TER SE WR TRAYS oN aN uk AW ME EA wt VY AT NN\Y LR VEO ME MOON SR JB Oy Bs 120 IRS RN BA CTE SRE ES SAN RE ZAR © RY Rie] SAYS nUESR ¥! IREBE HES A OA FB A WELT 8 J \§ y 4) Qala s fo : lw ») 8A -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. December 21, 1982 Kids Christmas stories A Christmas Adventure While standing on the cor- ner of Caleb St. racking my brains to think of solution for the robberies, detective Hone's walked by. "Still working on the toy store in- vestigation?" he said. 'Day and night." *'Can I be of any help' asked the detective. "No" it's fine if a child works on the case then they won't suspect anything strange is going on. '"'You have quite a mind there" he exclaimed. Not trying to act at all con- ceited I told him that I owe it all to him.. Seeing I had no time to chat. I politely thank- ed him for his encouragement and walked off. That night while having a conversation with Constable Mulligan I heard a loud crash in our basement. say, "thank you," to the many people throughout the year. A 0 »r N FSty A \Z Now that santa has Es i reappeared, it'sa <r ll perfect time for us to . Ce we've enjoyed serving: a), iF (- 7, © px AN 0) ff YS - nl, HER or AR The Hair Centre Management & Staff ~~, NV SHOOT TOY THE HARMONY INC. CHAPTER OF WOODVILLE, ONT THE COUNTRY CORDS ... present... ANY ¢ STINT EA EST ADL BL ATLEAST Ba CEPT NTO ES A Re SAL ASAI Tr RE Soalaoh dain Virdee Mild dims of I got a little scared seeing how there was no one home except myself. If it were a robber, the only place he could get in would be at the rear window. I told Constable Mulligan not to hang up. While I went out side to check if there was a robber, and sure enough it was. The police were there with in the next few minutes and had him in handcuffs. Finally all kids could enjoy Christmas. Marnie Luke Grade 5 R.H. Cornish Public School When Santa Got Mad At The" Rain deer on Christmas Eve When Santa was all ready the raindeer were ready too. "They were up in the sky now and one of the raindeers bumped into the moon and one bumped into a house. San- ta was mad. They were not getting anywhere. They didn't even get home or to some ones house. The raindeer got out of it, they were on some ones house. It was my house. I was in bed sleeping. All of a* sudden there was a clatter on my roof. I saw Santa Claus. I ran back to bed pretending I was asleep. In the morning I ran down stairs to see what I got. I got what I wanted. A new bike and a game. My mom and dad got candy from Santa Claus. My brothers got things too. . Stephen Laird R.H. Cornish Public School NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY "SK *All-You-r *Speci- YL, 8r Doors Open at 8:00 ~ Held under the Authority of a Special Occasion Permit. Music by th- 2 a 4 ©. For reservations & Information: PHONE: (416) 576-4096 LE: At Barry's Variety or «sic Ltd., Port Perry. Scugog Island - Port Perry DIRECTIONS: Follow signs from Hwy. 7A and Durham Road 7 east of Port Perry. or (705) 292-7722 Lorna Wright receives highest school award Lorna Lenore Wright, of Blackstock, Ontario, Canada, was presented the Barton Kyle Yount Award, American Graduate School of Interna- tional Mangement's highest honour at the school's 84th commencement exercises, Friday, December 17, in Glendale, Arizona. Begun in 1951, the Barton Kyle Yount Award is presented each year to that member of each graduating class who most closely Woman in serious condition A two vehicle accident December 13 south of Port Perry sent a Janetville woman to Sunnybrook Hospital with serious injuries. "Gail Corley had to be transferred from Port Perry Hospital to Sunnybrook by air ambulance helicopter. A spokesman for Durham Region Police said the acci- dent took place about 2:30 p.m. at the intersection of the Oshawa and Shirley Roads. Mrs. Corley was westbound on the Shirley Road in a 1979 GMC half-ton and struck a van northbound on the Oshawa Read driven - by Walter Bovingdon of Scarborough. Police say Bovingdon suf- fered minor injuries in the crash as did Mrs. Corley's two daughtrs, 10 year old Jackie, and five year old | Nickie. Damage to the Corley vehi- cle was estimated by police at $7000, and $4000 to the van, owned by Canadian Tire Stores. A police spokesman said charges of failing to stop at an intersection are pending against the seriously injured woman. 'call us for your party foods ... 985-3282 DELICIOUS ® Cold Cut Meats ® Potato Salad ® Tossed Salad ® Cabbage Salad ® Carrot Salad ® Dinner Roll ® Sweet Pickle ® Dill Pickle ® Chinette Plate ® Knife & Fork ALL ror..*3.79 each BAYSHORE TAKE-OUT HWY. 7A- PORT PERRY LORNA WRIGHT epitomizes the ideal that the late General Yount had in mind when he founded the School in 1946. The recipient is selected by faculty vote on the basis of his-her excellence in scholarship, accomplish- ment, and character. Ms. Wright 'attended Cart- wright High School in Blackstock and received her B.A. degree in Psychology and French from the Waterloo Lutheran Universi- ty, which has subsequently been renamed the Wilfred Laurien University, in 1969, in Waterloo. She received her M.A. in Linguistics from the University of Essex in England in 1974, where she also got her teaching certificate. While attending AGSIM, she served as president of the Associated Students Legislative Council (ASLC). She also re-established the Liason Club there, a club for students who are interested in working in the public sector. Ms. Wright has worked in Thailand, Indonesia, Spain and Japan, where she taught English as a second language. Upon graduation, she hopes to find employment in the public sector, in the area of develop- ment and to travel. She is also entertaining the idea of pur- suing a doctoral degree in cross-cultural 'communica- tions and comparative management. American Graduate School of International Management is devoted exclusively to training men and women for careers in international management. Students have enrolled for graduate work from every state and 60 foreign countries, represen- ting 1,000 colleges and univer- sities in the U.S. and some 250 abroad. The School is ac- credited by North Central Association, and grants a Master . of International Management degree. Over 15,000 students have been trained in the School's unique curriculum of Interna- tional Studies, Modern Languages, and World - Business. Over two-thirds of these graduates have served overseas or are domestically based with companies and organizations having interna- tional operations. Lorna is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wright of Blackstock. il] --_-- lly RA = =\ = Hoi lights REHNG brighten the landscape shining a message of brotherhood and =p li love to all th Jo. | ° DW "+ world. They express Zz - too our thanks for