Somebody had better warn Prime Minister Trudeau because if the predictions of R.H. Cor- nish Public School students come true, he'll be six feet under in 1984. And did you know that the price of eggs will go up in 1984 because kids are throwing too many at houses? Better yet, car dealers will be selling their wares for fifty cents an automobile. Oh yes, and all the schools will burn down. It's time to face up to reality, folks, the reality of the three Grade Six classes at Cornish. Recently, they put together a collection of their predictions for the new year and although we couldn't print all of them, we gave it our best shot. Just keep in mind that you can't believe everything you read. I predict in 1984 we will probably be over-run or forced to use computers because everything will be run by them instead of using our human brains ---- Lisa Scanlon. The Lotto 649 winner will have lots of pro- blems. The money will be more of a headache than a pleasure. Money isn't everything. There's a lot more to life than money ---- Joanne Birkett. We might be able to find homes for homeless children ---- Carrie Maclver. I hopoe that everything stays together between Lady Diana and Prince Charles ---- Christina Monahan. Around Port Perry the new wing on the hospital will be completed -- Kevin Martin. Everyone will have a fun summer by riding bikes or swimming even goon a trip to camp this summer ---- Nicole Farmer. I'm not saying that the world is going to be perfect in 1984. I'm just saying we should all try just a bit harder to make 1984 terrific -- Terri- Lynn Geer. The arms talks are still going on but the gamble on millions of people's lives is not being thought of -- John Woodward. ' Kit cars will become very popular this year ---- Adam Donnelly. In 1984 there might be a World War III. There will be lots of losses of lives. These people all mean something to so- meone and are very special and close to so- meone. I don't think World Wars are necessary. Why can't people just settle things over a beer and some piz- za instead of killing millions of people -- Rachel Traynor. They might attach Oshawa onto Port Perry and it might become big- ger. I also think the new movie Automan might be successful ---- Jason pce fear not you Hawkins fans! I am sure Ronnie Hawkin's show will be great -- Kelly Shave. Trudeau will stay Prime Minister for "84 ---- Sean Bradbury. They might have another small but not a world war. The people all over the world always have something to fight about -- Katy Wray. I predict (and hope!) that this will be a hot summer and lots of weeds -- Jodie Sayles. Video games will get little kids attracted. You will see a kid four years old in Funland, or something ---- Paul Tena. Port Berry will be struck with tragedy when there is a huge fire in the downtown area. Canada will win big at the Olympics -- Clair Cornish. I think that groundhog will see his shadow and there's going to be six weeks of winter left -- Kevin Z. Scugog Lake will become so polluted you won't be able to swim. There are already many weeds -- Jess Luke. There will be an inva- sion of aliens from Pluto ---- Nicole Donnelly. There will be many new soft drinks, bubble gums etc. -- G. Bryan Braid. A lot of people will go without a car because the gas prices are too high -- Chad Vaughan. Ronald Reagan will have a fight with his wife but they will not get divorced and Princess Diana will become preg- nant again -- Steven Brush. Cabbage Patch Kids will become so populr that you'll see adults car- rying them around -- Connie Norton. Peace initiative will have to be postponed because of weather -- Wendy Greenwood. Trudeau will die or get shot by someone that doesn't like him and the things he does -- Ian Thompson. Brian Mulroney will be assassinated at a speech. Prince Edward Island will sink or float away when a gas explosion will destroy everything under the island. We will find a way to stop cancer -- David Wood. The Toronto Blizzards will go to the finals again this year but will lose because they are sure they'll win every year The CN Tower will fall down ---- Melissa Moehring. The government of U.S.A. will swallow their ties -- Tania Fielding. Because of all the com- mericals that cut into TV shows, there will be only 15 minute TV shows and the other 15 minutes will be all commercials -- Brenda Elford. Princess Diana will have a baby girl sometime in December and will name it Royal " Rozanne. Brooke Shields will marry the lead singer from Loverboy, Mike Reno, two months after they meet at her former boyfriends's con- cert. President Reagan will be busted for drug smuggling ---- Kerri- Ann Colby. The Edmonton Oilers are going to face the New York Islanders. Oilers will win four to three in overtime. Wayne Gret- zky will score the winn- ing goal assisted by Mark Messier -- Mark Andrews. We will find some slimy aliens -- Author Unknown. Care Bears will cost $45.99 ---- Michelle Benns. Brian Osser will win the world figure skating this year ---- Melissa Berry. With all the make-up and clothes Boy George wears I'm sure he is a girl ---- Stephanie Coynes. The Toronto Argonauts will win the NFL cham- pionship game ---- David Buxey. In mid-December, the Leafs will win the cup all because Wayne Gretzky quit the NHL -- John Bolan. Manchester 4-H Club learns to eat fit by Ann-Marie Ginn We had our first 4-H meeting on January 30, 1984. This unit involves how to eat proper foods and how to keep your body physically fit. We have eight members this unit