| | We a - 26 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. February 7, 1984 Classified Ads Classified Deadline Monday 12:00 NOON following. tire advertisement CLASSIFIED RATES WORD ADS: $3.50 first 15 words, 10* each word REPEAT: Second insertion of same ad ... $2.50 for first 15 words, 10° each word following. . ARTWORK/LOGO DESIGN . . . .. EXTRA CHARGE PROOF REQUIRED: Copy must be received no later than Thursday prior to insertion date. "DISPLAY ADS: For rates or info call 985-7383. ALL ADVERTISING: Must be paid for in cash or by Visa before 12:00 Noon Monday. ~ DEADLINE FOR ALL ADVERTISING: MONDAYS - 12:00 NOON (No Ad Changes after Monday 10:00 A.M.) Although every precaution is taken to avoid errors in all adver- tising, the Star accepts advertising with the understanding that should an error occur 1 is liable only for the cost of that portion of the adve.tisement in which an error occurred, in relation to the en- Card of Thanks Joe and Frances Symons would like to thank all their relatives and friends for their many tributes of con: gratulations received on thelr 60th Wedding Anniver: sary and for the lovely memories the day has given them. May |, through your column express our sincere ap- preciation of the expert ad: vise and treatment given my wife, Mrs. Marion Wade, by DOr. Krempowich and all the nurses and aldes at the Port Perry Medical Centre, and Port Perry Hospital, since the Wednesday night she was admitted In a very serious condition, January 11, 1984. The expert treat ment given, and the more than kind nursing care has restored my wife fo her usual good health, and will always remind me that there are still Doctors and Nurses who really care for Senior Citizens. Yours sincerely, F.H. Wade- age 70 D.N., S.R.N., England: Retired 1980 as Nursing Officer Mere words are Inadequate fo express our heartfelt ap- preclation to our friends, - neighbours and families during the recent, tragic loss of our beloved sons, Jeffrey and Michael. We are deeply touched by floral tributes, memorial donations, cards, letters, calls, and generous monitary contributions. Special thanks to the Ux: bridge and Port Perry Volunteer Firemen, Am: bulance attendants, the emergency staffs of Ux- bridge and Port Perry Hospitals, Durham Policemen, Kim and Kelth Ellicott, Ron Brown, Rev. Edith-Ann McManiman, Rev. Stuart McEntyre, Rev. Arthur Rodgers, Mr. Harold Wagg and Staff, Mrs. Ann Wanninkhof, Malcolm Balley, Epsom Utica U.C.W., Utica Hall Board, Arnold Kerry, Millis and Carol Wilbur, Hilda and Allan Bailey, Denis Bissette, Tom and Vivian Kart. ronark, Doris Armstrong, Don Asling, Irene Slute: Alice Lee, Paul Baster, and many loving others far too numerous 0 mention. Darlene & John Begin We would like to express our deepest thanks to Mr. and Mrs. George Blayone, R.R 4, Port Perry, who found our pet Samoyed and took him to the Vet after he had been hit by a car and left on the road. Also thanks to an uniden: tified woman who stopped to help and wrapped our dog In burlap. Thanks also to Dr Jim Brown and staff for tak- ing such good care of Simon. Thank You All John & Laura Watson R.R. 4, Port Perry Personal Touch FLORAL A GWT SHOP POV MARY STREET PORT PERRY Flor al Arranger enty with the personal touch for AA Occ avony' 985-9360 Card of Thanks A SPECIAL THANKS to my family and friends for the beautiful flowers, gifts, cards, Inquiries and visits during my stay in Port Perry Hospital. Thank you - DOr. Beatty, Dr. Monahan and Dr. Millar, also a heart- felt thanks to the great nur- sing staff. Gayle Pelrine At Rest CORNER Russell John (farmer for many years in Reach Township and later employed by the National Stud Farm) at the Oshawa General Hospital on Satur- day, February 4th, 1984. Russell Corner In his 88th of Mima Corbman Corner of Raglan, dear father of Hazel (Mrs. James Coates) of Port