EE PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. January 31, 1984 -- 25 For Sale For Sale Wanted Snowmobiles Help Wanted Work Wanted Work Wanted SPEED QUEEN apartment size dryer, 2 years old, A-] condition. $275. 985-9410. XXX ADULT Video XXX Hundreds of titles. $41.95. same day shipment. Free catalogues. Toll free 1-800-663-0500 or write:- Vi- sions, P.O. Box 405, Surrey, B.C. VaT 5Bé. HOOVER washer and spin dryer. Good condition. 986-4923. TWIN SIZE box spring, mattress and steel frame. French Provincial head board, white and gold. $75. 985-3496. ONE baby's playpen- $5; G.M. love seat-$35; one ping- pong table & accessories $75. Call 985-3838. WOOD combination storm door- $25; one aluminum combination left-hand door- 2f.10In., x 6 ft. 10 In.- $35; one 44 ft. right-hand cast iron white tub and shower, waste and overflow- $75; one 40 gal. Cascade water heater- $25; one 20 kw elec- tric dual heat furnace, 2 "speed fan- $95; one 125 B.T.U. Preston furnace- $50; one 90,000 B.T.U. Atlas Webster furnace, 2 plenums and 200 gal. oil tank- $75; four 8 x 25 x 20 lug tires, liners and tubes $25 each. 986-4212. 7 FT. McKEE snowblower, single auger, like new. 655-4660. FREE INSTALLATION Erle and Kinetico Water Softeners and Iron Filters. Buy, Rent or Lease. Rental only $14.95 per mont for as long as you rent. Free Water Analysis. Call Gary Young Plumbing, Brooklin. 655-4936.M 27 3RD ANNIVERSARY Sale. Shurgain dog food $1.00 off 20 kg; 50 cents off 10 kg; Shurgain cat food 75 cents off 8 kg. Wild bird seed- 20 kg. reg.- $13.99 NOW $10.99. One Week Only. Marlows Feed Store, 40 Vanedward Dr., Port Perry. 985-7363. ° WILL SELL pool pump and filters or exchange for a us- ed snowmobile In running condition. Call 986-5507. ALTO SAX, totally recondi- tioned, new pads, adjusted keys. Asking $225. 986-4332. J 3 F.P. STOVE Our best glass door model, fully installed, with direct flue connection & 2 speed blower. Min. opening 25" w x 24" h. sPeCIAL: *695.00 Flue Plate extra. *ONLY 2 AVAILABLE AT THIS PRICE! *10 Yr. Factory Warranty 7 ROBINGLADE DR. N., SEAGRAVE 985-2935 OPEN: 9AM. -9 P.M. DAILY Mixed Firewood 16" CUT & SPLIT ANY QUANTITY IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! CALL: 985-7724 ONE WAY ticket to Calgary for Feb. 4th, 1984. $100. 986-4914 after 6 p.m. LAWN and Garden Dealers. Complete product line for both consumer and In- dustrial riding mowers, flail mowers, string trimmers etc. Excellent booking pro- gram, exclusive sales ter- ritories. Reply to P.O. Box 343, Ontario L7R 3Y3. ROTTWEILER PUPS, champion and working bloodlines. Free protection training with each pup - also available protection train- ing. Call 986-5615. J 24 INSULATION Sale- cash and carry Cellulose Fibre $6.99 per 30 |b. bag. York Enersave. 985-3144. J 3 RIDE to Durham College re- quired starting February 27th. Please phone for detalls. 985-8179. OLD DECOYS, up to $200; old quilts up to $175; any old tools. 655-8049 evenings. TF WILL PICK UP without charge, all used appliances, refrigerators, and freezers. Empty your cellars and garages. Also old TVs and radios. Call 986-4926. TF BUYING Pre-1930's Post- cards up to $5.00 each. Will travel. Call 613-475-2671 or write- J. Guertin, R.R. 7, Brighton, Ontario. KOK 1HO. Used Cars TAIL GATE for Chev; digital am-fm cassette stereo, auto music search. With warranty. 985-3426. KILN dried shavings. Delivered 985-7288. TF WOODWORKERS thick- ness planer, 6 inch jointer, 10 inch table saw, belt and disc sander, shaper, 14 inch bandsaw, metal cutting bandsaw, shopsmith machine. 