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Port Perry Star, 17 Jan 1984, p. 31

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PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. January 17, 1984 -- 29 Coming Events Coming Events For Sale For Sale For Sale For Sale Used Cars AEROBICS DANCERCIZE, Prince Albert Community Hall. Begins Jan. 30th and Feb. 1st. Monday and Wednesday 7-8 p.m. and 8-9 p.m. if sufficient registra- tion. 10 weeks- 1 class $25; 2 classes- $40 per week. More informafion contact instructor- Louise Calvert 649-3155. Call collect. [ BLACKSTOCK | AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY 'BANQUET & ANNUAL MEETING BLACKSTOCK REC CENTRE FRI, JAN. 20th Banquet: 7 P.M. Meeting: 8:15 P.M. GUEST SPEAKER: "KEN KNOX" For Dinner Tickets Call by Wed., Jan. 18 986-4257 LEGION BINGO: The next Legion Bingo, Branch 419 will be on Thursday, Jan. 19th. Jackpot $200 in 55 numbers. J 24 DANCE: Janetville Com: munity Centre, on Sat. Jan 21st, 1984- 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Music by D.J.- Ron Elliott. Lunch served. $7.00 per couple. MAYBELLE Rebekah Lodge, Luncheons Feb. 15th and March 14th. 11:30 to 1:30. Oddfellows Lodge Hall." $3.50 a person. J 3 ATTENTION Port Perry Snowmobile Club and COR- SA members -- Ride-In Breakfast and Poker Rally, Sunday Jan. 22, 1984 at the Clubhouse off Shirley Road. Breakfast 9 to 11 a.m.; Poker Rally registration 11:30 to 12:30. Ride leaves 1:00 p.m. Trail permit required. THE LIBRARY will have a collection of artistic photographs on display in' the Assembly Room for three weeks in January, from the 7th to the 27th. Brad Forder is the guest ar- tist. Jz! ECUMENICAL SERVICE OF WORSHIP Sponsored by the Scugog Ministerial FRIDAY, JAN. 20th at 7:30 P.M. St. John's Presbyterian Church Queen Street - Port Perry A Social Hour to Follow A Cordial Invitation is Extended to All. (Participating Denominations: Anglican, Christian Reformed. Presbyterian, Roman Catholic, United.) February 11, 1984 at the LATCHAM CENTRE, C . 8 4 SKATING 8 p-m. (weather permitting) DANCING 9-] or, music by MG Disco STEEL buildings straight wall | beam constructed fac- tory clearance. Save up to 40 per cent limited quantities. Act now and save no reserves. Call toll-free Argus Steel 1-800-268-0822. BUFFALO quality Buffalo cows and heifer calves for sale. Phone area code 403-773-3666. ~ FARMI Skidding winches, Lickity Commerical 7.6 se- cond cycle. Splitters, pumps. and parts. Power King trac- tors 10 to 50 per cent clearance discount. Monette Sales, 80 Townline, West Carleton Place. KIC 2Ea4, 613-257-1661. i USED Beatty Norseman green electric stove in ex: cellent condition. Call 985-7837. SNOWBLOWER, 3 pt. hitch, George White, 7 ft.- like new, will fit tractor. 655-8060.) 24 SLIDE projector and 14 car- tridges. $45. 985-2866. RESTAURANT equipment, electric broiler and grill, hook, gas fryer. Call 985-8810 6 am. to 5 p.m. After §- 985-9153. FIREWOOD, maple and oak only. 12 and 16 inch. $40 and $50. Face cord- free delivery. 852-7947. F7 MIRRORS For your bathroom living room - bedroom. Cut to your measurements at no extra cost. Example: 36 x 48 inches: $54. Free delivery withing 5 miles of Port Perry. Frames mirrors and mirror pictures are available in our store. SCUGOG GLASS & MIR: ROR, Lakeview Plaza (7A & Water St.) 985-2844. GLASS window and fur niture glass - sliding win- dows and doors - bronze and smoked cut polished at no extra cost. SCUGOG GLASS & MIR: ROR, Lakeview Plaza (7A & Water St.) 985-2844. FARMERS: Sprayed Urethane Insulation. Quality work at Western Ontario prices. = Certified ap- plicators. Experienced In agricultural retrofit since 1975. Call Warmth Insulation 613-267-6711, Box 460, Perth, Ontario. K7H 3G). WEIGHT set, 210 pounds, plus bench. $100. 985-8067. ROTTWEILER PUPS, champion and working bloodlines. Free protection training with each pup - also available protection train- ing. Call 986-5615. J 24 ELECTRIC stove, $40. 985-2191. 