Perry, Greta (Mrs. Allan Hope) of Whitby and Myrtle (Mrs. Peter Karalash) of Victoria Harbour, and predeceased by Lorne. Lov- ed grandfather of nine grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren. Brother of Gordon Corner of Columbus, predeceased by Mabel New and Maude Corner. Com: plete service was held at the Funeral Chapel of McDermott-Panabaker, Port Perry on Monday, February 6th at 2 p.m. Spring Interment at Pine Grove Cemetery. If desired, a donation may be made to the Raglan United Church. MENZIES- Gregory Clark suddenly as a result of an ac- cident at Yellowknife on Wednesday, February 1, 1984. Gregory Menzies in his 32nd year, dearly loved hus: band of Mary Beardy Men- zles of Yellowknife, dear father of Leah, Loren and Lana, brother of Gary, Grant David of Port Perry, Akchie of Peter: borough 4nd Ronald of Yellowknife. Friends may call at the Funeral Chapel of McDermot} Panabaker, Port Perr Tuesday from 35 and 7.9 p.m. Complete service In the Chapel on Wednesday February 8th at 2 p.m. Spring Interment at Pine Grove Cemetery. If desired, a donation may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society MULHOLLAND, William suddenly at his home, Satur day. February 4, 1984 in his 62nd year. Husband of Irene Sexsmith, father of Leslie, Michael and Patrick. Grandfather of Sam, Kim and Delaney Brother of Marie (Mrs Claire Nightingale), Ed and Flo (Mrs. Pete Petrozzi). No funeral -- body has been donated to Science If desired, donations may be made to the Port Perry Hospital Building Fund DURHAM REGION Lung Association needs your help to fight emphysema, asthma, and lung cance Memorial gifts gratefu received through McDermott -Panabaker Funeral Chapel, Port Perry TF year, dearly loved husband PHONE 985-7383 At Rest Notice GRAY Dennis James at the Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry on Saturday, February 4, 1984 in his 76th year. Sadly miss- ed by Margaret Sanders and family of Scugog Island, dear father of Helen (Mrs. J. MacDonald) and Jim Gray, both of Toronto, loved grandfather of five grand- chlidren, brother of Cora (Mrs. Geoff. Chapman) and Clara Suggitt, both of Ux- ° bridge, and Laura Little of Toronto. Predeceased by Bertha Lindsay, Percy Gray and Charlie Grey. Complete service was held at the Funeral Chapel of McDermott-Panabaker, Port Perry on Tuesday, February 7th at 11:00 a.m. Spring Interment at Pine Grove Cemetery. If desired, a donation may be made to the Port Perry Community Memorial Hospital Building Fund. NICHOLS Hugh at the Com- munity Memorial Hospital, Port Perry, on Sunday February 5, 1984. Hugh Nichols, dearly loved hus- band of Sheila Buchanan Nichols of Lakeside Beach, Scugog Island, dear father of Donna and father-in-law of Robert Chamberlain of Tottenham, loved grand- father of John, dear son of Elsie Nichols of Oshawa. Complete service was held at the Funeral Chapel of McDermott-Panabaker, Port Perry, on Tuesday, February 7th at 2 p.m. Cremation to follow. BROWN - In loving memory of a dear wife, mother and grandma, Olive, who passed away February 12, 1981. As time unfolds another year Memories keep her ever near Silent thoughs of times together Hold memories that will last forever. Always remembered by Robert and Families SMITH - In memory of Lorne Gordon Smith, a dear brother and uncle, who pass- ed away February 3rd, 1983. Always remembered by Don & Sandra, Erin & Andrea WATSON - In loving memory of Ambrose, who passed away January 31, 1982. Lovingly remembered by wife Vera & Family THOMPSON In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Gladys, who passed away on February 8th, 1978 'Sunshine passes, shadows fall But love and remembrance outlast all." Always loved and remembered by Jean & Family Announcement Gordon and Shirley Gettins, Caesarea are pleased to an- nounce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Cathy Ann to David John (Sam), Mathison, son of Larry and Diane Mathison, Port Perry. Wedding will take place at the Pine Grove Methodist Church, May SS, 1984. IVES FLORIST uo 985-2525 166 WATER STREET PORT PERRY A Complete Line of Floral Art for All Occasions Flowers Wired World Wide. 