i RG Fr rs ot A " 4 4 rye = Se BP BERNE 5, DONA ¥; TRL $n - eo - + ENCES BAR EY LANE A SSN Ree * wr 28 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday July 27, 1982 Siolgulis MAMAN Botanic abu Aalst Of Sg witini Tow ashe a AR Sa Lb UL SARS EE PJ A] As Ra | NE LAREN TUNA TATA TRA al ROGER AL We AP Fa V\ > AS ey) KE) a AY ov KER | Wh<e ' wins bb taling dd ie ab alu duiies RENRTPHIEL HH Ras an 3 Work Wanted Auction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales ° NORM TRIPP: 985-3563 New Homes - Additions General Carpentry - Pole Barns NORM'S GENERAL CONTRACTING Steel & Asphalt Roofing - Aluminum Siding - Soffit P.0.BOX 608 - PORT PERRY Free Estimates Given with No Obligation. OFFICE: 985-8216 . ture, antiques and garden equip- " MIKE DEVLIN ®In Town or Out MASONRY Fireplaces - Stonework - Foundations Brick - Parging - - Split Fieldstone - CALL: 1-705-745-8033 Stone Pointing @® Phone Anytime Work Wanted DRIVEWAY SEALER -- lawn rolling, free estimates. Big or small, we do them all. Les Hodgins 723-9525. ~ J23 caulking, renalling/barnboards, eavestroughing. Call Bob Pugh 640-5638 - Kerry Symes 649-2018. A24 BARN ROOFING j sheetmetal, WOOD REFINISHING specializ- ing in antiques and fine furniture - call Terry Dyer - 655-4092 after 5:30p.m. TF PAINTING and decorating. Mike Driscoll 985-8830 or 725- 3243. : TF MAN WITH truck, will do odd jobs, carpentry, yard clean up etc., and small maqving jobs. Call 985-3890. Jy 27 Auctioneers RON KING AUCTIONEER Auctions of All Types . Phone Port Perry 985-2643 a BILL WANNAMAKER AUCTIONEER (21 Years Dealing in Antiques) We handle Estates, Consignments, Bankruptcy, and Liquidations. From the 'Auction Place' 1614 Charles Street, Whitby 666-3731 Days 579-6250 Eve. PROFESSIONAL paint and wall- papering. Reasonable. . Call Kevin 985-8358 after 6:00 p.m. TF BLACKSTOCK UPHOLSTERY - 10% off, Labour and Fabricon recovering of all sofas and chairs Workmanship guaranteed. Free estimates. Call 986-4731. TF Auctioneers ~-ORVAL McLEAN -AUCTIONEER- Household - Farm - Equipment Real Estate - Antiques - Estates APPRAISALS & LIQUIDATIONS CONSIGNMENTS AT ~ McLEAN AUCTION CENTRE Angeline Street at Hwy. 7, Lindsay 324-2791 or 324-2783 PEARCE AUCTION CENTRE on Shirley Road (4 miles south of Port Perry) ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD SALES Your Place or Ours TRUCKING AVAILABLE - Call: (416) 985-7492 After 11 A.M. ~ McLEAN AUCTION SERVICE Household - Farm - Antiques Equipment - Estates. - Business Closeouts - - Bankrupt Sales - Consignments or Auction at Your Place Metro Toronto Licence ROSS & SCOTT McLEAN -- AUCTIONEERS -- . |, TAUNTON RD. W., OSHAWA 576-7550 686-3291 JACKSON AUCTIONEERS Estates - Farms ~é Household Antiques SALES HALL AVAILABLE MURRAY JACKSON 985-2459 ROBERT JACKSON 655-4878 COCHRANE AUCTION SERVICE Household - Real Estate Farms - Equipment - Livestock - Whatever Your Auction Needs DON & FREIDA will be pleased to hear from you. 985-2788 Auction Sales THURSDAY JULY 29 SALE TIME: 12:00 NOON Auction sale of furniture ang antiques, the property of the late MRS. NETTIE FARROW of Cannington, and MRS. MARY BROWN of Beaverton. The sale will be held at the Farrow residence in the town of Canning- tol, west end next to Arksey Lumber. 2 sets of chrome table and chairs, |HC refrigerator, Moffat stove, Zenith deep freeze, Hoover washer, Victor dryer, qu. of dishes, chesterfield and chair, apt. size piano, good condition, antique pump organ, studio couch, Lazy boy chair, small modern love seat, 2 upholstered chairs, dishes, record player, stereo, table lamps, antique extension table, Insulated hunting storage box, 9 pc. mahogany dining' room suite, (Chippendale style), pictures, double bed, bedding, large qu. of tools and shiall goods from the garage. Hundreds of other articles. Terms cash or good cheque. Sale at 12 noon. Reg and Larry Johnson, Auctioneers. 