"oo 32 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, May 8, 1984 For Sale For Sale Used Cars Wanted Wanted to Rent Help Wanted Work Wanted 14 FY. CRESTLINER, 4 HP Johnson, with trailer and skiis. $950. 986-0060 -------------------------------------- % BED and 2 bedspreads. Phone 984-5676 after 6 p.m. SEED potatoes, lawn and garden fertilizer, garden seeds, onion sets. Marlows Feed Store, 40 Vanedward M5 REDUCED - No. 5 grade Fe nuts and bolts: $4.00 per Ib. Marlows Feed Store, 40 Vanedward Dr., Port Perry. 985-7363. CANOE the Nonquon in a cedar strip racing canoe (MC2) with ballor. Good condition. Asking $275. Phone 985-7244. M23 YOP SOIL and garden manure delivered. 985-7013. M2 FIREWOOD mostly cedar, all you can carry in a pick up truck. $20. 985-3827. ESTATE SALE. Complete line of late model, well maintained farm equipment including Case 1190 tractor with 250 hours; 315 New Holland baler and New Holland 489 haybine, plus much more. All reasonable offers considered. Call 668-9610 or 7231379 (Oshawa) for directions. FARMERS: Sprayed Urethene insulation. Quality | work at Western Ontario prices. Certitied ap plicators. Experienced In agricultural retrofit since 1975. Call Warmth Insulation 613-267-6711, Box 460, Perth, Ontario. K7H 3G). 12 FT. fibreglass boat. 75 HP Johnson motor. Best offer. 985-2535. FLY IN an industry leading Rotec Ultralight. Complete training course. $500. New 1984 planes. $5,500 and up. Rentals and used planes available. Book your intro- flight today. Liteflite Inc. 416-052-3932. M29 MULCH: ideal for gardens and lawns, by the bag or truck load. 986-4246 -- 561). READY NOWI! German Shepherd pups. Siiver/black purebred, not registered. Will have first needles. Asking $125 male or female. Please call 705-706-2857 MB SANDAK shoes and sandals. Call daily after 6:30 p.m. or weekends. 9858819. M 29 SWIMMING POOL. 16 x 32 ft... Kayak. Filter, pump, solar blanket, winter cover and accessories. $3,300. 985 05%. LOW PRICES on new chestertields, beds, kitchen suites, coffee table sets, etc. Elmer's Furniture, 253 Blbor St E.. Oshawa. 720 3473 TF IR we Studios of Port Perry COMPLETE WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY | Packages for all budgets ALSO GROUP & FAMILY PORTRAITS 985-2649 985-3708 CARPET VINYL & CERAMIC Sales Installation & Repairs Renovations ROB McLEAN 986-4724 M5 CEDAR POSTS and poles Posts: 32 inch top. $1.50 each; 4 inch top $2.00 each; poles 12, 14, 16 18 ft. 985 746). M15 BOAT Crest liner, 20 ft, Norseman daycruiser, Cud- dy cabin, 140 HP, 1/0 Mer- cruiser, trim tabs, compass, am-fm 8 track, CB, radio, camper top. Asking $9,500. Phone. 985-2659 after 6 p.m. MB UPHOLSTERY FABRICS vinyls, foam, buttons made, tools etc. Ace Upholstery Supplies, 204 Bond St. E., Oshawa. 579-5666. TF FREE installation: Erie and Kinetica Water softeners and iron filters. Ultra violet purifiers and chlorinators. Buy. rent or lease. Free water analysis. Call Gary Young Plumbing, Brooklin. Days: 655-4936; evenings: 655-8989. M22 YAMAHA have two new models Moto 4 (wheel) 200 reverse, 7 models in all, ser- viced and ready to go. Tri Zinger 60 for the kids. You can test drive. For good ser- vice and a straight forward deal, try Asselstines Yamaha, Blackstock 986-4437 17 FT. COLEMAN canoe, made of ram-x, Including carrying yoke and life jackets. All like new. Asking $375. 985-8051. CEDARS for heding, 3 ft. to 10 ft. Pick up. delivered, planted. 655-4448 and 983-9714. TF GARDEN manure - pick-up loads. $35. Delivery extra. 