34 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, June 19, 1984 Work Wanted Work Wanted Work Wanted Work Wanted Auctioneers Auction Sales Auction Sales K. DAVE MUIR Reg. Industrial Accountant Bookkeeping - Income Tax - Accounting For Individuals - Small Businesses - Farmers and Companies. Evening & Weekend Appointments Arranged. 985-8494 985-7079 BLACKSTOCK ANTENNA & TOWER Antennas Towers Rotors Boosters ; Complete & Service & Installation. A FREE TOWER INSPECTION! 986-5213 ~ PIANO TUNING & REPAIRS 35 Years Experience All Makes CLARKE'S PIANO 985-9358 or 839-7440 EXTERIOR MAINTENANCE Painting - ~ Lawn Cutting & Upkeep, etc. Reasonable Rates PHONE - RICH 985-8100 (Have Own Equipment) Port Perry Auto Glass Trim Windshields - Vinyls - Convertible Tops - - Complete Interiors - - Boat Tops & Seats -* Sunroofs & Pinstripes & Mouldings 139 WATER ST, PORT PERRY 985-8507 RON APPLETON BUILDING RENOVATIONS REMODELLING 985-8292 Chain Link Fencing Sodding SEAGRAVE NURSERY Interlocking Driveways -- Walkways - Patios 985-8888 DURHAM WEED CONTROL For Dandelion & Most Broad Leaf Weed control. (coed CALL: 985-8227 RANDY'S AUTO TRIM & UPHOLSTERY Household Furniture & Upholstery Supplies Specializing in Automotive & Boat Interior Customizing FOR FREE ESTIMATES Call Randy Bartley 986-5563 New Homes - Additions General Carpentry - Pole Barns NORM"S General Contracting Steel & Asphalt Roofing Aluminum Siding - Soffit NORM TRIPP: 985-3563 P.O. BOX 608 - PORT PERRY Free Estimates Given with No Obligation. OFFICE: 985-8216 Dead Stock FREE REMOVAL of Fresh, Dead or Disabled Animals. $5.00 Charge for sheep, goats & pigs. $20.00 Charge for all rotten animals. Please Dial Direct: MARGWILL FUR FARM HAMPTON (416) 263-2721 WOOD REFINISHING specializing in antiques and tine furniture. Call Terry Dyer 655 4092 after 5:30 p.m. TF DAYCARE available in my home. June 25. 1984. Any age. Call 985-3718 J 26 HARRY MORRIS Han: dyman Specialist. Work ful- ly guaranteed References. Renovations - basement clean up. No job too small - Give me a call. 985-3663. MAIN STREET Painters: For all your home improve- ment needs. For a free estimate on painting, paper- ing, deck building and other renovations, call Ed- after 6 p.m. 985-2800. ELECTRIC Fencer Service Factory approved. Service centre for Shur-Shock Fencers. Repairs to all ap- proved makes - battery, hydro and solid state. Walter Wright, Blackstock. Phone 416-986-4818. TF BRIDAL and evening wear, tailored suites, saddle seat suits, and alterations. Call Freda 649-3340 M 29 TYPING/WORD Process- Ing: Essays, resumes, let- ters, mass mailings. Per- sonalized and reasonable. Call Raglan 655-3770. TF COTTAGE Raising, footings, foundations, alteration repairs. Masonry work. Phone 705-652-3797; 705-745-6170 after 6 p.m.Jy 4 PROFESSIONAL photography at reasonable prices. Call Hans- 852-7391 OR 1-705-375-3110. Jy 10 DAYCARE available, any age, full or part time. Close to school. Call 985-9077.M 23 AIR BRUSHED pictures - on T-shirts, jean jackets and any other clothing. Reasonable prices. For in- formation call Jon Waite, 985-9261 anytime. J 26 DAVE'S COUNTRY PLUMBING NEW HOMES - RENOVATIONS PUMP REPAIRS - DRAINS - SOFTENERS HOT WATER HEATERS - ETC Free Estimates - Reasonable Rates 705-324-0945 - LINDSAY 416-985-3828 - PORT PERRY CARPET VINYL & CERAMIC Sales Installation & Repairs Renovations ROB McLEAN 986-4724 GRASS CUTTING REQUIRED 8-10 acres, one or two times per season. SUNRISE BEACH 11th Concession East Contact: Jim Fleming 985-7563 SUNRISE BEACH COTTAGERS ASSOC. Custom