985-2443. TF WATER Softeners, filters, chlorination systems, free water analysis. Rent or Buy. Call Randy Coombs, collect at Aquafine Water Refiners 705-324-6888. TF iron SKIIS for snowmobile sleigh. $8 each. 985-2589.J 31 AIRTIGHT woodstoves and fireplace inserts by Pioneer Power. Attractive and effi- cient design available with glass doors and heatproof colours. 2000 sq. ft. units. 'Start at $395. 985-2935. J 31 LOW PRICES on new chesterfields, beds, kitchen suites, coffee table sets, etc. Elmer's Furniture, 253 Bloor St. E., Oshawa. 728-3473. TF FIREWOOD, maple and oak only. 12 and 16 inch. $40 and $50. Face cord- free delivery. 852-7947. F7 UPHOLSTERY FABRICS vinyls, foam, buttons made, tools etc. Ace Upholstery Supplies, 204 Bond St. E., Oshawa. 579-5666. TF FIREWOOD in log lengths or 16 inch blocks; or- 16 inch, cut and split. 985-3361. TF WATKINS Products spices, liniments, cleaning products, etc. For informa- tion phone 985-2070. O04 LIVESTOCK Bedding- fresh, clean, sawdust, 30 cu. yards per load. 705-454-3478 before 8 a.m. or after 8 p.m. D 27 SHAKLEE. For products or information please call 986-4771. TF THE Pumphouse offers "Graco" pumps painting equipment and parts. Meyers' sewage and af fluent pumps. Ewing' steam cleaners and high pressure wash units. Div. of Johnstone Edmiston Ltd. Agincourt, 9-4:30 p.m. 299-6508. After 7- 985-8737. Ask for lan. M 24 VAN Accessories: Finished clothes cupboard with ice- box; 2 sets airplane lights; table. Most reasonable offer. 985-3571. CHESTERFIELD and mat- ching chair, in brown tones. Just like new. Call 985-7404 after 4 p.m. INSULATION sale R-20 in stalled In your attic at 40 cents a sq. ft. Minimum 700 sq. ft. York Enersave 985-3144. J 3 FIREWOOD 16 inch dry hardwood (2 years) face cord $60; bush cord $165; delivered. Pick it up and save $10 on bush cord. 985-7283. F? 1972 PLYMOUTH Fury II, good running condition, $600 as is. 985-2403 after 6 p.m. (No calls Thursdays) 1977 PONTIAC Laurentian, good condition. $500. 416-986-4842. 1976 HONDA Civic, radial tires, 69,000 miles, good body, standard 4- , cer- tified. $1,795. 985-2893. F 7 1976 DATSUN B210, ex- cellent condition. $1,800 cer- tified. 852-5884 or after 5:30- 852-5009. 1976 MONTEGO MX Brougham, 2-door, new brakes, tires and exhaust, am-fm stereo, certified $1,350. 985-2006. TF 1978 HONDA Civic hat- chback, in good conditilon, 5 speed, $1,700 as Is. Call 985-2490. 1978 CAMARO 228, 3 speed, automatic. 985-7624. 1981 BUICK Century LTD. 1982 Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham. Both loaded, one owner and excellent. Call 644-5889 or 985-2921. 1973 MONTE CARLO, ex- cellent condition, high mileage. Asking $3,000. © 985-3822. 1957 CHEV rag top. Best of- fer. Ask for Carl. 985-8676. 1973 DODGE Chrysler, 400 motor, good transmission, $250 or sell for parts. Call 985-7369 after 6 p.m. 81 ACADIAN, 4 speed, 4-door, new radial snows, sun roof. $4,300 certified. Call 985-2734. 1942 DODGE assembled- $700; 1968 Meteor, 2-door, 302 auto, T/A radials, dual exhaust- $1,300. One set of 14 inch Ford wire wheels- $75; one set of chrome reverse with radials for GM truck $100. Gord- 985-8652. Used Trucks 1980 TOYOTA 4X4 truck, 43,000 miles, Pirelli tires. 640-4884. 1972 INTERNATIONAL Scout pick-up with plough. As is. $1,000. 985-3982. 19786 FORD F150- 351- 3 speed OD. Certified with camper cap, ps. pb, new tires. $3,800. Call 986-4914 after 6 p.m. 1976 FORD % ton XLT Ranger. Interested only in a trade for a 4-wheel drive pick-up. Call 986-5507. 