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Port Perry Star, 4 Jul 1984, p. 32

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AFF aKa ja Tm _-- 32 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, July 4, 1984 Auction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales THURS., JULY § SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. Auction sale at Orval McLean Auction Centre Lindsay. The property of MRS. L. STEWART, Lind: say and other consignments Furniture, appliances, some antiques. Westinghouse dryer, 2 power lawn mowers, radiant heater, 3 pc. chesterfield set, chrome set, Simplicity . square wringer washer, 2 office desks, cedar chest, pine bureau, flowered chester: field, swing mirror, library table, good Kenmore automatic washer, McClary dryer, Beatty frost free refrigerator, Kenmore 30 automatic electric stove, beds, large shelves, ex: cellent 3 pc. solid bedroom suite, rugs, rust recliner, Hammond sounder electric organ, china cabinet, upright piano, portable dishwasher, treadle sewing machine, trunks, beds, king size bed, other furniture, tools,. 30 bicycles, 12 ft. fibreglass boat, box trailer, Suzuki 75cc motor bike. Time: 6:30 sharp. Bicycles first to sell. Housefuls, apts. or estates - call 705-324-2783 Mclean Auctioneers, Lindsay. FRIDAY JULY ¢ SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. Corneils Auction Barn Auction sale: 3 piece modern bedroom suites, 6 piece dinette suite, 2 door refrigerators, portable and console TV's, love seat, wash stands, pine hutch, an- tique dressers, chests of drawers, power hack saw, wicker fern stand, chrome kitchen suites, cedar chest, G.E. electric lawnmower, Heritage air conditioner, brass bed, 20 ft. aluminum extension ladder, chests of drawers, chestertields, a AMF 5 HP garden tiller, 8 HP MTD riding lawnmower, new Makita 10 inch power miter, grinders, |ig saw, 197) Starcraft hardtop trailer, box trailer, quantity of china and glass. Don Cor- neil Auctioneer, R.R. 1, Lit- tle Britain. 705-786-2183. WED. JULY 4 SALE TIME: 5:30 P.M. Auction sale for MRS. THEDA MAGEE at her residence, 488 Madison Avenue, Oshawa (between Gibbons and Stevenson Rd., north of Bond). Home sold. Household contents In: cluding 9 pc. dining room suite, stove, fridge, washer, dryer, snowblower, lawnmower, tools, plus many miscellaneous Items from this spotiess home. Earl Davis, Auctioneer 728-4455. THURSDAY, JULY & SALE TIME 10 AM, Large antique auction sale, the property of Mrs. E. Dora Tarisch will be held at the Curling Rink at Beaverton (in the fairgrounds). 10 pc. cherry dining room suite, oak china cabinet with rounded glass corners, walnut china cabinet, 2 leather top drum tables, Jacques & Hayes velvet set tee and two matching Mr. and Mrs. armchairs, Vic- torian sofa, velvet couch, burled walnut parlour table (very ornate), rosewood parlour table (Jacques & 'Hayes type), walnut gate leg dining table, cherry grand: father clock, ornate Vic: torian matching bed and dresser (walnut), burled walnut high boy, chest of drawers, mahogany war- drobe, pine blanket box, pine chairs, large butcher block, pressback nursing rocker, pine chairs, quantity of old wooden chairs, 4 oak chairs, desk, oriental rugs, deed box, Seth Thomas mantel clock, antique brass 400 day clock, mirrors, floor and table lamps, unusual old cranberry lamp with copper base, large collection of wicker, (over 50 pcs.), 2 matching upholstered chairs with matching ottomans, very large men's antique swing mirror (walnut), small antique swing mirror, old tools, washer and dryer, matching set (gold), 8 h.p. riding lawn mower, buzz saw and belts, lawn fur- niture, linens, bedding, elec- tric appliances (kitchen) and much more. ANTIQUE DISHES - large collection of china, glass, crystal, silver, several pcs. of Royal Blue Nippon, Doulton, Limoges, Noritake, Nippon, R.S. Ger- many, Wedgwood, Imari. Bristol cranberry. 