4 14 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, July 17, 1984 Horse and carriage carry happy ne wlyweds Blackstock Area News by Joyce Kelly Congratulations are extended to Sandy Scott and John Churchill who were married in a lovely wedding in the United Church on Saturday afternoon. The unique part of this wedding was that the wedding party travelled by horse and carriage to their home in Egypt for the recep- tion. Sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Larry Mackie and family on the very sudden passing Saturday of Larry's father, Mr. James Mackie of Manvers. Funeral services will be - held in Port Perry on Tuesday. 0.N.O. The July meeting of the O.N.O. was at the home of Donna Kyte. Trivial Pursuit quest- ions were very educa- tional with questions to suit everyone. The June minutes were read and approved followed by the Treas- urer's report. The O.N.O. Swimm- ing Programme is runn- ing with few problems. Since the O.N.O. have decided to replace the signs at the north and south entrances to Blackstock, Aileen is getting some prices on this week. Plans for the Bicen- tennial Celebrations are in full swing, but help is needed. If you can help Oct. 13th with the play, the contests, the exhibits, the barbeque, the dance or in any capacity, please let Aileen Van Camp or one of the other members of the committee know. Suggestions were made for HUSBANDS NIGHT OUT and tenta- tive plans were made for Herringate Theatre on Oct. 27th. If you have any ideas for social outings let Aileen know. Following Roll Call which was a house hint, Donna served the most delicious strawberry dessert. Lynda Parsons of Col- borne is spending a week with her friend Esther Kelly. At the morning service of the United . © Church, Glenn Larmer sang two solos. Rev. D.Davis preached a very appropriate sermon on different churches pointing out the opportunity we have during summer of attending services of other denominations or at other places. There will be no church at the United until August 19 when vacation time is over. An invitation was extended to join the services at St. John's Anglican at 9:30 a.m. On Sunday afternoon a large number of relatives and friends joined at C.E. Room of the United Church for a bridal shower in honour of bride-to-be, Kelly Mc- Laughlin. Her neigh- - bour, Beth Schryburt presented an amusing monologue on Kelly and her family over the years. Kelly assisted by Sharon Holliday and Laura Gilbank opened her many lovely gifts after which she replied in a fitting manner. A tasty lunch was served by the committee in e. On Sunday the three Girl Guides who had been on the Guide Ex- change to Pennsylvania returned home from a most enjoyable week. Vicki Schryburt, Jenn- ifer Fletcher and Sharon Dyer enjoyed a fantastic week and will have many interesting stories to tell. Elaine Kelly, a Cart- wright Pathfinder left by air on Friday even- ing for a three week exchange to England and Scotland with fif- teen other Pathfinders from the area. In keeping with the celebrations marking 150 years in Cart- wright's History this year Beth Schryburt will be producing a play "Yarns to Spin" which deals with real people of Williamsburg. That is the former name of Blackstock. Beth did much researeh into our early history and wrote a play about a Town Meeting. Auditions for the nineteen parts will be held this Wednesday and Thursday evenings at 8 p.m. at the Town Hall. Show your interest in this project. Beth and Victor Stewart hosted a bridal shower in honour of Bill Sturman and his bride- to-be, Heather Wallace last Sunday, July 8. This happy event was attend- ed by family members as well as friends of the honoured couple. Swimming lessons ended on Monday morning after two weeks at Uxpool. From all reports, everyone enjoyed it very much. Please phone news items into 986-4257 before noon on Monday. Seagrave Pee Wee baseball Seagrave and Area News by Liz Smith M7A 2He6. 20- 20.pag ge handbook, NAME: To: PROPANE SAFETY, 2 555 Yonge Street, Tororo, Ontario Please send me your free NG SAFELY WITH PROPANE. SEND OFF THIS COUPON N ow ADDRESS: N DON'T LET Propane 1s a wonder- tully convenient tuel tor cottagers, campers and backyard barbecuers. It's clean, quick and ethcient for cooking, refrigeration and lighting, But, like all flammable matenals, propane must be used with care. Did you know, tor instance, that: o Propane barbecues should never be used in an enclosed area. anc 0 Propane cylinders must be stored outdoors hecked for satety every 10 years. YOUR WEEKENDS GO UP IN SMOKE! You'll find these safety facts and more in our free booklet. Mail the coupon today and get your copy. It's a great reference ensure that propane is always a than a hazard to you and your family. The Ontario Government-Working to Help People. 0 A propane cylinder should always be moved or stored in an upnght position. 0 Propane cylinders must be located outside recreational vehicles or in a compartment that is gas-tight to the vehicle interior and ventilated directly to the outdoors. ot is strongly recommended that propane- aL he fuelled refrigerators be cleaned and adjusted every year. ide, and 1t wll elpmate rather Ministry of Consumer and P0n Relations ntario ®( Igie M.D., Minister ™N ne Davis, Premier Summer is a busy time and I guess every- one must be enjoying themselves right now! I received very little news, but I'll pass on what I have. The Seagrave Pee Wee baseball team, Dowson's Water Haul- age,. defeated Country Lane 18 to 6 on July 12. The Seagrave Country Store, Squirt team, Summer Picnic Pack A ready-to-go picnic! Everything's included: ® Tasty Fried Chicken ® Garden-Fresh Salads ® Rolls and Butter ® Plastic cutlery and plates all for one low price! 2 SIZES TO CHOOSE FROM defeated Spencer Feed from Greenbank last week. Please call Patty Will- iams with your news next week at 985-2453. HELPFUL HINTS For the cleanest work clothes ever - add one- half cup of household ammonia to the wash water. viele Ope. PACK For 4 people 10" I5pe. PACK For 6 people 07 plus tax ond _ - PEE SPECIAL OFFER '= @cans of PEPSI only J 49 win PURCHASE OF DIXIE LEE SUMMER PACK OR ANY FAMILY PAK Available only at: PHONE AHEAD FOR FASTER SERVICE 136 WATER ST. PORT PERRY 985-9009 "THANK YOU FOR 20 GREAT YEARS!™ an -------------- Ss ie