1-705-357-3270. Jy? tractor with cab (white), 12' WEDNESDAY JULY 28 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Stouffville Sales Barn Auction sale- household furni- ment, 6 pc. dining room suite, 3 pc. bedroom suite, deep freeze, colour TV, chest of drawers, filing cabinet, dishes, 10 bicycles 2 motorcycles, 3 wheelbarrows, 14 hp. garden tractor with all equipment, 2- 1972 Datsun v2 ton trucks, jack stands, large number of garden tools and numerous other articles. Terms cash. Norm Faulkner and Earl Gauslin, Auctioneers. THURSDAY EVENING JULY 29 SALE FIME: 6:30 P.M. Machinery Auction sale of farm mach- inery at Wilson's Sales Arena, 2 miles north of Uxbridge, Ont., including- Case 1070 diesel Allied cultivator, J.D. 14' heavy | duty disc, hydraulic fert. auger, Cockshutt-525 S-P combine with 11' grain head - good condition. 28' aluminum grain trailer with hoist, Cockshutt 1650 diesel tractor, Cockshutt 550 tractor with loader, Cockshutt 4 furrow semi mount plow, Allied 8' 3 pt. cultivator; Hanson sprayer on trailer, Glencoe 12' cultivator, N.H. 717 forage Harvester, 2- N.H. forage wagons, é' rotary mower, Snider and Grey 2 row potato harvester, hoof trimming stall, bale thrower wagon - 18', Gehl 66 mix mill, &' steel stakes, round bale fork, forage box - Loadmaster - 3 beaters - with roof, Bush Hog 5' rotary mower, Frailer, J.D. 2 row corn head for 38 Harvester, McKee 820 snow- blower, Suzuki TS 250 motor- cycle. The properties of WILLIAM NEWMAN, KEN KNIGHT and others. Sale at 6:30 p.m. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, 416-852- 3524. Jy27 | THURSDAY JULY 29 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Port Perry Chrysler Manchester, Ontario Auction sale- corner of high- way 12 and 7A (watch for signs). Having received instructions from Deloitte Haskins and Sells Ltd., receiver for secure creditor we have been Instructed for supplement and clear the assets of Port perry Chrysler including office equipment, tools, vehicles, sign, farm equipment, office desks, various sizes of steel and wooden two and four drawer filing cabinets, electric type- writer, Xerox photo copier, cal- culators, Kodak 60 sound pro- jector, Saxon bond photo copier, lateral files, office chairs, dval microfishe unit, approx. $12,00 of parts, shelving, large grinder, 3 vises, rims, mags, tires new and used, tire changer, m/c approx. $8,000 of special chrysler tools, headlight aimer, wash bin, air tools, drill press, floor jacks, sockets, plus many hand tools, time clock, new - 16" exhaust fans, 4- 4800 watt heaters, 12 #1. feed conveyor with under- carriage, 16 ft. feed auger, drain pipe, logging chain, snow fence, 3 tool boxes for pick up trucks. VEHICLES: 1977 Pontiac Grand Prix 44,000 miles, 1973 Volvo, 1973 Pinto, 1975 Cadillac, 1979 Honda 400 motorcycle (like new), 1972 Honda 250, 1975 Chev 4 door sedan, 1976 Chev van (45,;;; miles) 1972 Chev 3 ton with 16 ft. box, 1969 .Chev Tandem dump truck, 1971 Case 680 backhoe and loader, rebuilt engine, box trailer, etc. NOTE TIME: 11:00 a.m. This is a very good sale with tools, vehicles, etc. Viewing Wednesday from 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. McLean Auction Service, Oshawa, 576-7550 -- 686- 3m. THURSDAY JULY 29 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Auction sale, the household property of the late MRS. GEORGE BAIRD, 83 Union Ave. Port Perry, one block south of 7A highway, including living room furniture, refrigerator and stove,' oval kitchen table and 2 chairs- small, kitchen utensils, dishes, glassware, silver tea service and silver "trays, vacuum cleaner, colour TV - good, record player, stacking tables, old 3 piece bed: room suite, cained stool, 2 chests of drawers, quilts, afghan, bedding, card table, hall tree, antique chairs, chaise lounge and mattress, lawn furniture, garden tools, tool chest, antique wooden plane, old tea tins, bi- cycle and many other useful items. Terms cash or good cheque. Lunch available. Auc- tioneer, Don Cochrane, 985-2788. A110 THURSDAY JULY 29 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Auction sale at Orval McLean Auction Centre, R.R. 2 Lindsay. An excellent auction, . furniture, appliances, office desks, 1973 Plymouth 4 door slant 6. Property of MR. AND MRS. AL LIEVERDINK, high school teacher moving west, property of MILDRED HARGROVE moving to apartment, plus contents of YE OLDE MUSIC SHOPPE, Lindsay, going out of business. 