~~ todls, picture frames, plus many a UF PR 4 Auction Sales Auction Sales TUESDAY JUNE 22 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. Cornells Auction Barn Auction sale 3 miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay-Little Britain Road. Console TV, chest of drawers, oak flat to wall cupboard, Quebec heater, chests of drawers, wooden wardrobe, antique dresser, coffee and end tables, buffets, 3 h.p. lawn mowers, chesferfields, floor lamps, préssback chairs, dining room fable, portble colour TV, chrome kitchen suite, qu. of hand more household articles. Don Corneil Auctioneer, R.R. 1 Little Britain, 1-705-786-2183, WEDNESDAY JUNE 23 SALE TIME: 7:30 P.M. Goats Auction sale of dairy goats owned by NORM & FRAN BAKER, R.R. 5 Woodville, selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, 2 mi. north of Uxbridge, Ont. including 35 head including quality registered Saanen and Alpine dairy goats, 2 star milkers, yearlings, kids, Re- corded Saanen and Alpine goats. Official D.H.A.S. Featuring daughters of Bakersfield Candy Minstrel, Shifting Sands Melody Minstrel, Halcyon Regnus, Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge, 416- 852-3524. SATURDAY JUNE 1 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Estate Sale and Real Estate Auction sale of farm and contents for the estate of the late FRED GI8B- SON at lot 6, con. 4, East Gwillimbury, the corner farm at Harold Rd., and Con. §, § mi, northeast of Newmarket? or § mi. southeast of Sharon. Contents Including Heintzman piano and stool, brass bed, Birdseye maple chest and dresser, antique dressers, antique sideboard, round oak table with 3 leaves, Woods freezer (small) pine chest of drawers, wash stand, spool bed, 2 walnut chairs, set of é chairs, antique pine cupboard, Raymond sewing machine, antique kitchen cabinet, oak pedastel stand, old books, - sap buckets, buzz saw, potato digger, McMillan 3 pt. hitch fluid drive post hole digger with.reverse, Kelley 3 pt. hitch backhoe with 20" bucket, M.F. 3 furrow plow - 12', 14' hay trailer, J.D. 8' cultivator - 3 pt, M.F. Dyna- balance, 7* hay mower, 20' grain auger. Terms on contents - cash or cheque day of sale. Property 79 acre corner farm with running water house and barn. Terms on Real Estate - $5,000 in certified cheque day of sale. Balance to be arranged in 45 days. Sale subject to the approval of the ad- ministrix of the estate. Sale at 11 a.m. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge 416-852 3524. THURSDAY EVENING JUNE 24 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. Auction sale of tractor, truck and furniture, for the property of LYMAN TOWNSEND at Brougham. At Brough take Hwy 7 west 2 mi. to SATURDAY JUNE 26 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Auction sale, the property of the late RONALD HAYNES. Antique steam engine, gasoline engines, farm machinery, antique furniture. To be held in Markham Township, 14th Avenue east of McCowan Rd., Wa mile south of Hwy. 7, off McCowan. Terms cash. Earl Gauslin, Auctioneer. Full list next week. . -- MONDAY EVENING JUNE SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Auction sale of furniture, antiques for the properly of MRS. PETER KAISER, R.R. 1 Whitby, on Hwy. 2, ¥ mi. east of Harwood Ave., Ist place east of Pickering Beach Rd., or 1 mi. sideroad 20-21 (beside Implement dealer) go north to farm. Ford 9/N tractor. Tractor has been completely overhauled with new tires (excellent condition). 2 furr. plow, set of disc, 3 pt. cultivator, 1977 Ford Va ton truck, Lakewood air light stove (new last fall) Va ton truck cap, steel ulllity shed, 2 air conditioners, refrigerator (2 door - brown), Moffat eleciric stove, Inglis dryer, Guerney auto. Washer (NOTE: appliances in good condition), kitchen suite with é chalrs - like new, chester- field, love seat and chair (nearly new), Lazy-boy chalr, beds, 4 dressers, cof- fee table, end tables, stereo, pictures, plants, crocks, and dishes, small china cabinet, power lawn mower, plus numerous other Items. Sale at 6:30 p.m. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge, 416-852- Su. Jz west of Durham Rd. 23. 1973 C; ° with 327 engine, 1975 Pontiac Catalina Station Wagon, antique pine harvest table. press back rocker, hospital bed, 2 antique Captain's chairs, ice-cream chairs, cistern pump, chesterfield, love seat and chair (good) pictures. butter ladle, crocks, dressers, bed- ding, set of twin beds, radio and record player, tables, business desk, lawn chairs, refrigerator, dishes, pots and pans, antique dishes. Sale at 6 p.m. Sale managed and sold 'by Lioyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge, 415-852- 3524. SATURDAY JUNE 26 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Furniture, Antiques, Tools Auction sale the property of MRS. ALPHA SAMELLS at 79 Lilla St. South, being one block north of the lights on 7A or one block south of the United Church in the Village of Port Perry. Sale features a 9 pc. mahogany dining room suite, é pc. limed oak bedroom sulte, chesterfield and chair, antique love seat and chair, antique fea wagon, Moffat range, Beatty washer, fridge, oak tables, Singer sewing machine with cabinet, beds and matiresses, Annex stove, 5 pc. kit- chen set, "humidifier, 1934 Couner wringer - washer," dryer, lamps, plc- tures, mirrors, wicker baskets, an- tique chairs, qu. dishes, nick nacks, |ars, clocks, radios, 'draperies, linens, bedding 'antique .radlo, roller black board, milk can, -Coleman stove, woodén pump, roto tiller, garden and carpenter fools. One of the largest and most Interesting collections of books, newspaper and magazines to ever be. Auctioned in Port Perry, dating back' fo the 1920's. Also hundreds of items foo numerous fo list. Everything has been well cared for and will be one of the most Interesting sales in Port Perry this year. Lunch avaliable. Pro- perty sold. Jackson Auctioneers. 65S- 4878 or 985-2459. Jn Auction ---- ------ TUESDAY EVENING JUNE 22 SALETIME: 6:00 P.M. Auction sale of farm mach- inery, garden equipment, geese, chickens, furniture for the pro- perty of LINDA BOREK, on Hwy 12, V2 mi. south of Myrtle, Lot 21, Con. 9, Whitby. Ford 9N tractor, 2 furrow plow, Wheel Horse 16 auto.-tractor with mower and snow plow (good cond.), steel wheel wagon, small disc & culti- vator (for garden tractor), ground driven mower, Wetmore Gluten grinder - tractor driven, 1973 Landrover - 4-wheel drive with snowplow, incubator, acetylene torches and guages, M.F. 14 riding mower with snow- blower, M.F. 10 baler, hay crimper, 1973 Buick Car, 1973 GMC Va ton truck, 2 Hereford heifers, no. of posts, approx. 50- 2 x 10's, qu. of ash lumber, 40 geese, 12 laying hens, 2 roosters, scales, work benches, barb wire, hand tools, chain saw, pig trough ropes, chains, ext. ladder, plano Remington 222 with scope, antique pan scales, crocks, flower pots, table saw, 23' deep freezer. - one year old, dressers, antique buck saw, antique auger, plus several other items. Lunch avallable. Sale at 6:00 p.m. