A TT TE SE EEE "TTT eee TT HHH IH . - aaa li i 22 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, July 10, 1984 PHONE 985-7383 Classified Ads Classified Deadline Monday 12:00 NOON following. tire advertisement CLASSIFIED RATES WORD ADS: $3.50 first 15 words, 10* each word REPEAT: Second insertion of same ad ... $2.50 for first 15 words, 10* each word following. ARTWORK/LOGO DESIGN . . . .. EXTRA CHARGE PROOF REQUIRED: Copy must be received no later than Thursday prior to insertion date. DISPLAY ADS: For rates or info call 985-7383. ALL ADVERTISING: Must be paid for in cash or by Visa t sfore 12:00 Noon Monday. DEADLINE FOR ALL ADVERTISING: MONDAYS - 12:00 NOON (No Ad Changes after Monday 10:00 A.M.) Although every precaution is taken to avoid errors in all adver- tising, the §lar accepts advertising with the understanding that should an error occur it is liable only for the cost of thet portion of the adve.tisement in which an error occurred, in relation to the en- Card of Thanks Card of Thanks We wish to express our sincere thanks to our children and their families and all our friends of Port Perry and Oshawa, for best wishes, cards and gifts, making our 50th Wedding Anniversary, June 23rd, held in Port Perry an occa- sion that will be long remembered. Sincerely Pear! 8& Leonard Warriner Oshawa PORT PERRY Minor Soft ball League- Thank you for making June 23rd, 1984 such a very Special Day for me. Wm. Mark | sincerely wish to thank friends and relatives for the many cards, phone calls and kind deeds during my stay in hospital. Thanks again. Ray Snooks | would like to thank my dear family and friends for the inquiries, the many visits, cards and gifts; also Dr. Millar and the wonderful care the many nurses gave me while | was a patient in the Port Perry Hospital. Sincere thanks to all. Florence Jeffrey The family of Archie Farmer would like to extend their appreciation to friends and relatives who expressed their sympathy and floral tributes and donations to us in our hour of need In our re- cent sudden loss: Bill Farmer. A special thanks to Rev. Clark for his words of comfort and Harold Wagg Funeral Home. Cartwright Group Commit: fee wishes to thank Ballard and Carnegie of Homestead Furniture, Harold Forder of Pine Ridge Packers, Mother Jackson's, and our hard: working Venturers for their support at our tractor pull booth. We sincerely ap- preciate It. THANK YOU The Nestleton Hall Committee would like to thank each and everyone who contri- buted in any way to make the Nestleton Bicentennial Celebra- tion such an enjoyable event. Winner of the draw for a Cabd- age Patch Kid, spensered by the Court Lady Snowbirds, wes G. Carson of Toronto. CARD OF THANKS To Bruce and Jean - Thanks for Everything. Love, Red The Utica Hall Board would like to thank surrounding neighbours for their assistance last Saturday in putting on the roof on the Hall. Special thanks also to members of the Ridge Run- ners Truck Club for their assistance. Kustom Kar and Van would like to thank all the customers and friends that made our Grand Opening a success. Special thanks to- Scugog Island U.1.C. and U.C.W.; Ralph Taylor Fuels; Jim and Doreen Adam and Family; Crandell"s Riverboat; Wayne and Terry Fox; Ron and Eva Redman; Mr. and Mrs. Keljo Kinnunen; Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Peek: Gramps Adam. | would llke to thank Dulande, Dunlece, Pam and Lorrinda for all their help with the shower. It was gveatly appreciated. Also special thanks to Mrs. Col- der and Mrs. Geer. Tammie We wish to thank Marion, Marilyn, Tammy, Marie and Lorraine for a lovely bridal shower, July 5, and for Tammie Reid and Dulande for the shower held July 8; and also to everyone who attended both showers and for the wonderful gifts. Thanks again everyone. .