BUSINESS DIRECTORY ~ G&G WEDDING MAINTENANCE || INVITATIONS 'Sondecks Plumbing PORT PERRY STAR Cottage raising - Fencing - etc 235 Queen Street . 985-7383 986-0096 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Alex J. Shepherd CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 250 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY, ONTARIO Corporation, Small Business Accounting & Taxation Farm Accounting & Taxation - Bookkeeping Services - PHONE (416) 985-7031 WINTERS, SUTHERLAND & MOASE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 230 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY - 985-8893 BOOKKEEPING - ACCOUNTING - INCOME TAX SERVICES FOR: Farm - Small Business & Corporations - Personal Income Tax OFFICES IN PORT PERRY, OSHAWA & BOWMANVILLE R. MOASE - RESIDENCE 985-7225 EMMERSON INSURANCE BROKERSLIMITED 193 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY 7 Bes ronal" (416) 985-7306 ; MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES | DON CORNEIL NOEL'S Auctioneering Service CLEANING Sates TatVou! Residence JANITORIAL SERVICES Offices - Banks - Churches - Etc R.R. 1, Little Britain Windows - Floors - Carpets 4 | call: (705) 786-2183 PHONE 985.2925 PORT PERRY KARATE ANALDA ----------CLUB LANDSCAPING LATCHAM CENTRE & NURSERIES Sundays & Tuesdays - 1:00 P.M. Hwy. 7A and West '/s Line INFORMATION: Rob Dods (5 miles east of Port Perry) 985-9111 or 579-6237 986-4771 Karen's | | BASSETT'S SMALL 1 [ Silks ENGINES Repairs t . 45) FLOWERS Outboards . Tilers ES acerca bien. Chainsaws. cS OCCASIONS) - Fibreglass Repairs - High Quality Work -- LOW PRICES -- Sun Valley, Seagrave 9864732 | | 985-8677 R.R. 1- BLACKSTOCK Scugog Appliance Repair REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES [| If Washers - Dryers - Stoves =) i] =) Fridges - Dishwashers - Freezers TOM VANDERENDE REASONABLE RATES! Call 986-5312 anytime NIPPARDS CONTRACTING WE SPECIALIZE IN: Rec Rooms - Patios - Painting - Aluminum Siding and Soffit - *CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE"* 985-7121 985-9478 FARM FEED & SUPPLIES MARLOW'S @D), een service 40 Vanedward Drive, Port Perry (Behind Philp Pontiac-Buick Limiteg) ANIMAL FEED & HEALTH PRODUCTS GARDEN SUPPLIES - FENCE FERTILIZER -- WILD BIRD SEED DOG FOOD - CONDITIONER SALT 985-7363 J Nestleton - Caesarea News : by Mabel Cawker Frigid weather! Cold! cold! cold! Readings Sunday and Monday dip- ped very low -- in this area. Sunday- minus 17 deg. F - minus 26 deg. C. Some places lower! Trust it will ease a bit soon and be more comfortable, © Fire Victims Aided Our hearts go out to the McGarvey family of Cadmus who were burn- ed out last week. They are now living in comfort in a winterized cottage in Caesarea -- and folks from far and wide have been so helpful - assisting in many ways. Boxes have been placed in the stores throughout Cart- wright for donations. The family is very thankful to one and all for their wonderful help. Nestleton United Church Women January Meeting The lovely home of Bernice Mairs was the setting for the Jan. meeting- Jean Williams group in charge. Presi- dent Bernice presided opening with a hymn and an appropriate verse for 1984. Roll Call- Payment of dues and "What do we hope to accomplish this year?" Many ideas were brought forth! Marion Hall presented a fine devotion telling an in- teresting story and using Script. Matt. 17: 14-20. She listed "Hints"' for the New Year and closed with a hymn and prayer. ~ Minutes and cor- respondence were read by Sec"y Barbara Wir and financial report by Treas. Neta Fish show- ing a satisfactory balance on hand. Many lovely Christmas Cheer boxes were packed for the elderly and shut-ins - a number of thank you notes and donations were received from ap- preciative folks. Several items of business were discussed - Spring smorgasbord to be held - tentative date May 4th. A speaker to be contacted for the Ecumenical meeting in October - Janice MacKenzie