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge 416- 852-3524. Js DID YOU KNOW? that Scugog Community Care will maintain daily telephone contact with seniors and shut-ins. Would you like to use the service? Call 985-8461 weekdays 9-12 Sales "future Herd Sires. WOTTON HOUSE FARNS > ~ *SPECIAL SUMMER SALE* 'SATURDAY, JUNE 26, 1982 i 12:00 NOON AT THE FARM Selling 93 Lots, Cow & Calf Pairs, Show Prospects and We are reducing our herd and so we offer all our young cows born from 1977 to those born in 1980. These include such remarkable females as "VIVA", sister to 1981 Agribi- tion Reserve Grand Champion and "MONA LISA", daughter of Canada's #1 Cow, Justamere RN 890C. 10% Discount for Juniors. For Information Call: (416) 852-3653 or drop in for a catalogue. The sale will be held at WOTTON HOUSE FARMS 8 miles north of Uxbridge, on the Udora Rd. (7th Concession). Free Delivery. HE TE AG on Dna Vy Last Sunday afternoon a very impressive service was conducted at St. John's Anglican Church by the Rt. Rev. Desmond Hunt, Suffra- gan Bishop of Toronto of Lakefield and the Rev. R.C. Rose, Rector. Lawrence McLaughlin read the lesson after which the Port Perry Choir sang the Anthem Cast Thy Burden on the Lord. The New Testament Reading was read by Canon Peasgood of Oshawa. Lynne McLaughlin and Hilary Fairburn sang a lovely duet. Following the Renewal of Baptismal Vows and The Creed and a hymn, Bishop Hunt "delivered a thought- provoking sermon which the candidates will long remember. The Port Perry Choir then sang the Anthem Brother James Air. At this point, in the service, came The Laying onof Hands. When Communion was cele- brated, the Choir received after the clergy, then the newly confirmed with their families, then the rest of the congregation. Following the service a reception followed at the Parish Hall, 235 relatives and friends attended this special gath- ering. The Candidates from St. John's and Port Perry Church of the Ascension were Tara-Lynne Bailey, Richard Bell, Jeff Brown, Ronald Brown, Michael Brunton, Diane Coates, Nancy Green, Natalie Green, Lisa Hudson, Pamela Keast, Robert Keast, Susanna MacMillan, Brent McLaughlin, Michelle Midgley, Patricia Price, Andrea Robson, Tina Soomre, Glenna Staniland, Tracy Staniland, Shawn Umphrey, Fronm St. George's Oshawa, Elinor Gavinand Randal Munro. Neil and Elaine Bailey were Sunday evening dinner guests with Gordon and Craig Paisley. Last week Roy Turner, Brian Hamilton, Merlin Suggitt and Harold McLaughlin enjoyed a fishing holiday in Northern Ontario. They flew into the location from Wawa. Fined EX APA AC REN LI LAA SARI i TRIE A AE EN WE ANAT Swidor oi Re Blackstock Mrs. Stuart Dorrell spent part of last week with Mrs. Harold McLaughlin and Kelly and Mrs. Wilbur Toms while Stuart was attending U.C.C. meeting in Toronto. Mrs. Toms returned home with them to spend a holiday at Charlton Norther Ontario. Leanne Van Camp and Jim O'Donnell of Kitchener were weekend guests of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Keith Van Camp and family. They all were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Werry and John at Kedron.' A warm welcome is ex- tended to Gord and Debbie Bryans who have moved into their house on Mason Street. The ladies of. the A.C.W. are busy preparing for their Salad Supper which will be held this Fri. at the Parish Hall beginning at 5:30. On Sat. Mr. and Mrs. George Bryant and family attended the wedding of Brenda's sister Shelley Ormiston to Shawn McGrath at St. Mary's Church, Oshawa. Brenda was a bridesmaid and Dwayne an usher. Nancy and Bob Bryans attended a party on Scugog Island to help Alf and Marg Tomchishon of Port Perry celebrate their 35th wedding anniversary. The Blackstock United Church Sunday School Anni- versary was held on Sunday morning. The organist was Linday Kyte, the pianists Linda Bradburn and Alan Ferguson and Guitarists Alan and Kevin Ferguson. Superintendent Donna Kyte conducted the service. The Primary Choir sang two numbers- What colour is God's skin? and I wish I were a Butterfly. Wanda Veldman read the scripture followed by Prayer by Jill Van Camp. The junior choir sang Hi, " God! and Giant love Ball. Rev. John Smith delivered a fine Children's message on elephants, kids and things. Jeff Byers was the usher and Karen Kyte the usherette. Offering was taken by