| Dave & Bev y Births "17'S A BOY" DOWSON, Jim and Janet (McMaster) are pleased to announce the arrival of Jonathan James, born July 4th, 1984- weighing 6 Ibs. 8 oz. First grandchild for Joe and Clara Dowson and 5th grandchild for Rae McMaster, Oshawa. DOBLE, Kevin and Joanne (nee Bunker) are delighted to announce the birth of their son, Brett Matthew, 7 Ibs. 6 oz., on June 25, 1984- a brother for Lindsey. Thanks to Dr. Rowe and maternity staff at Oshawa General Hospital. BROOKER, Rick and Kim (Denby) are thrilled to an- nounce the arrival of Court- ney Deanna, born on June 23, 1984, weighing 6 Ib. 6 oz..- a small sister for Ashley. Proud grandparents are Dan and Gall Denby of Saintfield and Bruce and Bernice Brooker of Ux- bridge. Special thanks fo Dr. St. John and the maternity nursing staff at Uxbridge Cottage Hospital. SHARPE (Heurkens) Chriss and Bill wish to announce the birth of thelr son David Tyler, a brother for Megan, born June 28, 1984, weighing 8 Ibs. 10 oz., at Community Memorial, Port Perry. Thanks to Dr. Millar and maternity nurses. In Memoriam Notice WEDDING INVITATIONS personalized, stationery, napkins, matches, playing cards etc. Call The Port Perry Star 985-7383. . TF AA MEETING in Port Perry. If you think you have a drinking problem (chances are you have). 986-5253 -- 985-3196. MANCHESTER Communi- ty Centre available for ren- tals. All new facilities. Call 985-7274. A23 GREENBANK Centennial Hall available for rentals. For bookings contact- Cathy Galberg 985-8351. TF Village Sttichory Alterations & Repairs to all types of . Clothing & Leather BARB McINTYRE 985-2269 SCUGOG COMMUNITY CARE FOOT CARE PROGRAMME ... and a whole lot more! MAY WE HELP YOU? Call Weekdays 985-8461 9-12 Noon & 1-4 P.M. GLASS - In loving memory of Cyril (C.A. Glass) who passed away July 12, 1981. | cannot say, | will not say That he Is dead, he is just away With a cheery smile and a wave of the hand He has wandered into an unknown land. Loyal he was as he gave the blows Of his warrlor's strength to his Country's foes Think of him still the same | say He Is not dead, he Is just away. Always remembered by his wife Connie, daughter Clare, son Stan, and wife Gall, grandchildren and great grandchildren | would like to thank each and everyone of you who sent flowers, donations and cards during the recent loss of my "beloved one." A special thank you to our tamilies, friends and neighbours for thelr thoughtfulness and support at this time and during Claire's iliness. It was great- ly appreciated. Marjorie Redman Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Ray Perry are pleased to announce the for- thcoming marriage of their daughter Lana, fo Larry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Midgley all of Greenbank. The wedding to take place Saturday, August 1, in Greenbank United Church. Mr. and Mrs. John Pearce, Shirley Road, are proud to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Sandra Mary to Michael Robert Henry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hamilton, Blackstock. Wedding fo take place on August the 18th, 1984, 3 p.m. Grace United Church, Scugog Island. Barb Doble and Jim Har- diman of Port Perry wish to announce thelr forthcoming marriage to take place August 18, 1984 at St. Stevens United Church, Oshawa. IVES FLORIST io 985-2525 166 WATER STREET PORT PERRY A Complete Line of Floral Art for All Occasions Flowers Wired World Wide. Personal ouc -- FLORAL & GIFT SHOP -- 209 MARY STREET - PORT PERRY Floral Arrangements with the personal touch for All Occasions' 985-9360 ° Nofice 33 ANTIQUE Market. Sun- days, Carrying Place, South of Trenton, 4 kilometers south of 40), exit Wooler Road, south to No. 33, south of Murray Canal. BAHAI Information: write P.O. Box 1153, Port Perry. EOW PORT PERRY Snowmobile Club Hall,. south of Port Perrv. Available for rentals. For Information call 985-3249. EOW SCugog hydro NOTICE TO SCUGOG HYDRO CUSTOMERS! Simcoe SL, South of TA to Victoria St, Gibsen Dv., Alma St. Power will be turned off for approx. 