and Barbara Weir to look after same. Offical Board of the Charge to meet in Nestleton Church, Jan. 18th- 8 p.m. U.C.W. meetings to com- mence at 1:00 p.m. on a regular basis in 1984. Rev. Dale Davis - our guest speaker presented excellent thoughts for the year ahead "Concerns" re Nestleton United Church and U.C.W. He read one of Sam Brandsma's poems (he is from Queen St. United Church, Lind- say) which proved most interesting. He closed his talk with prayer. Readings were given by Leona Sadler and Jean Williams. Meeting closed with Benediction. A social hour followed over tea. Families Within The Area We warmly welcome to this community Roy and Kay Notman, Claire and Jennifer, R.R. 1, Nestleton; Henry and Ethel Stainton, Williams Point (formerly from Tyrone); the Wesley family of St. Christopher. All these new folks at- tended Nestleton United Church on Sunday. It is So nice to meet new peo- ple moving into the area - we trust you - one and all - will like the com- munity and make many new friends. Bob and Carlyn Hall, Rachael and Rebecca, Scugog Island, are stay- ing a few days with Bob's parents - John and Marion Hall of Williams Point - prior to moving into their new home in Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Snodden, Pinedale, were Wed. evening supper guests with Grahame and Neta Fish, Nestleton. Sunday even- ing dinner guests with Grahame and Neta Fish were Ron and Joyce Jacobs, Deanna and Rhonda, Blackstock - a birthday celebration for Joyce. Our warmest wishes! Saturday evening din- ner guests with Mrs. Minnie Fisher, Caesarea, were her family Delton and Marge Fisher, Scott and friend, Wendy of West Hill, and Barry and Frances Fisher, Leanne and Susan of London - who were overnight guests as well. Sam and Mabel Cawker, Scugog Point Road, called on Marion Cawker, Manchester on Saturday. She is recover- ing well - since major surgery in Oshawa Hospital and was releas- ed this past week. Marion is spending a few days regaining her strength - at the home of her son Tom and Kathleen and family. Our best wishes! Caesarea Euchre The Wed. evening card party held at the Caesarea Centre was successful with a fair tur- nout. First prize winner- Sue Savage- 80. Second- Doug Thomas- 78. Ber- nice Davidge- 35. This week as usual for a bit of diversion and perhaps you'll be lucky. Caesarea Community Church A very small atten- dance due to the bitterly cold weather. Rev. W.H. Crawford, D.D, read Script. Acts 16: 30-31- sermon topic- 'How To Be Saved." Mrs. Crawford played for the service. Nestleton Presbyterian Church With an average atten- dance at the Presbyterian Church- Rev. Fred Swann con- tinued with his series of sermons- "Parables of Jesus"' taking his text from Matt. 13: theme- "The Parable of the PORT PERRY frag- Tues. Janvary 17, 1984 -- 35 Our hearts go out to family Sower' - "The Hearing of the Word, "Shirley Scott was organist. An- nual congregational meeting- Sat. Jan. 28th, 1:30 p.m. in the Church School. This is a most im- portant meeting and all are urged tobe present. ~ Sympathy Extended Sincere. sympathy to the family of the late Mrs. Mabel McLaughlin - a former resident of Caesarea - who passed away recently. Our deepest sympathy goes out to Mrs. Olive Heaslip, Port Perry. (a former resident of Nestleton) in the loss of her loving husband Bruce Heaslip - who after a long illness pass- ed away during the week. Bruce was well known throughout Cart- wright and will be miss- ed by many relatives and warm friends. Nestleton United Church Although extreme weather prevailed - a very good attendance for the worship service on Sun. morning, Jan. 15th. A fine number of S. School children came forward with faces beaming to hear Rev. Dale Davis' usual in- teresting story, before retiring to classes. The minister's sermon topic: "Vim, Vigor and Vitali- ty" taken from Script. Matthew 4: 12-23 and I Corinthians I: 10-17. A ladies quartet sang "Others" with organist