12 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, May 15, 1984 Friends attend shower Prince Albert Area News by llean Pugh On Sunday May 6th, Dorothy Hope, Ann Ostafichuk and Lisa Canning were hostess . for a bridal shower for Annie DeJong. The community centre had been decorated for this special occasion by Vivian Canning. About forty friends and neigh- bours attended. The June bride to be rec- eived many useful and lovely gifts. A delicious lunch was served. Mrs. Fern Murray of Kingston has been spending some time with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Clarke. Lila's friends will be sorry to hear that she had the misfortune to fall and break her arm and spent some time in Toronto hospital. On Thursday after- noon a few of Norma Robinson's friends SEAGRAVE gathered at ° Eva Hunter's and surprised Norma with a birthday party. Thursday evening twelve tables of euchre players turned out. Ladies winners Dorothy Butson, Dorothy McDiarmid and Kay Brown. Come on out men and support your brothers as the women took all the men's prizes to ladies playing as men High llean Pugh, Carol- ine Hugh and Betty Boose. Lone hand series winner Dorothy Mec- Diarmid with 13 lone hands. Mrs. Bill Armstrong along with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne McKinnon from Sterling, Ontario attend- ed the wedding of Mini Faber and Scott Mc- Namee on Friday even- ing in the King St. - Pentecostal Church in NURSERY TELEPHONE: 985-8888 Oshawa. Best wishes to this happy couple from Prince Albert. Sunday was Family Sunday and Baptism at church. Two babies were presented for Bap- tism. Janna Dorothy Ostafichuk, daughter of Greg and Ann Ostafich- uk and Ryan Wesley Crosier, son of Donald and Debbie Crosier. The president of the UCW presented each baby with a gift. The choir sang a lovely anthem. When you are passing the church take notice of the shrubs that have been planted in front of the church. The Les Beacocks treated their family and grandchildren to their annual Mother's Day dinner at the Riverboat on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Crosier on Union Ave. had their family home after the baptism of their grandson. Ten boys from Prince ® Lambert Peat Moss ® Lawn Decorations and Planters ® Boxed Vegetables, Flowers, Hanging Baskets ® Geraniums, Cannas, Draceana ® Flowering Shrubs, Fruit Trees ® Shade and Ornamental Trees ® Small Fruit Trees & Evergreens ® Roses and Rose Trees R.R.TIES-8 FT. ® REDWOOD BARK © PARK BENCHES eo Landscape Design & Planting - Sodding - Retaining Walls «+ Patios - Wood Decks - Wood & Chain link Fencing Interlocking Driveways - Walkways 1st CONC. RUNNING EAST - NORTH OF SEAGRAVE VILLAGE Albert who belong to the 1st Scugog Manchester Scouts along with others from there troop and Scout leader Barry Page spent the weekend in Toronto at Fort York. About 2000 boys from across Canada and United States attended. The boys with help from their parents made parts of their costume in the past weeks. The uniform was the war of 1812. A number of parents attended the special activities on Sunday. The boys returned home tired but full of excite- ment over the wonderful weekend. Please call Earline Armstrong with next weeks news. SCUGOG OVERHEAD DOOR SERVICE RESIDENTIAL § COMMERCIAL *New Installations & Repair S *Wood & Steel Sectional Doors plus One Piece Steel Doors AUTOMATIC DOOR OPERATOR SERVICE 985-3735 BIG SUMMER BASH UXBRIDGE ARENA pt J. 2 It's easy as apple pie You wanted it, you got it. After distributing a survey throughout the Port Perry area, the Scugog War Memorial Library discovered the public wanted a 'book drop-off" ---- so one was promptly in- stall . That's young Eric Bird (all of 22 months old) trying out the new contraption with the help of library employee Janice Bell, 18. The drop-off will be open only when the library is closed. Group changes plans (From page 1) from Township council in the form of equip- ment and possibly an employee for the summer to maintain the decorative flower plant- ers in the downtown area. . However, councillors were reluctant to spend municipal money or provide an employee for this work. Mrs. Johnson said the committee still has long range plans for beaut- ifying Port Perry 'but we have decided to go to the outside of the wheel and work towards the centre." The committee rec- eived a $1300 bicentenn- ial grant for its work on beautification projects this year. During a discussion on the proposed project last week, councillor Neil Hunter expressed dismay that some Port Perry merchants appar- ently do not want the When many people insure their To find out where you stand you An I. BAO. broker is independent and personal Belongings they pe the should talk Lo one of oe UEA0 unbiased. - mistake are insurance Your I BAO. broker shops around INSURANCE covered for full replacement value. for value, ends the ri ASSOCIATION tec ors Ssh B40. SET one Some policies will only pay out a agent interests are professionally represented 5 Insurance fraction of what it would cost you to Yes there is. An agent works when you need to make a claim. Than Just a Policy replace your possessions at current directly for one insurance company. So call your broker and ask if he Call the BAO. broker in your market value. or she is a member of the BAO. neighbourhood. DON FORDER INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. _- 30 WATER ST., PORT PERRY - 985-8471 taining flower planters in front of their busin- esses. "I just can't believe it," he explained. "If somebody came along and put a barrel of flowers outside my business, I would be more than happy to agree to water and maintain it,"' he said. Mrs. Johnson said a $1000 grant the Comm- ittee received from the Chamber of Commerce for the flower planters has been returned to that organization. HOSPITAL REPORT for week ending May 3 Admissions ............... 26 Births ........................ 1 Deaths .................... Nil Emergencies ........... 172 Operations ................ 8 Discharged ............... 21 Remaining ............... 41 BIG SUMMER BASH UXBRIDGE ARENA RR EDI INSURANCE BROXERS LIMNTED 193 QUEEN ST PORT PERRY (416) 985 7306 ALL LINES OF GENERAL INSURANCE VICTORIA VG AND GREY TRUST sence isd 13, 5 Yr. Annual Interest 124% Semi-Annually Rates Subject to Change Without Notice I A im re AD NAIA SAE png hn io A snd A I rT em ty }