4 hours commencing at 8:30 AM. SUN., JULY 15th. WEATHER PERMITTING SENIOR CITIZENS SAVE MONEY ON AUTO INSURANCE PINE RIDGE INSURANCE 985-7097 Birdseye Pool NEW - ADULT PUBLIC SWIM TIMES Effective Monday, July 9th NOON HOURS: Monday to Friday 12:15PM. t0 1:00PM. EVENINGS: Tues. & Thurs. (Only) 6:15P.M.t0 7:00 P.M. ADULTS ONLY PLEASE DURING THESE TIMES! "r For further information CALL: 985-7058 between 1:00 and 9:00PM. s MAJOR MANAGEMENT SERVICES WE SPECIALIZE IN SMALL BUSINESS AND THE SELF-EMPLOYED. © Complete Bookkeeping 8 Accounting © Financial Consulting © Personnel Recruitment ©® Income Tax PHONE: Keith Charles 985-3373 Your first consultation is free. Coming Events PYJAMAS & PUPPETS presented by Port Perry Puppet Players every Thursday at 6:45 p.m. from June 28 fo August 23. Scugog Memorial Library. Puppet workshops start July 4, register early. For Informa- tion contact Lisa Taylor, Scugog Memorial Library. Jy 10 Coming Events . Coming Events Coming Events PLAN TO Attend the Cana- dian Fiddle Championships at Shelburne on August 10th and 11th. Friday afternoon and evening- general admis- sion $3.00. Order Saturday night reserved seats, $7.00 each by mailing to: "Tickets." Box 27, Shelburne, Ontario. LON 1S0. A project of the Shelburne LEGION BINGO The next Legion bingo, Branch 419, will be on Thursday, July 19th, at 7:30 p.m. Jackpot $150 in 50 numbers. Con- gratulations to winner Isabella Dale. Jy 17 SENIOR CITIZENS Club 101, will hold a bake sale, serve tea and coffee outside FIDDLE & Step Dance Con- test. July 13 to 14 at Fergus District Community Centre, Fergus, Ontario. Camping available. For information call Merv Woods, 519-843-1630. : Jy 10 GREAT MUSIC Holiday for - amateur musicians - Cam- mac Lake Rosseau Music Rotary Club. Jy 17 | Latcham Centre, Thursday. | Centre- one or two weeks, July 12, from 9 o'clock until July 22nd- August 5th, $320 "12 noon. Come out and sup per week- room, board and port this worthy cause, as a music fee. Opportunity to ) HOSKINS proceeds will go to the Com- sing in choir, play in or- munity Hospital, Port | chestra, chamber music, STABLES Perry. voice production, opera workshop, guitar: econ dors | and frivolity. y Not n- SUMMER SCHOOL INDUCTION | on ac Mark Her HORSEMANSHIP SERVICE | stv. o Moore ave, Toronto COU RSE REV. BRIAN ROBINSON July 2 to Aug. 24 Minister for Scugog, Yard Sales Manchester Pastoral LARGE Inside garage sale. Each course Charge. July 14-15, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Something for everybody. lasts 2 weeks. JULY 13, 1984 chinery, furniture, toys, Riding - Grooming TIME: 7:30 P.M. ntiques- including spinning Practica asCore HOB Ita, | Zurn tt at 1 Region & Management United Church 57, then left on 6th Conces- 416 Social Hour to follow. sion. Follow signs. Jy 11 986-5558 Coming Events rd NOTICE TO MEMBERS! (24) YOUNGFIELD 3X4' ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION FARMS Ben DeJong & Sons invite you to the Durham County Holstein Club TWILIGHT MEETING & Roast Beef B.B.Q. at the farm JULY 18th -6 P.M. Located 1 mile scuth & 2 mile west of Nestieton on 5th conc. FOR TICKETS CALL: 986-4853 or 986-4459 EVERYONE WELCOME BRANCH 419 - PORT PERRY 'DANCE FOR WESTERN DAYS SAT., JULY 14th -9 P.M. COUNTRY "WAYNE, BARB & COUNTRY BRED" ADMISSION - $2.00 per person. Notice HOME MADE FRIES 4 | DB S CHIPS 'N THINGS gf -- PRESENTS -- ONION RINGS CHICKEN STRIPS POGO STICKS HOT COFFEE COLD POP -- NOW OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK -- -- North Side of Dairy Bar -- ICE CREAM BARS pn ATRL ARG on Te a Cs Tt de A i RR Se Masked a Ce a a Tr mn na i JE FE gE SE ARATE SE SNR SS SS wee & JERR Ea a Se aE \ J