'GREENBANK Centennial Hall available for rentals. For bookings contact Cathy Galberg, 985-8351. TF BAHAI information- call 986-4689 or write P.O. Box 1153, Port Perry. HAPPY Belated Birthday, Sarah. Love Marina and Sherrie HAPPY BIRTHDAY "GRAMPA" at Pearl St., Nicomis, Fla. The Rabbit Keepers (Pine Point) ~ Notice Notice Coming Events PORT PERRY Snowmobile Club Hall, south of Port Perry. Available for rentals. For information call 985-2888. EOW Village Sthichery Alterations & Repairs to all types of Clothing & Leather BARB McINTYRE 985-2269 SCUGOG COMMUNITY CARE is MEALS ON WHEELS ... and a whole lot more! MAY WE HELP YOU? Call Weekdays 985-8461 9-12Noon & 1-4 P.M. *NOTICE* To Users of Kent's Bay area of Lake Scugog Port Perry Snowmobile Club will be fencing a portion of this bay for their annual Ice Drags from February 10to 12, 1984. ties. 221 QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY ANNOUNCEMENT Ila Gouin GEORGE S. STONE, President of George Stone Real Estate Limited would like to introduce lla Gouin as the most recent addition to his Sales Staff. lla is an ex- perienced Representative from the Scarborough & Pickering areas. has also gained much exposure and success in Tourism and Cottage proper- Having returned to Port Perry, she would like the opportunity of assisting you with any of your real estate needs. Please feel free to call her at the Office 985-7303 or her residence 985-2351. «ys She SKI HOLIDAYS Big White, Kelowna, B.C., 5 nights from $95 per person quad. Pool, hot-tubs, kitchens, fireplaces, dining. Ski from your door. Summit Leisure - 604-736-0411. WEDDING INVITATIONS personalized stationery, napkins, matches, playing cards, etc. Call The Port Perry Star, 985-7383. TF MANCHESTER Communi- ty Centre available for ren- tals. All new facilities. Call 985-7274. A23 ARE YOU a single parent? - Plan to attend the "Parents Without Partners" meeting every Thursday evening, 8:00 p.m. at St. George's Memorial Church, 51 Centre Street, Oshawa. For further Information contact 725-8466. Coming Events Blackstock & District Lions Club Winter Western DANCE BLACKSTOCK REC CENTRE SAT., FEB. 18th 8:30p.m.to 1am. featuring: DIAMOND RED BAND Refreshments - Lunch $10.00 per couple ~ VALENTIN BREAKFAST Sun., Feb. 12th 8:30to 11 A.M. ODD FELLOWS HALL Sponsored by Odd Fellows Admission - Adults 2.75 Children 1.25 DURHAM East Pork Pro- ducers Annual Meeting, Feb. 9th, 1984 at 7:30 p.m. Nestleton Community Cen- tre. Tickets $2.00. Call 986-4617. F7 COFFEE BREAK - Ladies Interfaith Community Bible Study every Thursday mor- ning, 9:30 - 11:15 a.m. Discover for yourself the Bi- ble. Enjoy coffee, fellowship, singing and shar- ing. Nursery and story hour (3-5 year olds) provided. Hope Christian Reformed Church, 166 Simcoe St., Prince Albert. Join us anytime and bring a friend. VALENTINES DANCE Janetville Community Centre Sat., Feb. 18th 9P.M.to1 AM. Music by Rick Johnson & The Country Band Lunch Served $10.00 per Couple For Tickets Call: 705-324-8905 PANASONIC MICRO- WAVE COOKING Demonstration & Question Period Friday, Feb. 10 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. --and -- Saturday, Feb. 11 11:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. HOMESTEAD FURNITURE HWY. 7A - PORT PERRY (At the Causeway) *DANCE * TYRONE COMMUNITY CENTRE SAT., FEBRUARY 11th 9P.M.to1 AM. "Floyd & Sandy Lloyd and the Country Allstars" SPECIAL GUEST: Joe Aylward * Refreshments & Door Prizes For reservations call 263-2640. $8.00 COUPLE pha ; ¢ he a A orn a a a de ih a sd PEC wr wold wa i wi wl Wer Ss aa aA $ £