy: oath | 4 ; § Ts : + Dadra ; v3 x Vig ' o RATA i envelope the name of property being tendered. i ~ TOWNSHIP BENEFITS :) [2 Phone; 433-4714 i ---------------------- "4