a - ( | 32 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. Janvary 17, 1984 i | Help Wanted Work Wanted Work Wanted i L : @ Auction Sales :s Wn" usical eveni ' magne SNOWPLOWING Port | DRESSMAKING 8 | smoker a must. Driver's Porit Jreo Coll 9857693 | and evening weer. Bstioy NOTIEND OTHERS, BAILIFF SALE license an asset, th : JN blouses " $ s , three . sults, saddleseat | In the Matter BY PUBLIC AUCTION children 13,9 of the Estate or ory do hi AAA MORRIS Han Suis, afivraliany. Cal rads of HATTIE MARIE PEEL, SATURDAY Epsom Area News | berry Stor: PO. Box 90, i Quarenieed. references WOOD REFINISHING | agai rset having sisi porg-Ry tHE dam BY Joan deren) Port Perry, Ontario. LOB small -- give me | specializing | ng state of Hattie Arg wa . Port Percy. Ontario. LOB | a call. 985 3663. yma] Spucish zing In antiaves and | Marie bo Slate of the o, Betement Level) cipsom-Utica Social Church ladies are atten- er 655 . vgog. in the 0 e u w N " 35 YEAR oid company re- Oyer 655.4092 after 5:20p.m. | Regional Municipality of LANDLORD AND TENANT | musical 1 tien a ding the "Day Apart" at quires individual who want a - PARADISE Durham, who died on or| ACT. | have seized and | jyridg by Ux- Nohleton today, career rather than a job. PAINTING and Decorali about the 25th day of | Sisyrined against the goods e Chamber Choir The Social Club's an- Earn above average Income HEA Mike Driscoll acoralimg. December, 1983, are hereby and chattels of CENTURY being presented at Ux- nual meeting wi selling food In quantity NG 725-3243 or | motifled to send to the under. | BILLIARDS LIMITED, | bridge Music Hall Willhe nel direct fo the : : Sy M 25 | signed on or be! © c.ob. as GOL : , Jan. at Taylor's after rome. Commis &Al before the 11th DEN CUE | 28that8p.m. -ret : the sion basls, company | s AIR CVNDA'S HOUSECLEAN- | 23,0! February. 1984, full BILLIARDS andwill sell by | ater to the hom upping musical at Uxbridge. benefits, complete training | CONDITIONING GYDA SS ELEAN | particulargon Hele Siaims. Public Auction for rears of r to the home of Earl Tickets for the Uxbri provided. Sales experien } 1975 / 8818 Immediately after the rent. CONSISTING OF : 6 and Elizabeth Taylor xbridge ce 10 Po 975. Bonded cleaners for ; sald \ :6-6 aylor for Chamber Ch . preferred, but not necessary int residential homes. 4331462; date the assets of the said | % 121. BRUNSWICK an- a social hour. oir pro- as we ore looking for Service Check rece: deceased will be distributed | Tlversary tables; 2- Several of : gramme are available at reputable Individuals. ce. | among the parties entitied BRUNSWICK Gold Crown our United Yellow Brick Road, or Write- Box 2, c/o Port Perry Free Estimate thereto, having regard only | 12D1esi 2. 4% #. x 9 H. from Earl Taylor. Star, Box 90, Port Perry, on Installations. to claims of which they shall | BRUNSWICK tables; 1- 5 x K oF j Ontario. 985-7121 R hss) pisve notice. 9 % BRUNSWICK table; 1- A uch Taylor and Slargaret : Sale ra t ) Business D at Port Perry, On- | x 10 ft. Ontario | . on S$ x rgaret's i 985-9478 tario this 5th day of January hallenger table. 2- Auto 20 friend Shawn Fehier (1 1984. *| station 2-5 ie i Work Wanted 0 eo KELLY, JERMYN, ZULY | hiner, approx. 