4' x 16' sign, bed chesterfield like new, several large wooden dis- play shelves for sheet music etc. office desk, encyclopedia set, stamp collection value $2,000, large qu. of new sheet music for . most instruments. AL LIEVER- DINK: nearly new Heintzman apt. size piano and bench, 4 piece brown modern chesterfield set, plants, lamps, humidifier, pine kitchen table and é chairs, gold portable dishwasher, large fan, single white bed, chests, metal double pedestal desk, Queen size modern bed, Panasonic radio, double pedestal oak desk, filing cabinet, chrome set, Captain's bed, bedroom desk, yacuum, antique square dining table extends to 88' with brass casters antique refinished sideboard Cira 1830, antique cabinet radio, dehumidifier, oak office chair, 4 bicycles 3, 5, and 10 speeds, table saw with stand, assorted hand tools, electric lawn mower, garden tools, 54" continental bed, console combination radio, rocker, bed chesterfield, large wooden coffee table, Motorola portable colour TV and stand, antique tri-light lamp, large bookcase, books, chest freezer, 10,000 BTU air conditioner, console Viking sewing machine, single pine bed, single antique oak bed, electronic TV game, . audio mixer, electronic motor, other furniture, dishes, small 'appliances. MILDRED HAR- GROVE: 2 antique Boston rockers, brown. recliners, good bed chesterfield, good Bell re- finished electrified organ, antique organ stool, chrome set, Frigidaire large 2 door frost free refrigerator, automatic dryer, Maytag automatic washer (both like new), Frigidaire electric stove, modern bedroom suite, chest, dressing table, double wardrobe, Lawnboy power mower. HURD ESTATE: Oakwood. Antique oak dining room suite with round table, 9 pc. oak dining room suite, electric 2 bank organ like new, plus 4 excellent double pedestal wooden office desks, metal office desks, stationery cabinet, office chairs, stereo, television, from local office. NOTE TIME: 6:00 P.M. sharp, starting with Ye Olde Music Shoppe. No reserve. Orval McLean Auctions, open 9 to 6 dally. 324-2783. SATURDAY JULY 1 SALE TIME: 10:30 A.M. Auction sale of antiques, furni- ture, dishes, china etc. The property of FRED SIMPSON . will be held in the village of Balsover north of the store. Pressback rocking chair with cushion seat, pressback kitchen chairs, caned rocker, antique rocker, 4 antique caned kitchen chairs, pressback chairs, 2 East- lake dressers, 3 antique wash stands, 2 parlour tables, knee- holed desk, 2 antique buffets, square oak dining room tables, 2 chests of drawers, ash wall cup- board, single bed and dresser, vacuum cleaner and electric broom, several trunks, felephone table and chair, Boston rocker, butter cream and ladle, qu. of drapes, library table and oak chairs, 3 pc. antique oak bed- room suite (good), 5 pc. modern bedroom suite, quilts and blankets; antique woven bed- spread, antique chest of drawers with porcelain knobs. Many more articles. Terms cash or good cheque. Sale at 10:30 a.m. Reg and Larry Johnson, Auc- tioneers, 1-705-357-3270. Jy 27 WEDNESDAY AUGUST 11 SALE TIME: 7:30 P.M. Auction sale- Victoria"s 7th Invitational Holstein Consign- ment Sale at Hickson Sales Arena, R.R. 2 Lindsay, Ontario. Approx. 90 head of Registered and Grade Holstein Cattle. 