986-4914. GLOXINIA, Dahlia, Gladiolus, Vermiculite. 7 kg. $12.99. Sunflower seed $18 - 50 Ib. Marlows Feed Store, 40 Vanedward Dr., Port Perry. 985-7363. MS 'ROTO TILLER, eight horsepower, excellent condi- tion. 986-4494. MB SIXTEEN yearling ewes, one year old. North Country Cheviot and Shropshire. Alvin Gray. Oakwood. 705-953-9866. USED oil furnace and tank. A-1 condition. 985-3584. LAYING HENS $2.00 each. Call 655-3091. MB WATKINS Products spices, liniments, cleaning products, etc. For informa: tion phone 985-2070 O04 RADIAL arm saw. 985-2443. TF FIREWOOD in log lengths or 16 inch blocks; or 16 inch, cut and split. 985336). TF SHAKLEE. For products or information please call 986-477). TF HEREFORD Bulls, one year old. Call Walter Kerry. 852 6798. M Lost PLANE RAMP, 10 x 14 11, went out with the ice, Lake Scugog. Reward: 986-5152. CANOE, Sportspal, 12 ft Port Perry area. Call 985 7543 OR 985 3460 BLACK Newfoundland Scugog Island, April 15th Answers to 'Zelda ' Reward. 985 3982 Found YOUNG black male dog. with white blaze on chest Call 985 735) between 9 and 5 OR 985 8032 after S p.m Used Trucks 1979 CHEV 1 ton. 4 wheel drive, new tires, 75.000 km $4,500 Call 655 4776 M8 1977 GMC % ton pick up Camper special, 350 auto, excellent $3,800 certified 852-5009 1980 DODGE 300. dual tires. 7H x11 ft stake and rack box, tarp. Excellent condi tion. 984-4259 evenings 1964 CHEV Impala SS. no motor or transmission, chrome and interior mint. $400 or best offer. 985-8507 8 fo 5 or after 5- 9858786. mn VOLKSWAGON Fastback 1600, am-fm radio, good tires, runs good. Great transportation. $275. 986-5129. 1976 MERCURY 4 door Comet. Well kept car. 58,000 miles. Call 985-2181. Asking $1,200. 1974 NOVA, 2 door, 6 cylinder automatic, recondi- tioned and certified. £1,650. 985-2006. TF 1975 COMET, 6 cylinder, rust-proof, radial tires, cer- tified last year. $700 -- 38,000 miles. Call 985-2139. 77 OLDS 88, loaded, good condition. $2,750 certified. 985-3378 after 5:30 p.m. 1972 VOLKSWAGON 411, almost new Michelins, good motor, automatic, as Is. $300. 986-5350. 198) CHEVETTE, 4 door, H.B.- auto, 4 new tires and brakes. Certified, A-1 condi- tion. 985-3053. 1982 CHEVETTE, hat chback, maroon, low mileage, excellent condi- tion. $4,700 or best offer. Call 985-7566. 1970 DODGE Coronet, 2 transmissions, 2 rear ends, air shocks, 6 mags. Needs motor $800 or best offer. '82 Tri Moto 175- $700 or best of- fer. 985-3752. 1974 CHEV Belair, 350 auto, 4 door, air conditioning, needs some body work. $400. 986-5350. ONE SET of center lines for Chev, 15 x10 Inches and 15 x J inches- $500; also one car trailer in excellent condition $800. 985-3488 ask for Chris. 1970 -- 350 Pontiac Tempest, 4 door, good condition, am- fm cassette stereo, $450 or best offer. ©. 986-4923. 1983 PONTIAC Parisienne, 4 door, V8, automatic, ps. pb, radio, several extras, two- tone brown, 10,000 miles. $11,000 firm. Phone 985-7929. 1968 PONTIAC Parisienne, 2 plus 2 convertible, good roof. Needs body work. $600 or best offer. 985-8967. 1975 TOYOTA Corona SRS, 2.2 litre, 5 speed, 67,000 miles. $1,300 certified. 