UT -------- ST a a TETOTS AGC NEN YE ERR rN -- Blackstock Area News by Joyce Kelly Congratulations and best wishes are extend- ed to lois VanCamp and Glenn McLeod who were married in a beautiful wedding in Blackstock United Church on Saturday afternoon. The recep- tion and dance took place in the Recreation Centre. The Martyn family reunion was held in Blackstock on Sunday, July 1st with the descen- dants of Jane Martyn Smith from Cleveland, Ohio present. Two members came from Rocky Mountain House, Alberta, also one from Three Hills, Alberta, representing the Alice Martyn Brown connection. -Many local relatives were present from Oshawa, Newtonville, Toronto and Bobcay- geon to represent the Robert Martyn lineage. All enjoyed an after- noon of fellowship, view- ing ancient photos, and getting acquainted with | AW relatives they had never met but knew they were out there somewhere. The day was topped off with a pot luck supper and picture tak- ing session, bringing this first reunion of the Martyn-Pearse connec- tion to.a close. The combined con- gregation of the Black- stock and Nestleton United Churches held their annual outdoor service on Sunday morning on the spacious lawn of Roy and Edith McLaughlin. Gerry and David Hamilton provid- ed the music. Lawrence Malcolm and Ken Craw- ford read the scripture The Big Brothers Association of North Durham recently hand-' ed over prizes for a Bowl for Millions event held during the early spring. Brenda Appleby of Seagrave (left) was awarded first prize by Marg Waite of Nonquon Travel, a weekend in Toronto for two. Carol Jackson won jeweller president of the Big Brot LTD. y presented by Richard Farrington, vice- hers organization. FOR THE TIME THE MECHANIC TAKES TO FIND THE PROBLEM! PAY FOR THE SERVICE* *Parts & labour incl. at set rate. o* SY od UL cf 0] CN CHRYSLER 4: L 8 : 3 Service at its best ... from salaried professionals! NO -- quota-dependency earnings NO -- unnecessary parts replacements NO -- time limit on problem servicing em COMPLETE AUTO SERVICE GREAT PRICE! We Do It! DON'T YOU WONDER WHY THE OTHERS CAN'T? HWY. 7A-12 MANCHESTER 985-7354 lessons. Rev. D. Davis preached a suitable sermon on Canada Day. A number remained for a fellowship picnic after the service. It was a very impressive service in such pleasant surroundings. On Tuesday evening the Grade Eight Grad- uation was held. A delicious dinner was prepared and served by the O.N.O, at the Rec- reation Centre. Jason Kyte played O Canada after which Rev. S. McEntyre said Grace and Mr. Gordon Paisley proposed the Toast to the Queen. Bryan Beatty carried out the duties of Master of Ceremonies very well. The programme then moved to Cartwright Central Public School with remarks from Rev. S. McEntyre, Mr. Wm. Fairburn, Mr. G. Pais- ley, Mr. J. Gradish and Mr. J. Hinch. Presen- tation of the various prizes continued as follows: English - Tammy Rohrer; Math- ematics - Robert Umphrey; Art - Candy Shuttleworth; Science - Bryan Beatty; Music - Niki Bardeleben; French - Lisanne Mc- Reelis; Geography - Daryl Prosser; History - Michelle Rohrer; Un- sung Hero - Danny Beacock; Citizenship - Niki Bardeleben; Most Improved Students - PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, July 4, 1984 -- 33 Dwayne Frew and Mindy Kellow; Acad- emic Achievement Tammy Rohrer; Vale- dictorian - Niki Bardele- ben delivered an excell- ent valedictory address. Diplomas were present- ed to the following graduates: Nicole Bar- deleben, Corey Barr, Daniel Beacock;-Bryan Beatty, Jamey Bouillon, Derek Chase, Tracy Churchill, Jennifer Day, Brian Dean, Michael Dejong, Tiffany deKnecht, Donna Den- smore, Trevor Dobbs, Sharon Dyer, Michael Folkmann, Dwayne Frew, Wanda Gaylord, Shelly Goris, Sean Grant, Lori Hewson, Richard Howlett, Lisa Hudson, Deanna Jacob, Marion Johnston, Me- linda Kellow, George Knowlton, Jason Kyte, Blair Locke, Christoph- er Luke, Darren Martin, Lizanne McReelis, Lynn Moore, Scott Morelli, Tracie Parker, Darryl Prosser, Jeannette Reader, Keith Roberge, Michelle Rohrer, Kevin Schnavel, Candy Shut- tleworth, Gregory Stapleton, Christina Stubbs, Elizabeth Szucs, Kim Taylor, John Till- ing, Bradley Traves, Robert Umphreys, Lori VanRyswyk, Tammy Celebration starts Friday Wallace, David Weir and Elizabeth William- son. Congratulations to all of you. The remainder of the evening was spent in dancing to the music provided by John Priebe. The Fair Board Meet- ing was held on Tuesday evening with president, Ken Crawford, conduct- ing the business. "Plans were finalized for the Tractor and Truck pull which will be held this Friday and Saturday