Swi k SORT ERS R AR FEAT RR SRO I NE NACH ¥ yas 2 3 WF EVR LE [PDEA BR Sa AA I SLA A BAS ei PE Adri A NAN Sa Sk bs da a i. | wr A A EH UN AA POSES HON NAAR EARS SRI Pr Ch RE LR IH RE AMR V1 PERE PRINCE HRT OIAN 1H 22 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed. September 8, 1982 J by Vera Brown g Church and Sunday School both get back on their regular schedules this week at 11:00 a.m. at Epsom. Come early and enjoy the singing prior to the service. At 5:00 p.m., everyone is invited to a corn roast. Each family is asked to bring dessert, refreshments and corn provided. The U.C.W. will hold their September meeting on Tues- day, September 14th at 8 p.m. in Epsom Church. Group 1 is in charge and the program will be Christian Education. All ladies are invited. Mr. and Mrs. John Croxall and girls hosted a corn roast on Sunday for the Holmes and Croxall families. Thursday visitors with the Utica news supper. Mr. Kenneth Slute is spending a few days vacationing at Wallaston Lake with friends. Happy Birthday to Master Travis MacSween who is 2 vears old on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Doug. MacSween and boys spent Saturday at Canada's Wonderland and while in Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Hillis Wilbur and Lee were in Sudbury on' the weekend with Lee's soft- ball team. On Sunday evening the Wilburs attend- ed the 25th wedding anniver- sary party for Mr. and Mrs. Colin Ball in Woodbridge. Mr. and Mrs. George Harper were Sunday supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harper in Oshawa. Back tos When kids go back to school, they have to have a classroom. This portable was on the move last week _from Toronto to Bethany, via Port Perry, and took up days enough of a chunk of Highway 7A that police escorts were required. *~. Eric Carre family were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hinchcliffe of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John Carre were Thursday dinner guests and Master Kevin and Miss Laura Carre returned to Bridgenorth with their grandparents for a holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Carre made a trip on Sunday to bring the children back home. There will be a eychre in the Hall this Friday at 8 p.m. A speedy recovery is wish- ed for Mrs. Roy Sutcliffe who has been a patient in Port Perry Hospital this past week. Mrs. Donna Brock- man and Michele visited with the Sutcliffes on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Dean and children from Stouffville called on Mrs. Vera Taylor on Friday. Miss Janet Lambe and Miss Jackie Skelding of the Manchester 4-H Club were chosen as '4-H CNE Homemaking Club' delegates for 1982 and spent 3 days at the Margaret , Addison Residence of Toronto University this past week along with approx- imately 120 other 4-H girls from Northern and Central Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ross and boys entertained the Slute family on Sunday for i fall | The Ministry of Revenue has just completed the i courses mailing of Property Tax 8, This Fall the "Y" is offer- Grant applications which iF ing a variety of programs to seniors must complete in catch everyones interests. . . Starting with the pre- order to qualify for the final perty Tax Grant Applications. TAKE CARE TO COMPLETE YOUR APPLICATION ACCURATELY. Ontario Tax Grants for Seniors is a program designed to help offset municipal, school and retail sales taxes and home heating costs for Ontario residents 65 and over. The Property Tax Grant portion, of up to $500 per household, is provided in two instal- ments annually. The first instalment of the 1982 grant, based on 1981 applications, was mailed in the spring. Some points to remember e If you have not received an application within 14 days and believe you are eligible for the Property Tax Grant, please contact the Ministry. ¢ Those seniors who reach the age of 65 between July and December will receive their application early in 1983. ¢ Those seniors who reach the age of 65 in 1982 will receive a grant for the full year once they return the application to the Ministry. e If you moved permanently into Ontario during 1982, your grant is based on the time you resided in Ontario. If you have not received an application, please contact the Ministry. ¢ Seniors who are not eligible for federal Old Age Security'butwho have previ- ously established eligibility for the Property Tax Grant will also receive an application. If you reside in a tax-exempt property such as a chronic care facility, a home for the aged or a similar institution; ~~ - you are not eligible for the grant. - However, if you move into a tax-exempt roperty during 1982, you are eligible or a Property Tax Grant based on your rent or property taxes prior to your move. - ~~ Take a few extra minutes to fill out your application and then check it again for accuracy. This makes it much easier for the Ministry to process your form and get your cheque to you. In particular, you should remember the following: e Fill in your taxes or rent for the entire year; e Sign your application. Spouses 65 or over should also sign; eo If your marital status or address has changed, fill out the appropriate section on the application. The Ministry will begin mailing Property Tax Grant 'Schoolers, the Durham instalment of this grant. cheques in early November i Sales Tax Grants . YMCA 5 Jay school begins and continue to do so on a : nk the 9 oy 3 ear If you received a 1982 regular basis. On December 3, the Ministry of Revenue olds along with "Afternoon Interim Grant, you will will mgil a $50 Sales Tax Grant cheque 4's" for the 4 and 5 year olds. : d : " to all Ontario seniors. No application is "Let's create Together" receive an application. necessary for this grant. mom time to "create" with her child for the 1st hour while still allow- ing her to enjoy the other mothers and a guest speaker. '"Toddler Drop In" and 'Live "Y"er's" are new programs this year, with Toddler Drop In allowing i _,, mom or dad a morning on FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL THE MINISTRY'S MULTILINGUAL INFORMATION CENTRE: ® In Area Code 807, ask the Operator for Zenith 8-2000 e [In Metro Toronto. e In all other areas, dial 965-8470 dial 1-800-268-7121 / Or write to: Ontario Tax Grants for Seniors, Ministry of Revenue, Guaranteed Income and Tax Credit Branch, Queen's Park. Toronto, Ontario M7A 2B3. | ) § i L] } i enables i | | | | | } } b their own while their : a children are being super- ini George Ashe id vised in playtime. . Ministry Minister The Arts and Crafts or TM. Russell program brings out the Revenue Deputy Minister vil "creativity" in 6-12 year * *olds. The "Y"' is offering the Babysitting Child Care (Turnto page 29) | Cd Ontario ll A AAR 3 4 BAA SES AR