io dh ER dion dis ax 27a HA YE oN 2 gates or > ' "Yr a 4 . ' 8 SNS 3 ' 3 sR at AA a 2 t AV) Cy pate v ¥ Da meni a EE EE Dinner, dancing for birthday Greenba nk News by Iva Phoenix Saturday, Oct. 5 was a evening of surprises for Mrs. Mike Sheridan, when relatives and friends gathered in Greenbank Hall in honour of Lola's ? birthday. Everyone enjoyed a roast beef dinner then an evening of dancing and remin- It was so nice to know Mrs. Minnie Diamond was able to be home from hospital and spend Thanksgiving Sunday with her family. Thanks to a large donation last year by the womem's coffee hour and help from the Junior Farmer group, the Greenbank Hall committee is sponsoring a Hallowe'en Party for local children on Sat- urday, Oct. 29th, it will be held in the village hall from 6-8:30 p.m. The party will be divid- ed into two age groups, with those 7 years and under downstairs, 8 years and over upstairs. There will be a costume parade and judging for all ages with prizes for the funniest, scariest and most original costumes. Children 8 years and over may carve their pumpkin at home and bring it in for judging. There will be lots of games and fun for all ages. Parents are welcome to attend, refreshments will be served, for further information call 985- 8351. Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Hunter have returned home from Miami, Florida where Grace spent several weeks with her sister, Doreen Harding who has been very ill, so nice to know she has made a remark- able recovery. The Short Course "More Cents than Dollars" featuring vegetable casseroles, will be held in Green- bank Hall on Monday, October 24th starting at 1 p.m. Anyone wishing to attend, please call 985-7421 or 985-2601. Pinedale Church was filled on Sunday morning and enjoyed the Gospel music by the Family Grove Singers also Mr. Gordon Taylors inspiring message "The FIREPLACES & WOODSTOVES Call for a Free Estimate. KARL HERDER CONSTRUCTION LIMITED PORT PERRY -- 985-3885 ATTENTION! ALL FORD OWNERS Sales and Expert Installation © Zero clearance fireplaces © Insulated chimneys ©® Woodstoves © Inserts We Install Only Certified Products! 1978 - Mustangs - Cougars - Lincoins Thunderbirds - Granadas - Capris 1983 We will also check your done FREE-OF-CHARGE. service. nominal rate. call (a16) CONTACT BOB SWITZER AT ENTERPRISE FORD fora Free Front-End Inspection including . Rack & Pinion Steering Inspection standing campaign or recalls. These will also be Remember Enterprise Ford is the largest Ford dealership in the Durham Region and we have factory-trained specialists on staff to service your car, including air conditioning installation and We have daily service cars available at a very 576-1800 automobile for any out- End of Illusion, The Beginning of Wisdom'. The service ended with a delicious lunch and a fellowship together. Mrs. Mildred Thomson and Iva Phoenix along with a bus load of ladies enjoy- ed a colour tour and a cruise in Lake Muskoka recently. Please remember the paper drive this Sat- urday, Oct. 22 for pick up call 985-2925 or 985- 17528. Thanksgiving dinner guests with Mel and Betty McGee were Brian, Debbie Beattie and Holly. Cathy and Jeff Shepherd of Oshawa, Jan and Phil No French Although French Immersion programs will be first offered in some high schools in Durham Region start- ing in the fall of 1986, it will be 1989 before they come to Port Perry High School. Trustees with the Board of Education last week adopted a set of guidelines to help plan Perkins, Pleasant Point, Sal and Carol Cepro and Hally from Ballantrae. Mr. and Mrs. Armour McMillan spent Sunday afternoon visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hadden of Wick. Mrs. Muriel Gibson, and Mavis Pellitier have returned from a six day tour of New York City and through Pennsylvania. submitted by Sarah Phoenix Greenbank School is very proud of their Soccer teams for winning the Scugog Tournament. The boys did extremely well in their two games winning over Cornish and Cartwright. The girls were lucky, that rainy cold day, they won both games in shootout. The girls teams were upset that they had to keep the same goalie in net, which was Julie Williams, but she proved she was a good goalie. The second game Terry Childs was in net, she made terrific saves, when they played Cart- wright and Cornish and not one other team scored a goal. Then both teams went on to Brock Tournament where the boys won one game and lost one. The girls lost both games. Immersion til 1989 and implement the pro- gram at four Durham secondary schools, including PPHS. However, because Scugog Township students now in the French Immersion pro- gram at the elementary level are just in grade 3, it will be six years before they are ready for grade nine. TN There will be a min- imum of three subjects offered at the grade nine level, including French literature and grammar, math and geography. The other high schools which will have French Immersion programs are Uxbridge, Mec- Laughlin in Oshawa and Pickering. gc GPE We've got a whole lot of Hallowe'en Specials in store for you ... here's one! PUMPKINS Any size. Quantities limited. '1.79 = - i PORT PERRY PLAZA (HWY. 7A) 985-8886 this winter. Go Electric Are your hard-earned | dollars going up in smoke? FER | Then take a few minutes now and discover how adding electricity to your oil furnace can dramatically cut the cost of heating your home If your oil furnace is in good condition, but you'd like it to run more economically, a dual-energy system combining oil and electricity may be just the answer. In fact, depending on how much electric heat you add, and how you operate your system, you could use as little as one tank of oil for an entire heating season! An electric plenum heater. for example, will reduce the amount - of oil your furnace uses by up to 75%. While adding a heat pump will cut oil use by 25 to 30%, and provide air conditioning in the summer for economical year-round comfort. If your furnace does need replacing, an electric furnace or one of the other electric systems can heat your home cleanly, efficiently and economically. If you'd like to know more about dual-energy and all-electric systems, write to Ontario Hydro. 620 University Ave.. 4th Floor, Toronto M5G 1X6. and ask for our free booklet "Electric Heating Options for Your Home' The few minutes you take now could add up to big savings ¢..Y y SY Fy Bg Rl Bid EINE ASAS PT LER CA pe Be Xd AM i ibs ie ASAI RMT 7k An exclusive new product of Shur+Gain research RUMINANT BOOSTER Especially formulated to help re-establish functioning micro organisms in ailing ruminant ammals Diseases such as shipping fever, pneumonia, milk fever and other disorders and stresses, cause lost appetite and reduced milk output. The longer an animal remains off feed, the greater the reduction in rumen activity. Reserves of vitamins A, D&E are utilized and B vitamins are deple- ted, as they are nol stored animal health service MARLOW'S FEED SERVICE lytes to aid in the restoration of nor- mal electrolyte and vitamin balance in cattle, sheep and goats DIVISION OF WALLACE MARLOW CO. LTD. BLACKSTOCK PHONE 986-4201 PORT PERRY PHONE 985-7363 Dosage - Cattle, sheep. goats: one bolus per 150 kg of body weight per day as required GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES -- Annual Rates -- 4 YEARS -- MORTGAGES BOUGHT & SOLD -- Rates subject to change without notice. Call the office for more information. SCUGOG FINANCIAL 250 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY PHONE 985-3832 All Members of Canada Deposit Insurance Corp.