¥ f CRT KT a PROFESSIONAL SERVICES | [ Alex J. Shepherd CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 250 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY, ONTARIO Corporation, Small Business Accounting & Taxatjon Farm Accounting & Taxation - Bookkeeping Services PHONE (416) 985-7031 ISCELLANEOUS SERVICES M PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday August 10, 1982 -- 35 Clarence Willcock IL DON CORNEIL| | \wELDING Sas 21 vous Rusidence or Shop & Mobile R.R.1, Little Britain Fab. & Repairs PHONE: (705) 786-2183 PHONE 985-2589 WINTERS, SUTHERLAND & MOASE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 230 QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY - 985-8893 BOOKKEEPING - ACCOUNTING - INCOME TAX SERVICES FOR: NOEL'S CLEANING JANITORIAL SERVICES Offices - Banks - Churches - Etc. Windows - Floors - Carpets L.C.B.0. APPROVED FOR LICENCING Weddings - Banquets Dances - Parties [HALL FORRENT] TOP QUALITY - LOW PRICES - FAST SERVICE Eye Examinations Arranged. 28 WATER STREE] 985-9388 LAKEVIEW PLAZA, PORT PERRY PAINTERS & DECORATORS [iE RESIDENTIAL - INTERIOR - EXTERIOR - COMMERCIAL DECORATING Paperhanging - Painting - Spraying - Texturing CUSTOM DRAPERIES Shop-at-Home Service - Wallpaper - Drapery Yardgoods & Tracks CALL COLLECT 985-8912 BRIANS.JORDAN (705)432-3133 SEPTIC TANK SERVICES R.R. JONES Vv &L SEPTIC TANK SEPTIC TANK & HOLDING cu NG | | TANKS PUMPING SERVICES ~Convacis vata, PHONE 985-7844 PHONE: 985-3481 ALBERT SUTCLIFFE WATER WELL SERVICES arms - sinesses porations - Personal Income Tax - PORT PERRY SCOUT HALL OFFICES IN PORT PERRY UXBRIDGE. OSHAWA § BONMANVILLE PHONE 985-2925 245LILLAST. N.-985-3619 R.MOASE - RESIDENCE 985-7225 PERMA BUILDING BASSETT"S EMIVIERSON | | stress SMALL INSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED DOME - AAIGHT WALL ENGINES 193 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY (416) 985-7306 CO repairsto "All Lines of General Insurance!" *10 Yr. Guarantee* Lora gg Tien 2 ee Er . LOCAL AUTHORIZED DEALER: | "Fiyemtess Reais: 'DORED PAUL KOWALCZYK ROBERT W. DODS DOGGIE SALON SEAGRAVE - ONTARIO 085 GET] OUT og Washing & Grooming | > | Home, Store Office. 19 SUNRISE DR., BLACKSTOCK 985-7930 266-2050 985-9111 CALL 986-4989 Scarborough Port Perry For Appointment Danforth Typewriter RENTALS-SALES-SERVICE-REPAIRS 408 Dundas Street West, Whitby 666-1131 Municipal Sign Installations Ltd. CARLAN INDUSTRIAL PARK ~~ PORTPERRY, ONTARIO 985-8438 "For All Your Sign Requirements. > | ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS PORT PERRY ELECTRIC R.R.3, PORT PERRY, ONTARIO PHONE 985-7191 Electrical Contractors Specializing In: - Farm - Residential - Commercial Work - - Pole Lines - Small Jobs - New Services - FREE ESTIMATES - REASONABLE RATES - DAVE RANKIN "GEE" Electric Motor Service REWINDING - SALES & REPAIRS ALL MOTORS AND PUMPS Shirley Road - Port Perry - 985-8049 DOWSON'S WATER HAULAGE "Pure Spring Water" . Delivered in Stainless Steel Tanks. - Year Round Service - PHONE: 985-3814 