Miiudaniiig - I SR aii a i ant .--™ PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, June 19, 1984 -- 29 Notice Notice Coming Events For Sale THE ROTARY CLUB of Port Perry Yard and Bake Sale, June 22-23, 1984 has been cancelled. Items donated for this sale were given to the Community Memorial Hospital Auction Sale, held on Saturday June 9th. Thanks to all who par- ticipated and donated. -- SCUGOG COMMUNITY CARE IS MENTAL HEALTH PROGRAMME ... and a whole lot more! MAY WE HELP YOU? Call Weekdays 985-8461 9-12 Noon & 1-4 P.M. SENIOR CITIZENS SAVE MONEY ON AUTO INSURANCE PINE RIDGE INSURANCE 985-7097 ARE YOU STARTING A NEW BUSINESS? CALL: L.D. Maclinnis (CASE CO-ORDINATOR) . (416) 571-1355 to assign a Counsellor to advise you on all aspects of operating your own business. FEDERAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT BANK Canada Backing Independent Business WINNERS: The winner of the Weekend for Two draw sponsored by the ONA Local 164, was- E. Holroyd of Caesarea. The winner of the quilt draw, sponsored by Local 1926- RNA's was Kel- ly Owen of Port Perry. DR. BOB HAPPY BIRTHDAY on June 19th -- "Remember life begins at FORTY -- No stopping you now." Coming Events 'Coming Events Coming Events Coming Events THE GREENBANK TOWN HALL announces their 2nd annual Strawberry Social SUNDAY, JULY 8th - 7 to 9 P.M. There will be a program of local entertain- ment followed by fresh strawberry short- cake and refreshments. ADULTS $3.00 CHILDREN $1.50 FOR TICKETS CALL ... 985-3420 SECOND Annual great Penetanguishene Rotary Fish Hunt is set to go July 1 to 29 this summer with four specially tagged fish, each worth $25,000 if caught by a registered fisherman in the four week period. A Pike, Perth, Largemouth and Smallmouth Bass will be tagged and released into Southern Georgian Bay near Penetanguishene prior to the start of the hunt. In ad- dition, there are more than $10,000 in daily and grand prizes. A Lund 12 foot aluminum boat and 9.8 horsepower Mercury motor goes to the registered fisher- man who catches the largest Smallmouth Bass in Georgian Bay during the hunt. To enter, send your name, address and telephone number along with a cheque or money order for $15 to: The Rotary Club of Penetanguishene, Box 1171, Penetanguishene, Ontario. LOK 1P0. Deadline for entries is June 29, 1984. For information phone 705-549-2232. CAMBELLFORD Antiques and Nostalgia Show and Sale. Campbeliford Curling Club, June 22. Official open- ing, refreshments. 6:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. $4. June 23rd, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. June 24, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. $2. Informa- tion 705-653-2102. APPEARING at "The Con- way" on June 30th, Wayne, Jim and Kevin -- known as WIJK. COME TO St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Sonya, Anniversary, Sunday June 24th, at 11 a.m. Guest speaker- Rev. Stuart McEn- tyre. Solist- Ken Hallett. Luncheon to follow. Notice be entitled to vote. COMMUNITY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PORT PERRY - ONTARIO NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the Community Memorial Hospital Corporation, Port Perry, will be held on: MONDAY, JUNE 25, 1984 at 8:00 P.M. In TOWN HALL 1873, Port Perry, to: RECEIVE REPORTS OF COMMITTEES RECEIVE REPORTS OF AUDITORS AMEND BY-LAWS ELECTION OF GOVERNORS TRANSACT OTHER BUSINESS (1) The following persons shall be members upon resolution of the Board: 1.1 Aresident of the Township of Scugog who has donated or who donates $100.00 in any one year to the Corporation shall be a life member; 1.2 The president or chief officer of an association or corporation which pays the Corporation the sum of $500.00 in any year shall be ex-officio a member of the Corporation in any year: 1.3 A resident of the Township of Scugog who pays the annual membership fee ($2.00) to the Cor- poration in any year shall be a member of the Corporation for that year; the amount of this fee shall be established from time to time by re- solution of the Board of Governors. and 1.4 Persons appointed as honourary members who shall not be subject to fees and who shall not (2) A member who pays his fees annually shall not be entitled to vote or stand for election at any meetings of the Corporation unless his member- ship fee was paid in full at least thirty days prior to the date of the meeting David A. Brown, Secretary-Treasurer SCUGOG ISLAND WOMENS INSTITUTE 11th Annual AUCTION SALE at SCUGOG ISLAND COMMUNITY CENTRE SAT., JULY 21st - 11 A.M. DONATIONS NEEDED: Don't throw anything away -save it and donate it to a worthy cause. For information call 985-7204 or 985-8168. (Early pick-ups can be arranged.) PRINCE ALBERT PINE GROVE CEMETERY DECORATION DAY SPEAKER: Rev. Chas Clarke With Male Quartette Sun., June 24th ... 