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Port Perry Star, 14 Feb 1984, p. 28

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. sn aie aasn dae aan ai Shas s 28 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. February 14, 1984 Auctioneers Auctioneers Auctioneers PEARCE Auction Centre On Shirley Road (4 mu South of Port Perry) ESTAVES, ANTIQUES & . HOUSEHOLD SALES Your Place or Ours! Moving Truck Available "Call: (416) 985-7492 COCHRANE AUCTION SERVICE Household - Real Estate Farms - Equipment Livestock «Whatever Your DON & FREIDA will be pleased to hear from you! 985-2788 Auction Sales 1-705-324-2472 *GUN AUCTION* FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 17th at 7.00PM. At D & M SALES BARN - R.R. 2, LINDSAY (One mile west of Lindsay on the Little Britain Road) -- BUY OR SELL -- For those wishing to consign guns to our monthly gun auction, please bring your guns in Thursday or early Friday as we have an 80-gun limit. For more details call the auction barn. Auctioneer, Bud McKee Work Wanted MATURE person for housework. Call after 4 p.m. 985-2450. F 14 PARADISE HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING 10 Point Service Check Free Estimate on installations. 985-7121 985-9478 Work Wanted PAINTING and Decorating. Mike Driscoll. 985-8830 or 725-3243. M 25 FURNITURE si-ipping and repair refinishing. Free - Estimates. Karwood Enter: prise 986-5658. TF LYNDA'S HOUSECLEAN- ING SERVICE, established 1975. Bonded cleaners for residential homes. 433-1462; it busy 985-7732- residence. TF INTRODUCING a full line of catering service to wed: dings, banquets, and any gathering large or small. For further information please contact "The Feed Bin Bakery' 985-9377 or 985-3067. F 14 Work Wanted INCOME TAX RETURNS Personal - Farm - Small Business RATES REASONABLE -- $10 AND UP CHARLES T. HUNT 985-7735 Let Me Help! Call Betty ... INCOME TAX OR BOOKKEEPING PROBLEMS? 985-9077 Custom Upholstering DONNA & BILL LININGTON Nestleton, Ont Country Upholstery Furniture Stripping & Refinishing \ Call Now for Free Estimates 986-5640 New Homes - Additions General Carpentry - Pole Barns NORM'S General Contracting Steel & Asphalt Roofing Aluminum Siding - Soffit NORM TRIPP: 985-3563 P.O. BOX 608 - PORT PERRY Free Estimates Given with No Obligation. OFFICE: 985-8216 RON KING - AUCTIONEER - Auctions of All Types Phone Port Perry 985-2643 Auction Sales WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 22 SALE TIME: 11:00 AM. Holsteins Complete MASSEYHILL HOLSTEIN DISPERSAL, owned by HECTOR MASSEY, Schomberg, sell ing at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge. 65 Head, Registered, Unit Sired, Listed. 40 milk cows, several daughters of Citamatt, Shore Stylist and Starlite selling. Consignments are now being taken for this sale. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. F 14 SATURDAY FEBRUARY 25 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Corneils Auction Barn Auction sale- good assort- ment of modern furniture, antiques, tools, china and glass. Details next week. Consignments welcome. Don Corneil Auctioneer, R.R. 1, Little Britain. 705-786-2183. SATURDAY FEBRUARY 25 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Auction sale at the Clare- mont Community Hall. Household furniture, anti- ques, collectibles, dishes and glassware. Terms cash. Earl Gauslin Auctioneer. 640-3079. F2 SATURDAY FEBRUARY 25 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Pearce Auction Centre Auction sale at Pearce Auction Centre- partial estate with furniture, anti- ques, appliances, mantle clock, dishes, bicycles and added consignments. More detalls next week. 985-7492. WEDNESDAY MARCH 7 SALE TIME: 12:30 P.M. Holsteins Auction sale- Victoria's Pre-Spring Holstein Con- signment Sale at Hickson Sales Arena, R.R. 2, Lind: say, Ontario. Approximate- ly 65 head of Purebred and Grade Holsteins - in all stages of lactation. A good opportunity to select a classy female to upgrade your herd. We offer a Com- plete Sales Service -- for consignments or further in- formation contact Sales Of fice 705-324-8311; Sales Manager: John Buckley 324-4017; Clift Lillico- 439-2380 or Carl Hickson, Owner ad Auctioneer, Reaboro, Ontario 705-324-9959. Our Spring Blossom Special Sale Is April 11th at 7:30. Some outstanding consignments PLUS complete GLORIADALE Holstein Dispersal: ROY H. PHILIPS, Port Hope, On- tario. 