20 LAYING HENS, one year old. $1.00 each. Call 1-705-357-3859 anytime. REGISTERED Chestnut Quarter Horse, 4 year Gelding. Show or Pleasure. Sire: Banjoe Deck. $2,500 or best offer. Days- 986-5270 between 9 and 3. J 24 16 INCH dry hardwood (2 years)- Face cord $60; Bush cord $165. Delivered. Pick it up and save $10 on Bush cord. Phone 985-7283. 2 PIECE Mahogany china cabinet, heavy maple dining room table, 4 regular, 2 Cap- tain's chairs; Blue Bonnet freezer 18.1; antique bedroom suite with Queen size bed. 985-3749. J BABY CARRIAGE, quality Italian "'Perego"- folds, con- verts to bed. Excellent con- dition. New- $350. Sell- $175. 985-3972. 261 Queen Street, Port Perry, Ontario LOB INO "SPRING IN" Gaberdine SLACKS & SKIRTS Reg. to $38.00 NOW *19.95 "WINTER OUT" DRESSES & SUITS UPTO 40% OFF INSULATION Sale- cash and carry Cellulose Fibre $6.99 per 30 Ib. bag. York Enersave. 985-3144. JA COAL for sale. 986-4850. Call after 6:00 p.m. TWO OLYMPIC Skidoos- '75 model $800; '77 model $900. Electric starts - good condi- tion. 985-7733. TR 1500 SQ. FT. F.P. STOVE Our best glass door model, fully installed, with direct flue connection & 2 speed blower. Min. opening 25" wx 24" h. SPECIAL: *695.00 Flue Plate extra. *ONLY 2 AVAILABLE AT THIS PRICE! '10 vr. Factgry Warranty 7 ROBINGLADE DR. N., SEAGRAVE 985-2935 OPEN: 9AM. -9 P.M. DAILY SNOWBLOWER Craft: sman, self-propelled, 7HP, excellent. New $849- Sell $550. Craftsman 10 inch table saw. New $610- Sell $250. Craftsman Grinder. New $160- Sell $45. Sears power winch for truck. New $199- Sell $75. Workmate bench $30. Marlin 30-30 rifle $150. Remington semi-auto shotgun 20 Ga. $150. 985-3972. AIRTIGHT stove (Heritage) used only one winter, less than half original cost. 985-9229. 21 CU. FT. freezer $125 or best offer. 985-7137. 24 INCH Findlay electric stove. Good condition $40. Call 985-3158. AIRTIGHT woodstove, best suited for basement. 1-705-324-1967. QUEEN size bed, good con- dition. $150. 985-8629. INSULATION sale R-20 in- # 20 = per couple 1 ~ TT « FICKETS ON SALE AT 1 lew Srurws Music Store Wii iams Armes * Scueoe Memorial Ligrary Sponsoren av Friends of the Library FOR TICKETS PHONE: 985-8908 Coming Events CENTRAL SEVEN ASSOCIATION *50's DANCE* LATCHAM CENTRE SAT., JANUARY 28 MUSIC: D.J. Glen Howsam 8:30 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Tickets: $15. couple. Call 985-3217 for tickets. ANNUAL MEETING PORT PERRY LEGION HALL Wed., Jan. 25 Cocktails: 6 7p.m. Dinner: 7 p.m. Guest Speaker: Mr. Wayne Cummings Vice-President Central Division Bank of Montreal TICKETS: $10.00 per person. Available at Stedmans, Port Perry Star or C. of C. directors. Please reserve early! Annual Meeting Ontario Pine Grove Cemetery Municipal Office - Port Perry Saturday, January 21, 1984 -2:00P.M. - ALL PLOT OWNERS WELCOME PORT PERRY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING & DINNER FEEDLOT RES1AURANT - MANCHESTER Wed., January 25th TICKETS: $15.00 couple. 7P.M. Available at Irwin Smith Music Ltd. stalled in your attic at 40 cents a sq. ft. Minimum 700 sq. ft. York Enersave 985-3144. JAN SELECT water softener salt. 40 kg. $7.95; 20 kg. $4.80; Calf Manna 20 kg. $16.80; Beet pulp 50 Ibs. $6.00. Marlows Feed Store, 40 Vanedward Dr., Port Perry. 985-7363. Jz SCRAPER blades new, 3 pt. tractor mounted for snow or grading. 6 ft. $175 and $265; 7 ft. $285; Buzzsaw Dear- born 3 pt. with pulley and belt. 705-324-7047, Janetville. Jz 8 FOOT round bale feeders. $150 and $200 each. 985-2589. EOW FIREWOOD in log lengths or 16 inch blocks; or- 16 inch, cut and split. 985-3361. TF SHAKLEE. For products or information please call 986-4771. TF THE Pumphouse offers Graco' pumps painting equipment and parts. ""Meyers" sewage and af- fluent pumps. ""Ewing" steam cleaners and high pressure wash units. Div. of Johnstone Edmiston Ltd., Agincourt, 9-4:30 p.m. 299-6508. After 7- 985-8737. Ask for lan. M 24 WATKINS Products spices, liniments, cleaning products, etc. For informa- tion phone 985-2070. 