100° pool SATURDAY Vers suing fo ne } WILL babysit in my home- pporfunity © & FOWLER cues, 12 wooden counters, 24 JANUARY 28 weekend with Earl and § Sonya area. 705-357-3268. G Barristers and Solicitors | [2SkS: 8 long rakes, antique SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Elizabeth Taylor. Earl's { MOTHER of two will pro- sant Noble IT'S NOT TOO LATE: | pone St ry On ox 131 wall calinel, 2 Beniwood [Corneils Auction Barn brother Stanley and mmm |TV, | ETRE | i cu ae ooracy | | Mucor ems | seer Bul le ter | e. Reasonable rates and oe Vo : 2 solicit 21 trays of pool '| of m over the weekend. | lunches Phone 354272 TOWERS | tore tines, vanes | Hamiten, Tor John G. | Hence emctas anmiays, | cobInr 51ass33idet, ook | ir and Toe. Howard FURNITURE stripping and *Installati 2B6 - for free brochure. above Estate. J24| BUNN coffee machine, library table, round wood | MT: and Mrs. Howard if repair refinishing. Free a lation & upright single door Pepsi dining table, chest of | Ashton on Thursday A Estimates. Karwood Enter- Repair Work DEALERS Wanted: for L ° cooler, LITTON microwave drawers, wash stand, Mof- | afternoon. Ken, Beth prise 986-5658. TF Lead in energy and money saving egal Notice | oc, desk. JVC Ghetto fatt 2-door refrigerator, 24 - Kan, ethan) Ip Heads Rotors, tc Magnetic Window Systems. | yo) bpp "Pops! wall clock, ang Ton HP Richa a poi 0 are v , otc. Opportunity fo reap rewards CE TO CREDITORS . . Pepsi wall clock, ng lawn mower, 3 HP ar ton were -- SUNDERLAND -- helping businessmen hon: AND OTHERS NCR fashieyi ster, smal lot garden tiller, Lakewood air- | guests for dinner Sun- Dead Stock (705) 357 2419 home owners dramatically In the Matter of the Estate a cigarettes, chocolate tight stove (with blower), day Allen and J o reduce heating bills. No | ©f ALEXANDER SUT- rs, Rolaids etc. NOTE | M.-F. Ski-Whiz snowmobile, | f oyce and FREE REMOVAL --OR--- franchise fees, Just a small CLIFFE (also known as TIME: 11:00 A.M. This is a | console colour TV, quantity amily of Oakwood and of Fresh, Dead or (705) 357-2112 start-up Investment for | Alexander Sutcliftf), De- good sale of pool room sup- | °f china, glass. More details grandsons Robert and Disabled Animals | materials and tools fo start | Censed: Dile%:N1 tapas in excellent next week Don Cornell Auc- | Jamie Ashton were sup- . you making money Im- All persons h - Not a large sale. r, R.R. 1, Little Bri- i. Charge for mediately. We provide sales | against the 31avingZiais | Rian ioatiend LOCSTION: fain. 705 7% In. per Bests, , 80ats & pigs. Port Perry leads and train for success. | ANDER SUTCLIFF 360 King St. West, Oshawa on and Lorraine $20.00 Charge fo To join : E (also | (basement level). Dated THURSDAY Brown are attendi ge for our growing team of | known as Alexander | Osha ated at ending the izetien annals Auto Glass | mde eaitel | Ski. eorheioms: | iy mst melo ALE Pa RY Som, | this week, Dial Direct: . / e Energy Systems hitby, in the Regional | ti . ean Auc- BF M. this week : | 416-669-6800. ninety of Darna | Toric 376 Tess; tomsgor: ven. Auction' sale- farm | pay] warcwill | | STM rip Bika | io 07, | macho REIS | rotumediroma bss FARM in shields - Vinyls Ex RA INCOME local per- Scugog, In the Regional | Balltf Service, "347 King $1 CA receiver and manager | meetin frofn a business HAMPTON } Convertitis Tops : dian made lige il Municipality of Ouihary, W., Oshawa. 