2 P.M. Sponsored by Odd Fellows PORT PERRY PUPPET PLAYERS will be presenting 'Pyjamas & Puppets' Every Thursday at 6:45 P.M. from June 28 to August 23 SCUGOG MEMORIAL LIBRARY PUPPET WORKSHOPS - START JULY 4 -- REGISTER EARLY -- For more information contact . ....... Lisa Taylor Scugog Memorial Library at TOWN HALL 1873 THE CELEBRATION an evening of award-winning drama presented by students of Port Perry High directors: D. Sims, M. Taylor, D. Lackie WED., JUNE 20th - 8:15 P.M. Adults $3.00 (at the door) Students $2.00 NESTLETON BICENTENNIAL CELEBRATION Festivities Start at 1:00 P.M. SATURDAY, JULY 7th NESTLETON COMMUNITY CENTRE *Log Sawing *Horse-shoe Pitching *Entertainment *Weaving Demonstration *Baseball Games *Greased Pig Contest & Lots more Fun *Official Flag Raising Ceremony PORK BARBEQUE 4:00 P.M. - Adults $6 - Children (under 12)%3 DANCE - 9:00 P.M. "Herb Vine & Durham County" '8.00 per Couple STRAWBERRY Supper United Church in Blackstock, Friday June 22 from 5:00 p.m. - advanced tickets: adults $6.00; under 12 - $3.00, preschool free. At door $6.50 and $3.50. Spon: sored by Board of Stewards to paint the church. Call 986-5114 after Sp.m. J 19 LEGION BINGO. The next Legion Bingo, Branch 419, will be on Thursday June 21, at 7:30 p.m. Jackpot $230 In 58 numbers. Je ROOFING DANCE: Janet: ville Community Centre, Saturday, June 23, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Music by Andy Beaucage. Tickets $6.00 cou- ple advance; $7.00 at door. Call 705-324-8905. Lunch served. FIDDLE & Step Dance Con- test. July 13 to 14 at Fergus District Community Centre, Fergus, Ontario. Camping available. For Information call Merv Woods, 519-843-1630. Jy 10 EPSOM-UTICA United Church celebrating On- tario's Bicentennial at Ep- som, July 13, 14 & 15. Friday- square dancing; Saturday- parade, CHOO baseball, barbecue & musical. Church service 2:30 p.m. Sunday. Barbecue- advance tickets only. $7 adults; 12 and under $3; 2 and under- free. Vera Brown- 985-7564 OR Don Asling- 852-6607. Parade- Walter Kerry- 852-6798.Jy 3 LEE'S Attic Sale 9:00AM. to 7? 257 Bigelow St. SAT., JUNE 23 antique tables, vanity, antique phone, Nippon and Occupied Japan dishes, picture frames, and much more. SUMMER Fitness Classes Aerobic dancercise combined with jogging & light-weights JULY 3- AUGUST 9 6 Week Session MORNINGS - Tues. & Thurs. 10:00 to 11:00, Manchester Hall, Babysitting EVENINGS - Mon & Wed 7:30 to 8:30, Prince Albert Hall FEE: 1 class per wk $18 2 classes per wk. $30. 3 classes per wk = $45. 4 classes per wk. $60. For More Information Call Louise Calvert 649-3155 ANNUAL U.C.W. BAKE & YARD SALE to be held at the home of HELEN WOZNEY Oshawa Road (Near Shirley Road) FRI. & SAT JUNE 22 & 23 HOSKINS STABLES SUMMER SCHOOL HORSEMANSHIP COURSE July 2 to Aug. 24 Each course lasts 2 weeks. Riding - Grooming Practical Horse Care & Management 416 986-5558 JANETVILLE Sunday School Garden Part, Fri day, June 22, 4:30 p.m, at Janetville United Church. Adults: $4; Children 6-12- $2; Pre-schoolers- free. ANNUAL, full course, strawberry supper. July 4th, 5:30 and 6:30 p.m. Scugog Island Hall. 'Head' U.C.W. Tickets 985-7732. ORANGE PARADE, at Beaverton, Saturday, July 14, starting time- 2:30 at Fair Grounds. Port Perry Orangemen to take part and would welcome new members. For information contact Everett Prentice, Sec. Jy 3 PAINTINGS by Toronto Ar- tist, Jim Shortt, will be on exhibit at the Library from June 23rd to July 13th. The artist will be In attendance on Saturday, June 23, from 2tod4 p.m. J 26 Yard Sales ST. JOHN'S Presbyterian Church, Port Perry with homemade baking. Satur- day, June 23, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Je YARD SALE. 3 Orchard Road, Apple Valley. Satur- day, June 23. Something for everyone. LARGE Yard Sale, June 23 and 24. East of Greenbank Store (12 miles: second road turn right). Follow signs. If rain- next week- 29 and 30th. THREE FAMILY Saturday and Sunday, June 23 and 24. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Rain or Shine. 