a GER Fa doy k 28 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed. Seotember 8. 1982 fo Tn, PRE RL SA ey WAR WRAY ey ver sa fet Pe op pas 1 3 bs A RA NAT Auctioneers Auction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales ORVAL McLEAN -AUCTIONEER- Household - Farm - Equipment Real Estate - Antiques - Estates APPRAISALS & LIQUIDATIONS CONSIGNMENTS AT McLEAN AUCTION CENTRE Angeline Street at Hwy. 7, Lindsay 324-2791 or 324-2783 COCHRANE AUCTION SERVICE Household - Real Estate Farms - Equipment - Livestock - Whatever Your Auction Needs DON & FREIDA will be pleased to hear from you. 985-2788 McLEAN AUCTION SERVICE Household - Farm - Antiques Equipment - Estates - Business Closeouts - - Bankrupt Sales - Consignments or Auction at Your Place Metro Toronto Licence ROSS & SCOTT McLEAN -- AUCTIONEERS -- TAUNTON RD. W., OSHAWA 576-7550 686-3291 Auction Sales THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 9? SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Auction sale- at Orval McLean Auction Centre, R.R. 2, Lindsay - estate of late MARY MacNEAR, Lindsay and others. Good 1974 Corsair 19 ft. travel trailer, 1972 Datsun for parts, 5 ft. large aquarium, 4 pc. brown chester- field set, console stereo like new, console television, bronze dinette set, vacuum, modern chester- field, love seat, wardrobe, 5 pc. pine bedroom suite complete, 9 hp. electric outboard motor, gas stove, refrigerator, automatic washer, electric stove, dining table and 4 chairs, chests, trunk, spacesave, single beds, chester- field, love seat, chairs, lamps, television, bunk beds, crib, book- case bed and dresser, buffet, games, new road racing set, games table, lady's bicycle, up- right freezer, one large dog cage, light fixtures, electric typewriter amplifier, nearly new treadmill, pressback nursing rocker, 3 pressback chairs, bottles, par- lour table, ice box, shelves, qu. hand tools, dishes. Orval McLean Auction Barn. 324-2783; office 324-0182. S7 SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 11 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. C. Tinline Auction Services Bowmanville Auction sale- 251 Simpson Ave. S. Bowmanville. Take Liberty St. S. east on Baseline Rd., and turn first road on right. Selling with no reserve: a partial listing, estate and consignment, inclu- ding a pine double dresser, teak : triple dresser, teak bed with night tables, library table, Thornes turntable, Flokati carpet, parlour chair, dehumidi- fier, electric and propane kitchen stove, many antique dressers, brass and iron bed, Ash highboy bed, wicker table, clear venetian Aladdin, fur coats, extension tables, large selection of antique glassware including Nippon, Depressin, Carnival, Amythyst and cut glass. New snow tires, antique copper washer, antique clock, many other articles. Open Wednesday 6:30 - 8:30 and Saturday 4 till sale time. C. Tinline Auctioneer 983- - 9634 (Res.) 623-6744 (Bus.). CANADIAN Royal sale of Aber- deen Angus Cattle, Sunday, Sept. 19 at Prospect Farms, London, Ontario. Approx. 60 lots, mostly . cows with calves at side and re-bred, also bred and open | heifers. For catalogue and more | information, call collect Bob Greaves (519) 433-5849. AZ WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER S$ SALE TIME: 7:30 P.M. Auction sale- Victoria's 8th Invitational Holstein Consign: ment Sale at Hickson Sales Arena, R.R. 2 Lindsay Ont. Approximately 70 head of regis- tered and grade Holstein cattle, 40 mature cows in all stages of lactation, remainder bred and open heifers. For further infor- mation or consignments contact Sales Office 705-324-8311. Sales Manager- John Buckley 324-4017; Sales Agents Cliff Lillico 439-2380 -- Bob Eagleson 939-6380 or Carl Hickson, Owner and Auctioneer 324-9959. Our next sale is October 21 at 12:30 P.M. S7 SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 1) SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Auction sale- Clearing auction of antique and contemporary furniture, appliances and other misc. items, for the estate of M.B. ("TIP") VIPOND, at the home, 6 Cassels Rd. West, Brook- lin. Partial list includes: 7 pc. mahogany dining suite, mahogany china cabinet, heavily carved 3 pc. sofa set, 3 pc. walnut bed set, pine cupboards, pine blanket box, pine drop leaf table, set of pressback chairs, set of Bowmanville style chairs, large antique wooden dining tables, press and platform rockers, washstand, parlour tables, dressers, old beds, copper boiler, oil lamps, table and standing lamps, glass and china, pictures and frames, blankets, bedding, propane stove, fridge, washer, dryer and other valued items. Terms cash or cheque (with 1.D.} No reserves. Gayle and Henry Kahn - Auctioneers. 