nd SA} L - eo ¥onlk . . ¢, CL Se] Pioneer Demonstration What a terrific weekend! The weather and the crowds couldn't have been better for the Scugog Shores Historical Museum as it celebrated Pioneer Days, Saturday and Sunday. Above, nineteen year old Lisa Edgar of Scugog Island wore an authentic fringed In- dian dress as she explained the art of weaving and other crafts to visitors. For more Pioneer Days photos, see inside. 'Vol. 118 No. 31 Wednesday, July 4, 1984 36 pages A weed spraying pro- gram for Lake Scugog along the Port Perry waterfront got under- way Tuesday morning in an effort to control the growth of aquatic weeds in this area. The chemical being used is Reglone A and Scugog Township has posted signs along the waterfront warning people not to swim "anywhere in the area for at least 48 hours. The spraying of about eight acres of water was expected to last one day, but there was a possibil- ity it could continue on Wednesday of this week. Parents should warn their children not to use the beach in Port Perry Fishing was good, but the big one got away For the second year in a row, the top prize in the Lake Scugog Bass Derby eluded fisher- men, and organizers of the event say there will have to be changes in the format, if there is to be a derby at all next year. The Derby on Sat- urday, which had a top prize of $30,000 for a specially tagged large- mouth bass, and numer- ous other smaller cash prizes for tagged bass, attracted 617 entrants, down considerably from the 1167 who entered the first Chamber of Commerce Derby last year. Chamber of Comm- erce president Bill Barr, who put a lot of work into this derby, was disappointed in the number of entrants, and he suggested that the organization will "have to do a lot of thinking' about whether to stage a fishing derby on Scugog next year. He said the fact the derby was held on a long weekend may have had something to do with the lower number of entrants, plus the fact there were other bass derbies going on the same day in other communities, including one on Lake Simcoe.' The Derby this year will probably result in a net loss of about $1000, said Mr. Barr. Last year, the derby showed a net profit of about the same amount. While stating that the Chamber of Commerce will have to take a long, hard look at whether to stage a derby next year, Mr. Barr suggested that some changes might Get ready for a good time Port Perry's Western Days celebrations are about to get underway, and as long as the weather co-operates it promises to be a busy and exciting time. This is the 14th annual year the Scugog Cham- ber of Commerce has held this event, which is their major fund raising event of the year. Things get underway on Thursday, July 12, when the midway opens at the lakefront, with rides, games and ac- tivities aimed at both young and old. The midway will be open all day and into the early evening from Thursday through to Sunday. Thursday night promises to be a good one if you like dancing. Port Perry's own "Cadillac" will enter- tain at the Scugog Arena starting at 8:00 p.m. This group of musicians featuring Paul Griffen, Roger Watson, Gary Lane and Ross Carter have been belting out the sounds of the 1960's to 80's for about the past five years and have always been popular in this area. This is a great way to get Western Days ac- tivities underway, and it is a real deal at only 99° admission. A great place to meet your friends and have a good time. FRIDAY, JULY 13 Many of the mer- chants along Queen Street and in the Plazas include a reduced entry fee for children, or even going with a pickerel derby in May. He also said that offering a top prize of $30,000 for one fish (along with other cash prizes for tagged fish) might be unrealis- tic, and if a derby is held next year, there should possibly be prizes for most fish caught, larg- est fish and so on. Weather conditions on Saturday were nearly perfect with clear skies and warm tempera- tures. However, many (Turn to page 23) will be taking part in a 2- day Sidewalk Sale which begins on Friday morning. Here is an op- portunity to pick up some great bargains. The Sidewalk Sale takes place both Friday and Saturday commencing when the stores open. Always a popular event, the Kiddies Parade will take place at 10:00 a.m. Friday. The children will form- up in the IGA parking lot and march to the Post Office where they for the -mext couple of days. : Township council made the decision to start this limited spray- ing at a cost of about $2000 in an effort to 4 Lakefront weed growth sprayed with chemical clean up the waterfront and beach area at Port Perry. The results will be monitored closely and if effective, there is a chance the Township will spray a larger area Ee Lh Ne next year if the weed problem continues. The spraying this 'week is being done by a licensed contractor from the Peterborough area. Young Bill Rodgers of Scarborough has been visiting with his aunt and uncle in Port Perry for the past few days, and decided to take a Walk down to the lake Tuesday morning. Bill wasn't too en- thused about swimming at the lakefront because the weeds (as he shows in his hands) have begun to creep into the swimming area. Scugog Township began its spraying of the weeds on Tuesday, and residents are urged to stay out of the water for 48 hours. (See story for more details). will be judged and the kids treated. The parade this year is being run by the Blackstock Nursery School with prizes donated by the Port Perry Kinettes. For those who would like to see a radio DJ at work, don't miss drop-. ping by the CHOO Radio mobile broadcast unit on Queen Street on Friday from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. and Saturday from 12:00 noon to 4:00 p.m. Eric Anderson will | SY \ host the show from their Western Days location on Friday and Perry's own Bill John- son will be on hand on Saturday. If you have a passion - for magic, don't miss the Magic of Stew Garland on the stage in front of the Post Office. Stew will perform his magic on Friday at 1:00 p.m. and on Saturday at 2:00p.m, 'For the first time, Bingo will take place on Queen Street during ort, Western Days has something for you Western Days. There will be two days of fun at the bingo tables with all kinds of prizes. The Bingo will be operated by the Odd Fellows Lodge and will be situated in front of the Port Perry Star of- fice. Games are scheduled for both af- ternoon and possibly evening. Another first this year is a Youth and Teen Dance to be held at the Latcham Centre. This (Turn to page 2) ro EN Tr