3 RON rm gs r a . i ERAT igh PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed. September 8, 1982 -- 25 Coming Events For Sale For Sale For Sale Used Cars Wanted FIREMEN'S BALL - Saturday September 11, 1982, Nestleton Hall. Tickets $15 per couple, 986-5212 or any Caesarea Fire: fighter. .S7 OPEN HOUSE On the occasion of her 85th birth- day, Gertrude Jackson will be "At Home" to her friends and family, at the Community Nur- sing Home, Port Perry, on Sun- day, Sept. 19th, 2-5 p.m. Best Wishes Only, please. S14 YOGA - meditation, self aware- ness, morning and evening class, beginners and intermediates. Starting October 12th and 13th. 10 weeks $50. Phone Maureen Salkeld 985-8228. 05 For Sale PUREBRED English Sheepdog pups. 986-5657. S14 SWIMMING POOLS - Manufac- turers clearance of slightly blemished above ground pools. Complete package including sandfilter, in wall skimmer, vacuum and maintenance Kit, etc. Priced from an incredible $1,195 while quantities last. Call (416) 945-4773 for further infor- mation. BEAUTIFUL PONY - Tan and blonde in colour, complete with pony cart, harness and saddle. $400.; '74 Capri, standard $200. 986-5325. 1982 SKIDOO - 476 cc. Citation S.S. $1,700 for quick sale. 985-7935 WATERBEDS, brand new, guaranteed. All sizes - $165 and up. 985-2991. EOW HARDWOOD LOGS cut, split and delivered. Call 985-3523. S 14 & frozen. "BEEF SIDES Grade Al BY Ib. Wi or A2 R.R. No. 2, Port Perry, LOB 1NO Cut, wrapped Toll Free: 1-800-263-3716 416- ~Hwy. TA Port Perry Manchester Scugog 3rd. line Wl 73 Simbe St. 12 N. FOR SALE Woodworking Machinery Plus... 4-sided moulder, sash relisher, mortising cutters, Panelyte, Doors No. 10 and No. 14 plus more. ABORITE ... Only $18. sheet FORMERLY LUMBER YARD & BUILDING 473 RITSON RD. S., OSHAWA, ONTARIO THREE PIECE SUITS - brown boys size 18; blue, brown pin striped sizes 32, 34; sweater ski jacket and coats. 986-4259 after 6:00 p.m. DRUM SET - 6 piece, Stewarts - new heads all way around. Hy- dravlic floor tom skin. Precision Hi-hat. Need money for Univer- sity. Call anytime. 985-2119. EIGHT FOOT truck camper. 1978 Honey, with stove, ice box and converter. Excellent condi- tion. $2,350. 985-2184 or 705-324- 4481. TWO VIOLINS, excellent condi- tion. 985-2110. PIONEER Chain Saw, 16" blade, good condition. $150. 986-4277. SOLID PINE trestle desk, superior craftsmanship, dark pine with white porcelain knobs, 42" wide. $375. 852-7802. TOY POODLE, female, apricot, 5 months old. Call 985-7761 after 5 p.m. TEN FOOT camper, flush toilet, furnace, electric fridge,; snow- blower to fit M.F. 10-12 hp. Phone 985-7742. ONE SET of bunk beds; 2 red velvet tub chairs. 985-8153. MUST SELL. Miracle Span Steel building. Never erected. Various sizes. Large doors. Call toll free 1-800-268-4840. Ask for Don Spicer. . - S14 FIREWOOD seasoned hard- wood, cut, split and delivered. 4' xX 4"x 8 -3150.; 16" x 4' x 8' $60. Call weekdays, evenings. G. Eymann. 985-3247. TF 15 FT. FIBREGLASS boat, sleeper seats, controls and vinyl top. Asking $400. 985-9216. STEEL INSULATED exterior door with single sidelight and trim. $150. 985-9216. MARE, gentle, 7 years. 986-4938. SETTLER & DYNASTAR, air: tight wood stoves from $329. S.E. Baird Wood Stove. Co., P.O. Box 1124, Port Perry, Ont. LOB INO (416-985-7419). TF 1974 BELLEVUE Deluxe hard- top tent trailer. Sleeps 8, 3-way fridge, propane stove and fur- nace, wardrobe. $2,050. 985-8329 or 579-3103. 