18 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, May 8, 1984 Two groups of musically inclined students, including the choir and recorder group, above, recently represented Im- macvalte Conception Catholic School at the Kiwanis Festival at Eastdale Collegiate in Oshawa. The recorder ensemble, 11 students from grades four to seven, and led by Esther ¥ oR es o Sh 0g Fam a Wha! a Tw ad HY Rah vv det PL id - The Immaculate Conception Catholic School choir, made up of students from grades four to six, competed against eight other groups from around the Region and placed third, led by Ellen Herron. The choir members are (front row from left): Christine Mueller, Andy Pallotta, Chris Don- nelly, Angie Vehof, Eric Kraupa, John Con- nell, Jeff Brett and Kyle Russell; (middle) sn FOR YOUR COMPLETE C CAR CARE SERVICE Scugog Oil Undercoating Service at 985-9569 We do -- Car Washing -- Interior Shampoo -- Oil Undercoating -- Wax Treatment Monte Carlo HAIR FASHION 11 WATER STREET PORT PERRY 985-3684 ANNOUNCEMENT MARILYN HILL ANGIE NYERGES The management and staff of Monte Carlo Hair Fashion, Water Street, Port Perry, are pleased to announce that Marilyn Hill and Angie Nyerges have recently joined their pro-- fessional hair care staff. Nash, placed fourth in their competition. In the front row, from left is: John Connell, Theresa Pallotta, Mari Nash, Elizabeth Con- nell, Diane Leering, Lien Connell and Tuan Connell. On top is leader Esther Nash, Bren- da Poirier, Laura Rioval, Nicole Cliche, Halie Vogel and Bonnie Kingston. s . A wr PT Giada td bl IR i me A : > de i {So ho 3, Lo Bt ed + a es Pr $ | , y TAR oe bl ditt. RY td Ar : Lillian O'Connor, Jenny Oosterholt, Stephanie O'Connor, Amy Sleep, Theresa Pallotta, Carolyn Leering, Elizabeth Con- nell, Gabrielle Ormerod, Denise McGriskin and Halie Vogel; (top) Ellen Herron, Becky O'Toole, Brenda Poirier, Laura Rioual, Nicole Cliche, Diane Leering, Mari Nash, Natasha Frick, Brandon Guido and Erin O'Toole. yf oar aay (Specials in effect May 8-12) Mother's Day Cakes. . ... .. trom $3.89 Try our Delicious Black Forest or Our Fresh Strawberry Torte. Dinner Rolls. ................ doz..89 Ice Cream. .............. 21itre $1.99 STOUFFVILLE BAKERY PORT PERRY PLAZA Hwy. 7A - 985-2412 "Country Village Baking' RON HUNT DRILLING CONTRACTOR RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL WATER WELLS ® General Commercial Drilling ® Pump Installation & Service ® Guaranteed Workmanship ® Licensed by Minis.ry of Environment PAYMENT TERMS AVAILABLE! CALL: (705) 324-4167 LINDSAY; ONTARIO Traditional 'folk art' captured imagin Ashburn News by Mrs. Rose Heron The Burns Kirk Guild held their May meeting on Tuesday evening of last week in the church hall with a good attend- ance. The guest for the evening was Lorraine Coombs, who brought a beautiful display of 'Folk Art' which is traditional painting on mostly wood articles. She had everything from a treasure chest to a lovely painted flour sifter. She told us much about Folk Art and how she enjoyed it, and she even showed us how to dot the different brush strokes. Lunch was enjoyed at the close of the meeting. Mrs. Jo Bryant and son Paul returned to their home on Sunday of last week after spending a month with her mother, Mrs. Ruby Bry- ant of Port Perry. Recent visitors with Mrs. Evelyn Lynde were Mr. and Mrs. Neil Lynde of Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Burr- oughs of Hyland Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bradley of Harcourt. There was a good time out at the euchre party in the community centre last Thursday evening, when there was eleven tables playing. The prizes went to Laurrena Bright and Rachael Eeckhout, Martin Gall and Charles Clark. Verna Draper got the most lone hands. The 50-50 draw was won by Arthur Richardson, and Bessie Spencer won the door prize. The next euchre will be May 17th. We are happy to report Mr. Bill Hopkins