evenings at the Fairgrounds. This year's fair will have a definite Pioneer Flavour with contests of Bagtieing and log splitt- ing. In the Nursery Room will be a display of antiques found in the kitchen and other places in the pioneer home and barn. Phone Linda Mc- Laughlin at 986-4456 if you will have something to contribute to this display. The Canada Packers Quilt Display will be at the fair and will be displayed on the stage of the Rec Centre. Glad to report that accident victims Jeff Grove, Jeff Milson, Cal- vin Brewster and Wayne Robinson are all Epsom Area News By Jean Jeffery Our Ontario Bi- Coys', Arnold Kerry centennial Celebration hag challenged Bruce will start Friday night, July 13 at 8:30 with an old-fashioned square dance. Music by the Gord Prentice group in the Old Epsom School. This is hoped to be a family affair. There is a possibility of 3 genera- tions of ex-Epsom School pupils attending. There are many still in the area who received public school education in the old school. This is a warm-up for the parade on Saturday. The ball game and other sports on Saturday followed by a beef barbecue dinner Sat. at 5 p.m. and 6:30. Tickets will be pre-sold. Several have tickets to sell - 1 have several and can obtain more - 985-2620. Our sports plans suffered a set-back last week when CHOO Rail- roaders called with their regrets that they would be unable to attend as planned. How- ever, true to our spirit of "The Show Must Go On", and possibly a little streak of the "Martins and the 5050525250505252525¢5¢5¢5¢5¢ -Exterior Painting- -Interior Painting- -Wallpaper- Free Estimates im pevk .. 985-3490 Houghland to a ball game. Even though Bruce is busy building a barn, he sure couldn't turn down a challenge! And - s0 it seems - neither can a lot of other guys because the teams are being filled and the game promises to be a fun one. If you'd like to sign up call Gail Kerr - Major leagues - here we come. (Is it the Utica ""John Deeres against the Epsom "Jockey Hill"). The Epsom Utica UCW had a most de- lightful picnic and tour of the Lake Scugog Museum followed by a programme last Tues- day. On Friday about the same number motored to Cullen Barns at Milliken. After coffee and dessert we roamed about the buildings until the lights were dimmed. A most enjoyable evening. Janice Evans is camping at Crusaders Bible Club Camp at Omemee for the month of July. ) Relatives come from all over for reunion home from hospital. Paul Mcintyre remains in Oshawa Hospital and Todd James in Sunny- brook, Toronto. Con- tinued improvement is wished for all of these young fellows. Glad to report Earl Bradburn - was able to come home from Oshawa Hospital on Wednesday. 'There were many activities happening in the area celebrating Canada Day. Over the weekend our area was well represented at Pioneer Days at the Scugog Shores Museum, Scugog Island and on Sunday night large numbers from here enjoyed the impressive Fireworks display in the beautiful grounds at the Port Perry Library. Mary (Bradburn) and Al Aston, Jeremy and Jonathon of Arlington, Texas, are visiting her mother, Mrs. Helen Bradburn and other relatives. Vera Forder, Hamil- ton, visited her brother Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Forder and nieces and nephews in the area. Lovella Fawcett, St. Catherines, spent the weekend with her cousin, Effel and Wm. Forder, Blackstock. Several ladies from Bethesda Reach Institute enjoyed a trip on Wednesday. ~ The Institute also were proud to take part in the S.W.D. Parade on Saturday. Congratulations to Dorothy Doble on the arrival of a new grand- son. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. A.T. Powell is in the hospital. We wish her a speedy recovery Ruth and Elmer Wil- son visited his mother on Sunday. Nancy and Gerold Hill attended the funeral of her grandmother, Mrs. Grace Yes of Woodstock on Sat. Our sympathy to the Hills. Recent visitors at the Howard Ashton home were Earl Wilson, Earl Taylor, Lorne and Luc- ille Wagner, Elmer and Ruth Wilson, Heddy Lefebvre, Luella Bailey and Pat Jackson. Earl, Elizabeth and Ray Taylor were supper guests with Miss Ruth Taylor of Cannington on Sunday. Steve Pospolita is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kerry and family for a few days. Paul Kerry and his friend, Jim Hanley, were at home from Waterloo for the week- end. Church will be held at Epsom for the next four weeks as the Epsom Utica congregation are busy repairing and decorating the Utica Church and the ¢omm- ittee will be grateful for any donations to the building fund. Elva Kerry is the church treasurer.