723-0018. J. pl pik gd a gan. t (416) 263-2721 "Boat T S- for manufacturer retailing | day of December 1983 are SATURDAY rb remaining assets of | Sunday at 9:30 Cor ops & Seats - $239.50. Excellent profit, no | hereby notified to send to JANUARY KHILL EQUIPMENT, yat9:30a.m. Carl Sunroofs & Pinstripes investment necessary, full oo ott tn senda he SALE TIME: aw A.M SPECIALISTS VRASTOR Hansen visited for the CENTRAL SEVEN & Mouldings o sar) iar BH In o. day of February 1984, Auction sale of furniture. | Peterborough, Bn Siohwe Jesken) with sister Bar- INDUSTRIES LOWATERST., | Co. Concord Toronto) Ont. | claims, Immediately afte antiques, and collecibis, | 78, 2 miles east of Fowlers PBA] 08 v8 Ashbuen, PORT PERRY frre ighoddly 0 | £2 s. Immediately after | 3%"N9 at the Wilson Sales | Corners, or 2 miles west of Mr. and Mrs. Ross R APID 985-8507 9849. pe sly date the ey of Rpend, Uxbridge. opfaric. Chemong Road at Fifes Bay Evans and family were w es o RS. " " P R College sig A Fleming distributed among the par- DORIS BELL. Uxbridge ed fools, hol drind machine, one Wilson Beth s offer- ereto, havi plus another complete h 1 : . . ] NT a by Jawan) Soi Tee regard ohly to claims of Slearance including hot ia vig %hier na A few of our energetic : tenance am. This ! ey shall then h eld and chair, dou ' d ' i "Coloured och PROFESSIONAL | Site somone? ove | Gare ohms | eT tae | ty ELL 2 | ing Sunday ight, hen : vired In the | DATED s rd, spinning wheel eo y night, then *Ratfle tickets maintenance of urban trees at Port Perry, On. | D eel, | cost. New Holland, Calsa, | reurned ; " tario, this 29th d uncan Phyfe table, | Duke parts, New ' ' to Postmas for a *Dance tickets b These Include tree iden- | December ay of | number of chairs paris, New Hoang 850 i i : 1983. , 4rockers | round baler, swim and socia Advertising flyers GROOMIN 6 ification. equipment opera. KELLY. JERMYN, ZL pPressbacks efc., wooden | corn head, J.D. 12. 2 row Dr. Jerrold gue n Memory" cards climbing, tree remova WLER col ' 19 arvester, N.H. 358 fenders, | Joan and the girls visi Forms *Maili MWe amcval ahd Barristers and Solicitors, felony latware, pine desk, | N.H. header height control, | hi girls visited s| 277 eater, d 8 pare ngs RT PERRY will help you obtain employ- Queen St. P.O. Box 131 | album of post resser, | rops cab for 450B (new), parents for the NE " Call Lynne mr IIs rowing mploy. | PORT PERRY. Ontario | and ol pushaarge, china Sova N.H. 273 baler, I.H. 430 meekend. Joan's sister you Interested, please contact | Soli INO tool box plus man the . er and thrower, N.H, 327 Cordingly and her win || gg gag | mech | si ona, | fein I Rs | S50 ae bk daughter Laura. also ment Centre or call S.S. rt Leslie | int : a grain head, in i 9858511 | | fovspuemnt | Lowers | sean" iain a, of | odd obi gl | Sanday night, : 17 ] spring tooth cultivator, FREE 128 page career guide eo ays: biriage- bor Jise SH. 80 £2 snap: | lan and Marlene Ar- ShOWS : , A.C. 780 toms on cava ims Auctioneers Parvester, Gah 0 forage | Sunday dinner. gueats -- HANDYMAN Bo Lag Ri SATURDAY narvester. oi. blade- 9X | with Marie and. Ear ~~ stitute 267A Adelaide 2 uals, international Far: ang, rar Painting * Papering * Ca West, Toronto. ni RON KING SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. | ™all tractor with rotary Wilson. We are pleased rpentry 416-977-3929 toda Brechin Legion Hall mower, Ford major tractor | to learn that Mrs vo Repairs * Small Jobs Y. - AUCTIONEER - ( Auction sale- household Wi backhoe and loader, | Wilson is feeling Mary U NAME IT! Auctions