15 pc. Coalport fruit set, 20 pc. oriental tea set, old porcelain tea set, Royal Nip- pon tea set, Royal Nippon cocoa set, brass copper, toliware, decoys, bOOKkS, over 50 oils, water colours and etchings, prints and frames. Covered sliver ser- ving dishes, silver trays, silver hurricane lamps, soup tureens, 12 pc. setting of dishes, 12 wine goblets, 12 pc. silverware set and more. NOTE - this is only a partial listing. An extra big sale of good antiques. Things are in good condition. Plan now to keep this date open. Terms cash or cheque with |.D. Reg & Larry Johnson, Auc: tioneers. Phone (705) 357-3270 or 745-8470. Lunch available. Owners or Auc- tioneers will not be respon- sible for any accidents in connection with this sale. Work Wanted Chain Link Fencing Sodding SEAGRAVE NURSERY Interlocking Driveways -- Walkways - Patios 985-8888 Custom Furniture Upholstering Stripping & Refinishing DONNA & BILL Call Now LININGTON for Free Estimates. Nestleton, Ont 986-5640 Fi New Homes - Additigns General Carpentry - Pol¢ Barns NORM'S General Contracting Steel & Asphalt Roofing Aluminum Siding - Soffit NORM TRIPP: 985-3563 P.O. BOX 608 - PORT PERRY Free Estimates Given with No Obligation. OFFICE: 985-8216 WEDNESDAY JULY 4 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. Hwy 12- 142 miles north of Brooklin (Watch for signs). Auction sale- the property of HARRY GRAATS of Newcastle and GIFFORD BEATON, of Whitby, mov: ing to Senior Citizens Home, plus estate from DEEP "RIVER: including 2 9 piece solid walnut dining room suites- 1 old; 1 modern, solid oak round table, claw feet, 3 leaves, china cabinet- glass 3 sides- brass trim gallery top, Chippendale bull and claw foot bookcase, solid oak gramaphone- working, place setting of Limoge dishes- Theodore Havilland, 5 discontinued . Royal Doulton figurines, 3 Hum- mel figurines, 10 piece Irish Belleek china, pewter can- dle holders, set of lustres, 3 Kunst Kronach Burgind gold tea cups and saucers, Royal Stafford- Tudor Rose tea set, 2 large Royal Doulton Toby mugs. 54 pinwheel crystal glasses- assorted sizes, hand carved ivory bust, gold leaf brandy sniffer, 9 piece cake set, 14 fancy English Bone china cups and saucers, 4 plece maple Vilas bedroom suite, portable dishwasher, RCA auto washer, Moffat auto dryer, Zenith colour portable TV- like new, Kirby and Filter Queen vacuum cleaners, Pequegnat mantle clock, Chevelle mirror, 5 tier what-not, mirrored what- not, 4 oak chairs, 2 Tygesson and one Chandler pastels, 2 piece chesterfield suite- like new, chrome suite and 6 chairs, coffee tables and end tables, round marble table, 4 good lamps, paintings, French Provincial chester field and chair, bedroom suite, kitchen appliances, pots.pans, dishes, bedding, 3 copper pots, garden tools, 2 electric drills, hand tools, Craftsman 4 inch planer, skil saw, skil saw chainsaw, submersible pump, 20 inch lawnmower- 2 months old, 10 HP- new engine Iron Horse tractor and attachments, jewellery, silver pieces, sterling, Cruet, cut glass, berry bowl, old 78 and 33 RPM records plus many other articles. NOTE TIME: 6:30 PM. This Is an ex- cellent sale of furniture, ap- pliances, antiques and col- lectible articles. Plan to at- tend. Ross McLean Auc- tioneer 576-7550; Toronto line 686-3291. THURS., JULY 12 SALE TIME: 12 NOON Auction sale of furniture, an- tiques, glass and china, 30 china nodders, etc., the pro- perty of MRS. FLORENCE EAST, In the village of Caesarea (Pleasant View St.). Modern bookcase cabinet and desk, rocking chair, youth rocker, man's valet, chrome table and four chairs, antique hat rack, ple cupboard, antique table, wicker baskets, small cor- ner cupboard, upholstered rocker, settee, leatherette chair, tub stand and wringer, invalid commode, wooden antique smoker's stand, 2 doll carriages, mec- cano set, and much more. Dishes. 30 antique nodders (collector pcs.), cranberry syrup jug, 2 Moorecraft vases, 4 fluted opolescent epergne, small flute epergne, flash glass, 5 pcs. of carnival glass, coal oll lamps," 2 French enamel mirrors, Limoges dishes, Nippon salt and pepper, Depression glass, brides basket In gold leaf frame, large quantity of china cups and saucers (Ainsley, Royal Staffordshire, etc.), quanti ty of old stamps, Coalport pedestal cake plate wine glassed, shaving mug, moustache cup, antique wall clock, spatter and end glass, 23 Avon bottles, and much more. Terms cash or cheque with 1.D. Sa « at 12 Noon. Reg & Larry Johnson, Auctioneers. Phone (705) 357-3270 or 745-8470. meray oes iim-- THURSDAY JULY 12 SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. FIRE SALE by public auction for Beacock Hard: ware, Blackstock. Everything out of Hardware Store, selling