985-3792. M15 1967 ACADIAN, 69,000 original miles, automatic power steering, certifiable. $400 as is. 985-8827 after 6 p.m. 1976 CHEV Belair, auto, ps, pb. 350, V8, 4 door. As is $400. Call 985-3091. MB 1964 CHEV Impala SS con- vertible, 283 auto, bucket seats, console, ps, pb, am-fm cassette etc. Runs like new. Bargain at $1,995 firm. 986-444) 1974 MONTE Carlo, ps. psb, pw, bucket seats, am-fm stereo, new battery, new rad, new exhaust. $1,200 firm. 985-3628. SPECIAL EIGHT '82 CHEV IMPALAS (4 DOOR) former Durham Police cars. All cars heavy duty. Cars are in ex- cellent condition 4 GAS - 4 PROPANE Sold - As Is ONLY $4495.00 ea SCALA RROS. 985-3132 © Personals DATES GALORE. We are a professional infroduction service, designed to in troduce compatible people to each other For all ages Prestige Acquaintances Call toll free 1-800-263-9103 Noon to 8 p m PASTURE for 18 Holstein heifers. 655-4250. WILL PICK UP without charge, all used appliances, refrigerators and freezers. Empty your cellars and garages. Also old TVs and radios. Call 986-4926. TF GOOD USED apartment size or upright plano. Ser- vice and tuning available for all makes. Irwin Smith Music Ltd. 985-2635. TF SCRAP CARS. Highest prices paid - will pick up. 985-8636 or 985-3348. TF WANTED to buy, all types: of poultry, chickens, ducks, geese, rabbits or what have you.- Call Mike anytime af 985-8824. ' WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE any complete stan- dard size car, free towing. 576-2160. Art's Auto Wreckers Limited. TF FARM bag scales $100; old decoys to $200; old quilts. Evenings 655-8049. TF ~ For Rent TWO HORSE stalls with pasture in _ Nestleton. 986-5540. 1980 MASTER Coach XL Motorhome, 23 ft., sleeps six, luxury model, low rates. Contact- Bob Switzer, Enter- prise Ford. 576-1800. TF KIN SCOUT HALL, 245 Lilla St. N., Port Perry. 985-3736. THREE BAY garage- south of Port Perry, heated. In- cludes compressor, tire changer, etc. 985-8625 OR 655-8816. TF SMALL ENGINES - Repairs and tune-ups; lawnmowers, tillers, tractors, outboard motors. Call Mr. Fix-it. 985-7771 (behind Rent & Save on Casimir St.) EOW HOME REPAIRS - Drywall guns, table saw, power tools, box trailer. Call Rent & Save, 179 Casimir St. 985-7771. EOW COTTAGE near Fenelon Falls. By season only. $900. Good fishing and swimming. Has private dock. Not recommended for small children. Phone 416-985-2597: 705-454-8442. Wanted to Rent LAKEFRONT cottage, modern conveniences, 4to 5 months. 985-7305. MB Business Opportunity STUDENTS: Earn extra money this summer by sell- ing popular items from our free gift catalogue. Write: Regal, 939 Eglinton Ave. E., Dept. 630, Toronto Ontario. M4G 206. $10,000 SECOND income. Be a part time representative selling and renting our line of high quality distillers for purifying drinking water in the home, office and factory Contact us today for more information. Water Purity Systems, 537 Brant St., Burl ington, Ontario. L7R 2Gé. 416-639-0503. 3 -- 4 BEDROOM home, AS. A.P. Long term with op- tion to buy if available. Close 'to Port Perry. References available. Call days 725-6564. M 22 Legal Nofice NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS in the Estate of JACOB NORMAN NOBLE RYNARD, late of the Township of Scugog in the Regional Municipality of Durham. All persons having claims against the Estate of the sald JACOB NORMAN NO- BLE RYNARD, deceased, who died December 28th, 1983, are required to file pro- of thereof with the under- signed on or before May 31st, 1984, after which date the Executor will administer the Estate having regard on- ly to the claims of which he shall then have notice. DATED at Uxbridge, On- tario, April 25th, 1984. WILLIAM H.C. BAILEY Barrister & Solicitor Box 1030, Uxbridge, Ont. LOC 1KO0 Solicitor for the Executor. M5 Help Wanted BABYSITTER needed to look after 3 year old and 7 month old, in my home 4 days per week, beginning June 4. Please call 985-9134 after 6 p.m. BABYSITTER for small infant- your home or mine, beginning end of May. 985-8837. SCHOOL bus driver for Greenbank-Epsom area. Class 'B' licence required or will train. Phone 985-8926.M 15 3 DENTAL assistant wanted for newly opening dental of- fice in Brooklin. Please send resume to Dr. Elaine McKenna, Box 280, 53 Baldwin St., Brooklin. LOB 1CO. PERMANENT part time (not of interest to students). 