Yessireeo, it was | CARNIVAL TIME ESS with thrills for one and all Auction Sales THURSDAY MAY 31 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Estate Sale Auction sale of tools, fur- niture and antiques, the Estate of HAROLD AND MARION HODGSON, Ux- bridge, selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, 2 miles north of Uxbridge Including Inglis dryer, Westinghouse freezer, Moffat fridge and stove, Hoover washer, wash stand, 2 bedroom suites, an- tique lift top desk, trunks, dishes, large quantity of tools including chain saw, acetylene torches, sledge . hammers, pipe wrenches, lawnmower, forks, shovels, ropes, drills, files, anvils, hammers, adjustable wren- ches, motors, table saw, plus many other items. Also Vic- torian buffet with marble top, hall table with marble top. 2 oriental rugs, solid oak desk, file cabinet, wicker rocker, Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auc- tions, Uxbridge. 416-852-3524. M2» McLEAN AUCTION BARN, Lindsay. Sale every Thurs: day night, 6:30 p.m. Fur- niture, appliances, antiques, dishes, tools. To consign or list sales, phone 324-2783 Lindsay. M29 HELPFUL HINTS Mud has been tracked in? Sprinkle salt on damp mud spots, allow at least 15 minutes to soak up - then vacuum. PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed. May 23, 1984 -- 33 Auction Sales WEDNESDAY MAY 30 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Helstains Comple Sabson Holstein Dispersal for JOHN SABATH AND SONS, Sut: fon, Ontario, selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Ux- bridge, Ont. 140 Head, Reg., some N.|.P. Grades, R.O.P. Tested. Herd has been built on Romandale breeding with a great deal of Marquis and Count Crystan blood In the herd. 60 Milk Cows, 35 bred heifers, 45 open heifers and calves, several fresh at sale time. 25 cows and heifers due in June and Ju- ly, a great number bred for fall. High testing herd over 4 per cent. May test all but 4 over 4 per cent. Bred and open heifers are extremely well grown In this herd. Herd has been recently blood tested and TB Tested, and cattle are ready for im- mediate export to U.S.A. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Ux- bridge. 416-852-3524. M 23 THURSDAY MAY 24 DON'T FORGET the large auction sale for Wilmot and Dorothy Suggitt- Va mile west of Sunderland. See last week's paper for list. Reg and Larry Johnson, Auctioneers. NOTICE: Livestock Auction Sale of cattle, hogs, sheep and goats will be held Thurs- day night at Stouffville Sales Barn, 7:00 p.m. Welcome Norm and Phil Faulkner Auctioneers. 640-3813. M 29 Auction planned And what's a carnival without a good feed of candy floss, © caramel corn and candy apples? Above, the McClelland clan (from for expansion left is lan, Ann, Matthew and Joan) load up with some sweet stuff. LAA ai JT Srl lo EE Emma the auction a success. The Hospital has a 55 ,000 variety of articles for sale, including used EIMINATION office equipment and DRAW It may not jook like this father and daughter were moving very fast Shelving, Stal Bin | at first glance, but take another look at the girl's hair. It was what hers have figoal " ww: & DANCE you might have called a hair-raising experience. as Yo SCUGOG ARENA Anyone in the comm- SAT, JUNE 16 i unity who wishes to add FOR TICKETS: i articles to the sale PTT eth, = tl Coons i EI Ce Those Cabbage Patch Dolls are everywhere it seems, even on rides at the carnival held at the lakeshore over the long weekend. It's a good thing newspaper pictures don't come with sound because if they did, your ears would be blown off by the shriek- ing coming from this Salt 'N Pepper ride at holiday weekend. - It looks easy but have you ever fried to toss two baseballs into the carnival, held at the lakefront over the a tilted bushel basket? Not as easy as it looks, as this young fellah discovered Sunday afternoon at the carnival. Saturday, June 9, 1984 has been chosen as the day for an auction at Community Memorial Hospital. Borrowing a successful fund-raising idea from the Arena Board, the Hospital planned the auction to generate additional money for the expansion project now nearing completion. Local auctioneer Don Cochrane and his wife Frieda have volunteer- ed their time and skills to the cause. Hospital staff have offered to assist as well to make either as a donation or AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE SHOP Head Rebuilding - Engines Rebuilt - Rotor & Drum Turning - Flywheel Resurfacing (flat & recessed) - Engine Boring and Head Resurfacing - on consignment should give Don Cochrane a call, or drop off a list of items to Bette Hodgins at the Hospital. The owner of the article keeps 80 per cent of the selling price and the other 20 per cent goes to the Hospital for the building fund. Watch for details in the "Coming Events" and "Auctions" sections of the Port Perry Star. But mark Saturday, June 9 at 11 o'clock on your calendar! 985-8698 985-2788 985-9345 -Exterior Painting- -Interior Painting- -Wallpaper- Free Estimates -