A T-- -- . 28 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. January 31, 1984 Wanted fo Buy Auctioneers Auction Sales WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE any complete stan, dard size car, free towing. §76 2160. Art's Auto Wreckers Limited. TF GOOD USED apartment size or upright plano. Ser: vice and tuning available for all makes. Irwin Smith Music Ltd. 985-2635. TF SCRAP CARS. Highest prices pald - will pick up. 985-8636 or 965-3348. TF ANTIQUES, wood furniture, and old dolls. Phone 655-3526. JN WANTED to buy, all types of poultry, chickens, ducks, geese, rabbits or what have you. Call Mike anytime at 985-8624. : UNCERTIFIABLE CARS can be turned into cash on the spot. We are siweys resdy 10 buy cars and light trucks. A Licenced Auto Wreckers. We Sell Guaranteed Used Parts. OPEN: Mon. Fri. 9am. toSpm. Saturday 9 a.m. 10 12 noon SCALA BROS. AUTO WRECKERS R.R. 4 - Port Perry Phone 985-3132 For Rent STORE approximately 900 8q. ft., Zoned C3 -- avaliable for almost any commercial use. Phone 985-2272 -- Nights 985-2367. ROOM for rent - excellent student housing, furnished or unfurnished, clean order- ly female preferred. $50 weekly. References re- quired. Privacy guaranteed. 985-8398. JN 1980 MASTER Coach XL Motorhome, 23 ft., sleeps six, luxury model, low rates. Contact: Bob Switzer, Enter- prise Ford. 576-1800. TF YOUNG ADULT wanted - male or female to share rent of 3 bedroom house. Phone 986-0038 evenings. Jn COMMERCIAL SPACE -- Zoned CJ. Can be used as of- fice or retall space. Approx. 600 sq. ft. Phone 985-2272. Nights 985-2347. KIN SCOUT HALL, 245 Lilla St. N., Port Perry. 985-3736. STORAGE units, small and large. Monthly rentals. Port Perry area. 985-7622. TF Wanted to Rent) TWO BEDROOM apart: ment for mature woman and son on or before April 1st. Preferably In older home. Call collect 416-623-7470.F 21 Business Opportunity MAKE money preparing tax returns. Our cor- respondence course can be done In two months. Write- U&R Tax Schools, 1345 Pem: bina Hwy., Winnipeg, Manitoba. RIT 28s. BUSINESS and Agriculture Financing avallable from private and Institutional sources. Our firm has been In business for ten years and has helped reorganize the financlal affairs of many businesses. Contact John Nestor & Assoclates Lid, P.O. Box 227, Toronto: Dominion Centre, Toronto MSK JI, telephone 416-062-8010. Miscellaneous FREE 120 page Career Guide shows how to train at home for 20S top paying full and part time jobs. Granton Institute, 267A Adelaide | Street West, Toronto. Call 416-977-3929 today. RON KING - AUCTIONEER - Auctions of All Types Phone Port Perry 985-2643 PEARCE Auction Centre On Shirley Road (4 mi. South of Port Perry) ESTAVES, ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD SALES Your Place or Ours! Moving Truck Available Call: (416) 985-7492 COCHRANE AUCTION SERVICE Household - Real Estate Farms - Equipment - Livestock - Whatever Your DON & FREIDA will be pleased to hear from you! 985-2788 Auction Sales SATURDAY FEBRUARY 4 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Pearce Auction Centre Auction sale on Shirley Road, 4 miles south of Port Perry. Antiques Include- what-not stand, desk, drop- leaf table & 4 chairs, hall tables, round tables, crocks, bottles, dishes, etc., 1974 Ford E200 van - certifiable. Also china cupboard, single beds and spreads, crystal, dressers, bookcase, bed chesterfield, complete shower stall, exercise bench, set of weights, wagon wheel lamp, dishes, assorted hand tools, slide projector, bedding, humidifier, high chair, cookware, table lamps, puziles, etc. Terms cash, Visa or MasterCard. Managed and sold by Pearce Auction Services. 985-7492. SATURDAY FEBRUARY 4 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Auction sale- Brooklin Community Hall. Household effects for MRS. SKLAR, Oshawa. Home sold. Ex- cellent offering of quality furnishings and antiques, glassware, china, coins and gold |ewellery. Earl Davly Auctioneer, 728-4455. SATURDAY FEBRUARY 4 SALE TIME: 12:30 P.M. Holsteins NOTE DATE CHANGE Auction sale Victoria's Mid: Winter Holstein Consign: ment Sale at Hickson Sales Arena, R.R. 2, Lindsay, On- tario. Approx 70 head of Purebred and Grade Hols- fein Females. Always a good selection for all your Dairy Requirements. Don't miss out on an animal with type and class fo Improve your herd. Please consigr' early. For further Information or consighments contact Sales Arena 705-324-831) or Our Sales Staff- Sales Manager: John Buckley 324-4017; Sales Agent. Cliff Lillico 439-2380. They will be pleased to help you make your choice. Carl Hickson Owner and Auc- tioneer, Reaboro, Ontarlo 324-9959. Our next regular Dairy Sales are Wednesday, March 7th at 12:30 p.m. and Our Spring Blossom Invita- tional Is on Wed. April 11th at 7:30 