at no reserve. Terms cash or good ¢ : Cliff Pethick Auctioneer Jy n SALE TIME: 12 NOON Auction sale of furniture, an tiques, dishes, and miscellaneous, the property of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Murry and Mrs. Darcy Higgins, with added consigners. '2 mile north of Uxbridge, turn east on Sandy Hook Rd. Automatic waher, dryer and stove, chesterfield and chair, coloured TV, table and chairs, antique wooden bed, hall wall mirror and shelf set, kitchen buffet, country couch, pine buffet and hutch, Jacques & Hayes settee, antique radio cabinet, sewing machine, typewriter, bedroom fur: niture, 2 table lamps, trunks, kitchen cabinet, wooden lawn chairs, pine box and towel holder and muchmore. Miscellaneous, thermo-pane window 8 x 62. 3.3 Mercury outboard motor, pressure system, white aluminum screen door, mosquito defogger, 1972 Chev Nova (as Is), fluorescent fixtures 4 x 8, ce- ment mixer, 24 Twin Ski- Doo, Coleman stove, antique tools, wooden rake and fork, horse collar mirror, bells, crocks, 2 power mowers, single plow, door hinges, large quantity of small goods from Ross's Shop. Copper boiler and numerous other articles will be added to this sale. Terms cash or cheque with 1.D. Sale at 12 noon. Reg & Larry Johnson, Auctioneers. Phone (705) 357-3270. Lunch available. THURSDAY JULY § SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Auction sale of furniture, antiques, tools and horse equipment, selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, 2 miles north of Uxbridge, the pro- perty of WILLIAM WILES, Mt. Albert, plus the contents of an older home, owners moving to Parkview. In- cluding 6 piece walnut bedroom suite, antique rocker, bookcase with drop front desk, oak desk and chair, 2- 39 inch beds, dining table and 6 chairs, blanket box, washer and dryer, a set of 8 pine antique chairs, set of 4 pine chairs, twin beds, pictures and frames, linens, 2 bedside tables, Singer touch and sew machine, metal filing cabinet, solid copper warming pan, drum table, tapestry pictures, radio and record player with 8 track with 4 speakers, 2 copper jugs, iron kettles, plano stool, . woodburning fireplace, kitchen suite, kit- chen electrical appliances, child's china tea service, an- tique Eaton sewing machine, Bavarian cut glass bowl, cut glass candy dish with lid cut glass decanter, chests of drawers, brass bed, antique walnut what- not, Craftsman 10 inch radial saw with stand, Beaver table saw, power saw, 9 x 12 ft. tent, various camping items, movie camera and projector, Durst enlarger with cabinet, 8 mm. viewing editor, glassware and dishes, J.A.P. diesel generator- 3.5 kw., wheelbarrow, several rolls roofing, Craftsman 10 HP snowblower (excellent), "16 ft. trailer (steel- to be assembled), set of heavy double harness complete with bridles - brass mounted (this harnes has had very lit tle use and Is in excellent condition), single horse show buggy with wire spokes and air tires, single driving harness, Western horse saddle, Western pony saddle, set of double pony harness, 2- 18 inch pony col- lars. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge, 416 -852-3524.Jy 4 SATURDAY, JULY 7? SALE TIME: | P.M. Auction sale. the property of MR. & MRS. MICHAEL MORRISON, Main St, Orono (first house south of Somerville on west side of Main Street, 1/4 mile from Hwy. 115). Watch for signs. Everything must go - no reserve. Entire household contents and con- signments.Family leaving province. 5 pc. sectional sofa, 5 pc. dining room suite with fabric chairs and glass tabletop, some antiques, half moon table, 100 or more" year old clock from Holland, dishes from the old country, 30" European bed with steel frame, 40 or more 45 RPM records from Holland, lamps and fixtures, Ken- more dishwasher and freezer, beds, dressers, chests of drawers, casual table with 4 directors chairs, Supercycle - girls 10 sp. bicy- cle in new condiiion, 19" B & W TV, 20 RCA XL100 col- our television with built-in convector and remote con- trol, stereo with 8-track and cassette, video tape recorder, 2 years old Zenith Video Director, Beta 3 for- ~ mat with remote and five tapes, is camera ready, steamer trunk sewing machine, one owner 1973 Pontiac Lemans 2-door - V8 avto., ps/pb, 70,000 original miles with new muffler, water pump