1971 BOA SKI with Rotax 299 single engine. Good running condition. Phone 705-357-3239. 2-door dis- 1980 YAMAHA 340 Enticer, A-1 condition, speedo, tach and cover. $1,300. Phone 985-3101. YAMAHA 1981 SS440, cover, excellent condition $1,600. Phone 985-7837. mi caer ti-- " Snowmobiles A.T.C. HONDA 84, 200M, electric start, reasonable offer. 985-3571. 1971 YAMAMA snowmobile 338CC, good runner. $250 or best offer. 985-9040. most . 1972 SKI-QOO Olympic 335CC. Mint condition. Best offer. 985-8645. 1982 POLARIS T.X.C. 440CC, full warranty $2,850. Willy and Son Repair. 985 3192. TF 1983 POLARIS 'Star' single cylinder lightweight. Full warranty $1,895. Willy and Son Repair 985-3192. TF 1977 ARCTIC Cat Pantero, 5,000CC, completely rebuilt. Best offer. 985-8665. SKI-DOOS- 1970 Nordic, 24 horse; 1971 Olympic, 20 horse- $400 or offer for both. 985-2042 before 1:30 p.m. Help Wanted EXTRA INCOME. Local person required to sell Cana- dian made water distillers for manufacturer retalling $239.50. Excellent profit. No investment necessary. Full or part time. LBH In- dustries, 116 Viceroy Rd. C-9, Concord (Toronto) On- tario. L4K 2M3. 416-661-1142: Res:- 416-494-9849. NEED Exfra Money? Why not become a Craft Representative? For further information write:- Craft Creations Limited, P.O. Box 2075, Dartmouth Nova Scotia, B2W 3X8. Phone 902-463-6095. DEALERS WANTED tor In- terior Magnetic "Wintite Energy Window Systems." No franchise fee. A small start up investment includes materials, training and leads. Call Goffi today 416-669-6800. WANTED: = Outside Salesman for a Progressive Feed and Farm Supply Business in North Simcoe County. Ambitious self starter with an agricultural background. Reply to Steve Goldie, 7 Dickens Drive, Barrie, Ontario. L4N 5C4. PART TIME office help (mornings) accounting background and typing essential. Send resumes to- Box 30, Port Perry, Ontario. LOB 1NO. COFFEE SHOP help for evenings and weekends. 18 years old or over. Call Emiel's Place 985-2066 for an interview. TRUCKING CAREER: Contact Merv Orr's. Kingston 613-549-3914; Toronto 416-251-9073; Ottawa 613-523-3489; London 519-432-1726; North Bay 705-472-2910; Thunder Bay 807-623-8686; Sault Ste. Marie 705-759-0177; Cam: bridge 519-623-2430; Sudbury 705-560-3351; Member BBB. Help Wanted GIRLS & BOYS! Earn money In your spare time. Deliver catalogues and cir- culars. Carnegle area and Simcoe St. area. 985-2677. FULL TIME R.N. for night shift. Apply- Daheim Nurs: ing Home, Uxbridge 852-5191. TF MATURE dependable, bon- dable persons 25 to 50 for cleaning private homes In Port Perry and surrounding area. Car essential. 985-7732 or 433-1462. J 3 CO-ORDINATOR Mental Health Program- to co- ordinate and expand a pro- gram utilizing volunteers to assist persons experiencing emotional/psychiatric dif ficulties In Uxbridge and Scugog Townships. perience in Mental Health and working with volunteers. Car essential. Initially 102 hours per week -- may increase after 3 months. Forward resume by Feb. 13th to:- Box 300, Whit- by, Ontario. LIN 553. Attn: 'Paul Tuttle AGENTS WANTED full or part time for new automotive product. Be your own boss. E.M.S. Distribu- tions, 7040 Torbram Road, Unit, 5, Mississauga, On- tario. L4T 3Y3. Work Wanted ~ DRESSMAKING- Bridal and evening wear, dresses, blouses, sults, saddieseat suits, alterations. Call Freda Jordan 1-649-3340. J 3 Dead Stock FREE REMOVAL of Fresh, Dead or Disabled