985- 8161. S7 ; cows due Sept. SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 11 SALE TIME: 12:00 NOON Farm Sold Auction sale- the property of KEN SAVIGNY, Lot 16, Con. 16, Otonobee Twp. 32 miles south- west of Peterborough on County Road No. 28 or Ya mile west of Stuard Hall. MACHINERY: 1976 Int. Farmall 666 diesel tractor, power steering, 1200 hrs., like new, Super H. Farmall tractor, A.C. -66 pull type combine PTO, bin-auger, scour cleaner, 1979 John Deere 7 ft. power mower - 3 pt., Int. side rake, Int. -13 disc seed drill, 5 sections drag harrows, 2 drum land roller, 3 sections spring tooth harrows, Int. 17 tooth 9 ft. cultivator, Int. 8 ft. double disc., Int. 3 furrow 3- ' 11's ace bottom plough, Int. 6 ft. horse mower, 5 ton roller bearing wagon with rack 8 ft. x 14 ft., 21 i ft. Mayroth grain auger, 24 ft. Maple Leaf hay elevator, set of | heavy duty sleighs, fanning mill | with bagger, . Cockshutt manure spreader, Renfrew scales, bale buncher, forks, shovels, chains, many other articles too numerous to mention. HAY: Approx. 300 bales mixed hay. STRAW: Approx. 500 bales straw. GRAIN: Approx. 12 ton of barley, approx. 15ton mixed oats ' and barley, approx. 50 bushels Gorden Wheat cleaned and treated for seed: CATTLE: 10 mature Hereford and Shorthorn and Oct., . mature Hereford and Shorthorn with calves by side, 1 mature : purebred Hereford, 5 yrs. old., 1 Hereford bull, Hereford steers, 1 yr. old., 7 Hereford heifers, 1 yr. old, 2 fat heifers, 1 fat steer. HOUSE- HOLD FURNITURE: book case, Beach cook stove - white enamel - excellent, chrome table and chair, antique 6 ft. cupboard, antique table, old dishes, crock, jars, sump pump, many other items. Terms cash. No reserve. Furniture sale: 12 noon; Machine sale at 1:00 p.m. Cattle sale at 3:00 p.m. Carl and Greg Hickson, Auctioneers, Reaboro Ontario 705-324-9959. Owner and Auctioneer will not be respons- ible for any theft, public liability, property damage or injury to the public in connection with this auction sale. S7 SATURDAY OCTOBER 2 SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. Auction sale- farm auction of machinery and equipment, cattle, sheep, hay, horse and racing equipment, the property of LARRY MATHESON, one mile east of North Nestleton. Auctioneer Don Cochrane, 985- 2788. S14 SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 25 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Auction sale- the property of SAM MORELLO, in the village of Claremont. Household furni- ture, antiques, farm machinery, harness. Terms cash. Auction- eers, Earl Pilkey and Earl Gauslin. 16 mos. old., 8 FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 10 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. Corneils Auction Barn Auction sale- 3 miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay, on the Lindsay Little Britain Road. The estate of the late MR. AND MRS. JOHN BAKER of Coboconk plus others. A tindlay cook stove, antique dressers, wash stands, mantel clock, antique sideboard, .iron bed- brass trim, 10 speed bicycle, flat top trunks, quantity of antique picture frames, mahogany side board, wooden telephone booth, wall clock, wheelbarrows, chest of drawers, Whatham pocket watch, press: back high chair, wicker fern stand, Duncan Phyfe drop leaf table, 7 hp. Massey Ferguson riding lawnmower (electric start), plus many more antiques, furniture and household items. Don Corneil Auctions, R.R. 1 Little Britain, 705-786-2183. SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 18 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Auction sale at PEARCE { AUCTION CENTRE. Time out for Port Perry Fair and family wedding. Consignments accepted at 985-7492. S7 TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 14 SALE TIME: 5:30 P.M. Auction sale of furniture and ' antiques for the properties of several Senior Citizens moving into Trinity Manor, including GERALD GREGG, W.E. FRANCIS, NELSON OLIVER and others. Selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, 2 miles north of Uxbridge, including antique organ and stool, extension table, sideboard, drop leaf table, dressers, chests of drawers, dishes (set of Blue Willow), quilts, 8 pc. walnut dining room suite, antique trunk, garden tools, several lots of hand tools, 4 pc. walnut bedroom suite, lamps, wicker planter, plus a number of other items. Sale at 5:30 p.m. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Unbridge, 416- 852-3524. THURSDAY SEPTEMPBER 16 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Auction sale- Orval McLean Auction Centre, R.R. 2 Lindsay. Oak dining room set with round table, Zenith 26' console TV, drop front desk-buffet, Gold 2 door refrigerator, 30°' automatic electric stove, good Mason and Rich piano and bench, electrified antique organ, new air tight fire- place insert with glass doors, Quebec caokstove, good console colour TV, component stereo, slide in unit for camper, console stereo, wrought iron glass top table, drop leaf table, hall tree, bridge lamp, beds, chesterfields, chests, dresser, chairs, quantity of dishes. Orval McLean Auction Barn, 324-2783 or 324-0182 (office). S14 Bill Wannamaker, Auctioneer Auction sale, 1614 Charles St., Whitby every Thursday evening. regular household items, antiques and collectibles. Consign early for our next sale. Starting time: 6:30 p.m. Bill Wannamaker Auctioneer, 666- 3731 and 668-8403 evenings. TF i -- ------------------ WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 15 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Holsteins Auction sale- Moriano Hol- steins owned by Morra Bros., Unionville, selling at Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, Ontario. 30 milk cows- 22 registered, 8 N.I.P. grades, also 3 brown Swiss cows. Several bred heifers, also open heifers and calves. Several fresh cows, 15 due during Sept: ember and Octaber. This herd is free listed and D.H.l A. tested. Young cows by Royalty, Starlite, also a pair of beautiful bred heifers by Moch Four from a Very Good Dam with 140-143 BCA. These heifers will be due at sale time to Romandale Magic. This sale will'be followed by the September Consignment Sale. If you have any consignments for this sale, please call Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge. 416- 852-3524. $8 WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 15 | . Western Ontario, on June 7. Alison graduated with a degree of Bachelor of Science in Communicating SALE TIME: 2:00 P.M. Machinery & Equipment Auction sale of farm mach- inery, selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, 2 miles north of Uxbridge Also a number of other items from the the Township of Ux- bridge, including 1976 Chev Van, 1972 Chev 2 ton, 1975 Chev % ton - 4 wheel drive, 1972 Int. single axle dump truck, 1976 GMC dump truck, 5 cu. yd. Sander Hopper, Jacuzzi (new), 20 ft. aluminum grain box for dump truck (like new), M.F. 1155 tractor with cab - 1800 hours, air cond. (good), set of duals 18 x 38, A.C. 5 furrow 18 ft. plow with auto. reset, 7 ft. snowblower, forage wagon, 3000 gal. steel tank, 3 pt. hitch compressor sprayer pump with 2 hp. motor, _ buzz saw, combine. Sale man- aged and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 18 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Auction sale- of boats, motors, marine equipment and house- hold items for FOX MANOR MARINE, 159 Casimir St., Port Perry, just off Water St., across from ball park in Port Perry. Including Sports fisherman bass 2 peddieboats with canopies, 2- 9.9 hp. Mariner outboards, 5 hp. Mariner outboards, 2 hp. Might Mite Neptune outboards, 2 boat trailers, hundreds of items in- cluding 16 ft. fibreglass poles, boat care products, rope, ladder, lights, fishing equipment, flares, shelving, display racks, cement mixer, shop vacuum, household items. A complete store clear- ance. Sale at 11:00 a.m. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge, 416- 852-3524. S14 FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 10 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. At Scugog Arena Auction sale of many useful items which were donated to help defray the high cost of ice ren- tals. All proceeds to the Scugog Arena. Any donations would he appreciated. Auctioneer Don Cochrane. Scugog Township Bahais attend Conference On September 3-5 most Scugog Township members of the Bahai Faith will be attending the largest inter- national Bahai Conference ever held. The site for the conference is the Velodrome at Olympic Park, Montreal and is one in a series of conferences being held worldwide in such countries as Ireland and Equador. Montreal has a special significance to the Bahais for here the first Bahai community in Canada was established in 1902. The purpose of the conference is in response to the challenge of building a unified, .inter- national community that demonstrates the anesness of all the world's races, peoples and religions. This is also the first occasion in which the children of the Faith have had the opportunity to take part in a international con- ference designed par- ticularly for them, to help them gain a better under- standing of the oneness of mankind and the extent and role of the Bahai world community of which they are a vital part. Representatives of Native tribes throughout North America will be attending adding to the ethnic diversity. The conference is dedicated Bahiyyih