80 head herd with great prospects, good breeding. Watch for detalls. For official catalogues con- tact Our Sales Staff. Lost GREY short haired cat, vicinity of Perry Glen sub: division Reward 9859132 after apm St. John Ambulance says there should be so- meone with first aid training at amateur sports events. First aid training teaches you when not to move an in- jured person and when to get medical help as well as teaching basic skills. The goal of first aid training is to save live, promote healing and pre- vent injuries from becoming worse. Speaking Contest Feb. 15 Nestleton - Caesarea News by Mabel Cawker Family Interests On Sunday, February 5th, at St. Gregory's Catholic Church, Oshawa, Matthew - Rayner Allan, infant son of Rayner and Kathy Welts, Nestleton, was christened with the fami- ly present for the ceremony. After the ser- vice - in honour of the oc- casion, a lovely buffet luncheon was "hosted" by Rayner and Kathy Welts and Nicole at their home at Nestleton. Those present for this mean- ingful party were: Godparents- Don and Gail Potts and Stacey of Stirling, grandparents- Walter and Irma Welts, Nestleton, grandparents- Nelson and Anne Hart, Scugog Island, and Ron and Barbara Pereman and Lisa of Port Perry. A fine family gathering! Caesarea Euchre Results A very successful par- ty with an excellent at- tendance. Winners were: First prize- Sid Visser- 93; Second- Brenda Thistel- 85; Low score- Wilma Kruithof- 45. Mrs. Eva Davidge, Williams Point, was celebrating her 94th birthday the following Friday - so a lovely decorated birth- day cake was served honouring a remarkable lady! A special event! Our '"'very best wishes' to Mrs. Davidge for many more happy birthdays! Lions Club Activities Keep in mind the Blackstock Lions and District (Cartwright) public speaking contest this Wednesday, Feb. 15th at 8 p.m. in the Blackstock Rec Centre. Open to the public. Keep in mind as well- the Winter Western dance on Feb. 18th - this coming Saturday night at the Rec Centre. Advance tickets are available - phone Mike Dearborn 986-4664. Also for the month of February- the eye glass drop boxes have been placed in the Country Store at Nestleton and Thomp- son's Store in Blackstock. This is a whole Cartwright com- munity project - so let us be supportive if at all possible. The Church News At Caesarea Com- munity Church a very good congregation with a fine turnout of children taking part singing - what they have learned at the Sunshine Club. Later the minister told them an interesting story. Rev. W.H Crawford D.D. spoke on the age old story "David Fighting Goliath™ 1 Samuel 17. Mrs. Crawford- organist. Try to attend this friendly lit- tle church next Sunday- 11 am. An excellent congrega- tion at Nestleton Presbyterian Church and Rev. Fred Swann de parted from the series on the parables and presented a Valentine message from I Corin- thians 13- in three parts- the pre-eminence of love- the performance and products of love and the permanence of love. He was assisted by his daughter, Susan who is attending Toronto Bible College. Mrs. Scott - organist. Next Sunday at 11 a.m. At the Nestleton United with Lawrence Malcolm ably conduc- ting the service, a very fine discourse was presented by guest minister Rev. Andrew Brndjar of the Canadian Bible Society, who resides in Stouffville. He spoke on "Sowing God's Message" taken from gospel lesson Mark 4: 13-20, giving an indepth look into the Bible Societies work which is world-wide and was first established in England in 1804. It became a Na- tional body in 1904 but the Bible Society work was carried on in Canada to some extent for a cen- tury prior to that. The minister told an in- teresting children's story before they retired to classes. The choir sang an old favourite '"Tell Me The Old, Old Story' melody by William Howard Doane 1832-1916. The congregation joined in singing the chorus. Mrs. L. Malcolm - organist. Messrs. Norm Mairs and Ralph Sadler received the offering - greeters at the door - Sam and Mabel Cawker. Try to attend the excellent services we have each Sunday at 11:15 a.m. Social Notes Norm and Bernice Mairs of Nestleton, were supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thomp- son of Blackstock recently. Marge Fisher of West Hill was an overnight guest with Minnie Fisher, Caesarea, on Fri- day, returning home Saturday. On Tuesday, Sam and Mabel Cawker, Scugog Point Rd., were dinner guests with Grant and Merna Cawker, Chris, Curtis and Caty and spent the evening with Alan and Eleanor Cawker and Christie, all of Oshawa. On Wednes- day, they enjoyed a visit and were dinner guests with Charles