MR 3 CTA A. A ------) = (ne To om 0A 26 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. November 22, 1983 Court Lady Nestleton - Caesarea News Snowbird 11930 by Mabel Cawker Christmas fun Mrs. Oodle Noodle, Crumdum and Santa, the Borelians Christmas special presentation will premier at Town Hall 1873 November 25, at 7 p.m. and will continue for two shows November 26 and a matinee November 27. Tickets are $2 at the door (free to children under two years) for a show that promises fun for all ages. Above, actors Kevin Hobbs, Emmie Cox and Vicki Schryburt run through their paces. A The >". Hair Centre { Port Perry Plaza 985-7232 CARE © / proudly introduces the "PH Perm" SPECIALLY DESIGNED FORMULA FOR GREY & WHITE HAIR This PH Plus is specially formulated to give firm and long- lasting curls. Also you receive the remarkable PH Plus Conditioner FREE! (corrects unwanted toners). Reg. $37.50. Introductory Offer with this ad ... 29.50 (OFFER EXPIRES DEC. 15/83) Also available at: Advanced Hairworks Uxbridge - 852-5155 Jillico Hairworks Lindsay 324-7141 Nine members of Court Lady Snowbird 8 SE I L MAIN ER RS © Lard LSE vo AN AF LEE Wor ARI SY NY CANT CRF Af Bp Ps eS LN RCE a] MOTH 8 ASTER FRPP IS I CRs adi met on Monday, Nov. 7th at the home of Marg Jones, Scugog Point. Pres. Irene Train opened the meeting and extend- ed a warm welcome to all. The minutes of the last meeting were ap- proved as read, The bank balance was reported by treas. Dorothy Lee. Two cheques amounting to $10 each were sent in for awards to the Cartwright High School commence- ment. A $50 donation will be sent to the Loyal True Blue and Orange Home -- an orphanage in Rich- mond Hill. A $50 donation will also be sent to Ronald MacDonald house in Toronto from the member's children for Christmas. $100 was voted to the Port Perry Hospital Expansion Fund. The Christmas Tea and Bazaar is to be held on Thursday, Nov. 24th, 7:00 p.m. at the Nestleton Community Centre. A program by Cartwright Central Public School will be a feature of in- terest. The tables will be groaning with the many items for sale- baking, crafts, plants, etc., as well as a Penny Sale. Draw tickets are now available on a ceramic Music Box and a ceramic Christmas Tree. Try to attend -- it is a great night out! Dorothy Lee and Marg Jones marched in the Remembrance Day Parade and laid the wreath in memory of the fallen. A lovely silk flower arrangement was presented to Marg Lee on the occasion of her 25th wedding anniver- sary. The meeting closed with a bountiful lunch served by Marg Jones and a social hour follow- ed. The next meeting on Dec. 5th, 6:30 p.m. will be in the form of a dinner meeting at the home of Anne Lee. The Court are making up the Christmas Fruit baskets that even- ing. We commend these girls for the fine com- munity work they do -- year after year. Caesarea Euchre A wintry night and at- tendance wasn't quite so good for the Wed. even- ing cards. First prize- Henry Visser- 92. Ross Wingrove came in se- cond with 87. Low- Lauri Thomas- 46. Next Wed. evening as usual, Try to be on hand. Nestleton Presbyterian Ladies Aid The Ladies Aid met in the church hall for the Nov. meeting with pres. Mrs. H. Lee in the chair. She welcomed all -- read a poem "Take My Hand" and opened with a hymn and the Lord's Prayer in unison. Sec'y Mrs. R. Davison read minutes and financial report. Many thank you letters were rec'd during cor- respondence -- from Board of Managers for financial support during the year -- and from members for cards and gifts. Mrs. Amy Ginn voiced appreciation for thoughtfully sending her the cards and gifts while she was ill. Mrs. H. McLaughlin - in charge of Devotions read a portion of 18th chapter of Matthew and gave the commentary on "Forgiveness" -- closing with Prayer from the Up- per Room booklet. During business, a let- ter was read from Fernie House asking for finan- cial assistance. This was tabled for the present. The Sec'y reported the quilt had been sold. Mrs. H. McLaughlin presented a short sum- mery of the enjoyable afternoon when the Ladies attended the Nestleton U.C.W. Ecumenical meeting, Oct. 20th, held in the Nestleton United Church. The roll call was answered with a verse or poem. Mrs. H. Lee read "The Bronze Soldier" for Remembrance Day -- taken from the Presbyterian Record. Other readings included: "The Old Soldier" by Mrs. Wolfe, and "Mother's Memories" by Mrs. Davison. A hymn and the Mizpah Benedic- tion closed the meeting. A tasty lunch was served by Mrs. G. Wolfe and Mrs. H. McLaughlin -- and a social time en- joyed. Miss R. Proutt voiced the appreciation for all. Pleasurable Trip Edgar and Anne . Emerson of Nestleton, have returned from a trip to St. John's, New- foundland - spending a Large - Reg. $5.50 : ' TED E. BEAR'S TOY SHOP 189 Queen St., |) Port Perry -985-8011 <Q "SANTA CLAUS PARADE SPECIALS" 1.) BEADS IN CONTAINER Reg. price $4.99 .. 