p.m. Our Sales Ser: vice Is complete - feel free to call us anytime. JN SATURDAY FEBRUARY 1 SALE TIME: 11:00 AM. Auction sale at Claremont Community Hall. Household furniture, quantity of anti- ques and glass. Terms cash. Auctioneer. Ear! Gauslin 640-3079. SATURDAY FEBRUARY ¢ SALE TIME: 11:00 AM. Cornelis Auction Bern Auction sale- Gold Inglis 2-door refrigerator, pressback rockers, pressback chairs, wooden Ice-box, parlour tables, 6 Gunstock chairs, walnut and cherry chests of drawers, console colour TV, pine drop-leaf table, wash stands, bed chesterfield, oak library table, Ashe airtight stove, copper boilers, double box spring and mattress, chests of drawers, chesterfield and matching chalr- excellent condition, Snap-on tools In- cluding: tool box, "2 and % inch deep and shallow sockets, flex sockets, long and short wrenches, drills, plus a quantity of other Snap-on tools. 1974 Dodge Charger, 1971 Ford a ton, 1965 T-Bird (vehicles not certified), quantity of antl- que picture frames, tools, china and glass. Don Cornel! Auctioneer, R.R. 1, Little Britain. 705-786-2183. WEDNESDAY MARCH 7 SALE TIME: 12:30 P.M. Holsteins Auction sale- Victoria's Pre-Spring Holstein Con- signment Sale at Hickson Sales Arena, R.R. 2, Lind- say, Ontario. Approximate- ly 65 head of Purebred and Grade Holsteins - In all stages of lactation. A good opportunity to select a classy female to upgrade your herd. We offer a Com- plete Sales Service -- for consignments or further in- formation contact- Sales Of- fice 705-324-8311; Sales Manager- John Buckley 324-4017; Clift Lillico- 439-2380 or Carl Hickson, Owner and Auctioneer, Reaboro, Ontario 705-324-9959. Our Spring Blossom Speclal Sale Is April 1th at 7:30. Some outstanding consignments PLUS complete GLORIADALE Holstein Dispersal- ROY H. PHILIPS, Port Hope, On- tario. 80 head herd with great prospects, good breeding. Watch for detalls. For officlal catalogues con- tact Our Sales Staff. THURSDAY FEBRUARY 9 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Auction sale. Location 2 miles north of Brookiin on Highway 12 (the buliding beside "Moore Park Restaurant'). Watch for signs. Showroom furniture, sofas, love seats, sectionals, mattresses, cabinets, night tables, coffee tables, end tables, etc. NOTE: THIS FURNITURE IS BRAND NEW. Floor |acks, drill presses, air tools efc. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS (not new) fridge, antique woodstove, dishes, stereos etc. Terms cash. Nell Woodrow, Auctioneer. 655-3430. F7 THURSDAY FEBRUARY 9 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Holsteins Auction sale- Chantland Holstein Sale for HOWARD CHANT, Portland, Ontario. Registered, Classified, D.H.l.LA. Tested, Listed. Selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, Ontario. (The day following the On: tario Branch Annual Meeting In Peterborough). 50 Milking age females sell- Ing - 30 fresh or close at sale time. Young good uddered cows. One of the lovely young cows selling Is Chantland Stardust Marcy V.G. at 2 years just com- pleting 2y 296d 6804m 253f 3.7 per cent (148-145 kg +30 +34. She is due In March to 'Admiral Citation.' Her Very Good Dam has 167-177 +42 + 56. Her Excellent 2nd Dam has 145-180 +52 + 73. A great opportunity to buy a young Very Good cow from a great family. One of the fancy calves selling is Chantland Rooman Ella -- ET - July '®d by Rockman from a Very Good 2 Star Dam. Calves are by Admiral Citation, Tony and Majesty. Also a service age bull by Majesty from the Excellent --Nominated All Canadian Show Cow. Con- signments are also being taken for this sale. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Lid, R.R. 2, Uxbridge. 416-852-3524. Greenbank News by Mrs. Velma Foster Mrs. Dorothy lanson It was a pleasure to have the children's choir sing two lovely numbers on Sunday morning. Many thanks to the ladies who teach and train these children + every Sunday. We don't always say thanks, but it is appreciated. Mr. Rodgers and Mrs. Mary Jean Till also con- tributed to the music with a suitable duet. Remember to reserve Feb. 11th for the Country Cousins Meeting in the church. