"No A SAI) SA DS Ty TY aa Se LAT A STEERER 6 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. September 14, 1982 Inquest into crash (From page 1) Thomas Johnston had flown solo for about six hours prior to the crash. And he had about 27 hours flying with an instructor. Muntaz Hussain, chief instructor with the Oshawa Flying Club, described his student as "very keen and very hard working. He did what he was told. His pro- gress (as a student pilot) had been pretty good," he said. Mr. Hussain said Johnston had been tested for spins and stalls a few days before the accident and "performed well." He said on the morn- ing of the accident, he told Johnston to practise turns, slow flight, stalls and (simulated) forced landings. The type of spin the plane was in just before the crash was described as a "flat spin," which Mr. Hussain said is rare and not taught to students. The federal inspector Mr. Phillips confirmed this in his testimony, stating he had only heard of one other case of a "'flat spin" in that type of aircraft. To recover from a "flat spin' a pilot would need 3000 feet at least. He said a "flat spin' at low altitudes would leave no chance for recovery. The inquest was told that flying conditions the morning of the crash were good, and that even a brisk wind of 15 to 20 knots would not have any affects on air- craft. Mr. Phillips said investiga- tions revealed the Piper Tomahawk owned by the Oshawa Flying Club for three years, had been pro- perly maintained and the airworthiness certificates were in order. He said there was no sign of any mechan- ical failure. Ross Love, operations manager for the Oshawa Flying Club told the inquest letters the 4000 foot ceiling in the practise area had been of concern, and in fact this is only 3000 fee above ground level. After the inquest, Mr. Love told the Star he agrees with the jury's recommendations that the ceiling be raised to 7000 (6000 feet above ground level). He said learner pilots from Oshawa, Peterborough, Lindsay, Toronto Island, Buttonville and Greenbank airports use the roughly 35 square mile area for practise flying. Coroner, Dr. Robert Allin of Port Perry, who presided over the inquest, also agreed with jury's recommenda- tions and the finding that the death was accidental. Dr. Allin said the recomm- endations would be for- warded to Ontario Chief Coroner for review and then sent to the appropriate federal agencies. 3 a ; i AHI OU OL Zon itl Ca Erie Md . EF BE RAASLE SES Sele Bed NS y P Via . tL: A ie rds walk A coroner's jury in Whitby last week determined that this plane crash last April in Scugog Townshi¢' was accidental. The crash took the life of a 17 year old Ajax youth. The jury heard testimony from 13 witnesses during the day long [PARR a " Sere IRR > ARTE AE ACS REAR : : Ly > - ' 44 ay Pl hy a @ oP RY SR a ~ inquest, and came up with two recommendations. [See story] HOSPITAL REPORT Week Ending September 9 Admissions ...................... 27 Birth ..coonnumimnsomimiiinnenions 3 Emergencies ................. 213 Operations ...........c............ 7 Discharged ...................... 21 Blackstock Minor Hockey disbands ? doesn't even belong to him. The sweaters were donated by sponsors who were, for the most part, also upset upon hearing Mr. Allen's plans. The equipment was bought through various fund raising events and registration fees which was, as parents, helped to pay for. As far as the size of our ice surface goes, it's plenty big enough for the smaller children to play on and learn & the basics of hockey. If there is enough interest among the older boys, whose parents don't wish to transport them to Port Perry or Manvers and pay the higher regis- tration fees, I'm sure. that the ice surface will be adequate enough. We are very fortunate in a | village this size to have an arena with artificial ice where our children and we, as adults, can participate in the various winter activities. I hope there are many ROYAL BANK 210 QUEEN STREET PORT PERRY - 985-7316 announces "NEW'"' BANKING HOURS more parents in the Black- stock and surrounding area that feel as my family does regarding Blackstock Minor Hockey and we can pull together to keep it alive. I also hope that the decision of one man does not keep sponsors from con- tributing to a worthwhile sport in their ° own community at a future time. Sincerely, Mrs. Jill Leach, Blackstock. Not notified Dear Sir: In reference to your Black- stock Minor Hockey article, of September 8th, 1982, I 10:00 A. Effect ve MON., OCTOBER 4th, 1982 We will be Open to Serve You . MONDAY to THURSDAY M. tec 4:00 P.M. CRIDAYS 10:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. a i i i i i I When you succeed... we succeed. 88 ROYAL BANK ARS 7% Wg a wish to advise that as the elected Secretary of the B.M.H.A. at no time was I notified regarding an Executive Meeting to discuss the disbanding of the Association. Neither my husband, elected as Head of Coaches, nor myself would have agreed to the above as all Equipment and Sweaters belong to the Community and the Sponsors. If there are debts then the Executive should be able to clear up same with Fund raising activities. Mr. Robert Morelli and myself are against the complete disbanding of the League and the selling of Equipment and Sweaters without there being a - General Meeting of the Community and the Sponsors to decide on this. - Yours very truly, Mary A. Morelli, Secretary, B.M.H.L. Boy needs a friend Dear Sir: This morning I met a little boy in the park by the water. He was hitting his small dog for no reason. When I asked him why he was doing that he said it was because he was stupid. "Who told you that you were stupid?" I asked. "My mother" he said. "I don't think you are stupid. Don't he replied, "Whe nat? He LY not loves you." "No he doesn't, I (Turnto page 7) SPECIAL DEALER INCENTIVE DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE .... REDUCING PRICES ON THE FOLLOWING NEW CARS & TRUCKS ... Price reduction offer expires Sept. 22, 1982. "82 PONTIAC PHOENIX & BUICK SKYLARKS Price Reduction: $500. '82 GMC S" TRUCKS Price Reduction: $350. "82 PONTIAC 6000 & BUICK CENTURY Price Reduction: 3700. '82 ACADIAN & T1000 $600. Price Reduction: "82 PONTIAC J2000 & BUICK SKYHAWK Price Reduction: $900. "82 GMC "910 & 20" (2 & % TON) PICK-UPS & CAB & CHASSIS Price Reduction: $400. All Retail Purchases, G.M. Employee Direct Sales & Demonstrators are Eligible! (Vans, Jimmys, Suburbans, P. Models & G.M. Company Cars are not eligible!) INTEREST RATES & NEW CAR PRICES ARE DECLINING ... THERE WILL NEVER BE A BETTER TIME THAN RIGHT NOW TO BUY A NEW VEHICLE! -- 35 Eligible Units in Stock with Price Reductions -- It's Always Worth the Tripto... PHILP PONTIAC BUICK LIMITED 10 Vanedward Drive, Port Perry - 985-8474 "Serving the Community since 1976." Le = fF, Sf Tiga OT LY FEY Pad wd