2.) WOODEN MOSAIC PUZZLE Small - Reg. price $3.50 -- spec: 2.79 spec: 3.29 -- Specials start Thursday - While supplies last -- Watch for our "Santa Claus Parade" HELIUM-FILLED BALLOONS! Snowbird funds sent to charity ten day period with their son Ian and wife Carolyn - which was thoroughly enjoyed - a change away from farm activites - so demanding in the fall - especially. Norm and Bernice Mairs of Nestleton, en- joyed a visit and were Sunday supper guests with John and Diane Slute and family of R.R. 1, Oshawa. Tom and Kathleen Cawker, James and John of Manchester were callers on Sunday after- noon with Sam and Mabel Cawker at the farm. Sorry our friend Bob France of Scugog Point is a patient in Port Perry Hospital at the present time. Our warmest wishes from all his friends for a speedy and complete recovery. Keep your chin up -- Bob! Nestleton United Church A very nice Youth Ser- vice on Sunday, Nov. 20th - with the young folk taking part. The Sunday School sang a number , with Carol Mairs palying the piano. Arlene Davis was the Scripture reader. The sermon theme used by Rev. Dale Davis '"Thoug Shalt Not Rip Off" proved to be most interesting. While the minister spent a little time with the Sunday School downstairs, Lawrence Malcolm com- pleted the service. Regenia Walker and Norma Frew are new choir members and we welcome them warmly. Next Sunday, Nov. 27th, 11:15 a.m. the United Church Women will con- duct the service -- try and attend and give them your support. Utica & Area News by Vera Brown Church and Sunday School this week will be held in Utica Church at 11:00 a.m. The Social Club will meet on Saturday, Dec. 3, at 7:15 p.m. at the home of Lionel and Margaret Storey for a pot-luck supper. White Gift Service will be held on December 4, and the Sunday School will be holding their Christmas Concert on December 19th. The Beef Supper spon- sored by the Board of Stewards and the Bazaar by the U.C.W. which were held last Thursday were both very suc- cessful. Many thanks to everyone who helped whether it was baking those delicious pies or giving of their time -- it was all appreciated by those in charge. There will be a euchre this Friday at 8 p.m. in the hall. Everyone is welcome. Mrs. 'Georgina Sutcliffe and son Michael were Sunday supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Terry Crawford and family at Greenbank. Mr. and Mrs. William Brown travelled to Haliburton- on Tuesday and on the way back had supper with Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Gerrow and family at Pontypool. Mrs. Mildred Thomp- son spent Saturday after- noon visiting with her mother Mrs. Millar and an aunt Mrs. Wideman at Mount Albert. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fielding were Sunday suppes. guests with Mr. @e Hearin 985-9192 Aid CG ¢f Port Perry Dennis J. Hogan ann Hearing Aid Consultant Dr. E. Mannen's Office - 24 Water St. S., Lakeview Plaza, Port Perry, Ontario LOB 1NO. and Mrs. Frank Fielding and girls to celebrate Irene's birthday. Many Happy Returns. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hinchcliffe of Toronto were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Eric Carre and family. } Recent visitors with Mrs. Crosier were Mr. Dale Beare, Mrs. Roy Sutcliffe and Mrs. Clare Brockman. Mrs. Vera Taylor recently attended a craft sale at Zion and the Pennsylvania German supper at Victoria Square. I'm very pleased to report that little Travis MacSween is romping around at his usual good speed following his Te- cent tonsillectomy which' was performed at Oshawa General. Omitted from last week: Mr. and Mrs. Murray Wray were in West Hil on the weekend attending the wedding of their daughter Miss Kathy Wray and Mr. Mike Sheehan. Mrs. Mildred Thomp- son attended a birthday party on Sunday at the home of her brother Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kirton in Newmarket when ap- proximately 45 members of the family of Mrs. An- nie Miller joined together to wish her a happy birthday. Saturday supper guests with the Lorne Slutes were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cruikshank. The Slutes attended the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto on Sunday. entre 985-3003 aia acon, Nallihank