50 mature cows in all stages of lactation, remainder bred and open heifers. .For further Infor- mation or consignments contact Sales Office 705-324-8311. Sales Manager John Buckley 324-4017. Sales agents Cliff Lillico 439-2380 -- Bob Eagleson - 939-6380 or Carl Hickson, Owner and Auctioneer 324-9959. Our next sale is Sept. 8th. THURSDAY JULY 29 SALE TIME: 12:00 NOON Auctidn sale of furniture and antiq e propgrty of the late MRS. TTI FARROW of Cannington a MRS. MARY BROWN of Bgaverton, the sale will be held at the Farrow resi- dence in the town of Cannington at the west end (next to Arksey Lumber). 2 sets of chrome tables and chairs, |.H.C. refrig., Moffat stove, Zenith deep freeze, Hoover washer, Victor dryer, qu. of dishes, chesterfield and chair, studio couch, Lazy boy chair, small modern love seat, 2 uphol- stered chairs, desk, record player, stereo, pole light, Johnny pole, table lamps, airway vacuum, antique extension table, Insulated hunting storage box, crock, sealers, pictures, double bed, and bedding, cedar table, humidifier, tool chests, large qu. of small goods from garage, including tools, and garden tools, hedge and grass trimmers, mail box, hip waders size 8. Many other articles. Terms cash or good cheque. Salé at 12noon. Reg and Larry Johnson, Auctioneers, (705) 357-3270. SATURDAY JULY 3 SALE TIME: 12:00 NOON Auction sale of antique furni- ture, dishes, china, etc. the property of FRED SIMPSON will be held in the village of Balsover, (King St. North of the store), pressed back rocker with cushion seat, caned rocker, antique rocker, 4 antique caned kitchen chairs, press back chairs, 2 Eastlake dressers, 3 antique wash sands, 2 parlour tables, knee hole desk, pantry table, 2 antique buffets, square oak dining room table, 2 chests of drawers, ash wall cupboard, Zodiac coffee table, cocktail table kitchen table and chairs, press back high chair, wicker love seat and 2 chairs, many other pcs. of furniture, number of antique dishes, including Occupied Japan figurines, depression glass, Iris glass, Moorecroft vase, 4 R.S. Germany fruit nappies, 4 silver plated napkin rings, coal oil lamps, railroad lantern, antique silver sugar and butter dish, picture frames, Nota Bene candle holder, metal serving cart, broad axe, set of horse chimes, 2 sets of sleigh bells, books, table saw; window mirror 72 ft. and much more. Terms cash or good cheque. Sale at 12 noon. Reg and Larry John- son Auctioneers. (705) 357-3270. SATURDAY JULY NY SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. C. Tinline Auction Service- Bowmanville Auction sale- 251 Simpson Ave. S., Take Liberty St. S. east on Baseline Rd., and turn first road on right. Selling with no reserve. Black and white TV's, humid- ifier, books, antique radio, short wave radio, slant top desk, press back rocker, pool deck, brass fire extinguisher, copper boiler, press back chairs, Captain's office chair, round table, bar-and stool, 2 chrome suites, wicker chair, gas Coppertone stove, small organ, lamps, small doc- ument boxes, prints and pictures sealers, glassware, doors 'and sliding doors, fireplace mantle, speakers, radial snow tires. Terms cash or cheque. C. Tinline Auctioneer. Open Wednesday from 6 to 8:30 p.m. and preview Saturday from 4 p.m. to sale: time. Bus.: 623-6744 or Res.: 983-9634. FRIDAY JULY 30 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. Corneils Auction Barn Auction sale 3 miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay, Little Britain Road. The property of MRS. WALTER N. RUSSELL, of Woodville, plus others. Sectional bookcase, secretariat, oak butfet, Gingerbread clock, pine blanket box, chests of drawers, crocks, chrome kitchen suite, gold Admiral upright freezer- refrigerator ~ combination, antique sideboard, console colour TV, bed-chesterfield, Woods dehumidifier, qu. of old sheet music, parlour tables, wooden telephone, parlour chairs, 7 pc. toilet set, leather reclining chairs, qu. of picture - frames, Electroholme air condi- tioner, coal oil lamps, hall tree, 5 hp. M.F. garden tiller, 28' wooden extension ladder, qu. of cedar posts, M.F. No. 