Upholstering DONNA & BILL LININGTON Nestleton Ont 4 Country Upholstery ml Furniture Stripping & Refinishing \ Call Now for Free Estimates 986-5640 GREENBANK TV TOWERS & ANTENNAS Colour Heads - Rotors Boosters - Satellite Dishes - FM Antennas - FREE ESTIMATES - S Year Workmanship Guaranteed 10% Discount to Seniors 985-8387 *PAINTING* Experienced Port Perry High School Students ALSO - YARD CLEANING & WINDOWS FREE ESTIMATES - CALL AFTERG6 P.M. TIM - 985-3490 CUMMINGS BACKHOE & COTTAGE RAISING Septic Systems. Trenching, Basements Auctioneers PEARCE Auction Centre On Shirley Road (4 mi. South of Port Perry) ESTATES, ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD SALES Your Place or Qurs! Moving Truck Available. Call: (416) 985-7492 be -- RON KING - AUCTIONEER - Auctions of All Types Phone Port Perry 985-2643 hh. ee -- -- ee -- COCHRANE AUCTION SERVICE Household - Real Estate Farms - Equipment - Livestock - Whatever Your Auction Needs ... DON & FREIDA will be pleased to hear from you! 985-2788 Auction Sales WEDNESDAY JUNE 20 SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. Auction sale- tractors, farm machinery at Orval McLean Auction Centre, Lindsay- - property of BRUCE DALE, Sonya and other local consignments. International 656 diesel 70 HP tractor, good N.H. 268 baler, 1.H. grinder-mixer, International 10 semi- mounted seed drill with fer- tilizer and grass box, har- rows, 225 Lincoln welder set, Trig 18 x 38 tractor chains, 18 x 30 tractor chains, McKee 720 snowblower, Bush Hog 6 ft. rotary mower, 2- 24 ft. grain augers, hood and 2 left front fenders for Chev pick-up, Rosso 6 x 3 ft. water troughs, 15 cattle bowls, 2 heavy steel pig feeders, 5 bag capacity, pig waterers, 68 John Deere 200 bu. grain wagon with power take-off unload, 35 ft. King Wise hay elevator with 1 HP motor, 69 Kenworth dump truck with heater box, 250 Cummins, 13 speed trans- only 4000 miles on motor, 1970 White Freightliner dump truck, 250 Cummins, 13 speed trans., 17 ft. Travel Trailer, bale buncher, Cockshutt 11- seed drill, 3 point sprayer with drums, M.F. 6 mower, N.H. 68 haybine baler, 2010 John Deere diesel dozer, 1010 John Deere crawler loader, 16 ft. float, 14 ft. cedar strip boat, 12 ft. aluminum boat, M.F. 10 baler, roto-tiller, riding lawnmower, 14 ft. fibreglass Crestliner boat with trailer and 40 HP Johnson motor, |.H. 46 baler with new needles, tools, lawnmowers. 1:00 P.M. sharp. McLean Auctioneers, 324-2783 Lindsay. J AUCTION sale, antique, horse, machinery, tractors, McCormick Deering gas engines fully restored and collector's items. Saturday, June 23, 11 a.m. Rain date Sunday June 24. R.R. 3, Tweed, Ontario. 3 miles east of Hwy 37 and Hwy 7 Junc- tion and one mile north on Upper Flinton Road. Three buildings full to be sold. Col lecting for 10 years. Gilbert Robinson Owner. 613-478-3212. Tenders accepted TENDER TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG Sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until 12 00 Noon Monday. July 9, 1984 for the saleof 1 - 1975 Ford F-750 Cab and Chassis, Serial No. F-75FVX26849 and 1 -1978 Ford L-7000 Cab & Chassis. Serial No R70QVCBO664. c/w a 41; cy Hopper Sander Body The above vehicles can be inspected at the Town. ship of Scugog Maintenance yards at Blackstock and Regional Road No 8. between the hours of 700 AM and 3:30 PM Phone 985-7346 between 900A M and 500P M to make appointment for inspection. Highest or any tender not necessarily R C MacDonald. Road Superintendent Box 209. 