12 CU. FT. freezer, like new. $175. Phone 985-7937. PONIES & HORSES from Pine Point Stables, stock reduction. Appointments only, serious inquiries please. Call 985-2218 or 985-7267. SWIMMING POOL sale. Manu- facturer is clearing out inven- tories. Brand new 1982 above ground pools complete with filter, motor, pump, deck, walk- around and fence. Regularly $2,495 now on sale for $1,345 while supply lasts. Financing available Call collect 1-519-622-1060 for details. S7 ROUNDUP one litre $31.25; 4 litres $103.; 10 litres $244.50. Basic pool chemicals, condi- tioner salt, Golden Marlin fly bait. Marlows Feed Store, 40 Vanedward Dr., Port Perry. 985- 4092. TF SHAKLEE. For products or information, please call 986-4771. TF CONTINUOUS FORMS - printed and numbered or blank. A must for every business. We handle both Moore and Pakfold forms. |, Call the Port Perry Star at 985-7383. TF DOBERMAN, 8 months old, female, all shots, ears clipped. For further information call 986- 5356. ELECTROHOLME Video Beam projections system. 985-8985. G.E. FRIDGE, clean, good con- dition. 12 cu. ft. $100. Phone 985-2028. ASSELSTINE'S Yamaha Black- stock --the -best- place to buy is where you can test drive 1982 or 1983 Snowmobiles and Tri Motors 986-4437. S7 AIRTIGHT WOODSTOVES BY TRIUMPH & PIONEER POWER i 50% iL GOV'T "T GRANT ====--x -- Approved \ by CSA/ULC STOVES .. om $389. AIRTIGHT FIREPLACE INSERTS on $579. *|mmediate Delivery* CUSTOM INSTALLATIONS AVAILABLE 15% OFF G.S.W. Insulated Chimneys " PIONEER STOVES & ANTIQUES 7 Robinglade Dr., (R.R. 2) |. of Manchester. 123-2732 SEAGRAVE - 985-2935 ' 9AM. t0o9P.M. THE REGIONAL BD) mvuniciPALITY =~ OF DURHAM | offers the following PROPERTY FOR SALE The former MANCHESTER DEPOT, described as Part of Lot 13, Conc. 5. Geographic Town- ship of Reach, now Township of Scugog. The property, which contains approximately 1.5 acres is located on the east side of Hwy. 7 & 12, and on the north side of Brook Street, in the hamlet For further details contact the Region of Durtram, Works Department at: (416) 668-7721. THINKING of building? We've got the solution -- the most complete line of steel buildings | available for farm, industrial, commercial and residential use. Display building discount. Call collect anytime (705) 474-1180. TF LOW PRICES on new chester- fields, beds, kitchen suites, coffee table sets, etc. Elmer's Furniture, 253 Bloor St. Oshawa, 728-3473. TF UPHOLSTERY FABRICS vinyls, foam, buttons made, tools, etc. Ace Upholstery Supplies - 204 Bond Street East, Oshawa. 579-5666. TF E..' RUBBER STAMPS - for business or personal use. Fast delivery. Call The Port Perry Star - 985- 7383. TF HOT TUBS - sales and party rentals. Pre-fab Saunas, Jumpin Joggers. For free information package please call B.J. McKay 1-705-357-2227. TF MAGNETIC SIGNS for your car, truck, mailbox, etc. Call for prices Port Perry Star. 985-7383. TF FIREWOOD 100 per cent hard- wood. Discount to Senior Citizens Cut and split 16°'. 986-5253. 24 IN. PARAGON Ceramic Kiin. $300. Phone 986-5024. BABY CRIB and mattress, Candle portable 12' black and white TV, AC-DC, 100 per cent solid state, all like new. 985-8255. "POTATOES, 11 cents per-pound. Call 985-3224. SN -JOHN DEERE 400 loader, back- hoe. Asking $6,900. Call 985-2374. Al. TRUCK BOX will fit Ford 2 ton, fair condition. Best offer. 985- 2194. MOBILE HOME, 55 ft. x 12 ft, 2 bedroom, partly furnished, must be moved. $9,500. (416) 985-8571. FLAT BED, "2 or % ton, 72 ft. x 8 ft. Phone after 6:00 p.m. 986- 5349. ONE PORTABLE apartment size Whirlpool, automatic wash- ing machine, 4 settings, excellent condition. $150. One portable apartment size Hoover clothes dryer, 2 settings. Excellent con- dition. $100. 