and they are as follows: President- Marita Kerston; Vice-President- Ann-Marie Ginn; Secretary- Angela Clodd; Treasurer- Amea Wilbur, Maria Schillings, Samantha Espley, Laura Lee Taylor, Leemore Vauderlaan. Our leaders are- Mrs. Kingstone and Mrs. Wanninkhof. EMMERSON ANCE ERS LT 191 QUEEN ST PORT PERRY (416) 98% 7306 ALL LINES OF GENERAL INSURANCE VICTORIA VG pes Since 944 11a 5 Yr. Annual Interest 11% Semi-Annually Rates Subject to Change Without Notice. "The kids at R.H. Cor- nish will go on strike because school is too easy ---- Melissa Godley. Over one million im- migrants will come to Canada Drew Cardinal. Cigarettes will go up to $3.00 a pack -- Lori Norton. Michael Jackson killed by a jealous singer -- Jason Towns. On March 27, a ghost will haunt the field in Ap- ple Valley because of a fire there ---- Garey Braid. Commodore 64's price is going to drop -- Bill McCullough. Prime Minister Trudeau is going to be voted by talking watermelons. Why? Because he's the pits ---- Natalie Purvis. Jesse Jackson will become president of the U.S.A. Liberace will die of old age ---- Paul McLaughlin. The five hundred dollar fish is going to be caught but out of season PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. February 7,1984 -- 35 1984--The year that pigs will fly and Cornish - students go out on a too-easy-work strike and the person who gets caught by the game warden, will have all his fishing gear taken away ---- Troy Irvine. Everybody will turn punk because of all the tours ---- Lori-Jean Wallace. Ronald Reagan will get a divorce and marry Margaret Thatcher ---- Brad deWolde. The rock group Quiet Riot will change the name of the group to Noisy Riot -- Melissa Bramham. It will not be the best of days for me -- Jody Wackett. Animals endangered will become extinct -- Emitt Burton. John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John will get married on June 11th ---- Jackie Beal. Andropov will die of kidney failure James Parkin. Mr. T. will become a priest ---- Phillip Teno. Mr. T. will sink into the ground if he does not take some of his rings and necklaces off -- Darlene Adams. Phillip Teno will be a famous hockey player ---- Chantele Fulford. Crest will have dif- ferent flavours such as : pepsi, lemon, lime, orange ---- Julie Doble. My teacher, Mr. Taylor will become the conductor of the choir at St. Peter's Basilica and good friends with the Pope ---- Graham Sullivan. People will turn weird and wear their hair like Pippi Long Stocking -- Tanya Windsor. Canada will adopt the "Valley Girl" language ---- Leanne Philip. Fonzi will lose his leather jacket -- Jason Cooper. Michael Jackson will marry Diana Ross -- Andrea Johnston. People will have hair cuts like Mr. T. -- Wayne Spears. On Three's Company, Jack Tripper will actual- ly hug Mr. Ferley. Ozzy Osbourne will choke on a bat's head -- Jenny Blanchard. Girls will stop wearing earring and boys will start to wear them ---- Mike Crawford. We will go back to im- perial instead of metric ---- Marnie Luke. Murdock will get out of the nut house -- Ryan Frie. The Garbage Patch Doll will be started up and the parents will go nuts with them ---- Jackie Durward. Ringette will go pro ---- Lisa Levy, The kids will rule the world and Ian McDougall and James Parkins will be presidents ---- Kelly Leigh Calloway. Whales are going to become extinct ---- Author Unknown. They will make a new show better than the A- team ---- Jamie Mabley. Pigs will fly -- Jen- nifer Burnet. Mike Palmateer will grow taller -- Derek Carter. Video games will take over the world ---- Michael Butt. ail 3 PRs +. Summer Canada 84 Let's put tomorrow's work force on the job today Everyone knows that summer jobs give students a chance to Projects should employ at least three local students and or Employment Development Branch office of Employment carn money to continue their should produce goods or ser- and Immigration Canada for education. But that's just part vices to benefit the community. information and application of the story. Summer employ- All jobs must be full-time forms, ment is also the best way to get and must last between six and APPLICATION DEADLINE the kind of expe rience that makes it easier to eventually 18 consecutive weeks during the summer find a full-time job. Employers who hire students help to deve lop skills that will benefit ARE YOU ELIGIBLE then in the future FOR FUNDING? I'he Government of Canada will assist sponsors of Summer Community and volunteer Canada Works projects with a groups, professional and tech- contribution towards student nical associations, most wages and job-related over local governments and private head costs sector employers are eligible for Summer Canada Works YOU CAN HELP TO CREATE JOBS FOR STUDENTS THROUGH SUMMER CANADA WORKS PROJECTS John Roberts, Minister funding. HOW TO APPLY If your organization has an idea Summer Canada Works for a Summer Canada Works projects provide productive project, contact the nearest employment for local students Canada Employment Centre (EJ Employment and Emplos et Immigration Canada Immigration Canada John Roberts Ministre IS FEBRUARY 24, 1984 Staff at the Canada Employment Centre can also give you more information about other Summer Canada programs and services, These include: oe SUMMER CAREER ACCESS a student wage subsidy program oe CANADA EMPLOYME CENTRES FORSTUDEN' a summer job placement service e RCMP and DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE N' I r S student employment programs Canadi