ne ---- W-- 34 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, March 20, 1984 Seagrave and Area News by Patty Williams 'Play group will be ting Wed. March 21 and Wed. March 28 to finish out the Winter term and registration for the Spring term will be held on Wed. April 4. Keep Monday April 16th open as the Good Neigh- Group has oon for a speaker from the 'Tough Love' Association to come to the Seagrave United Church. The topic should be of interest to all parents with tips on discipline and raising Starting at 8:00 with refreshments provided following the speech this should prove to be a most enjoyable and informative evening. Hopefully there will be a good turnout of both mothers and fathers and that we'll learn some new ways of making the difficult job of parenting a little easier. Best wishes go out to Liz Smith's mom who was undergoing eye surgery this week - hope everything turns out Nature Mopeds take 'oe that spring C arrives on Wednesday of this week. That warm spell back in February made us all a very im- patient lot." Spring Break has come and gone and no one seems the worse for wear. On Tuesday a bus load of hearty souls braved' the cold to take a tour of the maple syrup-mak- ing facilities at the Purple Wood Conser- vation area. Surprising- ly we all had a great time and no one seemed to care a bit that the sap wasn't running. This turnout we had to have two guides (who by the way did a great job). Five area boys, Pete King, Steven Desautels, Robin Prentice, Jeff Andrews and Michael Williams, took part in the Novice Hockey Tournament in Platts- ville last week. The Port "Perry team played well and the large group of family and enjoyed a little hockey and a lot of relaxation and fun. Tony and Marjory Macedo spent 10 glorious days in Port Richie, Florida as guests of Bus and Alice responsible children. well. year we had such a good Woodcock who are down SPRING '84 PROGRAM -- ADULT -- *MUSICAL FITNESS* This programme is intended for ladies who wish to be fit and stay fit. You can get ready for spring through this relaxed programme combining exer- cises with music. LOCATION: RH. Cornish Public School STARTING DATE: Monday, April 9 TIME: Mondays 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. COST: $12.00 for 6 weeks MAXIMUM NO.: 20 MINIMUM NO.: 8 INSTRUCTOR: Patti Gettins, 1st Year 'Y' instruc- tor. *HOME GARDENING * This course will get your spring planting off on the right foot. Discover how you can have a green thumb by following basic procedures explained in the programme. LOCATION: Port Perry 'Y' Centre STARTING DATE: Tuesday, April 10 TIME: Tuesdays 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. COST: $15.00 for 4 weeks MAXIMUM NO.: 15 MINIMUM NO.: 8 INSTRUCTOR: Please call the 'Y office - 985-2824 *FLOWER ARRANGING" This course will provide the basic knowledge needed to create your own arrangements. You will be shown how to arrange both fresh and silk flowers. Supplies will be purchased by participant depending on size and type of arrangement you desire. LOCATION: Port Perry 'Y' Centre STARTING DATE: Thursday, April 5 TIME: Thursdays 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. COST: $15.00 for 4 weeks MAXIMUM NO.: 18 MINIMUM NO.: 8 INSTRUCTOR: Nellie Stell, 1st Year 'Y" instructor. *HOME APPLIANCE REPAIR" This course is intended to give you a basic under- standing in small appliance repair. Learn how to patch up articles such toasters, lamps and clocks. LOCATION: Port Perry 'Y' Centre STARTING DATE: Wednesday, April 11 TIME: Wednesdays 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. COST: $15.00 for 4 weeks MAXIMUM NO.: 15 MINIMUM NO.: 8 INSTRUCTOR: Please call the 'Y' Office - 985-2824 DURHAM REGION FAMILY YMCA 269 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY ONTARIO LOB INO TEL: 985-2824 *KNITTING* This course will cover the basic knitting steps that you will need to make your own creations. LOCATION: Port Perry 'Y" Centre STARTING DATE: Mon., April 9 TIME: Mondays 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. COST: $15.00 for 4 weeks MAXIMUM NO.: 15 MINIMUM NO. 8 INSTRUCTOR: Doreen Stainton, 1st Year 'Y Instructor -- YOUTH -- *JUDO* Developed from the Martial Arts. Judo emphasizes the improvement of body awareness, fitness and self-control, through the teaching of throws and ground techniques. Our qualified instructors follow a nationally recognized format. LOCATION: Port Perry High School STARTING DATE: Thurs. April 5 TIME: Thursdays 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. COST: $20.00 for 8 weeks MAXIMUM NO.: 20 MINIMUM NO.: 10 INSTRUCTORS: Bill Gribben, Black Belt and Don- na Gribben, Blue Belt, 4th Year "Y" instructors. -- PRE-SCHOOL -- *MY TIME* This one hour program consists of free play and circle time. The childrenwill enjoy stories, finger plays, action songs and crafts. LOCATION: Port Perry 'Y' Centre STARTING DATE: Friday, April 6 TIME: Fridays 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. COST: $15.00 for 8 weeks MAXIMUM NO.: 10 INSTRUCTOR: Helen Litt, 1st Year 'Y' Instructor *PEE WEE GYMNASTICS* AGES 3-5 YEARS. This is a gymnastics program- me designed and taught with the tot in mind. Classes consist of warm-ups, mat work, balance beam and cool down. An individual report is char- ted so that you