549 Simcoe St., just south of King St., Prince Albert. Electric snowblower, log splitter, roll-a-way beds, bicycles. Items too numerous to mention. FRIDAY June 22, 4 p.m.: Saturday, June 23, 10 to 4 p.m. Heatilator, brass fireplace doors, dining table, four large solid oak doors, small wood cookstove. Many other items. 2 miles north of Seagrave on Durham Road No. 2. THREE FAMILY Yard Sale. June 22 and 23. Fur: niture, lamps and fixtures, fireplace accessories, Rawleigh 5-speed, baby ar- ticles, clothing etc. Cart- wright East Y line, first road east of Nestleton, south off 7A. JUNE 23 & 24. Scugog Point. Ping-pong table, chester: field, slender bender, swing set, vacuum cleaner, stroller, toys, clothes and small bikes. 986-4682. FRIDAY, Saturday, Sunday- June 22 to 24, In Manchester, beside old Township building on King St. Numerous household items - some antiques. 3 FAMILY Yard Sale, 233 Mary St., Port Perry. June 23 and 24th 9 to 5. Rain date- June 30 and July 1. Household items, baby clothes and accessories, toys, camping equipment, mini bike and antique bed. CAESAREA First Street. Saturday, June 23, 10 to § p.m. Coffee and end tables, TV stands, chairs, twin mat- tresses, clothing and misc. items. Rain date- Sunday. ~ For Sale 1971 TRIUMPH 650CC, good condition. Asking $800 985-9216. THE Pumphouse offers ""Graco' pumps painting equipment and parts. ""Meyers" sewage and ef fluent pumps. "Ewing" steam cleaners and high pressure wash units. Div. of Johnstone Edmiston Limited, Agincourt, 9 4:30 p.m. 299 6508 After 7 985-8737 ask for lan TF CEDAR RAILS. 985 3934 MOTORCYCLE Yamaha 1982 Heritage Special, 400 cc, black. Good condition Asking $1,200 (helmet in cluded) Phone 985 3845 after Spm TWO SETS Golf Clubs plus cart; portable typewriter; posthole auger; 2 sets GM tire rims; round wrought: iron table: glass top- 4 chairs; Coleman stove and stand; car radio speakers; auto trays. 985-3834. HONDA late model XL 80. Good condition. Perfect for beginner. Lights and mir: rors included. $595. Phone 985-7778. J 26 GOOD clean hardwood slabs- 4 x 4 x 8 ft., steel band: ed bundles. Maple and oak. $75 per full bush cord delivered. Limited quantity avallable. 986-4218 anytime. J 26 OLDER style dining room suite, table, six chairs, buf- fet. Good condition. Asking $750. Phone 985-2104. J 26 3 POODLE pups, tiny, 2 female $75 each; 1 male $35. 986-5661. NEW MARTIN wagons, 6, 7, 8 and 10 ton; also heavy du- ty wire gates. Call Ken Cochrane, R.R. 1, Manilla. 705-786-3267. J 26 HONDA ATC 250R used 10 hours. Ross Mason, R.R. 2, Little Britain. 705-786-2330. 6 QUARTER horses. Must Sell! Reasonable prices. Call- Billy 725-2213. 1978- 82 FT. camper. Sleeps 4. Fridge, stove, Port-a- Potti, awning and boot. Ex- cellent condition. 985-2888. REGISTERED Quarter horse, 5 year old Gelding. Excellent on tralls and roads. Good for show or pleasure. $2,000. 986-5270 after 12 noon. J 26 MOFFAT 16 cu. ft. refrigerator, frost-free, ex- cellent; one round bird cage; one breeder cage. 986-4692. GREAT DANE Pups, Blacks and Harliquins. Ex- cellent temperment. Ch. Sire- CKC reg. 985-3738 days- 985-2905 evenings. Jy 10 MASSEY HARRIS Pony, hydraulics, plow, disc, cultivator, snowplow, 5 ft. Woods mower, second tractor for parts. $2,500. 985-8679. COLONIAL Queen size bed- box spring and mattress, double rails available. Call 985-8595 after 5 p.m. POODLE Pups, black stan dards, 10 weeks, registered, shots. 986-4989. FENCING 60 ft. chain link gage and hardware Included $50; couch, chair and ottoman: good condition $50. 986-4989. STANDING Hay Reasonable. 985-7004. GENDRON Baby Carriage. $30. 985-7057 after 4 p.m. RHE EM pool heater, can be hooked to natural gas or pro- pane. Good condition. $400. 986-496). WEDDING Dress, size 9-10; wedding hat. Also new laun dry tub pump, check valve and automatic switch. Call 985-8723. BOX for pick-up -- without floor, good condition. $250 or best offer. 985-8685. 1980 KAWASAK | 80 in good condition. 986-4889. TOPSOIL and limestone delivered. 985-7013. Jy 3 1982 HONDA XR 100 motor cycle, excellent condition $500. 985-8044. MOVING SALE 2 30 inch continental beds, spindle piano bench in walnut, small desk, several chests of drawers, small vanity with side mirrors, oc casional chair, Tiffany type hanging shade, 24 inch wide plus some pressed glass, silver and other collec tables. Phone 985 2485 GIBSON 30 inch Bronze tone stove, 4 new top burners, also oven. Good condition 985 9431 OR 9857116