and Nell Cawker of Scarborough. Birthday Celebration Little Kyle David Walker, son of David and Regenia Walker of Scugog Point, celebrated his first birthday on Sun. Feb. 12, with grand- parents Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Hill and uncle, Martin Hill and friend Mary Anne Drake, all of Oshawa, present to help celebrate. After the en- joyable birthday party luncheon with a special '"'cake" and all the trim- mings - a 'host' of gaily coloured presents were opened with sister Avril doing the honours for her little brother. A very nice party, and our belated "happy birthday" wishes to little Kyle. Get Well Wishes Joe Wygerde of Nestleton, who has been in a Toronto hospital for some weeks is now . recuperating at home. A speedy recovery is wish- ed to Joe from the Nestleton area friends . and neighbours. Sympathy Extended Our deepest sympathy goes out to the Dearborn family in 'the loss of a devoted husband and father - the late Samuel Dearborn of Oshawa, who lost his life due to a car accident on his way home from Florida. He leaves to mourn, his lov- ing wife, Alice Dearborn, a daughter Janet and Ron Montgomery and family, son Al and Frances and family, all of Oshawa, son Joe and Brigitte and family, Burlington, and son Mike and Pat and family of R.R. 1, Nestleton. A Lovely Trip Enjoyed Winnifred Davison and Aenne Vanderheul of Nestleton are just back home after a months holiday in Daytona, Florida. Closing Thought Although it is still winter - take comfort in the fact that we have now passed the point of mid- winter -- so keep smiling folks and enjoy this mild break in the below zero weather! 30 Church members at Congregational meeting Scugog Island News by Mrs. Earl Reader On Monday evening about 30 members of the Scugog United met for the Annual Congrega- tional Review. Reports were studied «nd a few corrections made or given close scrutiny. More reports are available for those who haven't received any. It was general noted that interest and finances are greatly improved in an- ticipation of approval to a call to an Alberta minister for full-time service probably star- ting about July. In the meantime we owe much appreciation to Rev. Tansley who is the In- terim Minister and is giving us much guidan- ce, encouragement and help. Our Sunday sermons always reveal new in- sight and modern thoughts probably ap- plied to an old familiar subject and show a great deal of study and research along with ex- perience. A story that concluded Sunday's presentation on remembrance and reconciliation along with forgiveness was related to present day accident involvements. A most promising 5 year old boy in a family of four children was killed in a car accident by a wreckless teenager in a poor family. The par- ents of the victim who would usually be filled with resentment for- gave the careless boy and offered to help him with education, work and a welcome home so that their son would not have died in vain. The surprised culprit and judge accepted this Christian offer. The "Grace" U.C.W. are again providing en- joyable evenings of euchre and bake sales. The next one will be at the Community Hall, February 21 instead of February 14. You may have noticed they are having another Annual Beef Supper on Wed- nesday, March 28 with 3 settings at 5, 6 and 7 pm. If you wish to reserve tickets call Pat Taylor, Camille Crozier or any U.C.W. member. This is the one where the men dig in and help. Mr. Perc. Brown spent a few days in hospital last week as he has trouble with low blood. We trust he soon feels better. Mrs. Maude Brown is back living on the Island, presently at the home of her son Elmer Brown, as her daughter, Olive Cox, finds it necessary to build up her own health. Tho' we don't hear too much about recent ac- tivities of the Island Scout movement, they are very much alive with 12 Beavers, 12 Cubs, 26 Brownies and 13 Girl Guides. You notice the girls are leading. It has been drawn to our attention that a Guide helper is needed. If you can help in this area, please call Janet Smith - 985-3396. The caretaker at the Island United Church is very proficient but would like to have some extra items to work with when the need arises. So if anyone has un- needed screwdrivers, hammers, pinchers, old paint brushes or other carpentry equipment it would be appreciated. Renovations in the basement afe again being renewed in the Church of the Scugog United, now that the weather is improving.

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