Khanun, the daughter of the Founder of the Bahai Faith and high- lights the importance of the principle of equality of men and women and the crucial role women have to play as a civilized 'force in "the emergence of a peaceful world. NTT VOR ARR IE Er A FOE ERE 2 hp. motor | h RAF SSRs ah Brother, sister graduate ALISON AND PHILIP MARSDEN Mr. and Mrs. Ron Marsden, owners of Pentland Jewellers, are proud to announce the graduation of their only daughter Alison Jane and only son Philip Anthony from the Faculty of Medicine, University of disorders [speech] and is presently completing her internship at Kitchener Waterloo Hospital. Philip 'graduated with a degree of Doctor of Medicine. On graduating he received the Medical Alumni Gold Medal, the Alpha Kappa Kappa Gold Medal, the Dr. F.R. Eccles Scholarship, the Kingswood Scholarship. Dr. Marsden presently is completeing his internship at St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto. Both are former graduates of Waterloo Collegiate Institute. Yelverton news by Harvey Malcolm Congratulations are exten- ded to Mr. and Mrs. Donnie Timms (nee Debbie Fallis) who weré married on Sat. Aug. 28th. Several of our : Yelverton residents attended the wedding dance in the evening. Several local events attracted attendance of a . portion of our community -- boats (new), 3 fibreglass canoes, 12ft. aluminum boat, 8 ft. dinghy, Blackstock Fair, despite inclement weather and the Al Lawrence BBQ at the Devils Elbow by a large number of under-nourished (?) Conservatives enjoying a free partisan meal. Glad to report that Mrs. Thora Gray was able to return home for the weekend and expects to be released from hospital completely in the near future. Mr. Clare Robinson under- went knee surgery at Port Perry Hospital this week. A speedy convalescence to Clare. On Sat. evening, Mrs. Audrie Brown entertained - Eileen and Howard Malcolm i Corrie and Harvey Malcolm and guest-of-honour Mrs. Hazel Whittaker for a fare- well party held in her honour prior to her leaving on Tues. to make her home in Victoria B.C. The best wishes of her many friends go with her for a happy contented life i in her new abode.- - Mrs. Hazel Gray accom- panied Mrs. Audrie Brown to Niagara on the Lake this week where they saw a couple of interesting plays. Mr. Louis Nasoto of Port. Credit was a weekend visitor: with the Harvey and Marti Malcolms. His sister Lin Nasato returned home with him on Sun. evening after 10 days with her relatives here. Last Sunday, Mrs. Ann Hufren and Holly enter- tained members of the Wilson and Jackson families for a beef BBQ and social afternoon. Among those attending were: Vance and Olive Wilson of Toronto; Ruth Wilson of Port Perry, Jack and Lorna Wilson of Lindsay; Norman and Isabel Wilson of Janetville; Ms. Violet Carr of Bethany; Mrs. Hazel Hall and Mrs. Cora Farrow of 'Whitby; Vincent and Frances Jackson of Bethany; Carl and Lorraine Smith and Thelma Sconn of Bethany; Mr. Norman Neals of Lakefield, Mr. & Mrs. Jim Beggs and family of Port Elgin (vacationing with the Norman Wilsons) and Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Brown and family of Fleetwood area. Yelverton Church service on Sunday a.m. was very sparsely attended, as folks have not yet recovered sufficiently from summer "hustle and bustle to wind their way back to church service. It must be very frustrating for Denis to spend hours preparing an appropriate message to be given to almost empty pews. We. imagine that even 'blank faces' would be preferable to empty spaces. Anyone who has an unused piano collec- ting dust in the back room and would like to see it put to good use and smothered with loving care, please contact Mr. and Mrs. Denis Fransky at the manse in Janetville. The Coop Nursery School which' has been operating from Yelverton United Church basement in the past year will in the near future be located at the Janetville United Church basement with registration for the -children being held on Sept. 7th. More information can be received from either Susan Howard or the Franskys. Yelverton U.C.W. will be holding their meeting on Thurs. afternoon at the Caressant Nursing Home in Lindsay with dinner at the Coach House later. "Ms. Mona Malcolm par- ticipated with the Girls team Carl Brown Jewellers of Lindsay in a tournament in Coboconk over the weekend winning their first three games in a round robins series. The Yelverton Girls team - the Yelverton Bluebirds are now playing in the finals vs. The Millbrook Corn Huskers. To date two games have been played with the locals losing both by scores of 10 to 8 and 11 to 5. The future doesn't look too promising. M a oi ed Ad 3 RE Sat Sean: chal de ait a 2A AY SAE eR a AS SAI