a -- ' Christmas Seal Day Camp for children Registration for this summer's Christmas Seal Day Camp for asthmatic children is now underway, with 25 available vacancies for children aged between 5 and 9 at the Camp Samac facility. Funded by Durham Region Lung Association, the Camp will operate between Monday, July 16th and Friday, July 27th (weekdays only) and prior registration is essential. Asthmatic children frequently miss out on summer fun because of their breathing difficul- ties, and the main objective of the Christmas Seal Day Camp is to demonstrate that, with only a little extra care, they can participate in regular summer activities as fully as their non- asthmatic friends. All the usual activities associated with camp- ing will be offered under the supervision of five professional camp staff, including a registered nurse; cookouts, nature trails, water sports, country crafts and a sleep-over night on . Thursday, July 26th are allfeatured in the Camp experience. Registration fees for the two week period have been set at $40.00 per child (which includes transporta- tion), and for families with more than one child attending, this rate is reduced to $20.00 for the second chiid. In view of current high unemployment in Dur- ham, the Association is prepared to reduce or eliminate in individual cases of financial hard- ship. For more inform- ation on this Christmas Seal Service call Dur- ham Region Lung Association at 723-3151. the DISTINCTIVE WEDDING INVITATIONS Contact our office for complete details SLO 235 Queen St. | St., Port Perry Call 985-7383 PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, May 8, 1984 -- 37 If you phone the hospital, chances are the first voice you'll hear is that of swit- chboard operator Mary MacLennan. More hospital shots Lynda Ashton works as a chemical analyzer in the lab, where technologists call themselves the "Health Detectives.' Golden daffodils at meeting by Margaret Beath The phrase, '"'A Host of Golden Daffodils", comes to mind when describing the very successful meeting and show held by the Brook- lin Horticultural Society on April 25. The meeting was opened by President Ken Brown who welcomed the almost fifty members and guests who attended including a member of his family from Gimli, Manitoba. Our horticultural quiz game, "Fun with Flora", was enjoyed, following which Ken introduced Gary Young, proprietor of Brooklin Rentals and a well known local business man. Gary demonstrat- ed the use of small power equipment for gardens. His remarks were timely and inform- ative and he concluded them with a question and answer period. Secretary, Betty Van Buuren then made several announcements regarding the up- coming O.H.A. Annual Convention being held in Sudbury in June and encouraged our members to attend. Jean Foss, of West Hill, did a fine judging job on the 73 entries which were presented. The results were as follows: Best Specimen of show was a Cyclamen plant entered by Mrs. Margaret Wick, prize donated by Brooklin Rentals; Best Decora- tive prize, donated by Robert Eckel Florist, went to Penny Hosken and the Best Foliage Plant award, donated by the Brooklin Village Shoppe, also went to Penny Hosken. A delicious lunch was served by Shirley Morrow. Don't forget the Plant Auction on May 19, being held at Grass Park, Brooklin, so bring along a plant and a neighbour. Bethesda-Reach W.I. executive Past President - Mrs. T. Carter; President - Mrs. L. Stroud; 1st Vice Pres. - Mrs. J. Bruce; 2nd Vice Pres. Bigglestone; Sec. Trea- surer - Mrs. R. Sprules; Assistant Sec. Treas. - Mrs. L. Meyers; Dis- trict Directors - Mrs. L. Doble; Alternate Dis. Director - Mrs. Jean Ward; Branch Direct- ors - Mrs. Cliff Robb, Mrs. Florence DeBoer, and Mrs. N. Roberts; Public Relations - Mrs. R. Evans; Assist P.R.O. - Mrs. D. Clydesdale; Tweedsmuir History Curator - Mrs. Tim Burnett; Assist. Tweed- smuir History Curator - SHORT TERM CERTIFICATES 30-119 Days 9% Minimum $5,000. 30-119 Days 10% Minimum $50,000. GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES 1 Year Annual Interest 10%4% Minimum $500.00 5 Year Annual Interest 12%47% Minimum $500.00 Rates subject to Change without Notice STANDARD TRUST 165 Queen Street, P.O. Box 1318 mR \ Port Perry, Ontario 1.OB INO Telephone: 985-8435 (mpgn, Momp - Mrs. J. Mrs. Ted Croxall; Sun- shine Committee - Mrs. G. Nighswanders, Mrs. Tom Carter; Pianist - Mrs. L. Stroud; Auditors - Mrs. Lloyd Pogue, Mrs. Ross Snodden; Telephone Committee - Mrs. H. Boadway, Miss R. Thomas; Standing * Committee Convenors Resolutions - Mrs. Orvan Brethour; Agri- culture and Canadian Industry - Mrs. J. Bruce; Citizenship and World Affairs - Mrs. Les Meyers; Education and Cultural Activities Mrs. T. Carter; Family and Consumer Affair Mrs. R. Evans. FRANK'S RESTAURAN T CAESAREA 986-5553 "DENIM" (formerly "Amethyst") FRI., MAY 11th 9P.M.to 1AM. (Cover Charge starting 9 P.M.) - SPECIAL MOTHER'S DAY DANCE - Saturday, May 12th ... 9P.M. to 1 A.M. Get Ready for Spring ATTE NTION! We Clean Cars, Trucks, Boats, Campers, etc. Scugog Oil Undercoating Service CALL: 985-9569 a Em Comm te gl i ri. mi li a 2M a gli