may follow your child's progress. LOCATION: Port Perry High School STARTING DATE: Wednesday, May 1 TIME: Wednesdays 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. COST: $10.00 for 5 weeks MAXIMUM NO.: 25 MINIMUM NO.: 10 INSTRUCTOR: Supervisor Nancy Peart, 1st Year 'Y' instructor. *OURTIME* AGES 18 MOS. - 3 YRS. This programme is designed for moms and tots to be together. This integrated programme is offered in co-operation with the consultants from the Infant Stimulation Program. LOCATION: Prince Albert United Church STARTING DATE: Friday, April 6 TIME: Fridays 9:30t0'11:00 a.m. COST: $19.00 for 8 weeks INSTRUCTOR: Linda McMillan p *MUSICAL MOVEMENT* AGES 3-5 YEARS. A fun program for children of pre-school age. Music and dance will be in- tegrated into a programme stressing creative ex- pression. The classes involve basic syn- chronization to music and prepares the child for further development in dance. LOCATION: R.H. Cornish Public School STARTING DATE: Tuesday, April 10 TIME: Tuesdays 6,00 to 7:00 p. m. COST: $17.00 for 8 weeks MAXIMUM NO.: 15 MINIMUM NO.: 8 INSTRUCTOR: Terry Fox, 2nd year 'Y" instructor. there for the winter. Hi Bus and Alice and thanks again for the hospitality. The Mariposa Ladies Group enjoyed an informative ~~ March meeting with a program on dental hygiene the professional hyenist provided the ladies with useful information and corrected some commonly held miscon- ceptions about general dental care. On April 18th the topic for the evening will be "Streetproofing Kids" and the meeting will be held at the Galea home beginning at 8 p.m. The UCW held their March meeting at the home of Mrs. Fern Tobin on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Kennedy and Mrs. G. Wanna- maker were in charge of the meeting. Hymn and prayer opened the meet- ing and scriptures from Psalm 9 was read by Mrs. Kennedy. "O For a Closer Walk With Thee" was the hymn chosen and thoughts on the topic "Little Things" were given by Mrs. Wannamaker. So many times it is the little things that create differ- ences bringing heart- ache and havoc that should never exist into the Church .of Christ. The worship period closed with the hymn "Saviour Breathe on Evening Blessing." Mrs. Kennedy con- ducted the business and a suitable poem was read followed by roll call and collection. Reports were received from the various committees and the treasurer reported a favourable balance on hand, showing the variety supper and articles were turned in euchre party a financial Several for a layette assembled as were donations for the fall bazaar. Mrs. Newman asked the ladies to help her finish a quilt for which she had a sale. night was planned for the March 4th of each month to 'make bazaar items. ~ Mrs. Wannamaker reported on the Hospital Auxiliary asking every- one to continue saving their cash register tapes. A letter was read from the auxiliary regarding the Spring Fair on April 28th ask- ing for donations for the various tables and help in other capacities that day. The Presbyterial Annual was announced for March 20th in Cann- ington United Church and the regional rally to be held in Valentia, May 8th. Discussion took place regarding the Roll Call item for the pro- gram at that meeting, subject being Our Christian Heritage. Meeting adjourned and closed with mizpah benediction. All enjoyed a social time with a dainty lunch served by the hostess. Congratulations to Mrs. Stanley Vennor who was blessed with a healthy little grandson recently: Troy, Sean and Parish Fisher have a new little cousin way out in Wainwright, Alberta. Rev. and Mrs. J. Roundell of Maynoath visited with Mrs. G. Wannamaker on Sun- day. On Wednesday March 21 at 8:00 p.m. the Greenbank School Advisory Committee 'Tough Love' speaker to offer parenting tips invites parents to attend the public meeting being held at the school. Guest speakers will be present to answer questions involving the proposed extension for Greenbank "Public School. On Sat. March 24 the boys of the Seagrave - Greenbank Beavers, Cubs and Scouts will be . holding a paper drive. The boys will be meet- ing at 9:30 at the church and everyone is asked to bundle and tie their papers and leave them at the end of the drive- way (weather permitt- ing). Please call Greg Smith 985-7447 or Don Anstey 958-2906 if you are able to help out or if you have any questions. Another Free Skate has been arranged for Sunday March 25th at the Oakwood Arena by the Seagrave and Mariposa Hockey teams. Everyone is welcome to join in the fun between 6:00 and 7:30 p.m. with a hockey game between Mariposa and Oakwood following. Marilyn Beacock will have the news next week so please contact her at 985-3595 with items of interest. DOGGIE SALON Dog Washing & Grooming ° 19 SUNRISE DR., BLACKSTOCK For Appointment Call: 986-4989 NM -------- CHRYSLER LTD. Take Advantage Of Our PARTS DEPARTMENT, SERVICE DEPARTMENT & BODY SHOP - NOW OPEN! Our low overhead offers you LOW PRICES on Service & Body Work. - 1984 NEW CARS - COME IN AND MAKE A DEAL. WE NEED YOUR TRADE-IN. REGISTRATION AT THE PORT PERRY "Y" CENTRE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28th PRE-REGISTRATION IS NECESSARY! 1-9 P.M. I EE We've got Chrysler LeaseAbility 985-7354 HWY. TA-12 MANCHESTER ER EN nthe, cll Cina Coon! CHRYSLER CHRYSLER A