181 Perry Street. Port Perry. Ontario. LOB 1NO 986-5601 FRIDAY JUNE 22 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. Corneils Auction Barn Auction sale- 9 piece walnut bedroom suite, maple china cabinet, drop- leaf table, Kenmore dryer, Viking automatic washer, pine Deacon's bench, con- sole colour TV, oak chest drawers, antique dresser, wash stands, chesterfield, Vic 20 Computer (16 memories), odd pressback chairs, pine chest drawers, child's wicker rocker, air conditioner, 15 cu. ft. freezer, wicker fern stand, Hoosier kitchen cupboard, 5 HP garden tiller, plus also selling articles that have been donated to the Little Britain Oddfellows Lodge. Don Corneil Auctioneer, R.R. 1, Little Britain. 705-786-2183. THURSDAY JUNE 2) SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. Auction sale- antiques and quality furniture, antique dishes, selling at Orval © McLean Auction Centre, Lindsay. Complete im- maculate contents of promi- nent Lindsay home. 9 piece walnut dining room suite, Westbend chime mantel clock, Sylvannia 26 inch con- sole colour television, 2 walnut framed chesterfieds, 2 excellent semi-wing chairs, hall table, parlour tables, lamps, console stereo, hard back books, soft chesterfield, walnut round coffee table, humidifiers, brass woodbox, 2 small pain- tings, painting by S.F. Muschamp "The Taming of the Shrew," desk, round framed mirror, desk, beautiful bedroom suite with tall boy- with mirror dresser, night table and twin beds, needlepoint armchair, Gibbart walnut 5 piece older bedroom suite, cedar chest, drum table, 2 wicker fern stands, round wicker table, single beds, oil lamp, hook- ed mats, hall tree, chrome set, dining table and 4 chairs, antique floor lamp, magazine rack, G.E. auto washer, old table, small ap- pliances, 8 place set Coalport dishes, 6 place set Nippon Bridal Bouquet china, 50 cups and saucers, quantity of antique dishes, vases, collectables, fancy work, table clothes, linen, bedding, power mower. Please attend this quality sale. 6:30 Sharp. No reserve. To list housefuls, apart- ments or appraisals, call 324-2783 Orval McLean Auc- tions, Lindsay. J19 SATURDAY JUNE 23 SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. Auction sale- the property of VICTOR R. WOODFORD, Lot 17, . Conc. 8, Smith Township. MACHINERY : at 1:00 P.M. at HICKSON SALES ARENA. 1976 M.F. 1085 diesel tractor with cab, 3400 hours, power steering, 1980 M.F. 184-4 4-wheel drive diesel tractor with 236 Quick Attach manure loader, 1976 M.F. 880 4-16's plough, semi- mount, 1976 M.F. 520 tandem disc, 14 ft., New Idea 279 hay cut conditioner PTO, 1979 M.F. 560 round baler PTO, 1980 New |dea 244 tandem manure spreader with hydraulic tail gate, 1970 John Deere 1240 corn planter trail, 1976 George White field sprayer 22 ft. booms, 1973 John Deere 24T baler PTO, Bush Hot rotary mower 3 pt. PTO, Sanderum 29 tooth cultivator 3 pt, 1979 New Holland big bale lifter, many other items. CATTLE: 7:30 P.M. at LINDSAY COM: MUNITY SALE BARN. 63 mature Simmental cows '4 blood to Purebreds, 63 Sim mental calves by side, § Simmental springers '4 blood to Purebred, 4 Sim mental open cows, 3 Sim mental bulls, 25 full blood Simmental females. | year old, 2 Simmental steers Terms cash. No reserve NOTE LOCATIONS Machine Sale at 1.00 P M Cattle Sale at 7:30 P.M. Carl and Greg Hickson, Auc tioneers Reaboro Ontario 705-324 9959 OR 324 2774 Owner and Auctioneer will not be responsible for any public liability, property damage or injury to the public in connection with this Auction Sale Je WEDNESDAY JUNE 20 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. Auction sale- Hwy 12, one mile north of Brooklin (watch for signs.) Having recsived instruc: tions from VARIOUS TRUSTEES we are clearing the assets of BRIAN FINES GARAGE, NORTH UX- BRIDGE SERVICE CEN- TRE AND DEGUERRE TYPESETTING including garage equipment. 