Mrs. L. Malcolm accompanying. Beautiful baskets of flowers were placed in the Sanctuary in memory of the late 'Bruce Heaslip - who passed away this week. The Communion Cup was dedicated by the minister - which was presented for dedication by Leona and Ralph Sadler in memory of Leona's father - Wilfred Williams. Service closed with a fine hymn "I Feel the Winds of God Today" - a good lively tune - English and Irish traditional melody 1863-1954. Keep in Mind: Next Sunday, Jan. 22nd, 11:15 a.m. service - and Pot Luck Lunch and annual congregational meeting following morning service. Have you heard about the "Scugog Beautifica- tion Committee' formed by an enthusiastic group of citizens for the pur- pose of beautifying the Township of Scugog. Here is your chance to get involved in a wor- thwhile fun project with your family and neighbours to formulate individual/collective ideas to beautify your street, block, beach eic. Mrs. Grace Bajema is your Area Director/Co- Ordinator and she and her sub-committee will be available to assist you in the planning of your project. Telephone: 986-4895. The Committee meets at 7:30 p.m. on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at the Railroadhouse Motel, Port Perry. Our next meeting is January 18th. Plan to attend. The Scugog Beautifica- tion Committee hopes that the residents of Nestleton will participate enthusiastically to make this a successful ongoing venture. INTERESTED IN THIS SPACE FOR YOUR BUSINESS? Call the Star for Information: PHONE 985-7383 UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA 'Rev. Glenn Jackson M.A.B.D. SUNDAY JAN. 22 10a.m. Morning Worship Church School PRINCE ALBERT 11:30 a.m. Morning Prayer Church School SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE Rev. Donald Tansley B.A. -B.D. Scugog 9:45a.m. Manchester 11:15a.m. "2 Hoh vo PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH WELCOMES YOU (Hwy.7A just east of Port Perry) Pastor D. Payne, B.A., B.Th, Assoc. Pastor T. Kartzmark Bible School 9:45 a.m. Praise and Worship Services 11 am and 6:30 pm Nursery Provided Ladies Coffee Hour Tuesday 9:45 a.m. Family Prayer and Bible Study Wed. 7:30 p.m. Pioneer Girls and Boys C.S.B. Thursday, 7 p.m, Youth Program (for details phone 985-8681) EMMANUEL FULL GOSPEL FELLOWSHIP Durham Rd. 23 and 7th conc. Rev. G.B. Parks 852-5871 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Bible Study "A Charismatic Bible-believing Church CAESAREA COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. W.H. Crawford, DD Worship Service 11 a.m. "Welcome to the Country Church" STATIONERY Plain or Printed. PORT PERRY STAR 235 Queen Street 985-7383 ANGLICAN ST JOHN'S BLACKSTOCK Rev. M. Ansley Tucker SUNDAY JAN. 22 9:30 a.m. Epiphany III Holy Communion Church School CHURCH OF THE ~ ASCENSION Port Perry Wed. Jan. 18 7:30 a.m. Holy Communion SUNDAY JAN, 22 11:15a.m. Epiphany III Morning Prayer Church School PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA Rev. Stuart McEntyre B.A., B.D. Phone 985-3409 or 985-3881 ST JOHN'S PORT PERRY 319 Queen Street SUNDAY JAN. 22 9:55a.m. Family Worship Mr. McEntyre's Subject "Blessed Are the Unwashed Brains' Nursery and Church School during Worship BURNS CHURCH ASHBURN SUNDAY JAN. 22 10 a.m. Church School 11:15 Family Worship Mr. McEntyre's Subject "Blessed Are the Unwashed Brains" Nursery and Junior Church Available WELCOME TO EMMANUEL PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Queen and Rosa Sts. Rev. R. Hilsden 985-9222 or 985-3770 SUNDRY JAN. 22 1la.m. 7 p.m. Service Special Music Nursery Service Wed. 8 p.m. Bible Study A Warm Welcome to Our Friendly Church HOPE CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH OF PORT PERRY (166 Simcoe St. S Prince Albert) Watch our Church program Faith 20 on Global TV every Sunday morning at9:30a.m. Service 10:00a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Rev. Carel Ge R.R.2, Port Perry 985-3402 Everyone welcome