is home from Toronto Hospital after having surgery on his hand. We are all glad the opera- tion helped. Sunday was a very special day at Burn's Church, the 16th annive- sary of the dedication of the present church. In the morning the special soloist was Mr. Gale Rodgers of Nap- anee, who sang two beautiful solos, 'The Lord's Prayer" and "I'll Walk with God'. Rev. McEntyre's message was titled " Yet We Believe' and the scriptures were read by Ted Heron and Ray Porter. Cam Brown and David Oliver are the ushers for this month. In the evening there was a good turnout to hear the very enjoyable gospel musical program by "The Torchmen" from St. Catherines. They had lots of instru- ments from the mouth organ to the bag pipes. They were very gener- ous with their numbers and their voices blended so beautiful that every- ones spirits were lifted and they will be rem- ation embered for a long time. Do you have May 26th marked on your calen- dar? That's the day of the Hat Parade and Flower Arranging and afternoon tea in the Church Hall, beginning at 2 p.m. Everyone is welcome under the auspices of the Kirk Guild. Don't forget the yard sale at the community centre next Saturday May 12, 9-5. There will be lots of things for sale and lunch will be avail- able. Have a god week - we can plant a tree this day but we leave the blossoming to God. Pledges still needed for lose-a-thon Utica & Area News by Vera Brown I'm looking for spon- sors for the "Lose-a- Thon' to raise money for the Epsom-Utica Churches. I pledged to lose 5 pounds and really need some encourage- ment in the form of pledges. Family Day will be celebrated at Utica Church at 11:00 a.m. There will be a euchre on Friday at 8 p.m. in Utica Hall. There will be a dance in the Hall on Saturday evening spon- sored by the Utica Hall Board. It was with sadness we heard of the passing of Mr. Frank Mac- gregor of Keswick who was for many years our local store keeper, neighbour and friend. Our sympathy to Ruth in her bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Van der Heyden of Oshawa called on Mrs. Crosier last week. Mrs. Mildred Thomp- son was a supper guest with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Harrison of Mount Albert on Tues- day. Mrs. Phyllis Clark of Uxbridge had Sunday supper with Mildred. Mr. and Mrs. Art Catton were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Slute on Saturday even- ing. Sunday supper guests with the Slutes were Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ross and boys who were celebrating the birthdays of Adam who is 8 and Ian who will be 5 years old. Happy Birthday boys! Our daughter Dorothy and children visited on Thursday morning and then called on her friend Connie Walker to see the new baby Sarah and Adam in Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. John Croxall and girls visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hol- mes in Toronto on the weekend. Mrs. Helen Crawford visited with the Sut- cliffes on Sunday and she and Mrs. Georgina Sutcliffe visited with Mr. and Mrs. Terry Crawford of Greenbank. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fielding and girls were Sunday guests 'with his parents, Earl and Irene. LAKESHORE LANDSCAPING PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Summer Maintenance Cutting and trimming of all lawn areas. Cultivating and edging of all garden beds. Clean up all debris on lawns, garden beds, walkways, patios, driveways. Lawn/Garden fertilizing. BOOK NOW - CALL GERRY ... 985-2188 SMALL BUSINESS Opportunity? -- Problem? For INDEPENDENT opinion, evaluation or assistance BY AN EXPERIENCED BUSINESSMAN call CASE -- (Counselling Assistance to Small Enterprises) -- A non-profit service to small business that you CAN AFFORD. Contact: FEDERAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT BANK L.D. Maclnnis, CO-ORDINATOR - (416) 571-1355 BACKING INDEPENDENT BUSINESS Canadi Ey