18 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, March 20, 1984 Winter's End = USED RS > (; t= BR ] a eer Terrific Valye "re -- _---- x =) a 81 BUICK REGAL C Sang beige aL bt air, original 0 ' n N O wr Owner. Stock No. SE Owner, 4 sp. manual » radi 36844. : SEDAN White with req vinyl roof, v8, auto reliable car. No. 435828. Stock H/B SEDAN Light Breen finish 4 Cylinder, 4 $P., radio, paint Stripes. *3,400 Scugog Island News by Mrs. Earl Reader We are crowding many things into the next two weeks and trust Old Man Winter will be reasonable. This Monday and Tuesday is the beginn- ing of the C.P.R. course we've heard so 'much about and Wed. evening the meeting of the Beautification Comm- ittee at the Railroad- house Motel. But Tues- day evening Oshawa Presbytery manages to get in a dinner meeting at Simcoe St. United Church. Then people who love to dance will hurriedly order tickets from the Jeffrey family for Sat. evening at the Commun- ity Hall to support the Kidney Foundation. Next week all repre- sentatives to the Scugog Social Planning Council will remember to attend the noon luncheon meet- ing at the Port Perry United Church. By Wednesday the 28th, we'll be all ready for the '"'Grace'" UCW Beef Supper at the Hall. We hope you still have a choice of sitting time. Pat Taylor or Camille Crozier can tell you. Sat. March 31, the first four ladies to register with Pat Hen- shaw or Barbara Car- negie will have the privilege of attending a young Women's Sem- inar at Brooklin. We are well into the 40 days of the Lenten Sea- son to commemorate Jesus' 40 days of fasting in the wilderness. As Christians, we consider what it means to us and study the repentance (rethinking) and, forgiveness. On Sunday Rev. Tansley's reference - from Jesus' parables were the Prodigal Son and Nicodemus. The United Church across Canada is well into the Ventures in Mission project to raise money across Canada over a period of five years. In some of the poorer areas, the people are away ahead of their objectives and are lead- ing a good example. Our representatives for the Scugog Pastoral Charge are Bill Lamb, Cliff Redman and Maurice CPR course starts soon Fralick. If any individ- uals wishes more information, you may contact one of the three. The new minister for the Scugog Pastoral Charge Rev. Brian Robinson will be arriv- ing around July. He is asking for a Volunteer Secretary to work one half day each week with bulletins etc. If you can help, please give your name to Reta Reader. The "Head" UCW is still looking for artists, demonstrators, flea items and displays for the Art and Craft Show. Please tell any member of any different interests. PAINTING & Pine Ceilings & Wainscotting FREE ESTIMATES! WALLPAPERING *Spring Specials * time of ° RAINBOW ROOMS On Your Deck, PREFAB INSULATED OR UNINSULATED Install inexpensive, attractive Or we will supply and install New Deck and Rainbow Room. ALUMINUM OR WOOD FRAMES Custom Made or Standard Sizes MIKE and CHRIS ALLEN ALUMINUM For free estimates and further information call 985-3747 / 0) 7 7 / y/ / / Our lease has expired and its time for our moving sale. Enjoy reductions on our Spring Fashions arriving daily. Sportswear, active- wear, coats, dresses, de- signer jeans, blouses, swea- ters, accessories - all spe- cially priced to sell! A SALE YOU CANT AFFORD TO MISS! RELOCATING TO: 237 QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY COUNTRY CLASSICS 181 Queen Street - 985-8221