The Hawk in fine form The Hawk, Ronnie Hawkins was in fine form for the Western Days dance at Scugog Arena Saturday evening. Close to 700 people attended the affair and The Hawk had the old joint jumpin' with his hard driving sot nds of country-rock. BUYING AN ANNUITY? For Highest Quote Call: Paul Burnett ue 986-5250 HELPFUL HINTS Chair legs wobbly - wrap the loose end with plying the glue, then re- insert. Western Days is over for another year, and while every- thing is still fresh in our minds, we are asking for your help. The Scugog Chamber of Commerce "Western Days Committee' would appreciate some input from any interested individuals, business people, or organizations who participate. We would like to assess the success of Port Perry Western Days with others and find ways of making this annual event even better. If you have any ideas or constructive criticism, please write to: Western Days Chairman, c/o Port Perry Star, P.O. Box 90, Port Perry, Ontario LOB 1NO. Peter Hvidsten CHAIRMAN, WESTERN DAYS COMMITTEE 1, -- a Nag 0A a small strip of nylon hose or thread before ap- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, July 17, 1984 -- 3 "One hell of a mess"' (From page 1) as these areas fall under the jurisdiction of the Trent-Severn water- ways authority. But weed control in the remainder of the lake is a muni¢ipal responsibil- ity. However, both Mr. Stevenson and Mr. Law- rence said that trying to find a solution to the problems should have input and funding from both the federal and provincial govern- ments, and action should be co-ordinated by the Kawartha Con- servation Authority. Scugog Township council has already ask- ed the Authority to help set up a committee of experts to try and deal with this problem and others associated with Lake Scugog. Mr. Stevenson said finding a solution to the problem (if one exists) might involve extensive water testing to deter- mine the nutrient-load- ing in the lake, including tests to see if the discharge from the sewage treatment cells is helping to promote the weed growth. If such a study deter- mines what is causing the extraordinary weed growth, further steps would have to be taken to eliminate the causes. Mr. Lawrence said the federal authorities "must take some initia- tive in dealing with the problem", and they "would be hard-pressed not to join a program' co-ordinated by the Con- servation Authority. Although Scugog Township's limited spraying action this summer of about eight acres of lake along the Weeds in Lake Scugog Port Perry waterfront with Reglone A appears to have worked as the weed growth there is not so pronounced, both Mr. Stevenson and Mr. Law- rence agreed that there may not be any short- term solutions to the overall problem in the lake. Several boat owners docked at Port Perry over the weekend for Western Days told the Star that the weed problem now is as bad WINTERS, SUTHERLAND & MOASE as it has ever been, and even the navigation channel in the lake is over-grown with the weeds. As for the Township request that the Kawar- tha Conservation Authority co-ordinate a study of the problem, Scugog Mayor Jerry Taylor said the Author- ity must approve the setting up of such a study-committee, and this has not yet been done. . CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS wish to announce the relocation of their Port Perry office to: 238 Queen Street, | Suite 105, Scugog Professional Building Port Perry, Ontario LOB 1NO (One building west of former location) - 985-8893 Offices in Port Perry, Oshawa and Bowmanville. No Fancy Frills ... Just Great Savings and the Best Values around SPORT SHIRTS - SWEATERS - SUITS SPORT COATS - PANTS - OUTERWEAR *Cash & Carry only *Alterations extra *No special orders WEY ICIR GF] (juego « en e AUean Lid. FREEMAN FORMAL - RENTALS b 4 PORT PERRY PLAZA 985-8160 STORE HOURS Mon Tues & Thurs 1I0AM to6P M Fri to9PM Sat to5PM