DURHAM WATER DELIVERY Crystal Clear Water for SWIMMING POOLS - WELLS - CISTERNS EdWoodward (416) 655-3171 JAMES RANKIN ELECTRIC Residential - Farm - Commercial BOX 1148 - PORT PERRY 985-8537 FREE ESTIMATES REASONABLE RATES Rick Larocque Electric Contractor Residential - Commercial - Farm R.R. 2 PORT PERRY 985-3261 STREET OOOOOOO OERT EOOO DEEGAN Denture Therapy Clinic 305 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY -- OPEN -- BY APPOINTMENT ONLY! i HTT TT TTT TS ELT TET TT TT TH fuesday lusty PLEASE CALL: Saturdays. 985-2916 Re CC r > FARM FEED & SUPPLIES" 7 WALLACE MARLOW CO. LTD. 7 * 40VANEDWARD DRIVE, PORT PERRY (Behind Philp Pontiac Buick) ANIMAL FEED & HEALTH PRODUCTS a aid GARDEN SUPPLIES - FENCE Tn] FERTILIZER -WILD BIRD SEED Ai DOG FOOD - CONDITIONER SALT 985-7363 | . vi 4 Hr. |» Abundant Life Fellowship invites you to WORSHIP SUNDAY at 11A.M. & 6 P.M. Bible Training Seminar - Wednesday 8 P.M. Come and hear God's Plan for You! How you can be Master of Your Circumstances. 1 MILE SOUTH OF RAGLAN 655-4960 FVVVVVVVVV VIII TY) AAA A A 4444444444 [VV VV VII ITVo ddA A AA 4444 aa oy it) Church Services THE UNITED CHURCH CHURCH OF ASCENSION OF CANADA ANGLICAN Rev. Glenn Jackson SUNDAY AUGUST 15 M.A.B.D. Trinity X SUNDAY AUGUST 15 11:15 a.m. Morning Prayer 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship Rolf Pedersen conducting and Church School the service PRINCE ALBERT 11:30 a.m. Morning Worship PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH and Church School IN CANADA Rev. Stuart McEntyre SCUGOG B.A.,B.D. PASTORAL CHARGE Phone 985-3409 or 985-3881 Rev. C. Clarke ST. JOHN'S PORT PERRY Miss Beatrice McLean 319 Queen Street Services NDAY A ' SUNDAY AUGUST 8 Scugog9:45a.m. 9:55 a.m. Morning Worship Manchester 11:15 a.m. within St. Johns and welcoming the Port Perry and Prince Albert United Church Congregation Sermon: How does God PORT PERRY See lis? BAPTIST CHURCH BURNS CHURCH WELCOMES YOU ASHBURN , (Hwy 7A, just east of SUNDAY AUGUST 15 | Port Perry) : Sermon: How Does God Pastor D. Payne, B.A.B.Th. See Us? 9:45 a.m. Bible School 11:00a.m. and 6:30 p.m. 10:00 a.m. Church School 11:15 Morning Worship Praise and Worship Service Visitors Welcome Nursery Provided Wed. 7:30 p.m. Family HOPE CHRISTIAN H Prayer and Bible Stud REFORMED Friday - C.F.C. for teens OF PORT PERRY Watch our Church program } Faith 20 on Global TV PENTECOSTAL CHURCH every Sunday morning Welcomes You at9:30 a.m. Queen & Rosa 985-2420 Services in the Pastor R. Batten Presbyterian Church Pastor I. MacLean . 10 a.m. Family Bible Hour 11 a.m. Praise and Worship 7:00 p.m. Evangelistic Rally 11:30 a.m. Morning Church 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship Rev. Carel Geleynse _.R.R.2Port Perry 985-3402 IMMACULATE ' Everyone Welcome CONCEPTION ' ROMAN CATHOLIC CAESAREA "66 SHUR COMMUNITY CHURCH Pan tPorry Rev. W.H. Crawford, D.D. Saturday Mass: 7:00 P.M. doit Servicesd ring Sunday Masses: 9:00 A.M. Family Worship ny a.m and 11:00 A.M. Welcorhe to the | Country Church