Elaine Kelly, Jason Kyte, Roxanne Larmer and Ken Wilson. Ps Community Services officer Constable Ron Keys was on hand Friday morning to assist students from Prince Albert School in better bicycle safety. The Bike Rodeo was lots of fun but had a practical side as well ST Sl eR A a DRA AS PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday June 15, 1982 -- 27 area news This ends Sunday School until next fall. The weather did not co- operate for the Church family picnic which was planned for the Park by the Lake. However it was moved to the C.E. Room where everyone enjoyed a pot luck supper followed by some activities for the children. The annual Union Ceme- tery Decoration Day service was held on Sunday after- noon with Mr. Stephen Saywell as guest speaker. It was fortunate that the rain held off as long as it did. A fine crowd attended. The Induction service for the new United Church minister, Rev. Dale Davis will be held on Wed. June 30 at 8 p.m. A surprise birthday party was held at the Bob Bryans farm for Cordelle (Pete) Keuning who is 25. Supper guests were Lorinda Jackson, Rick Alpe, Nellie Meester, Bernadette Lute (Keuning), Art Vandervoort, along with Steve, Patti, Gord and Debbie. Several others came later in the evening. Last Thursday Helen Bradburn, Flora Samells and Norma Frew from Nestleton went on a bus trip from Bowmanville to visit the Erland Lee Home at Stoney Creek and the Royal Botannical Gardens at Hamilton. Sympathy is extended to Tony Duivesteyn and family on the passing of his father Mr. Peter Duivesteyn this past week. Mr. and Mrs. Duivesteyn, Sr. came from Holland to Nestleton to work for Mr. Hooyer in 1951 with their family of eleven -- eight girls and three boys. Those travelling across the Purple Hill road will be interested to see the new Purple Hill sign. This was made by Bill Lishman for the Shirley W.1. Many local folks have been concerned that this stretch of road is becoming known as Shirley Road because of the sign at the end at the Oshawa Road. Actually the Eastern portion past the curve is the Purple Hill Road. It is to be hoped that this sign will help to identify it as such. Mrs. Shirley Simmons of Downsview spent a day last week with her aunt Miss Hazel English. There were 14 tables at the weekly card party with the following winners: 1. Marion Bell - 78; 2. Jennie Bailey - 76; 3. John Skinner - 75; 4. Percy Van Camp - 75; 5. Ann Manns - 74; 6. Betty Barnes - 74. Low - Roda Larmer. Draws- 1. Meta Swain 2. Vera Fawns 3. Nora Walker. The rummage sale at the United Church also on Saturday was very successful. Many items including a six-man tent was unsold. If anyone is inter- ested in the tent or any other item, contact Mrs. Roy Bradburn, Convenor of the sale. Council rejects trailer A Scugog Township motel operator got some sympathy but no action from council as his request for a mobile home was rejected Monday afternoon. Rod Elliott told council he is helping his father-in-law operate the Mississauga Motel on Highway 12 north of Greenbank, and he and his wife would like to put a trailer on the property as living quarters. He said he and his wife are now living in two of the motel units, which is cutting into business. The problem is that Scugog by-laws do not allow trailers or mobile homes to be used as permanent dwell- ings, except in certain cases where farmers can set up a trailer for hired help. Mr. Elliott suggested that since he and his wife are helping to run the motel business, the same principle should apply to them. Council was sympathetic to his plight, but turned down the request. fs as students learned balance, stop signs, hand signals and bike control. From left are students Allis Nolan, Holly Clodd, Matthew Pike and Aaron Stevens. Ae A RS RE XE BIO Lf 8 ETA Sig a Se 1