urn., antiques, dishes, | |: spreader, 2 N.H.717R airly CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES L . Phone on | Types glassware, number of col. | OT" heads, N.H. 770R ory | well. Earl and Marie 852-7728 egal Notice 985- 2 Perry chiles. Varms cash, Earl head Ne fesarye busyess called to visit her on 64 uctioneer. osed. : 1:00 un . NOTICE TO CREDITORS 3 Hom. | res. rvs Mok ony Robbie Burns Day on . ean Country Upholstery In iD OTHERS ote SATURDAY Auclions. and Linidations, Welnasiay - .let's be - , Lind rem i 3 of clarence norman | GO SALE TIME: 6:00 Say. 4% nded of his special MOUNTJOY, Deceased. Pearce Auction AP prayer. Help us ip see + Al persons having claims AUCTION SERVICE | auction sole on ory | Personals Oiitelves 3302 soe Custom Furni gan state of ousehold - Real Estate + 4 miles south of Port ust urn ENCE NO X Upholstering Stri iture | NOUNTIOY, late of the Farms - Equipment Perey, Wilh partial evists | DATES GALORE: wearea Bethesda = Reach ripping & Township of Scdgog, | - Livestock - ng good furniture, ap- | Professional introductio Women's Institute wi Refinishin Regional M ns the pliances, antiques, dishes, [ service designed t y t ue will 8 Reglona Municipaiiny of Whatever Your linens, luggage and added | froduce compatible Ie pes! at theh home of Mrs. ' led on or consignments. More det to n n. The topi about Auction Need e detalls each other. F : ' topic tout phe Suk doy of DON $.. later. Managed and sold by Prestige Acquaintances + | is Canadian industries, DONNA &BILL Cal Now arr Dc. 39g, are hereby ] & FREIDA peace Auction Services. Call soll trae 1-800-263-9103 | The motto- The man who LININGTON for Free Estimates. 3i30a9 on or before the 11th will be pleased . Jar to 8 p.m. lacks the courage to Nestleton, Ont 006.5640 | tae amin inn | or aon Auction Sale ee Aris Immediately after the sald on e finish already. Reply date, fhe asa of he soi 985-2788 , Ee Cou Dp w-- w Istributed * all- Display and Go new Homes - Additions rang the aries enfiied GUN AUCTION* tell about an "article neral Carpentry - P bo which you h - ole Barns to claims of which they shall FRI EVE JAN y ave in your then have notice. : * » 20th -7P M home which has been DATED at Port made i . NORM"S OATED ar Port pary. on | Auction Centre D & M SALES BARN Hostesses are Mrs January, 1984. On Shirley Road R.R. 2 Lindsay (1 mile Pogue; Mrs t L General Contra ing RELLY, {ERMYN, ZULY (4m South of Port Perry) Lindsay on Little Britain Read) Mrs. T. B C. Robb and ct Barristers and Sol ESTATES Sy . burnett. Steel & Asphalt Roofing 217 Queen St., P.O. gh ANTIQUES & For those SPECIAL NOTICE! Wo sg Sigh ud Aluminum Siding - ; PORT PERRY, Ontario those wishing to consign to our monthl i Fier on the ing - Soffit HOUSEHOLD auction it i y gun NORM TRIPP: LoB INO SALES is important to bring your guns i passing of her mother .. PP: 985-3563 OFFICE: Solicitors for John C next week as we have an 80 i Suns ih early who has been livi b - 985-8216 oates Your PI pooh gun limit. Shotguns hg at ' .0. BOX 608 - PORT PERRY and Doris Suggitt, Ex- our Place or Ours! BN fies only. For more details call the Auctio the. Carter home for ree Estimates Given with No Obligation ecutors of the shove hi oo Moving Truck Available rn - 324-9560 or 324-2472. : several years. 0 Call: (416) 985-7492 BUD McKEE -- AUCTIONEER Holly Dean will be » guest speaker at the W.1. meeting.