50 diesel tractor (with hydraulic loader), qu. of china and. glass. Don Cornell Auctioneer, R.R. 1 Little Britain, 705-786-2183. SATURDAY JULY 31 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. PEARCE AUCTION CENTRE Auction sale on Shirley .Road, 4 miles south of Port Perry. With Mountaineer 100 Dirt Bike, 24' flat bed trailer (single axle) above ground swimming pool with all accessories, antique cedar chest, oak dining room table, kitchen cook stove, Admiral dryer and fridge, G.E. wringer washer, quantity of collector's coins, 22 rifle, antique high chair, picnic table, golf clubs and cart, small propane tank, hump back trunk, water pumps, ant. oil heater, 3 pcs. scuba diving gear, carpets and floor covering, bicycle, occa- sional chairs, bunk beds, dressers, etc. Consignments welcome. Terms of sale Cash, Visa or known cheque. Pearce Auction Services 985-7492. ' THURSDAY AUGUST S SALE TIME: 7:30 P.M. Holsteins Evening sale at the Malmont Sales Arena, Blackstock Ontario. Featuring fresh and springing cows and heifers. Also yearlings and calves (both purebred and grade). From popular unit sires included are 3- 2 year olds, first calf heifers from Elderslie Farms, all with full pedigrees and due In September. Also 15 Fall Freshening grade heifers all from one herd. This is the New Dairy Year so whatever your re- quirements are you will find them here. For entries, phone Ed Werry 263-2225; Ed McMorrow - Auctioneer 705-324-3085; Neil Malcolm Sales Manager 416-986- 4246 or 5611. A3 WEDNESDAY AUGUST 4 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Holsteins Auction sale- Complete Burrowood Holstein Dispersal, owned by LES BURROWS, Cherry Valley, Prince Edward Co., selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, Ont. Sale on short notice due to health problems. This herd is com- pletely homebred - all by popular unit sires. 9 by Northcroft Admiral Citation (Ex-Extra), 7 by Clinton Camp Majesty (VG- Extra), 5 by Nelacres Johanna Senator (EX-ST), 5 by C-Y Han- over Apollo (GP-SP), 2 by A Loc-Lin-Ma Elev Marlin (Ext- ST), 3 by Willow Farm Rockman Ivanhoe (Ex-GM), etc. 55 head, 30 milk cows, balance bred and open heifers. R.O.P. Tested and Classified. 40 Registered, 12 N.I.P. grades, Free Listed. Several fresh cows and 10 due for fall. 2 of the herd all descend- ents of one cow- a star brood cow. This dispersal will be followed by the August Consignment Sale. Please call immediately if you have a consignment. Sale at 11 a.m. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge 416-852-3524. SATURDAY AUGUST 7 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Auction sale- property of ELSON'S GARAGE, 2 mile east of Stouffville, 2 mile south. Complete garage equipment and stock. Full list next week. Terms. cash. Earl Gauslin, Auctioneer. Bill Wannamaker, Auctioneer Auction sale, 1614 Charles St., Whitby every Thursday evening. regular household Items, antiques and collectibles. Consign early for our next sale. Starting time: 6:30 p.m. Bill Wannamaker Auctioneer, 666- 3731 and 668-8403 evenings. TF : THURSDAY AUGUST 12 SALE TIME: 9:30 A.M. ~ Don't forget the large auction sale of antique furniture, antique dishes, 1969 GMC Va ton truck (45,000 original miles) no rust, never driven in the winter, 54 Chev car, both sold as is; large qu. of dry pine lumber, all sizes, plywood, cupboard, doors, ready cut (hundreds), wood working equipment, The Tennoner sash, . making machine (with 3 motors) wood lathe, thickness planer, 8" {ointer, drill press and morticing machine, M.T.D. roto tiller (nearly new), Toro snow blower, (nearly new) spindle shaper, scaffolding, new windows, 60 railway tiles, hundreds and hundreds of articles. This is from a 10 room house and 3 sheds, the ~ Estate of the late DONALD CALDER 1% miles east of Bea-. verton (just east of the lights). Sale at 9:30 a.m. Reg and Larry Johnson Auctioheers, (705) 357- 3270. : a & 3 3 2