and vinyl! roof. Plus much more. DLS Auc- tion Service - 723-7938. Dale Smith, Auctioneer. SATURDAY JULY 7 SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. Auction sale the property of KARL BISSIG, Lot 12, Concession 8, Mara Township, 5 miles north of Brechin on Highway 12 to 9th Concession of Mara Township - East 1 mile to first farm on right. MACH- INERY: 1977 Zetor 8011 diesel tractor, 85 HP, cab, power steering, M.F. 175 diesel tractor, power steer- ing, with M.F. manure - loader, single ram bucket, M.F. 35 diesel tractor, Kneveriand Hydrein plough, 3-16's 3 pt., 1981 M.F. 925 hay bind, PTO, 1979 New Holland 579 tandem manure spreader PTO, 1982 John Deere 660 side rake, 3 wheels, 1982 Inland 3 pt. win- drow turner, New Holland 707- 3 pt. forage harvester, 1 row corn head with hay pick- up, 1 self-unloading Rex forage box with roof, 1 self- unloading Rex forage box, 2- 8 ton running gear, New Holland 27 forage blower PTO Whirl Feed, 1978 New Holland 273 baler PTO, Agretec automatic bale stooker, M.F. 12 ft. cultivator 3 pt - 29 tooth, 10 ft. John Deere disc 3 pt., 3 pt. cement mixer, bale fork, 32 ft. Allied hay elevator, electric hammer mill with 3 HP motor, 2 roller bearing wagons with racks 8 x 19 ft., 2 wagon racks 8 x 18 ft., Reef feeder 20 ft. wide spread- on wagon, M.F. 33 seed drill- 16 run, 6 section drag harrows, Lincoln electric welder, 3 pt. fertilizer spreader, 400 sheets of used steel 36 inches x 10 ft., 150 cedar fence post, quantity of used lumber, wooden wheeled wagon, Findley woodstove, lawnmower, tools, work bench with vise, forks, shovels, chains, many other articles too numerous to mention. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 1:00 P.M. Carl and Greg Hickson, Auc- tioneers. Reaboro, Ontario. 705-324-9959 OR 324-2774. Owner and Auctioneer will not be responsible for any public liability, property damage or injury to the public in connection with this Auction Sale. Jy 4 AUCTION SALE LIVESTOCK Sheep, Goats, Pigs, Cattle, etc. EVERY THURSDAY - 7 P.M. STOUFFVILLE SALES BARN Phil Faulkner, Neil Woodrow - Auctioneer PHONE 640-3813 SATURDAY JULY? SALE TIME: 10:30 AM. Auction sale of 2 tractors, good line of farm machinery, many tools and some furniture, property of MRS. EDGAR TREMBLE, 1.5 miles east of Raglan on Conc. 9, R.R. 1, Oshawa. Tractors: A/C 190 XT with cap,~A/C 160 with 42 inch manure bucket and loader, N.H. 273 baler with thrower - good, 4 bale thrower wagons 18 ft. racks, A/C 390 mower conditioner, 9 ft., New Idea side rake, forage harvester and 2 forage wagons, Dion blower- long feeder, J.D. 10 ft. discs, 3 furrow 14 inch plough, A/C tool bar cultivator with wings, manure spreader, sprayer, bush hog, cemént mixer, White post hole auger, fer- tilizer spreader, 3 round bale feeders, cattle squeeze and headgate, 2 cattle oilers, grain auger, snowblower, chain harrows, 2 HP com- pressor, 16 ft. trailer with duals, 3 feeders on wheels, one flat wagon, riding lawnmower, chain saw, Stewart clippers, hyd. jacks, 2 block and tackles, tap and dye sets, torque wrenches, full tine of wrenches, bench 'saw, planer, electric bit sharpener, work benches, 315 router, 7 inch elec- tric saw, metal sander, pipe threader and cutters, 2 vises, 2 stage oxy-acetylene welding set, electric fencers. FURNITURE: Coldspot refrigerator, chesterfield and chair, air conditioner, kerosene heater, C.B. radio, coffee tables and end tables, plus many more useful items for farm and home. Tools and furniture will sell first- 10:30 A.M. NOTE: This sale called due to the sudden death of Mr. Trem- ble. Terms cash or good che- que. Lunch available. Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for any accident or injury in connectich with this sale. Sale managed and. sold by Auctioneer Don Cochrane. 985-2768. Jy 3 TUESDAY JULY 10 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. 23 Caristrap St., Bowman- ville. 