705-357-2179. ONE PAIR brown-green-gold Captain's seats, with swivel ped- estals. Will fit Ford Van. $150 each. 705-357-2179. SPECIAL - Insulate for as little as $100. If your home was built prior to 1971- direct from manu- facturer. GBSB listed. Free estimates. 985-3144 or 985-8622. TF 19 FT. JET boat and trailer, 400 horsepower, Olds 455 with cam. Asking $5,200. (1) 987-4078. S7 A BONNET CHEST. 985-7078. WEDDING INVITATIONS, personalized stationery, napkins, matches, playing cards, etc. Call the Port Perry Star 985- 7383. TF FIREWOOD, 100 per cent hard- wood, cut and split, 16'. 985-3361. TF » PROPS & SKEGS rebuilt, expert boat repairs, discount fibreglass supplies. Oshawa Glass Fibre, 341 Durham St., Oshawa. 579-1433. TF FISHER STOVES, Hunter furn- aces. Call Donna Hazelwood 985- 3640. TF APPLES - Pick your own or already picked. Five popular varieties available in Sept. and October. For timing call 985-3902. El Refugio, R.R. 3, Port Perry. S21 WOODWORKERS 10' table saw, 14' band saw, drill--press, 6' [ointer, thickness planers shaper. Port Perry 985-2443. TF METAL CUTTING band saw, vertical and horizontal. Com- plete with motor. 985-2443. TF TOP SOIL and limestone, deli- vered. 985-7013. GLASS, MIRRORS, FRAMES - At Scugog Glass and Mirror, we have in-store stock of glass and mirrors that can be custom cut to your measurements at no extra cost. Mirror walls are our spec- falty. Also, there is a wide variety of framing materials for mirrors or your favourite pic- ture. For ready made gifts, come in and browse around our store at 149 Scugog Street in the Lake- view Plaza, Port Perry. Tuesday "to Friday 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. ; Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. __Phone for a no-obligation, free estimate at 416-985-2844. Used Cars S§7 WINTER LAWN CARE - Winter- guard 4-9-15, 10 kg. $9.95; 20 kg. $16.95; with weed killer, 10 kg, $11.50; 20 kg. $19.95. Marlows Feed Store, 40 Vanedward Dr., 1981 BUICK Skylark, am-fm stereo, air, $8,000. 985-8985. 1976 DATSUN 710 station wagon, excellent condition, automatic, Port Perry, 985-7363. TF | am-fm stereo, rear defogger, . new body and paint. Cert FIREWOOD, cut your own. 705- | $1,595. ang p ified 357-2250. . S§7 ° Miscellaneous DJ TAYLO INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. 170 WATER STREET -- PORT PERRY Jerry Taylor 985-8416 See Us for all your Insurance Needs! \ --y-- 1973 PONTIAC Lemans, 350, ps, pb, as is. 985-2194. 1973 PONTIAC Pariessiene Brougham, 4 door hardtop, 53,000 original miles, loaded, very good condition. Call 985-9011; 8 to 5 or 985-3063 after 6:00 p.m. | | | 1972 DUSTER '63 Chevy II; 1976 | Buick. 986-4618. 1979 PONTIAC Laurentian, 6 cyl, auto, ps, pb, new tires, certified. | Asking $3,595 or best offer. 985- | Used Trucks 1971 CHEV V2 ton pick up, new tires, V8 standard, am-fm radio and cap. Asking $800 as is. 985- | 9216. 1978 FORD Econoline 150 win- dow van. Excellent condition. 985-9040. 1976 FORD Custom 250 camper special, 360 motor, ps, pb, Ford cap. certified. $2,800. Call 985- 2374. 1972 DATSUN pick-up with cap. Body completely refinished, needs minor mechanical repair. Best offer. 985-3481 after six. Wanted to Buy HAY, barley, corn. Any quantity. 985-2121. S28 SCRAP CARS - Highest prices | paid, will pick up. 985-8636 or ' 985-3348. TF | GOOD USED Apartment size or | upright pianos. Service and . tuning available for all makes. | Irwin Smith Music Ltd. 985-2635. TF | { WANTED Dead or Alive. Guaranteed price of $30 for any ! complete standard size car with * free towing. 