Animals. $5.00 Charge for sheep, goats & pigs. $20.00 Charge for all rotten animals. Please Dial Direct: MARGWILL FUR FARM HAMPTON (416) 263-2721 GREENBANK TV TOWERS & ANTENNAS Colour Heads - Rotors Boosters - Satellite Dishes - FM Antennas - FREE ESTIMATES - 8 Year Workmanship Guaranteed 10% Discount to Seniors 985-3387 TOOL & DIE MAKER Five years minimum experience on pro- gressive dies in a stamping plant. Com- prehensive benefit package. Please write or apply in person to: PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT A.G. SIMPSON CO. LTD. 'Plant 5, Oyler Dr., P.O. Box 1630 Port Perry, Ontario LOB 1NO etc. need apply: 140 SIMCOE ST. * *NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE. HELP WANTED Positions available for On-Call Production person- nel. On-Call Production personnel replace regular employees who are absent due to iliness, vacation, Only those who meet the following requirements 1. Available when required to work any of three shifts being days, afternoons or midnights. 2. Available to report for work on short notice. 3. Have no restrictions where one is unable to stand for full shift, lift or bend. Applications may be completed by referring to FO1 at: CULINAR (I LAMINGO PLANT), PORT PERRY, ONT. LOB 1NO Ex- LYNDA'S HOUSECLEAN- ING SERVICE, established 1975. Bonded cleaners for residential homes. 433-1462; if busy 985-7732- residence. HOUSECLEANING 2 or 3 mornings a week. References If needed. Call 985-7404 after 4 p.m. TF ~~" Real Estate PRIVATE SALE E tl PY | Shoreline Residential Lot" on sia w . Auto Glass | on scueon stand with south. lakefront x 230 ft. Excellent year round area. Conc, TW (Gerrows Beach). Street & Trim Windshields - Vinyls Comoro tops | ya on ie Sey - Boat Tops & Seats -* -- vlad Ill FOR SALE 139 WATER ST., G LE S | PORT PERRY | 985-8507 OSHAWA 43314 SEAGRAVE PARADISE MARIPOSA ESTATES HEATING $69,900 Lovely 3 bedroom & AIR bungalow with excel- CONDITIONING lent view of river, . finished rec room with 10 Point airtight stove. Fire- Service Check place in livingroom. Feotaime | | Malet sein on Installations. Oh astar heciru 985-7121 lot. garage. Mottatt Real Estate rdw FAMILY TRUST CORPORATION REALTON APPROXIMATELY 60 ACRES on Victoria Rd., 1 mile east of Pontypool. Hardwood bush and Christmas trees $42,500.00. Carol Marquis 579-2243 or 655-3763. ALDRED BEACH Scenic, wooded build- ing lot. 120 ft. frontage. Carol Marquis 579-2243 or 655-3763. BROCK TWP. FARM - 150 acres, lovely renovated 9 room brick house, stone fire- place, some hardwood floor, 2V2 baths. Barn 15 x 30 m, modern steel drive shed. Priced for quick sale. Vendor will hold mortgage. $179,900.00. Ann Purvis 579-2243 or 985-2828. CANNINGTON ACREAGE - 60 choice acres fronting on a paved road east of town, 2 creeks, 50 acres tile drained, super setting for dream home. Vendor will finance. $63,000. Ann Purvis 579-2243 or 985-2828. = ml HANCOCK REALTY LTD. Member Broker OSHAWA (416) 433-2121 CANADA'S LARGEST REAL ESTATE NETWORK TRY YOUR OFFER on this 3 bedroom cottage on the lake (Goreski's). Owner anxious. Call Doug Dempsey. -- 45,900 - CAESAREA You have to see this super bungalow with new roof, family room, and large deck with view of lake, double paved drive in nice location. Call Doug Dempsey. 82,900 - MARIPOSA ESTATES lets you have a 2 acre lot, pool, tri-level deck, f/p in family room, woodstove in rec room, all excellent extras in this beautiful 3 bedroom backsplit. Call Doug Dempsey. Call Doug today at 985-9559