16 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. February 7, 1984 Lois Daw chairperson AshburnCentre board The Marigold: a dinner theatre with a difference by Rolf Pedersen in 1979 was to establisha the 1950's. But that's this trand likely to _-- son, Patti Burnett, Pat "Now we're doing Small professional about the extent of the change. As long as Sol- Ashburn Area News Madill, John Godden, (hings the way we think theatre with a new influence. For the Sol- way has the say-so, he by Mrs. E. Heron Marion - Slater, Mike (hey should be done Wrinkle. Atthe time, the way-Fitzgerald aim is to makes it clear that any Seer, Barbara Sorte; here". idea (dinner first,thena amuse rather than Play Which 13 offered at arlene Grochner, t's showman play) was a novelty in inform; entertain Marigo ve 3 De Community id meeting 8 and wre garing Rose Bid 2 Susan Tha 4 Wig Ah Canada, though certain- rather than educate. At io] hues bt, of fun in it. re Ansa Menting as Pops Jui {tor atid SIA 0. Coffee ne all's-swell routine-- ly no stranger to the the Marigold (thank wi oy Got Feagon: in ing with a fair atten- used wisely. Visiting were enjoy at explaining why he and European and God) solemnity is at & io, e only sure | dance. The year's work Councillor Gerry IGSting. his partner, Nuala Fitz- - American theatrical minimum, even in the ay ) secure a loyal | Vet Omantite wow Durham Association gerald, maintain a traditions. So they bracingly formal con- lollowing 18 to insert wai eyes ia Ls ny a ln allel ance for bright children is [io ous seven-day-a- Scouted the. eastern fines of the room. known actors into plays compl ts was the i os apps Bet. holding a meeting on ca work schedule as United States for ideas ~~ "The last tHing we Whose drawing ability son plishinents Vay ae yg pn! Thursday, Feb. 16th i owner-operator- which could be trans- want is to have people Jas bet) tested at the centre which was newly Margaret Mathews, 7:30 pn at Hary ; Producers of their Planted tothe siburhan come lire because they 203 of ice 1 and a loyal inted and made a big treasurer. Secondary School fledgling Marigold Canadian scene. And feel it's theright thingto following is the key to midi The board members prising Yih ajax. The Pro Diner Playhouse in when tie owners of the do to support a comm- securing the Marigold's itby. ° . : hone hope xh rvs Huy Sra; Jagkle panel discussion from oy Solway and Fitz- theatre in Whitby put "It's nice that they When the season sub- I ) hk ng Croce Hugi, the boards gifted pro- gerald are seasoned their Brock Street build- should feel that way, but scription list hits the are at Pion Jiles. Barbara William- gram. Identificationand gotors. They currently ing -- the former Faith we'd rather they came 3,000 mark, Solway : elected annual » BA future of the gifted will go. with Maggie Baptist Church --on the here because they felt maintains that original be discussed. All in- pg iiarfield and Sandy block, Solway and Fitz- they were getting value productions will be terested membersof the (yayley in their own gerald bought it. for their entertainment introduced. But with no public are welcome. delightful production of It was exactly what dollar," says Solway. grants, subsidies or out- Mr. and Mrs. Theo }o" Muriel Resnick: We wanted," says Sol- Since its opening in side investors to provide Knight and family mov- comedy, Any Wed- Way. "We jumped atit." 1982, Marigold offerings a financial cushion "we ed into their new house ,o4,y which opened Evidence of the have therefore tended just can't take that kind (36 colours) onthe town line. We wish j,5, 95 and runs to April theatre's ecclesiastical toward situation of chance at the : them much happiness in | Ang that part of it is foundations can still be comedy. Any Wed- moment." \ their new home. swell, combining as it detected by those nesday,aformer Broad- Instead, efforts are Mr. and Mrs. Drew gas 'agood laughanda accustomedtosuburban way and Hollywood hit, being made to present i .. $2.75 per metre Leaper and son Ian, were visitors with the Herons wry social comment on modern marriage and church architecture of ] | 10 to 14 metres cee ea $2.50 per metre last Saturday 'and on Wn | 1510 19 metres... $2.30 per metre Sunday, Ted and Rose "ho notisning fines is J 20 metres & over .... . $2.25 per metre visited with Mr. and Mrs. op) where the Solway- : MODERN TEXTILES 203 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY ANNOUNCEMENT David, Larry, Nancy, josie and Shelly of "Da vid 3 Aduirstyling 257 QUEEN STREET PORT PERRY, ONT McAndless and family, and attended St. An- drews Presbyterian Church, Scarborough. Miss Gwen Brown, a stu- and will be a wonderful addition to the Presbyterian Ministry. At one time, her grand- father was Minister in Port Perry United Church- Rev. Tristrum. Mrs. Bill Lynde has gone back to her home in Florida after visiting a few days with Bill's mother, Evelyn Lynde. The annual meeting of Burns Church was held last Friday evening Fitzgerald work begins. As one of the few -- if not the only -- duo of actor- managers in the country, they also 985-3221 dent at Knox Collegewas mingle with the cust- the speaker. Gwen iS 8 gmers manage a size- very sincere young girl, gape stafff (up to 50 on a busy day) host a week- day two-hour open-line broadcast on Oshawa's CKAR, and maintain families. On Friday evenings, when there's a regular "cabaret' in the dining room after the play, Solway will even sing a song or two. All in all, their team- work is impressive, their stamina -- apparently -- unflagg- ing, and their enterprise % g is no exception. Nor is (Turn to page 17) David's Hairstyling are pleased to have beginning with a A | Delphine Brown and her new Acrylic Nail delicious roast beef din- 2 pening a | business assodated with their establishment. ner prepared by the Kirk (heatre venture both Guild. inspiring and awesome. | INTRODUCTORY Rev. ~~ McEntyre what they set out todo ] chaired the meeting, FEBRUARY SPECIALS with Margaret Davis ap. secretary. e NEW NAILS poi adults were discuss- Sunday morning, the NAIL FILL ing the 20th Annual Scriptures were read by 1 ACRYLIC MANICURE report in its present form Ronald Ashton and Ross NATURAL MANICURE and taking care of new Batten. business, the children The title of Rev. were being shown some McEntyre's message Phone 985-7101 films. Thanks to Ruth was- "Cut-Priced Oliver. Religion." At Burns Church on The choirs anthem was Lunaterre called 'Face to Face." Church school next Sunday at 10:00 a.m. and morning service at 11:15 a.m. Everyone welcome. Larry Solway and Maggie Butterfield in a scene from the Muriel -- Marketing & Development Lid. Times flies, but Resnick edy, A RR. 2, LINDSAY, ONTARIO KSV 4R2 remember you are the ne: Marigold Dinner, Playhouse i Ainitby TY 10 Until April 1 at Telephone: (705) 324-2472 navigator. ¢ | OPEN HOUSE At the D & M SALES BARN (one mile west of Lindsay on the Little Britain Rd.) Sat. & Sun., February 11 & 12 from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. We at LUNATERRE welcome everyone interested in Satellite T.V. to come and see us, visit with fricrds and owners of LUNATERRE SYSTEMS, and see why so many renple are changing to this low-cost home entertainment. COME & SEE US ... we love people. © FREEDRAW © REFRESHMENTS Signed W.R. (Bud) McKee SEND TODAY TO: CANADIAN CHINCHILLA P.O. BOX 1684 ST. 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