rR 4 32 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, July 17, 1984 A \ Operated 4 | | | . ° cut from Canada grade "A" N ara beef eye removed . hite frozen concentra : . p : vw IF round od SOIL ioth oh Sunkist | steak |beef [steaks [meat or extra 5 peac es{oranges [spinach bers ue on jrimd i fresh minced how fren, rt wlan crunch roduct of Us S.A. Yalensip. fproduct of Ontario roduc of } a . ( nade cut, honcho iy hn nh 175 ¢ pkg. fan 4 dozen 10 oz. pkg. each 5.93 .13.28. 0%» 86 i 188 9 ® © 2 69 Ih. 1.49 Ih. © ° 39 Ib. Kiker waz ¢ product of U.S.A., Canada no. | product vot tn Canada grads "V7 badd green of USA. boneless ramp ZIRRY'S POASE creer es onan 3521.25 honey ham ........... 5.49 peppers ..... 2.18x¢ 99. pineapples .......cach 1. 79 - 4 ands Hikes sre eizens § 1b. on Nopk deat. se ¥ thy product of US AL Canada extra fan Pradiy of Ontario a i ii red Jeliatous zucchini 3 i > op ees sset 00000 roasting Sper sm wIenen .... 1.59 apples verereee 1.T2kg T8m. squash....... 1. 30ke. .99. chickens... ig bid (1 kg box) whe hid nt a" rs AAT § i W i honed product of One, Canada no | 6 Dir pots hi lamb lunch tl fred mini enbachia [TV Y 3 St a ol legs "essere sssansens o hi meats sevens . J 1 Wy oh carrots... secscee 1 JA JA Pp nts sessssssscsessscach 4. 88 Maph Leat vevon a Maple Leaf store shoed = vomed beet : minced ham if ce S (4 ! N-SriES XL) $ brisket teresenssnee 5: be on delicia loaf .. ..55 [IAM R b [] [ peotate chet ce coke ddan SIN gph Chefmaster store shod ' : Ww. po , es eston sesame crusty, 675 g loaf TH 149 RF......59 0. 28 : dor 79 sa . reesssssssessesasnanees * C seeess 20s. IY x oh vienna bread 000000000000000000000000000 ® I IA SI Mark Leal stone <hicad Weston, pkg. of 8 Weston, ph. of 6 Shope \ 9 Wj droase Ww SAY 'hamburger or jam filled meat pics. sesessnsnsesene ( sess nsnneen eo IW\y 4: wiener US soeeernnes ...09 uns resssssessssssensssnnnss 100(0)\& OTOCETeS assorted canned, 425 g can 85 | Quikki, pkg. of 12 Spray'n Wash, 750 ml. bil. R Avsorted kitchen stain Chef Boyardee pasta.............e 4 20 ot wo 2 5 NOE amumumon 2.39 . v ¢ . . . hoot pwr ' }. . woo ) assorted McCormick tin tie cookies or Weston 1 5 5 ls olin oo ne br Seal. 5 ov pis Reval te astic A . graham squares secscese 4 yg phy ° ood 15% | ¢ JO ve 1.79 facial OSSUC ..ivivninnns . ) ) Tok hod bon ot 00 ped "% x A Save AIL TOO boa hots hinet X07 phy of 20 . ethos Nailvon dan waxed paper uncheon tea bags coven. 2.59 crystals... 2.49 ANT 1.19 plates... 1.39 vacuum pack pooomam Wet hg Paramount pondered Calgon 1% hy hos 0) 2 boa Melita sockeye - dishwasher apona coffee nnn. 3.69 salmon... coon 1.97 detergent ............. 4.89 pest strips .............. 3. 69 #) 24 orf Kon of BO aor J vain es C30 ml kal liquid, yolk Rand rnogubar cr tn oh [ETA Melitta Pe --. Old Dutch house & ARCH n filter paper... 99 « drinks .. rere 49 bleach ummm, 1.29 insect repellent... 4.99 Cameral Mh sawn d hata 100 RY ¢ Rn x: I hd ble furniture wn g Fu WO baera 11 uy pre-sweetened RX wilt SN . [od SO cereal von, 1.99 cockuail................... 1.59 Rc: LT ----. motor oil ................1.49 i m. Ng hay tudes or 2 D ada UL EEE SE ' ong grain P Conenienc drink 119 Fe Ht 1.99 [rn Ae 74%) Te Cra nn Russsnsssnscvvevsvnions "Ke Freeh "i 6g phe po a oe hie ior Une 330 ox nn Pam. 369 ¢ tin iY Ca wuentrated 125A 0 on froren S" pepperoni or deluxe M0 g phy Freshie dink ne tomato cooking cCain Totino's Tn YY pickles... 1.49 PASE cavers 49 spray cee, 3.29 | orange juice........... 1.29 pizza, 2.49 Catch 250 2 un assorted Gasol 200 hos a | Ll) fo! assorted frozen. 11 oz phy 14 1 | & be: Ta [ lain spaghetn melba chneiders Savarin he CG t 1 iu ty alds uce, SR trrriarnsensennpiine 99 toast 1.29 | margarine................ LO9 dinners... 1.49 assorted Gallerre 200 mil «an i 0 ml hel RE TI a n eh assorted. 125.250 g bag avsorted frozen. I hg pkg Foamy China Lily Co McCain shave cream .......... )9 Mi evermore ere 2.49 | sauce... 1.49 Hostess snacks.....99 vegetables............... 1.99 rin Ne Fhe of 4 Ihhoes (Vor tk GIN gM Kem 173-200 ¢ bag /- Jgruvens choose Yor phe fa water homton Nue, 730 ¢ phy LJ is wa » bar stea © . / o FAZOR wcrc 89 soap ........ wee 1.35 | spice on, 99 candy .....onnnserinnn DY | cheese .............oonnnn L59 chips....oocrrse. 2.19 assorted, 79 goon kh ISO ml Md Cheb Howse V2 om LIN od EC EN I I) Prices C "ff whe until store | homing Saturday, July d |, URS at fru p 33 alo meat sundae 99 participating Red & White ssores. We reserve the right to limit dorant............... MPOO.caiiiiiiiiaiianes 1.99 marinade o.oo . topping SYPUP .cevnneenn . quantities. ' DOWSON S RED & WHITE FOODMASTER STORE HOURS: PORT PERRY PLAZA - SCUGOG ST. (HWY. 7A) Monday to Friday 8:00 AM. to 9:00 P.M. "-- LOTTARIO AGENT --