20 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. February 7, 1984 Students in the Graphic Design program at Durham College are taking a giant step into Durham College Graphic Arts student, Gary Shearer, prepares for entry into the dynamic fleld of computer graphics by train- Graphics Open House to show off to industry and business, the kind of" sophisticated equipment which students are now using. The College recently acquired some $500,000 ing on systems such as Durham's D38 Design Station and Imaginator. worth of computer hard- ware and software which is being used by about 225 students, most of them in the Graphic Design program. Durham president, Mel Garland, obviously very pleased at the Col- lege"s advances into computer graphics, told the Open House that Durham is one of just two institutions of higher education in Canada with this kind of equipment. '""The training capabili- ty for the students is outstanding," said Mr. Garland, noting that the College began planning Singers Change is a constant part of our lives. The County Town Singers have grown in direction and in size are now in need of an assistant director. Our very capable director, Michael Coghlan, lives in Mississauga and feels an assistant is essential in case of his absence at a show or rehearsal. He the computer design pro- gram about two years ago. Also present for the Open House was Wayne Huelskoetter, president of Dicomed, the American company which supplied much of the computer equipment for the College's design program. Quoting from Business Week Magazine, Mr. Huelskoetter summed up the growing importance of computers to the graphics industry. "By 1990, a graphics studio without a computer will be obsolete," he said. would also make good use of an assistant's talents during regular rehearsals, a well as having him or her direct during major shows. We are looking for so- meone who could fill this position immediately, as we are preparing for spring concerts. Our repertoire in- cludes many contem- porary pieces, folk College struts its $500,000 computer stuff The equipment being used by the students in- cludes Dicomedia Micro 2, an IBM personal com- puter with Dicomed graphics package; a D38 design station with sen- sitized drawing tablet and keyboard, 64 colour spectrum and complete image library; and the ultra-sophisticated Im- aginator, with drawing tablet, 16.7 million col- ours (124 can be used on any single image) 20 type fonts and unlimited typographical poss- ibilities due to features like scaling and rotation. rotation. need assistant songs, Broadway show tunes and other types of music. This position is volun- tary with a small honorarium as we are a non-profit organization. We-generally rehearse Wednesday evenings from 8:00 - 10:00 at Whit- by Senior Public School. Anyone interested should call- Helen Clarke at 668-5430. "THE ROYAL" - 2,500 sq. ft. ... $129,900 (model pictured). New Homes that stress quality and design with loads of extras built right in. INTRODUCING Wotiport Mod ts Sat. & Sun., Feb. 11 & 12 OPENIN 1-4 P.M. Choose the Right Home for You! USTOM BUILT from $87,500. 15 Homesites -- 120 Ft. Frontage -- Municipal Water -- 985-7371 oward ger QUALITY by Pardo Estates Ltd. "A superb performance by a gifted builder." Weel me 985-7371 647 Scugog Street, Port Perry, Ontario OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Saturday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. ST I a Ke ii SA Oa ha Nl ENE Simei asl ERR a : .