576-2160, Art's Auto Wreckers Limited. TF OLD SCRAP CARS NEWER WRECKED CARS UNCERTIFIABLE CARS - can be turned-into cash on the spot. We are always ready to buy cars & light trucks. A Licenced Auto Wreckers. We Sell Guaranteed Used Parts. OPEN: Mon. -Fri.9a.m.to5 p.m. Saturday 9a.m.to 2 p.m. SCALA BROS. AUTO WRECKERS R.R. 4, PORT PERRY PHONE 985-3132 Wanted WILL PICK UP cattle manure in Port Perry area. 985-7013. S7 RIDE wanted to Durham College classes 10 to 6. Call 985-3783 after 6:00 p.m. BOWLERS wanted for Wednes- day afternoon, Ladies League, regular or sub. Call 985-7622 or 985-7013. RIDE into Toronto, Woodbine and Steeles area from Apple Valley, Port Perry. Weekdays. Arrival in Toronto 7:30 to 8:00 a.m. Leaving Toronto around 4:30 p.m. Please call 985-8730 after 6:00 p.m. For Rent FOUR BEDROOM farmhouse, 10 miles north of Port Perry. References required. Available Sept. 1, 1982. Apply Box 27, c/o Port Perry Star. S14 ONE BEDROOM apartment at 108 Water Street. Available immediately. $260 per month, plus hydro. Call 1-705-887-3422. 4 TWO BEDSITTING rooms, for two responsible ladies. Non smokers, $45 and $50., and first and last week rent required. 985-3224. Wanted to Rent RESPONSIBLE, mature couple looking for a house or 2 bedroom suite. Call collect 416-683-7360. References available. S7 ONE OR TWO bedroom apart- ment in Port Perry. 985-7484 after 5:00 p.m. S14 Help Wanted COMPANION, housekeeper for lady in Oshawa, live in, private room, good wages. Already have cleaning woman weekly. Box 31, c/o Port Perry Star. S14 BABYSITTER responsible prefer student or mature woman for active 4 and 6 year olds. Occasional evenings, some Sat- urdays. 985-3397. CLEANING PERSON required weekly. Apply Post Office Box 1098, Port Perry. SALES PERSON required Sun- days 1to 5 p.m. Apply Post Office Box 1098, Port Perry. WORKERS willing to catch chickens before midnight 7:30 - 11:30 p.m., also catchers from 12 -4:00 a.m. Call Al 1-649-5247. S14 CAREER in trucking transport drivers needed. Train now for your Class A Licence. Write Merv Orr's Transport Driver Training School. P.O. Box 3186 Cambridge N3H 4S6. ONE BEDROOM apartment in Port Perry in exchange for a two bedroom apartment in Oshawa. Call 985-2734. TF BOARD AND ROOM in town. Urgent. Senior student in her last year of high school. 985-3637; 852-3812. S14 WILL PICK UP without charge, all used appliances, refrigera- tors, and freezers. Empty your ' ' cellars and garages. Also old | TV's and radios. Call 986-4926. TF WANTED *PAPER CUTTER* We are in Need of a Paper Cutter. Do you have one?? CALL: BETTY MILLS CENTRAL SEVEN 985-8511 or 985-8835 WANTED CRIPPLED & DISABLED LIVESTOCK HIGHEST PRICES PAID! Will Also Buy Old Horses . 852-7888 -- UXBRIDGE -- LEADING Saskatchewan weekly newspaper has openings for trained or experienced gen- eral reporter. Must have car, camera. Salary negotiable. Ernie Neufeld, (306) 842-7487. FULL TIME position available for experienced licensed insur- ance agent. Write stating full resume, when available and salary expected to Box 30, c/o Port Perry Star, Port Perry, Ontario. S7 AMBITIOUS sales represent- ative required for Durham Region. Experience in Real Estate or Insurance helpful. Training provided. Appoint- ments supplied. Excellent in- come potential. Call Mrs. Ryan 985-3144 or 576-7707. S7 TELEPHONE SALES - Am- bitious people for established company in Port Perry. Part time or full time. 10 til 2 and 5 til 9. Salary plus commission. Call Mrs. Ryan 985-3144 or 576-7707. © Miscellaneous DOES your organization need to raise funds? Sell spices, a new idea. We supply all forms and information. Call Mr. Spice, (416) 767-2341 or write 75 South Kingsway, Toronto. MéS 3T4. Give Away FREE TO GOOD home, one male Siamese cat, neutered, excellent with children. 985-9040. ' 0g