6 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, March 20, 1984 letters Don't let dogs run loose Dear Sir: Being a faithful customer of the Star, Tuesday's issue March 13, 1984 front page, Dogs Reported Shot, upset me. I'm writing this letter in hopes that you will publish it so the message gets across (o all dog owners. My heart goes out to. Mr. Abbott of Sunrise Beach especially if his dog was fenced in, and on a leash when walk- ing. We all know how frus- trating loose dogs can be, especially on A challenge (From page 5) - hopeful participants, in their respective cate- gory, and offer some examples below. Pick your category and come up with your own design and ideas that suit your area, location etc. Schools vs. Schools Students to partici- pate in: 1. Planting the most attractive floral display at the front entrance. 2. Hold plant sales to make extra funds. 3. Grow geraniums in classroom windows. 4. Assist senior citizens with their flowerbeds, planting etc. 5. Challenge another school on some level. The Scugog Beautifi- cation Committee would like to take this opport- unity to challenge the churches, local bus- inesses, youth groups, service groups, club houses, arenas, fair- grounds, parks, munici- pal buildings, etc. to get behind us and partici- pate enthusiastically to make this a successful project. | We are eager to get an early start to formulate our plans and budget and look forward to "hearing from you at your earliest conven- ience. Please call us if you wish any further information with regard to this beautification project. Yours truly, Scugog Beautification Committee, Jan Johnson, Roy Walker Smith FRANKS RESTAURANT presents ... T.). Fraser & Fraser CAESAREA 986-5553 ROBERT HALL MOTORS LIMITED Auto Sales and Service HWY. 12 - SOUTH OF 7A 985-7717 SAFETY STANDARD INSPECTION SPECIAL (Most Cars) .. 3 1 9.95 Professional Repairs at Reasonable Rates * All Work Guaranteed A Mono FL 9AM 8PM. mim Saturday 9AM. to SPM. YY Yy yyy garbage pick-up days. ' We have all seen littered garbage by loose dogs. I, for one, love to go for walks, but get terrif- ied when loose dogs come up to me growling, thinking they are pro- tecting their own pro- perty. I have also seen loose dogs fighting when children are around. Heaven knows what would happen if the children were to inter- vene. However, this is no excuse to kill or maime a dog, its not the dog's fault. How about us dog owners having a little more consideration for our dogs and other people also our reliable garbage collector by keeping our dogs fenced in and leashed when walking. We owe this much to our faithful friends. Yours truly, The owner of a dog that is fenced in. Disarmament? Dear Sir: Regarding the Oper- ation Dismantle meet- ing your paper covered February 28 in Port Perry: Drivers beware of kids Dear Sir: Spring is coming. (Remember where you read about it). This means many young people will be getting out their. bic- ycle, clean it, grease it, adjust brakes and gears and hit the road. (Their muscles complaining). This means some de- ranged motorist will likely take the opportun- ity to try to cut them off at an intersection or the prime of life. Some kind soul will slow down while pass- ing, allowing them to hit potholes, bumps and sewer gratings they would normally have missed. Another with their best interests at heart will throw things to get their attention also drive up behind them and honk the horn to startle them. Still another, parked, will wait until they reach them then open the door. Still drivers will cut them off, try to squeeze them into the curb, stop right in front of them, do anything to test the limits of brakes, reflexes, patience and temper. Motorists, please be careful. Many cyclists will be out there soon and they will be very vulnerable. You should treat all cycists exactly as you would any other vehicle with respect and witli attention to the laws of the road. But if you just keep your dis- tance, they will settle for that. Think - Motorists - no open season on cyclists. Roy Walker Smith Port Perry, Ontario I wonder if the 25 well- intentioned people in attendance gave any thought to ensuring that the Soviets also disarm? If not first, then at least at the same time. I too fear a global nuclear disaster, but all evidence shows that this is more likely should the democratic countries of the world disarm leav- ing all nuclear power in the hands of a country like Russia, whose national policy is armed aggression and eventual world dominance. The shooting out of the sky is an unarmed passenger Korean jetliner by Soviet fighter-pilots should provoke a second, hard look at the issue by even the most ardent "anti-nuke" person. I found it ironic that this disarmament meet- ing was held at the United Church. The United Church was the only church out of seven in Port Perry I Associates win awards Morley Bruce, Presi- dent of RE/MAX Scugog Realty Ltd., in Port Perry, is proud to an- nounce the winner of the outstanding sales achievement award in 1983. The Executive Club Award winner was Guy Latreille. The awards were given at a formal dinner and dance in Toronto on Saturday, March 10, 1984, It was held at the prestigious Harbour Cas- Survey Dear Sir: During a recent two day survey conducted in my store the following question was posed: "Would you find it con- venient if all stores in Port Perry were open Friday nights?' The choices, 'yes', "no", "doesn't matter" were offered. Of 68 partici- pants, the results were: Yes -59; No-0; Doesn't Matter -9. The ones to whom it didn't matter were from Toronto, Ottawa, Britain, Oshawa and Unionville. This is enough in- centive for me to stay open Thursday and Fri- day nights for many years lo gome. Sincerely, Marion Murray Ingredients Unlimited approached last year which refused to allow Pro Life material to be made available to members of the con- gregation! Sincerely, Linda van Andel, Port Perry awards in all. RE/MAX currently has over 800 sales associates working in 70 offices across the proyince of Ontario. tle Hilton Convention Centre, where 1100 guests attended. RE/MAX Ontario presented over 300 SATELLITE SALES ® SERVICE ® INSTALLATIONS ® LEASING ® FREE ESTIMATES o 1330 RITSON RD. N (at Taunton) OSHAWA ONT L1G 626 (416)433-1116-7 RAGLAN GAS BAR Are You Tired of The "Gas War Game" Ya! You fill up then find the prices lower down the road! & SIPCO - Our Guarantee to You - LOWEST PRICE ON THE ROAD!!! If you see a lower price on the road, let us know and we'll refund you the difference and change our prices immediately. 1. EASY INSTALLATION A contractor can mount it in your oil furnace in a few hours. In most cases electrical wiring doesn't need to be upgraded from 60 or 100 amp service. 2. COST SAVINGS It can reduce oil consumption by up to 75%. And a plenum heater added to your oil furnace will prolong the life of your furnace. Call your local Hydro and join the converted today. Go Electric