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Couperthwaite attended the funeral of Jack's un- cle Gordon Ogden of Agincourt recently. On Monday, they attended the funeral of Margaret's aunt, Mrs. Vera Wallace of Kingston Road. Mr. and Mrs. George Beare entertained Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wan- namaker and Mrs. Velma Foster for dinner last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Lee attended the retire- ment dinner and dance for Mr. Ken Munroe of Oshawa who has left the Durham Board of Education as its Director of Education. The dinner was held Friday evening at the Pickering Recrea- tion Complex. During the evening they enjoyed meeting again, two former principals of Greenbank-Epsom Schools, Mrs. Ralph Rowe and Mr. Bill Gauley. Mr. Corless Ashenhurst visited with Mr. and Mrs. Armour McMillan one evening recently. Mr. and Mrs. Rodd Foster spent the weekend visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McKinnon in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cookman entertained guests on Saturday night in honour of Mrs. Lizzie Cookman's birthday. Present at the party were the family and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Innis, Roy Grierson re-elected Durham-York NDP president Roy Grierson was re- elected President of the Durham York NDP Association at the annual meeting held at Marg Wilbur's home in Scugog Township, Saturday, January 28. Also elected were Marg Wilbur, Scugog, Vic&President, Yolande Brown, Brock, Treasurer, Dorothy Pickering, East Gwillumbury, Secretary agreed to continue the policy of holding ex- ecutive meetings throughout the riding so that members in each area would have an op- portunity to participate in activities. Mrs. Minnie Lunney and son Merlin. Mrs. Olive McMillan spent Sunday with her daughter Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hood. The U.C.W. will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hunter at 2 p.m. All ladies are welcome. Sincere sympathy goes to the Epsom family in their loss during the tragic fire on the weekend. The Big Hill never looked more beautiful Festive Saturday Night and festive than it did last Saturday night. Tor- ches outlined the slope and here and there the lights from the snowmobiles criss- crossed as they zoomed up and around the top then down again. It was a lovely night for winter sports and to round off the evening, a bonfire was lit at the bottom of the hill. It has been so nice recently, to see a white horse and cutter driving around the village streets. To some of us it is very nostalgic, but to one little guy "it looked like Jingle Bells." On one of the trips Winter Fun Day, Seagrave and Area News by Liz Smith Seagrave seems to be coping with this winter by taking to the outdoors -- snow and all. It may not be better than heading south, but it sure beats shivering by the fire. The Cubs spent Satur- day cross-country skiing at Trillium Valley. There was only one casualty -- besides the exhausted leaders -- and everyone had a good time. Coming up there is the Seagrave Parks Board Winter Fun Day on February 12th at 1 p.m. -- there will be more ski- ing, snowmobile rides, and sleigh rides for everyone; followed by a baseball game. All this and hot dogs too! See you at the park. The Sunday School will be having a skating par- ty on Sunday, Feb. 26th at 1:00. The location will be announced later. So sharpen up your blades for that event. Mariposa ladies are to remember their meeting at Laura Longo's on Feb. 8th, with the topic being chocolate making and cake decorating -- sounds yummy. The Country Cousins Couples Club Social has been changed to Satur- day, Feb. 11th at 7:30 p.m. If you have a talent' to share, please contact Mildred Puckrin at 985-2627. And -- don't forget the U.C.W. Variety Supper on Feb. 14th (Tues.) at 6 p.m. Adults $3.50 and children 12 and under $1.00. Many happy returns to Steven Gascoyne and ------ x ae down the east road, the cutter must have gone faster than the horse for they ended up in the ditch. Oh well! just as cars of today are bound to end up in the snowbanks, occasionally so did the cutters and sleighs of the "good old days." Please. phone Helen McKean 985-2944 with your news items next week. Prof. and Mrs. Kesus Ara of Toronto visited with Prof. McCready on the weekend. Mrs. Vera Lee and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Smith visited on Sunday with Miss Helen Lee in Kitchener. Feb. 12 Paul Collary who celebrated birthdays this last week. And welcome home from hospital, Bill Keene. Call Patty Williams 985-2453 with next week's news. There must be lots happening but we can't write about it if we don't know. VIDEOTEX DISPLAY AT FARM SHOW The University of Guelph exhibit at the 1984 Canada Farm Show in Toronto, January 31, February 1,2 and 3, invites you to plug your farm, business or home into the information age. The 'hands on" demonstration of video- tex will enable Farm Show visitors to try their hand at accessing information from the Grassroots data re- source base or trying some of the many inter- active farm manage- ment programs. Celebrate Robbie Burns Birthday | Dr. Tom Millar gleefully performed the haggis ritual for a room full of delighted guests on Wednesday evening, Robbie Burn s Night at the Presbyterian Church. Above, he rubs his belly in anticipa- tion of the Scottish meal to come, while emcee Jean Dymond looks on and laughs.