401 fo Liberty St., N., to Baseline East, approx.2\2 miles to JENSON STEEL, right on Caristrap- Watch for signs. / Having received Instruc- tions from F. ALAN LAWSON, Trustee in Bankruptcy, we are clearing the assets of SOUTHWOOD INDUSTRIES LTD., C.O.B. as CANADIAN WATER BED CO., plus two small bankruptcies- including 8 ft. Butfering Stoks sander, General drill press- floor model, Centauro 30 inch bandsaw, Boice Crane router, Concord 20 inch planer, Quicy 10 HP air com- pressor, Devilbiss 10 ft. spray booth- 3 months old, Devilbiss hot and cold, Lac- quer Danckaert horizontal drill shaper, Ferris shaper, 2 auto feeds, 5 HP dust col- lector, Acme 550 to 440 transformer, Dewalt table saw- 220 volts, electric boxes, shelving, 2 electric lift trucks, clamps, nails, air tools, 22 HP 10 inch Craft- sman radial arm saw, 10 ft. aluminum brake, 2 HD skil saws, cement mixer, 32 ft. aluminum ladder, 7 assorted desks, 2, 3, 4 and 5 drawer laterial files, 2, 3, 4, drawer files, calculators, executive desk and credenza, chairs, typewriters, Bond photocopier, 20 Inch disc sander, belt sander. NEW STOCK: 3 bookcase waterbeds, armolire- highboy night tables, com- forters, sheet set ensemble, matiress pads, plus many other articles, 7- 14 ft. aluminum boats, 6 motors, Evinrude 9.5 and 9.9, one large new motor 9.9, 1979 Ford Van, 1977 Monte Carlo- loaded. NOTE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Excellent sale of large woodworking m/c. Plan to attend. McLean Auction and Liquidations. 576-7550 and 686-3291. On site- 623-2717. McLEAN AUCTION CENTRE - LINDSAY Auction sale every Thurs: day night - 6:30 p.m. Fur- niture, antiques, ap- plicances, tools, dishes. Your best market for estates, apt. or housefuls. Call for pick-up. McLean Auctioneers - (705) 324-2703. Jyn i 1 THURS., JULY 12 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. Antique sale at Orval McLean Auction Centre Lindsay. Property of PEARL WILSON, retired teacher, Lindsay plus other estate consignments. Oak antique 47' rolltop desk, hat rack, spindle bed, antique wooden beds, marble top iron stand, drop leat table, antique settee, antique din- ing chairs, parlour chairs, . cane bottom chairs, marble top night table, pictures, paintings, frames, white double dresser, Duncan Phyfe table, 2 dining chairs, antique brass bed, antique dining table and chairs, sew- ing cabinet, Heintzman upright piano, violin, parlour tables, dressers, to.et set, Tiffany type lamp, spinning wheel, old box, quantity of old keys, wicker chair, round curio, buffet hutch, 6 oak dining chairs, oak dining table, gramophone, antique pine cupboards, treadle sew- ing machine, feather ticks, old wash stand, wooden ice- box, Morris chair, Quebec heater, antique parlour stove, Kroehler 3 piece chesterfield set, trunks, chest, leather chair, sec- tional bookcase, Hepworth bookcase, antique sideboard kitchen cupboard, oval din- ing table, RCA dehumidifier, oriental patt- tern rug, flatback bookcase, white double dresser, night table and single bed, wicker baby carriage, 78 speed records, large quantity anti- que china, dishes and collec- tibles. Time - 6:30 sharp. To sell housefuls, estates or clear lots - phone (705) 324-2783 Lindsay. Jy10 TUESDAY, JULY 10 'SALE TIME: 10 AM. Large annual Auction Sale of furniture and antiques, will be held again in the Sunderland Fair Grounds, In cool shaded area, (inside if inclement weather). Quality consignments accepted on a limited first come basis. Auctioneers reserve the right to limit quantities. Sale at 10 a.m. Terms cash or cheque with 1.D. Lunch sup- plied by the Ladies of Sunderland Fair Board. Durham Region, or Auc- tioneers will not be respon- sible for any accident in con- nection with this sale. Reg & Larry Johnson Auctioneers. 705-357-3270 OR 745-8470. Lawyer wins the Liberal banner A 42-year old Lindsay lawyer has been nomin- ated to carry the Liberal banner in the next federal election in the riding of Victoria-Hali- burton. Bruce Glass received the nomination by acclamation at a meet- ing held in Lindsay June 27. Mr. Glass has been a lawyer in that commun- ity since 1971 and has taken an active role in local affairs through the Kinsmen Club, the Chamber of Commerce, Big Brothers and the Homecoming Commi- ttee. He is past pre ident of the Lindsay Le » Assoc- iation and has worked as a director of the local Liberal riding assoc- iation. Mr. Glass and his wife Carole have a ten year old daughter, Susan. This will be his first attempt at election to public office in the riding now held by Conservative William Scott. AT. ---------- TT hen on ba Nr SG i is Saini RRVPTIRIN SIR LANRIER = aA,

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