20-30 hours week, shift work, some experience in fast-food restaurant for cashier and other duties. Applications being accepted at Dixie Lee. PART TIME receptionist/ typist for Saturdays. W. Frank Real Estate Limited. 985-7386. CLEANING person with references. Call 985-8151. NANNY- experienced mature, non-smoker for Port Perry family. Respon- sibilities include care of 3 children, ages 14, 10, 3 and light housekeeping. Live in or out. Salary negotiable. Start Sept. 1984. Apply P.O. Box 15, c/o Port Perry Star, Box 90, Port Perry. Ms 'Swing into Spring' with AVON Be a success story. Sell Avon, meet nice people, earn good money too. Excellent areas avail- able in Port Perry. Call Now ... 725-9696 Help Wanted hcense Resume should be submitted by May 18, 1984 to: SECRETARY-TREASURER Kawartha Region Conservation P.O. Box 819, FENELON FALLS, Ontario KOM 1NO The Kawartha Region Conservation Authority requires a CONSERVATION EDUCATION CO-ORDINATOR The successful applicant will' be responsible for planning and implementing a conservation educa: tion program Candidates must have a good know- ledge of natural history. and a valid driver's EXPERIENCED farmer needs general farm work. Good knowledge of machinery and maintenance. Own accom- modation. Phone 416-263-2760. BOOKKEEPER, part time, 2-3 days week, for accounts receivable and payable, must be experienced up to and including trial balance. Reply in writing to: Frelin Industries Ltd., Box 1509, Port Perry, Ontario. LOB INO. Work Wanted TYPING/WORD Proces- ing: Essays, resumes, let- ters, mass mailings. Per- sonalized and reasonable. Call Raglan 655-4940. M 8 SPRING clean-up! Yards, windows, carpets, grass cut, etc. Call 985-2925. M15 CUMMINGS BACKHOE & COTTAGE RAISING Septic Systems, Trenching, Basements PROF ESSIONAL painting and wallpapering. Reasonable. Call Keven 985-8358. TF EXTERIOR maintenance- painting, spring clean-up, lawn cutting and upkeep etc. Reasonable rates. Phone Rick- 985-8100. K. DAVE MUIR Reg. Industrial Accountant Bookkeeping - Income Tax - Accounting For Individuals - Small Businesses - Farmers and Companies. Evening & Weekend Appointments Arranged. 985-8494 985-7079 986-5601 Port Perry Auto Glass & Trim Windshields - Vinyls - Convertible Tops - - Complete Interiors - - Boat Tops & Seats -* Sunroofs & Pinstripes & Mouldings 139 WATER ST, PORT PERRY 985-8507 Custom Upholstering DONNA & BILL LININGTON Nestleton, Ont. Country Upholstery Furniture Stripping & Refinishing Call Now for Free Estimates. 986-5640 New Homes - Additions General Carpentry - Pole Barns NORM'S General Contracting Steel & Asphalt Roofing Aluminum Siding - Soffit NORM TRIPP: 985-3563 P.O. BOX 608 - PORT PERRY Free Estimates Given with No Obligation. OFFICE: 985-8216 EXTERIOR PAINTING INTERIOR PAINTING & WALLPAPER -- Free Estimates -- TIM PELYK ... 985-3490 -- yard clean-up CALL STEPHEN'S LAWN CARE -- lawns cut, raked and trimmed -- gardens tilled, too! Seniors & Handicapped - 10% Off TOP-OF-THE-LINE EQUIPMENT -- FULLY INSURED -- STEPHEN: 985-2034 "HELP A STUDENT HELP YOU." LAL ep 8 i r--yp--,,,A o X Ras BE