Ry XN ea 18 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday June 15, 1982 -Epsom and area news Donna Van Veghel and children visited Mrs. Howard Ashton on Wed- nesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ashton visited Miss Vera Prentice on Friday. Donna and Frank Van Veghel and children called on Howard and Ruth Ashton Sunday afternoon. Barry and Lois Bushell visited with her parents Sunday evening. Barry and Lois Bushell were pleased to have a former neighbour and very dear friend Caroline Sharpe of Montreal visit them for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Taylor attended the Decoration Day Service at Erskine Cemetery by Jean Jefferv Decoration Sunday at Utica was well attended. Communion Service will be at Utica 11:30 a.m. next Sunday. Keep in mind the date June 26, when Epsom Utica will have their Annual Straw- berry Social gramme. Those who wish their children to attend Vacation Bible school from Bethesda, Epsom and Utica from July 26 to July 30, please contact Shirley Baster 852-7433 or 852-5255 time 9:30 a.m. till 11:30 a.m. Robbie and Jamie Ashton spent Saturday with their and Pro- friend Andy Taylor of Utica. Ross and Barbara Evans attended the wedding of her niece Joanne Acton at Trent River recently. The Bethesda Reach W.I. have put in a window display in downtown Uxbridge in honour of the 85 Anniversary of the founding of the Women's Institute. in Pickering on Sunday. Joel Van Veghel was an overnight guest with Maurice and Laura Van Veghel in Toronto on Sat- urday. The Youth Group will meet at Basters on Saturday evening at 8 p.m. for play practice and games. COME TO PORT PERRY & RENTA -- PADDLEBOAT -- Lots of fun & good exercise for the whole family. PORT PERRY PADDLEBOATS At the Lakefront Behind Tennis Courts. THINKING OUTSIDE HOME IMPROVEMENTS? Re Protect and beautify your home. Have siding _ installed. = Sea Ss a, . rn ------ 3 I'm your local 71 Alcan Authorized Dealer. re ALLEN Call me for a free quote on installing Alcan stalling A L=! A: aluminum siding. CHRIS ALLEN ALUMINUM 985-3747 HAIR CARE ON WHEELS *Professional Hairstylingdoneinthe comfort of your own residence. *Fully Licenced. *Low Prices. " *10% OFF FOR SENIOR CITIZENS. CALLNOW FOR APPOINTMENT Laurel: 985-9269 -- SERVING NORTH DURHAM -- VINYL SIDING ALSO AVAILABLE A congregational Seminar for the Utica, Epsom, Good- wood Circuit will be held at Goodwood July 20 5:30 - everyone welcome. Bring your lunch. A few neighbours met to Shivaree Gerald and Nancy Hill on Saturday evening - just a welcome to Epsom. Raymond, Walter and Arnold Kerry and wives entertained their parents Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kerry on their 56th Wedding Anniversary with dinner out. Then a family gathering for the evening at Walter and Elva Kerry's home. Cathy and Murray Potter, Shirley Baster and friend Gerri Smith of Toronto motored to Vermont for Jeffrey's Graduation on Fri- day. Congratulations 'from all of us Jeffrey. Melody and Bernie Aldred of Greenbank were Sunday evening guests with her parents, Lorraine and Ron Brown. Jack, Kathy and Bradly Monsma of Prince Albert were with her parents Allen and Norine Card on Sunday. Our sympathy to the Monsma family in the pass- ing of Mrs. Rick Monsma's mother in Holland. John and Florence Weersma and children of Blythe were recent visitors with Ross and Barbara Evans. Twenty-eight members and friends of the Bethesda- Reach W.I. enjoyed a trip by bus to Kitchener market, to Elmira and saw a film at a menonnite church then had a Lung disease affecting farmers 'Canadian farmers have a high incidence of respiratory disease related to the handling of hay, silage, grains and animal hus- bandry," states Dr. Peter Warren of Winnipeg. Warren pointed to recent surveys from Manitoba which indicate 40 per cent of farmers experience some degree of respiratory problems. Symptoms includes shortness of breath, difficulty breathing when working with grain, coughing and flu-like symptons. Recent surveys show farmers have more respira- tory problems than non- farmers living in the same area with figures as high as workers in chemical-related industries. Warren said classic cases of '"farmer's: lung" are associated with wet hay which breeds moulds, fungi and bacteria, to wreak havoc on the respiratory system when inhaled. Farmers working with chemicals should also wear full protective clothing to prevent skin absorption, . which is a greater problem than inhalation of synthetic or natural chemicals, For a free pamphlet on Farmer's Lung or for infor-' mation on any lung disease, call Durham Region Lung Association (the Christmas Seal people) at 723-3151. AER ARCH EA WATERMILL RESTAURANT guided tour of the area. & TAVERN bd We i veg . . Hwy. 12- North of Manchester Several from the area Phone 985-3766 attended the Retirement Tea at Greenbank for Aileen ey | wk Shier on Sunday. ------**FRIDAY & SATURDAY Mrs. Evelyn Hansen held a Full Course Meals: family 40th wedding Veal Parmesan $ anniversary party on Sunday Filet of Sole for her sister, Isabelle and Roast Beef a , her husband Bud Fleury of Ham Steak Prin famil t Most of the family were a K J : home with Helen Goslin on All-You-Can-Eat $ 50 Sunday and all attended BU FFET . Decoration Service at Utica. y $2.75 Daughter Kathy Trump of Children ... $2. Toronto has been with EVERY SUNDAY: 12 NOON to 10 P.M. mother, Mrs. Helen Goslin last couple of weeks, has returned home. OPEN: "Father's Day" Guaranteed Service Guaranteed GM Parts Guaranteed Price PONT IAC BUICK LIMITED 7132 _ cylinder 8 cylinder Most cars and light-duty trucks. Parts extra. © Spark plug replacement. © Engine timing adjustment and distributor check. ® Air cleaner and PCV filler elements replacement. ® PCV valve replacement. © Evaporation control system check. and filter replacement. ® Fuel cap. tank and lines check. ® Electrical system check. including starting & charging systems. 4 rl Complete tune-up includes: © Thermo controlled air cleaner check. © Carburetor choke and hoses check. © Engine idle speed adjustment. © Early fuel evaporation system check. © Carburetor mounting torque check. © Vacuum advance system and hoses check. © Fuel filter replacement. * ® Spark plug wires check. © Idle stop solenoid and/or dashpot check. Good shocks are important to the life of your car. If you get a jolt out of every small bump in the road, have your . shock absorbers replaced during this special. For a smoother, more comfortable ride, and for the life of your car, call for an appointment now, during this limited offer. (Sales tax extra on parts and materials required.) : WE SERVICE: ALL MAKES & MODELS OF GENERAL MOTORS CARS & TRUCKS. See Us for All Your Motoring Needs! SERVICE DEPARTMENT OPEN: 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. WEEKDAYS * Accepting Cash, Cheque, Visa & Mastercard. PONTIAC BUICK L:MITED : 10 VANEDWARD DRIVE, PORT PERRY - 985-8474