04 LIVESTOCK ° Bedding- fresh, clean, sawdust, 30 cu. yards per load. 705-454-3476 before 8 a.m. or after 8 p.m. D 27 LOW PRICES on new chesterfields, beds, kitchen suites, coffee table sets, etc. Elmer's Furniture, 253 Bloor St. E., Oshawa. 728-3473. TF UPHOLSTERY FABRICS vinyls, foam, buttons made, tools etc. Ace Upholstery Supplies, 204 Bond St E., Oshawa. 579-5666. TF GUN BARGAINS. Now you can save up to 40 per cent on some firearms by subscrib- ing to "The Gunrunner." The only Canadian monthly newspaper for buying, sell- ing and trading modern and antique guns and ac: cessories of all types. Subscription: $15 per year to- Gunrunner, Box 565K, Lethbridge, Alta. T1J 374. Sample copy: $1.50. clear, KILN dried shavings. Delivered 985-7288. TF WOODWORKERS thick: ness planer, 6 inch jointer, 10 inch table saw, belt and disc sander, shaper, 14 inch bandsaw, metal cutting bandsaw, shopsmith machine. 985-2443. TF WATER Softeners, iron filters, chlorination systems, free water analysis. Rent or Buy. Call Randy Coombs, collect at Aquafine Water Refiners 705-324-6888. TF Used Cars 81 ACADIAN, 4 speed, 4-door, new radial snows, sun roof. $4,300 certified. Call 985-2734. 1976 CHEVETTE, A-1 cond! tion, certified. $2,695. 985-3583. J 24 1977 CHRYSLER Cordova, $1,500 certified; 1965 Chev, 6 cylinder engine, transmis: sion. $100. Call 473-3617 daytime- or 985-3178 after 6 p.m. J 24 1979 DODGE Challenger. $3,900. 1-263-8103. 1979 BUICK good condition. As Is $1,200 firm. Call even- Ings 986-4700. . J 24 1978 CHEV 40,000 miles, 4 speed, certified $2,395 or best offer. 985-8592. 1980 TOYOTA Tercel, front- wheel drive, 4 speed stan- dard, 45 MPG. Excellent condition. $3,800 uncertified or $4,000 certified. Days- 655-4227; after 5- 985-9040. 1977 CHEV Impala, 4-door, runs excellent. Florida and back last week. $2,395 or of- fer. 986-5290. i -------------------------- Used Trucks 1976 CHEV 4 ton, excellent condition, certified $1,950 or best offer. 985-8592. Snowmobiles SINGLE BED Wiscott snowmobile trailer. $250. 985-3922 or 725-6812. 1975 YAMAHA GPX 433, new track, good condition. $1,095 or best offer. 985-3713 after 5S p.m. 1980 JOHN DEERE 440 LiI- quifier, 1300 km, cover. $1,700 or best offer. 655-4401 during business hours. 1977 ARCTIC Cat 340, ex- cellent condition. Call after 7 p.m. weekdays or weekends. 985-8737. 1979 POLARIS TX 440 snowmobile. A-1 condition, very fast. $1,995. 985-8704. 1982 POLARIS T.X.C. 440CC, full warranty $2,850. Willy and Son Repair. 985- 3192. ' TF 1983 POLARIS "'Star' single cylinder - lightweight. Full warranty $1,895. Willy and Son Repair 985-3192. TF 1977 YAMAHA 338, good condition. $350 or best offer. 655-4227 or 985-9040. . Lost 76 OLDS Cutlass, 4-door, certified, high mileage. $850. 985-2006. SMALL light brown house dog with no tag. Lost near Blackstock. 986-5274. Real Estate Wayne Hancock, President of Century 21 - Hancock Realty Ltd. is pleased to announce that DOUGLAS DEMPSEY has joined our firm. Doug will be our representative in the Port Perry area, where he lives on Scugog Island. -- ANNOUNCEMENT -- DOUGLAS A. DEMPSEY Doug has had many years of selling experience. If you have a need for real estate, or want an opinion of value at no charge ... Call Doug today at 985-9559 NEW LISTING - $82,900, Mariposa Estates. Excellent 3 bedroom sidesplit, super view from tri-level deck, paved drive with double garage, pool. Call today - Doug Dempsey 985-9559. A ARTA RR, " iat prasad al ad bed rmy -- 4 4 os TO joi | + % : H Te. ~ 4 s A HE SA sia SCUGOG ISLAND - Head Road - $94,500. Large heated workshen goes with this 3 bedroom raised bungalow, over 3 acres, exclusive. Call Doug Dempsey - 985-9559 : . $169,900 - 50 ACRES - large 3 bedroom bungalow plus an apartment if you wish. Two car garage, loads of trees. Call Doug Dempsey - 985- 9559. Century; Too 1 ne [11 HANCOCK REALTY LTD. Member Broker OSHAWA (416) 433-2121 CANADA'S LARGEST REAL ESTATE NETWORK

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