2 FMC brake lathes, Coats 30-30 tire changer, electronic engine analyzer, Lincoln arc welder, Prestone flush and till machine, Snap-on MT 539 steam scope, Canadian bat- tery charger, Marquette Jerry battery charger, 3 floor jacks, welding hoses and torches, welding cart, masks, rods, floor stands, parts cabinet, spark plug machine, windshield wipers and stand, air hoses, large quantity of parts- e.g. gaskets, fluids, shocks, fuses, nuts and bolts, brake shoes, oil filters, tire weights, etc., manuals 20 ft. light sign, 4 x 4 hanging light sign, vise, grinder, fire ex- " tinguisher, plus other ar- ticles. PLUMBING SUP- PLIES: pipe threader on tripod stand, quantity of screws, elbows, nipples, T's, some brass, intermatic mini compressor, 5 drills plus more, insulation equipment, blowers, hose, etc. OF FICE EQUIPMENT: Minolta EP510 Bond photocopier, calculators, storage cabinet, filing cabinets, Underwood electric typewriter, Rem- ington typewriter, 5 steel desks, work tables, com- puter table, drafting table- lighted, steno chairs, stack- ing chairs, paper, shelving, vertical blinds, National Cash Register, fridge. VEHICLES: 1972 Chev- 5 ton truck; 1976 Dodge 2 ton pickup; 1968 Ford 2 ton pickup; 1976 Ford Torino; 1975 Lemans; 1975 Chev Malibu; 1974 Gremlin; 75 HP McCulloch boat with trailer. NOTE TIME: 6:30 P.M. Viewing Friday 2-6 p.m. and day of sale. This is an excellent sale of garage equipment. All in working order. Plan to attend. McLean Auctions and Li- quidations. 576-7550 -- 686-3291. FRIVAT June «2 SALE TIME: 10:30 A.M. Auction sale of farm machinery, tools, tiller etc., the property of the late MILFORD RAINES, Conc. 14, Brock Twp., east of Port Bolster on Hwy 48 to the Hydro towers, turn east 1 mile - 1st Road north of Landfill site, turn west. David Brown 880 diesel trac- tor, Ford Jubilee tractor, 1965 Merucry 2 ton- as is, I.H.C. combine pull type- 4 ft. runs well, old N.H. baler with 4 cylinder motor, Case 2-row corn planter, Gehl 1-row forage harvester with hay pick-up, Grove forage box with wagon, clay silo unloader- all in pieces, I.H.C. blower, cutting box, I.H. furrow drag plow, Ferguson 3 pt. plough- 3 fur- row mower, McCormick 8 ft. cultivator on rubber, George White cultivator 3 pt, McCormick 13 disc drill, J.D. tractor manure spreader, 4 sec. set of har- rows, small hammer mill, old pull saw with mandrell, McCormick corn binder, 3 drum steel roller, 2 sets of tractor chains, McKee snowblower- good, root pulper, fanning mill, snow cruiser snowmobile, pile of scrap, M.T.D. 5 HP roto tiller , anvil, antique Im- perial upright gas bowser, 100 gal. fuel tank with pump, old cement mixer, chain hoist etc., block and tackle, antique gas engine. small upright, posthole auger 3 pt, TV tower, quantity of plastic pipe ¥ inch, pipe vise, set of nearly new Sunbeam clip: pers, set of dehorners, set of Birdizzos, rubber tired wheelbarrow, planes, 2 sets of pipe threaders, electric: hydro fencer, large quantity of other small goods, pony saddle, 3 pressback chairs, old cupboard, antique radio, etc. Sale called to settle estate. Terms cash or good cheque. Sale at 10:30 A.M. Reg and Larry Johnson Auc- tioneers. Phone 705-357-3270. Lunch available. J 19 "™ i a _-- ti» _ po dnl i AN